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13050584 No.13050584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

philosophy is worthless and reading it is a waste of time.

>> No.13050592

i agree. post more pics

>> No.13050593

Anime is stupid and a waste of time. That's not what tits look like. You're probably a closet pedo. Philosophy is love. Philosophy is life.

>> No.13050597

Congrats, you've just made a philosophical statement

>> No.13050600
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It's not, but that's ultimately what you tell yourself to feel better about your non-existent life, a soulless void of pure flesh believing that the telos of life is to produce and consume pleasure. Have sex for once in your life incel.

>> No.13050609
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only late-20th century and contemporary 'philosophy'

>> No.13050610

I disagree with the former, but I agree with the latter. Reading the original works is very unefficient.

>> No.13050749

Then how do you think one should go about learning philosophy

>> No.13050754

imagine thinking reading someone like kant will have any positive impact on your life
it really is a waste of time innit

>> No.13050767
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>giant tidddies = pedophile
eh yee-uhp!

>> No.13050796
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>anime is a waste of time
>That's not what tits look like. You're probably a closet pedo. Philosophy is love. Philosophy is life.
t. 3d pig orbiter. go worship shoes

>> No.13050808

I don't think so. Both can lead to a healthy society which would mean a more enjoyable life.

>> No.13050855
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>> No.13050904

This is your brain on porn and masturbation.

>> No.13050982

Just be a decent person and go back to /a/frica.
Anime is not welcome in a board for people who struggle to be literated.
>t.anime fan

>> No.13050985
File: 95 KB, 537x416, 29987324-088A-4828-A655-4C8D032D223A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hentai, specifically.

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis, anon.

>> No.13051229

Monika best girl. Yuri a shit, Natsu a shit, Sayori is okay

>> No.13051295

Miyazaki never said that.

>> No.13051298

Dam never gonna read philosophy never again

>> No.13051307

you couldn’t find a more attractive man?

>> No.13051312

name one thing that isn't a worthless waste of time

name one thing that i would be better off spending my finite time on this earth engaging in beyond masturbating to anime and shitposting on this very board. im not a nihilist btw. this isn't nihilism. before any retard starts screaming MUH NIHILISM just shut the fuck up, you're wrong and i mright

>> No.13051322
File: 59 KB, 530x771, 2901EC43-F6D6-4A9B-9901-9F8EA597D72B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thesis, antithesis, synthesis,
Hegel never said that

>> No.13051338

Having a lovable personality to share with someone else who also has a lovable personality. Also both of you are hot and listen to great music and can keep up an intelligent conversation. Oh and raw dogging everynight.

>> No.13051344

>Yulia Nova-Jana Defi-Lucy Li threesome.webm

He most certainly did. He was expressing how disgusted he is with otaku and hentai. He feels he’s wasted his life sometimes. He’s known for his bad mood swings

>> No.13051350

These things enslave you and take away agency over self, fool.

>> No.13051353

Anything that stimulates sexually is implicitly lewd and hence pornographic. Hentai is drawn pornography. Still toxic for the mind.

>> No.13051354

imagine being this far gone. America was a mistake. lmfao. I cant wait til you and your entire country of sociopaths sinks into the fucking ocean

>> No.13051355

Not even in German? Doesn’t matter.
I’m saying it now. If you have these extremities with no sexual release and masturbatory addiction you ruin yourself either way. Balance yourself, anon

>> No.13051360
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What does worth have to do with anything?

>> No.13051365

It’s unrealistic and sets some weak minds on a weird standard of beauty.
Real sex less so, non-studio porn even less so.
Again, balance. Don’t pedal your wizards shit. I’m trying to tell you what’s wrong

>> No.13051376
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>enjoying life

>> No.13051409

>life shaming
Your fad lifestyle is stupid.
Literally kys

>> No.13051452

>Literally kys

Woah cunt don’t talk to my fellow anons that way

>> No.13051502

still not a nihilist tho

>> No.13051510

I just bought Epictetus's Discourse and Marcus Aurelius's Meditations. What am I in for, r/books

>> No.13051514


>> No.13051541

Sublation is determinate negation, not a mixture between two things.

>> No.13051547

If you read this post right Butterfly literally likes straight hentai a lot more than sex


>> No.13051573
File: 130 KB, 800x978, 81171B51-3A4B-494E-8C3D-D9C22E4E0A52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoicism. When you’ve finished try Epicureanism out.

Hm. Okay

>> No.13051582

Butterfly stop posting things that don’t turn you on anymore I might make you masturbate again.

Have you ever considered why it is that Inhave this power over you? That simply because I am a man and you are a woman you enjoy doing what I tell you?

It’s because it is enjoyable, Butterfly. And if you had any desire, I would oblige in return. Don’t be worried or afraid to ask, or hope, for anything ;3

>> No.13051633
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>> No.13051646

Buddy, just stop posting the stupid fucking images. It’s you. You’re the same stupid fucktard every time. You’ve got that stupid jester jpg saved to your computer. I remember you fuckhead, you’re a loser buddy. :3

>> No.13051653

>butterfaggot attention whore shitting up the thread again
What a fucking surprise.

>> No.13051655
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>> No.13051662

Yep :3

>> No.13051699

>i have this power over you

Will you please explain to me how you have this power over women. When I was a young boy I always wanted what you’re describing, like having a girl in the palm of your hand, having control of her. Any book recommendations on the subject anon?

>> No.13051725
File: 52 KB, 632x960, EA960F28-961F-4109-8EE9-187BA8FDD6D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only butterfly is shitting up a shit thread with a conversation. Not that retarded 3face guy.
Flush yourself

>When I was a young boy I always wanted what you’re describing
So does he, which is why he’s pretending to now.

>> No.13051756

Did he really make you masterbate? I always got a strong feminist vibe from you, I’m suprised

>> No.13051760

Bro he’s obviously lying, she’s just keeping him as a beta-oribter

>> No.13051765

Anime is degenerate too btw.

>> No.13051771

Now you actually make philosophy gay and unworthy to approach with your faggot comment

>> No.13051788
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Of course not. I’m not into men at all, or even looking for a 4chan girl for that matter.

>> No.13051798

me on the left

>> No.13051804


>> No.13051816


>> No.13051829

Why the fuck isnt this butterfly tranny cunt not permabanned yet
Every god damn post from this fucker is a blog post or a shitpost

>> No.13051853

goddamn you are based

>> No.13051864

i like philosophy but only schopie so it doesent count. anyways post more pics cunt

>> No.13051870

I need to know if the butterfly is a man or a tranny so I can decide if I should be angry or turned on

>> No.13051906
File: 463 KB, 500x775, 49510E9A-BA3E-449B-A644-8A65F47D5E9F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a GOD, and mortals bow to her feet. People hover around her, pulled in by her fantastic powers. She’s the Masterpiece!

>> No.13051910


>> No.13051973
File: 2.07 MB, 3000x3000, 1556900570318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute dykes like pic related >>13051725 and boyish vixens and twunk bros turn on just about everyone who's more epicene or whole, as opposed to a half addicted to constant company. It's the guys who fall for black widows because they can't stand to be alone, ever, that I deride and pity. Do you agree, my sky-bull?

>> No.13051979

>reality check
love how you never say shit unless it has to do with you being a lesbian your obsess with an image thats not you

>> No.13051997

You and your orbiter need to fuck off

>> No.13051999
File: 146 KB, 853x1280, 09549C4B-6357-44B4-8117-27DE38E61FE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ally Sheedy, Bjork, Pippi, the Daisies girls?

>> No.13052001

>which is why he’s pretending to now.
Hahahahahahaa. This is hilarious butterfly. I have literally gotten you to masturbate to me. LITERALLY. Why lie to yourself anymore? You've already lied so many times.

It honestly is really pathological how often you lie. I'm starting to think that's a major flaw of yours.

Or in real life. And it's because of me.

So pick something comfy. I want you to wear comfy pajama bottoms with no top.

And that's what she is doing. If anyone hasn't caught on yet, she literally does as she is told. She is literally saying one thing and doing another. She does everything I tell her to. :3

>> No.13052004

im not an orbiter you fucking idiot and your just as much as I am one if you want to go by your logic fucking tard

>> No.13052007

I wish they/he would.
But anon is a sticky turd

Or you mean Donna Tart!

>> No.13052011

No offense but she is literally SCATHING to everyone else who isn't me. :3

You are barking up the wrong tree. I live in a perfect little bubble, and there is fire all around me and she is flinging it on all of 4chan. :3

>> No.13052012

I hate you

>> No.13052016

Stop being mean to me. First of all. Stop being mean to me.

Secondly read this (>>13052001)

>> No.13052020

this shit is hilarious

>> No.13052022
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Ignore tripfags please

>> No.13052023
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oh my god it's real

>> No.13052047

You're talking about her negging flirting with me?

Listen it may surprise you, and probably everyone else, but this isn't the coolest thing you've done for me. The coolest thing you've done for me is link that deadmau5 song. I posted EDM first. Do you REMEMBER this REMINDER?


Everything in this world means something butterfly. I'm not like the others. I'm not impressed by a little flirting. By all means, keep it coming, but anyway just enjoy yourself. Relax. Take a deep breath. No need to feel negative or hateful towards anyone. :3

>> No.13052056

yes, that

>> No.13052063

Fuck. The Drama Psychos chased sky-bull away before I >>13051973 could draw her back into the topic of philosophy with a little sex reflection.

>> No.13052070

She might care she might not. But she is having a good time being topless in pajama bottoms! :3 so cute

Butterfly, do you do exercises to make your big, long breasts firm?

>> No.13052078

You’re all anonymous and hard to filter out sometimes. Eating actually

>> No.13052089


And if we're being honest now... in an honest mood....

You're not wearing a shirt right? :3

>> No.13052092

Same here. Today's experiment is whether parmesan improves chili dogs. Stevens used "boisterous epicure" to make the distinction from epicurean very clear. It's one reason I prefer poetry to philosophy, but have both.

>> No.13052093

In a restaurant? Idiot.

>> No.13052102

Cheese dogs work

>> No.13052108

>In a restaurant
Awwww cutie pie, are you by yourself?

Next three are 223.

>> No.13052115

Israel did 9/11 butterfly, google the dancing Israelis and look up what happened when they where arrested in NY on 9/11

>> No.13052116

I've got several on hand to work with. I know that neufchatel, sour cream, and such will all work, though like Epicurus I can't subsist on fare so heavy and maintain a light heart.

>> No.13052130

Do I know you from long time back or no?
The absence of names is a barrier.
Anyway, goodnight

>> No.13052135

awww what happened butterfly did you get banned on your IP address at home ? :3

>> No.13052142

No. Fuck off

>> No.13052144

No. Never danced in Brabant even once, if you take the allusion, though I'm almost as ancient as Chicago's Berlin nightclub, if it still exists.

>> No.13052148

Then butterfly you will post later, but THE SECOND AFTER you enter your apartment/flat, you will take your top off. :3

And she just realized that she is going to do exactly that.

>> No.13052150

Take the trip off or stop talking to yourself, you weird faggot.

>> No.13052249

Sweet dreams

>> No.13052282

Fuck you butterfly

>> No.13052287

Get a life you disgusting obnoxious dyke