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13046367 No.13046367 [Reply] [Original]

>finished all of guenon's books on hinduism
>read up on buddhism after reading schopie
>pick up some original hinduism and buddhism texts to see which I prefer
>have massive respect for eastern traditions
>decide one day to take a break after serious study
>go over on /int/ guy with india flag is insulting my country USA
>"yea your right i really respect the tradition you guys have over there, keep it up its inspiring"
>"stfu muricanmutt"
>"fucking pajeet,sandnigger,shit eating shit skins,shitting on streets, dirty ass country, pollution, shitty government,borderline pedos,smell like fucking shit,dirty dirty country, smog up the ass, fuck off pajeet nigger skin"

i've fallen so far, all that learning for nothing i cant stop thinking about it

>> No.13046377
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>> No.13046383

It's nothing to do with you. Modern Indians are cut off from their metaphysical roots due to Western globalization.

>> No.13046391

this tbqh
also I'm pretty sure Hinduism and Buddhism are supposed to be universal religions, not only useful to Indians but all human beings as well

>> No.13046395

Ananda Coomaraswamy couldn't stand how far his country (modern Sri Lanka) had fallen spiritually that he left for the US and during some months hardly even left his cabin. If you think there is anywhere in the world that has a profound spiritual tradition in this age of the internet and hyper-irony whereby nothing is sacred, you are unfortunately mistaken. Rama Coomaraswamy, his son, considered going back to India and becoming a Hindu, but ultimately was disillusioned as well. I remember an anecdote of him walking through a traditional Indian village and the villages quickly swarming up to him after seeing his lighter complexion and hearing of his medical degree. The only difference between east and west is that the east at least tries to hide its materialism behind a veil of some sort; the west does not.

>> No.13046399

Modern Geopolitical India has nothing to do with India of ancient times, just like how modern Greeks have nothing to do with ancient Greeks.

>> No.13046574

anything worth reading around this?

>> No.13046588

interesting, ty anon

>> No.13047817
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The ultimate """"redpill""""" is to understand that the catholic tradition is far more closer to hinduism and buddhism then it is to judaism (including protestantism) and Islam

>> No.13047827

>due to western-

>> No.13047830

Yeah Guenon romances the fuck out of Hinduism

I talk to actual Hindus and they’re like “yeah this shit sucks, Indians are ugly losers and the caste system is trash”

>> No.13047831

Keep reading. Hinduism and Buddhism are not that impressive.

>> No.13047833

Christianity is a religion created by jews to appeal to women, trannies, pedophiles and homosexuals and any other people rejected by society. it fits well with bored chinese

>> No.13048030

Lol Hinduism is a fucking joke here nothing like what you guys read about
Hindutva faggots put the final nail in the coffin and no educated Indian in the newer generations is a proper hindu , they're all infected by the pop culture version /politicised version (mandir wahi banayenge) of Hinduism and most haven't even heard of someone like Shankaracharya
Also it's very cringy when white supremacists larp as hindus and wuz as indo aryans

>> No.13048043

You should probably read the Genealogy of Morals if you haven't already. It basically solves your sense of contradiction.

>> No.13048249

Yeah This is what I’ve been told by Indians

>> No.13048262

>falling for the poo paganism

>> No.13048263


>> No.13048266

>due to Western globalization.

Typical fucking whitoid/diaspora shit to say.
Not everything revolves around the fucking westerners.

>> No.13048277

Hinduism is anti-logos and it’s failed so they’re replacing it with globalist liberalism

>> No.13048293

Yeah, people who hate something will tell you it sucks. Talk to true followers, not atheists.

>> No.13048298

Go back to r/India

>> No.13048405

>no, Rajesh, the POO goes in the LOO! Streets are for walking on, not pooping.

>> No.13048890

Why? I don't get why people say that I've never been to r/India what have I said that makes you feel like I belong there

>> No.13048946

>some hindu or hinduboo internet LARPfag is trying to convince me that hindu philosophy is the wisest
>"So why did it never throw off the caste system"
>begins giving me a thousand excuses and justifications of the caste system


>> No.13048974

why the fuck are so many homosexuals christian?

>> No.13048987

Christ is Risen, Anon.

>> No.13049001

>easy way out of your parents asking why you don't have a gf
>get to worship a man in a loincloth getting penetrated
>pretty easy in all actuality to fool yourself into thinking you'll enjoy being alone forever

>> No.13049006

>type retarded blogpost about your pathetic life
>but include books I read so it's still "on-topic"

>> No.13049010

Tbh, ancient indian texts hardly ever mention a caste system and those few references that allude to this deal with spiritual rather than actual economical divisions. It might have developed very well only after India was invaded by Muslims.

>> No.13049015

You're a retard if you thing you should practice any tradition because it's cool. Catholicism is true, that is why it is appealing.

>> No.13049038

Still I agree that modern India is a joke where you must have arranged marriages, where you can't divorce and you are supposed to conform to your caste because oh muh social rules. However raping women, shitting in the streets and lynchings are socially acceptable. Those few Indians that tried to abolish those exact things failed but as in the case of Africa. You can't grow wheat on infertile ground.

>> No.13049075

Indian shit

>> No.13049080
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HAHAHAHA. I appreciate your sense of humor.

>> No.13049104


The mughals were pretty shocked by the caste system and the untouchables of the time loved it when they invaded india since it freed them from the caste system.

>> No.13049119

alright maybe I should read up on that stuff

>> No.13049128

Don’t take Hinduism seriously OP. Buddhism specifically targeted and didcaway with the problems of it

>> No.13049155
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>So why did it never throw off the caste system

>> No.13049220

None of these are true bro
Come to India and stop watching western media

>> No.13049253

Is it exaggerated? Yes. Does it still apply? Yes.
I've met many Indians albeit admittedly most of them Tamils and the concept of a marriage where you get to choose your own women/man is completely alien to them. Also the level of segregation and exclusion which Tamils maintain once they're not in their homeland makes them one of the god most awful foreigners.

>> No.13049280

Such a punchable face.

>> No.13049311

I've never interacted with many Tamils living in India
I only knew like 1 tamilian guy in 7th grade and he was the smartest kid on thr class
Cool dude tho
And yeah in the rural areas caste is still considered a big thing
One of my distant relatives has a Russian wife and she couldn't visit his native place because he married out of caste

>> No.13049361
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>look mum I am racist I am so cool
get the fuck off my board

>> No.13049387

>complaining about racism on an anonymous chinese buffet enthusiasts imageboard
Go back to plebbit.

>> No.13049404

Religion is for gullible fools. You are no better than the streetshitters if you read Guenon or any other theologian...

>> No.13049460

Expecting modern Indians to hold same spiritual values as ancient Indian monks who wrote those books is naive. Modern Indians like everyone are heavily influenced by global materialism.

>> No.13050338
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>tfw been reading a lot Shankara and other Hindu writers lately
>basically finds few faults if at all with their arguments
>still just keep getting more and more disillusioned with it because I know the traditions and culture of it is all but dead and who am I to try to larp invigorate it as a westerner
>tfw have no connection to it's culture and even if I did the biggest genius of their religion essentially took a big steamy shit on everything about it except basically just intellectual contemplating
>so what then? alright I agree there is a substrate of all existence and that is Brahman and all I see is just conditioned existence
>t-thanks Shankara... now what? none of it makes life any more bearable or put any sort of meaning into it
>but meanwhile the tradition of the west(Christianity) is so on its face a false religion so I can't just adopt it and start larping as a trad catholic pretending that Aristotelian physics in some way leads to the truth of Christianity

>> No.13050342


Poo in loo

>> No.13050351

Do drugs, fuck bitches, practice occultism.

>> No.13050354

It does now.

>> No.13050359


>> No.13050362

Camus would kick your fat ass 100% of the time

>> No.13050427

99,99% of the modern human population can't have reached the one true spiritual truth by chance!


>> No.13050476

Doesn't matter, have sex

>> No.13050478

Wrong, Buddhism is just a shitty ripoff of the Upanishads designed to appeal to meek and egalitarian-inclinded people

>> No.13050499

I do but then 5 minutes later I don't so then i'm right back where I started.

>> No.13050583

Experience love.

>> No.13051989

Read BAP book.

>> No.13052129

All you gotta do is just accept the absurdity of it all and remain aware of yourself as Brahman at every moment, then you just float through life gracefully without a care in the world

I especially like the Ribhu Gita translation (unabriged) by Nome, Ramana Maharshi recommend reciting it to help spontaneously abide in the Atma, if you are struggling to apply Advaita in daily life or if it's not making you blissful just read the Ribhu Gita translation, commit a few of your favorite chapters or lines to memory and then just recite them you are going about your day. It's helped me feel a deep sense of satisfaction and bliss at all moments to the point where I don't even worry about the future of religion etc, I'm just too happy and content with the peaceful moment.

>> No.13052177

>falling for the tricks of Mara
ya dun goofed

>> No.13052793

try Buddhism
It works, unlike dead Hinduism.

>> No.13052920

Since talk of Buddhism is being had, I got a question. Isn't attaining nirvana a sort of selfish and kind of bitch ass move? I know we’re all trapped in some illusion, which includes a sense of separateness and all that, but this illusion hurts and not everyone will have the insight to escape it. What the hell is nirvana? Some post-time bliss, were if it happens to "one of us" it happens to us all, because we're all the same shit or whatever? I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Must we become ascetics to escape this hellscape.

>> No.13053017

That's not true at all, the Manusmriti describes the caste system, and was used to justify caste divisions right up to the British Raj.

>> No.13053114

dude atheism is so cool ur like rick and morto xd

>> No.13053787

why are Buddhists always so eternally butt-blasted about Hinduism?

>> No.13053845

Hinduism and Buddhism are Aryan. The Sudras get nothing out of it. Also India has been dead since Gandhi. It's nu-India now.

>> No.13053888

Because they are the 500 bC equivalents of the new atheists of today.
Intellectual nobodies. They only know how to personal attack people.

>> No.13053898

trips of truth

>> No.13053903

>>there is a substrate of all existance that is brahama
No such thing.
>>but meanwhile the tradition of the west(Christianity) is so on its face a false religion
You belong to your father the devil.

>> No.13053906

drooling mongo

>> No.13053912

You litteraly worship cows.

>> No.13053926

>and not everyone will have the insight to escape it

The intensity of suffering is proportional to consciousness, since suffering is just pain narrativized. So this isn't a problem: if you don't have the insight to escape it, or to at least feel the need to escape it, you're not "here" enough for it to hurt as much in the first place

>> No.13053966

Worshiping and respecting the divine that is in every living thing fits perfectly in with Hindu teachings and is nothing to be ashamed of, nobody actually thinks that cows are super-special gods or something and none of the Hindu texts say that, the various smritis just say that the gods especially favor cows and wish no harm to come to them, which is understandable as they are generally peaceful creatures and provide milk. You shouldn't throw stones in glass houses, many Buddhists venerate Buddha as a supernatural being and all these other tantric et al deities.

>> No.13053969

A lot of religions arise in areas of their extreme opposites.
Many eastern cultures are extremely materialistic which is exactly why the nonmaterialistic religions gained a large foothold.
Much Islamic/Arabophilic culture is extremely degenerate completely opposite to Islam.
Christianity arose as part of a counterculture to the extremely stratified Rome which was heavily reliant on slavery and a messy class system of inherited rights and duties sort of approaching the Hindu caste system.
Despite Christianity Byzantium was still heavily reliant on slavery and a complicated mess of rights and duties.

There's never a monoculture and many of the religions preaching the most freedom are likely to be born in the most oppressed of societies.
It's easy to fix the surface things but it's really hard to fix the poisons despite how much many religious reformers might try.

Some people seem to think every average Indian on the street is some saintly renounciate free of all material possessions and vices.
Ancient Indian culture was every bit as misogynistic, class-based, war-like and materialistic as all the other savage protoindoeuropean cultures like the Iranians, the Greeks and the Norse.
And modern India inherits many of the same attitudes today

>> No.13054164

>Ancient Indian culture was every bit as misogynistic, class-based, war-like and materialistic as all the other savage protoindoeuropean cultures like the Iranians, the Greeks and the Norse.
Yeah and isn't that BASED?