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1304870 No.1304870 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in my late twenties and have been working a high-responsibility, high-stress job for several years now. The only thing I do well is write, the only thing I take pleasure in is reading. I want to take a year or two to practice my craft and to read everything I've wanted to read but never had the time.

What are some low-responsibility jobs for such a one as I? I don't need a gangsta-pimp salary, just enough to live comfortably and pay my bills. I'd like to move to some isolated place for this period to cut down on distractions, which may significantly decrease the number and types of jobs I can work.

Any ideas?

>> No.1304878


This is more of an /adv/ issue than a /lit/ one.

Maybe night security? Plenty of time for reading, but not much money in it.

>> No.1304877


>> No.1304881

I've considered graveyard security at a parking lot somewhere. I'd imagine that you do just sit on your ass 99% of the time. I think it'd eat into my pride a bit too much, though. That's a pretty desperate choice

>> No.1304888

I also figured that if anyone on 4chan has given this some thought it'd be the people on /lit/, not the ones on /adv/

>> No.1304903


Kafka did it by doing something with insurance. No matter what job you do it will get easy and mundane imo.

>> No.1304909

fair enough, but what would be ideal? I'm thinking along the lines of care-taker of some building, like Nicholson in the shining...

>> No.1304915

Do you have any money right now? Because if you do, the best option is to invest. Not too high bids, but high enough, and as safe as you can get. Of course, you should have some idea about how to invest money, but it's not hard.

You'll just need to take the time to analyse the best options of investment every month/week or so. It's a pretty nice way to live, and it requires nothing but mild knowledge and some common sense.

If you're a good poker player, I've found that it's also an easy way to get money. You can't always win, even if you're a great player, but if you're good with numbers, you can make a living out of it. If you want to cheat, even better, although risky. You have to be really good, though.

>> No.1304936

I do this for a living OP. You go to every hotel in the "hotel district" of your city. Just find a random hotel in the yellow pages and go to it, then you'll find multiple hotels all around. Go inside and find out if they're hiring graveyard shift auditors. All you do is tally up the daily spending on a computer, from about 9PM to 6AM. This is done via computer and takes about 1/2 hour. The rest of the night, you sit there with your laptop and write your book. Works.

There's really two options: Graveyard shift security guard. Or, Graveyard shift night auditor at a hotel.

With either of those, you can sit there and write all night and get paid for it. Granted, you should be a man, because the expectation is that you'll keep the place "safe." That is, they want someone there who will act as security, not really to do work.

Fuck expenses. You're a writer. Get rid of expenses. Write your fucking book and fuck everything else. You're a machine. You need to write, not collect porcelain dolls or go to sushi bars.


>> No.1304950

I work as a park ranger to keep myself afloat whilst foraging at the roots of journalism and seeing my way to climbing the vine as a writer.

It's chiefly slow-paced, secluded, mild manual labor and the occasional walking tour in open season, it gives me peace to listen to audiobooks or just think and jot ideas down.

The pay is shit, tbh, but I should be made gamekeeper in the next few weeks and that comes with a few under-the-table bucks, but also means a 5am rise.

>> No.1304961

>>I'd like to move to some isolated place for this period to cut down on distractions

Don't. Live in a city. Cities have all the jobs, the kind where you can sit on your ass and write books. The countryside may seem slower and more appropriate for writing, but there are no jobs and there's huge competition for even a job at McDonalds. If you're a real writer, you need to live in a city where there's tons of jobs and you can choose the one that gives you the most free time. Secluded places are for rich people. Secluded places are desirable places, thus you need money, or to work your ass off at a job you hate so that you can live there. Choose the city. It's ugly. It's harsh. But what's your longing? To be a writer? Sacrifice. Writing is more important than anything else in the universe, even Mars or Jupiter.

>> No.1304962

I steal laptops at the airport and sell them on ebay.

Depending on what I get I earn about £200 a week from this, i'm also on the dole.

>> No.1304972

You made my day.

>> No.1304973

by expenses i mean solely continuing to pay off student loans. i have no credit cards and don't collect dolls. but i do have to plug away at my student debt. nice idea about the graveyard auditing. will look into that

>> No.1304977

good point...

>> No.1304979

how much do you make as a graveyard auditor?

>> No.1304985

op here- please kill yourself, you cheap limey shit. k thanks, from the adult world

>> No.1304991

I'm not cheap, I have an artificial arm that prevents me from finding/keeping work, along with how staggeringly unqualified I am, I'll most likely be on disability for the rest of my life.

I try to avoid taking them from students and holiday makers.

>> No.1304994

Your still a piece of shit and deserve to be slowly burned to death.

>> No.1304995

>adult world

You're far too naive to broker for the adult world.
You're trying to be a writer, instead of just being a writer.

>> No.1305013

Grow up.

>> No.1305020
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Says the piece of shit that steals laptops from airports. I don't feel bad for you, you could be doing something if your only missing one arm instead you give up, live off disability, and steal laptops. Your scum, don't get offended, I'm just telling you what you are.

>> No.1305029

What's so wrong about stealing? I steal all the fucking time. I'm careful enough not to steal from poor people, but rich people barely feel the difference.

>> No.1305034

What are you, fucking Robin Hood.

>> No.1305037


Somebody watched Rounders last night! ;-)

>> No.1305040


>stealing from the rich

Thumbs up! Anyone opposed to this is a butthurt little rich kid who should go the guillotine.

>> No.1305063

I may be scum to a sheltered, gullible little lamb like you.
But your typical, scripted knee-jerk revulsion, 'stealing=bad', reeks of ignorance and your idea of strife would make me laugh.

I may be a piece of shit but your thickness and shallowness reminds me more of a puddle of shit, so at least i'm a solid piece of shit.

>The only thing I do well is write

>> No.1305068

Apparently you've never worked a day in your life, probaly the one armed fag posting twice and giving himself a high five. Seriously, get a job and a life.

>> No.1305071


=) I'll enjoy seeing you go to the guillotine, my friend. Rich faggot.

>> No.1305080

Be quiet, your underageB& is showing.

>> No.1305091
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>anybody who has moral problems with the rich must be a child
>mfw you actually believe this

God, you're sheltered.

>> No.1305092

No, your just scum. I've worked for everything I'm got, nothing was given to me, I sure as fuck wasn't sheltered in my life. You are on the same level with crackheads and heroin fucks who steal to get high. I don't feel bad for you, and I'm sure as fuck not going to take advice from a useless shit like you. You can reason with yourself all you like that your stealing is justified, I know its not. Face it, your nothing. Your scum. No matter how you cut it. Go ahead, point out my grammatical errors to make yourself feel good. I'm getting a laugh at your pathetic argument.

>> No.1305102

Like I just said, I've worked for what I got. I know you don't understand what it means to work to get things, but maybe when someone pulls out a gun and blows away a scumbag and you have just a few moments to live, maybe you'll see your wrong.

>> No.1305131
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I'm the 'one armed fag', agree with you to an extent, I just think you're being a child, smilies and calling people faggots and such.

Down Dougie.

I'm not arguing with you or justifying myself, and i'm not trying to pull a 'you don't know my pain' act here, but really, you sound like a one dimensional hypocrite who's never experienced real financial rift in his life.

You may not have had anything 'given' to you, but you've probably always had a little fund cushion for your delicate little ass to fall on.
And your misplaced, deluded moral view permeates with upper class hypocrisy, i'm no class warrior, but you're a manchild, a brat.

Why you so mad bro?

>> No.1305165

1. Your scum. I'm not going to call you a gentleman, or whatever you think you deserve. Apparently you haven't been to /b/ were fag is like saying hey you. Here, "one armed bandit scum" better, or am I hurting your feelings there "dougie"?

2.No, I haven't. I was born to parents that were dirt food stamp poor and very abusive. I grew up with alot of people like you, a few without an arm oddly enough. A few of them are good people in general, while most are scum like yourself. I didn't have a home for a while with my family for a long time and often. I was kicked out at 15, not because I was a drug dealer or something like that, but because my father and mother didn't want to waste stamps on their son.

I like that you blur the lines of morality with class to make me seem like I'm a snob. I'm sure as fuck not a snob, and I don't have my mother and father giving me a penny. I don't have the goverment giving me a penny. So what was that arugment you were trying to put on me?

>> No.1305195 [DELETED] 

Cool story bro.

So what would such a toughened, worldly, working class hero, upstanding citizen such as yourself do in my position?
Besides kill myself for being scum and a piece of shit?

Shows me the ways of high-responsibility, high-stress jobs.

>> No.1305193


Well, first of all, you're a giant fucking liar. "I just happened to grow up in the company of MANY one-armed men."


>implying morality and class aren't intrinsically tied together

>> No.1305214 [DELETED] 

>this thread
Jesus Christ. Am I subhuman or just dumb/uncompromising?

>> No.1305217 [DELETED] 

Cool story bro.

So what would such a toughened, worldly, working class hero, upstanding citizen such as yourself do in my position?
Besides kill myself for being scum and a piece of shit, of course?

Please show my how to work hard and get a >>1305165
Cool story bro.

So what would such a toughened, worldly, working class hero, upstanding citizen such as yourself do in my position?
Besides kill myself for being scum and a piece of shit?

Shows me the ways of high-responsibility, high-stress job...and then give it all up, for some reason...

>> No.1305213 [DELETED] 

Cool story bro.

So what would such a toughened, worldly, working class hero, upstanding citizen such as yourself do in my position?
Besides kill myself for being scum and a piece of shit, of course?

Please show me how to work hard and get a high-responsibility, high-stress job like yours...and then realize I don't want it and quit to write.

I think you're full of shit, you dont have a >>1305165
Cool story bro.

So what would such a toughened, worldly, working class hero, upstanding citizen such as yourself do in my position?
Besides kill myself for being scum and a piece of shit, of course?

Please show my how to work hard and get a >>1305165
Cool story bro.

So what would such a toughened, worldly, working class hero, upstanding citizen such as yourself do in my position?
Besides kill myself for being scum and a piece of shit?

Shows me the ways of high-responsibility, high-stress job...and then give it all up, for some reason...

>> No.1305230

"a few" dumb ass. Theres a few 50ish people who couldn't turn around and do something different due to an accident or whatever on the job. So they were living off disablity, both of them. Might what to read, and not assume. Your doing alot of assuming.

Your just a fucking idiot if you think that there aren't good people that make 1,000 dollars a year and good people that make millions a year.

Anything else? Or are you going to finally do yourself a favor in life and shut the fuck up.

>> No.1305231

Cool story bro.

So what would such a toughened, worldly, working class hero, upstanding citizen such as yourself do in my position?
Besides kill myself for being scum and a piece of shit?

Shows me the ways of high-responsibility, high-stress job...and then give it all up, for some reason...

You're clearly full of shit, your life sounds like the first draft of 8 Mile.

>> No.1305237

Is there a point to this post? Or are you talking to yourself?

>> No.1305243

all of those

>> No.1305247

I clearly asked you what you would do in my position.

See that, that's a question mark,
And that's an apostrophe, they're used in simple contractions.

>> No.1305253

Kill yourself.

I'm not here to give you advice, you drew it out to this.

>> No.1305252

Oh tybrax, why delete the post in which you ask if you're subhuman, dumb or [can't remember your third personality trait]

>> No.1305255

>>how much do you make as a graveyard auditor?

$10 an hour in the USA.

>> No.1305259

lets continue it here ladies,

>> No.1305260
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>> No.1305283

I'm delivering pizza to work my way through college. It's a no-stress, laid-back job, I get to drive around in my own car listening to the radio, and I usually make $12-$17 per hour.

>> No.1305698

I write constantly- I am in this sense a writer. I'm not being paid for it yet, so I ain't in that sense. So why don't you go fuck yourself, smart-ass?

>> No.1306732

op here any other ideas for good jobs?

>> No.1306756

It's not about the job, bro. It's about the dedication. Ten hours a day at work leaves you a decent amount of time to write.

You don't need a job change. If you don't have the time right now, you need a lifestyle change.

Writing is lonely, solitary, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

>> No.1306836

ok but a job that allows me to write an extra 10 hours a day isn't a bad thing. so how about some good ideas?

>> No.1306838 [DELETED] 

Why not be a book seller?

>> No.1306847

OP, do you have a degree?

>> No.1306857
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>>1306756 Writing is lonely, solitary, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

>> No.1306863

have a BA and an MA in english

>> No.1306916

Why aren't you teaching at a college level if you have an MA in English?

>> No.1306924





crying great sad awful body-shaking sobs irl as i type

>> No.1306935

because that requires a lot of time and effort. i want to spend one year or two doing low-responsibility work that requires zero effort so that i can give writing a serious shot. if that doesn't work, or maybe even if it does, i plan after that period of writing to teach freshman and sophomore english.

>> No.1306946

why? i've already taught english to freshmen at city of college of san francisco. you can do that at the freshman and sophomore levels with an MA.

>> No.1306949


>so that i can give writing a serious shot.

Modern Dostoevsky right here, people! Watch this guy.

>> No.1306962

cuz i dunno if you've noticed but it's kind of a rough job market

>> No.1306966

I just don't see why you would want to remove yourself from an academic setting if you want to write. If for nothing else than hookups and opportunities associated with the institution.

Writing conferences, funding, etc.

>> No.1306963

OP, what's the size of your student loan debts, and what is your current job?

>> No.1306969

There's a shortage of qualified teachers.

>> No.1306974

Why not teach at a high school level? That requires less effort.

>> No.1306975

the total loan dept for ba and ma was just under 70,000. some of a few thousand has been paid off. i do contract archaeology for the nps, army and other agencies and teach a freshman english class twice a week at night.

>> No.1306987

it's high responsibility preparing and giving lectures, meeting with students, grading papers, going to meeting. it fucking sucks for writing and i'm not getting anything done, despite the opportunities you've mentioned.

>> No.1306990

man you're killing it

>> No.1306993


>> No.1307010

What I don't understand is why you think it's actually okay to steal. I mean, if you tried to steal my laptop I fucking swear I'd kill you, say it was self defense. That's other people's property and you have no right to take it.
Hope you're caught and you get the shit beaten out of you.

>> No.1307013

Where'd you go to school?

I'm looking into getting into a local city college. It's a 4 year school, considerably more prestigious than your average community college, but pretty cheap too. I think it'd only be like $12,000 for the 3 years it would take me to finish.

And supposedly I can get up to $4,000/year in federal grants if I agree to teach at a high school or junior high school for at least 4 years. With that, I could my degree and incur very little debt. I'll be stuck teaching for 4 years, but that'll give me the chance to save up some money, and after that I can take some time off if I want, and focus on my writing.

Anyway, not to hijack your thread or anything, but that's just my personal plan.

>> No.1307019

good luck with your plan. i did undergrad in SF and got my MA in London

>> No.1307027

But what are you expecting from any full-time job?

Just look at it this way: there's a reason most literary writers are also professors.

>> No.1307037

there are low-responsibility jobs- think Kevin Spacy in American Beauty. I just want to get some offbeat ideas on what they are. So far I've gotten one that I hadn't considered >>1304936

>> No.1307044

I dunno about you, but my experience is that even with low-responsibility jobs I end up wasting time. I need to be in a field that pushes me to write, and that I can use to further my writing. But that's just me.

>> No.1307125

>even with low-responsibility jobs I end up wasting time.
This. I live with my parents and have no job, yet I don't spend a lot of time writing. I'm a big procrastinator.

OP, here's a bit of advice: if you truly want to work on your writing, have your internet disconnected. It's too much of a distraction. You could be writing right now, but you're killing time on 4chan.

>> No.1307135

OP, tutor kids. Flexible hours and high hourly pay.

>> No.1307907

this is something i've been considering seriously. i was a writing tutor for freshmen and sophomores in college for several years and loved it. may end up doing it again.

i will definitely not be getting a new internet connection when i move. eons wasted.

>> No.1308097


You're lying.

>> No.1308130

substitute teacher.

tell kids to shut up, write, eat cheap in the cafeteria, write, tell kids to sit down and shut up, leave at 2 pm and write til midnight


>> No.1308139

why don't you write freelance??? isn't this the obvious choice????

i started freelancing about 4-5 months ago, i've made about 2 grand a month.

i'm not rich, but i wake up at noon, i never have to shower or wear real clothes.. i work on my fiction more, the paying freelance work is about 3-4 hours a day

>> No.1309217

haha. why are you so dumb? i'm not lying about anything you faggort.

>> No.1309225

how'd you get started? seems like it's risky as hell- you have a dry month or two and can't make rent. what kinds of places do you write for?