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13043419 No.13043419 [Reply] [Original]

>"Fascist" is the catch-all insult for people I don't like
So what do I read to actually have a nuanced understanding of what fascism is, in order to fairly appraise the endless claims?

>> No.13043422


>> No.13043649

Your brain is broken, don't try to understand anything

>> No.13043722

why do you post dummies? This is a smart board

>> No.13043803

A. James Gregor

>> No.13044113

Since when?

>> No.13044114

Fair criticism but not just anime

>> No.13044194
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>> No.13044226
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And to think that the American situationists were once based.

>> No.13044417

Bad definition.

>> No.13044428

Just read this. It's not complicated.

>> No.13044435

read the Doctrine of Fascism, then read a history of Mussolini's Italy, then read about movements inspired by Fascism, eg. NatSoc.

>> No.13044474

Probably Gentile. It is mostly feels>reals when you get down to it, though.

>> No.13044523

read mussolini

>> No.13044573

read mein kampf to understand right wing, or nationality and ethnicity based fascism

For left wing/communism I am not sure, maybe read marx

>> No.13044630

Its a system based on class exploitation by the upper class. Historically shown to be unstable

>> No.13045146

>this is a smart board
Newfag detected.

>> No.13045336

t. doesn't understand fascism

>> No.13045357

This conceals more than it reveals

>> No.13045367
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>So what do I read to actually have a nuanced understanding of what fascism is
Emilio Gentile, George Mosse, Roger Griffin

>> No.13045373

what about all the working class people that supported and lead it retard

>> No.13045384

A fascist regime has:
>one party system
>cult of personality around its leader
>state capitalism
>society is divided under corporations (workers are under one union, companies are represented under one guy)
>state sponsored nationalism

On paper it's not that bad. Just like communism, it doesn't work: you're just taking a shit on people's personal liberties and that kills the economy.

>> No.13045386

Read Umberto Eco's essay "Ur Fascism."

>> No.13045400

Ask yourself, have the GOP establishment actually conserved anything? Culturally, racially, socially, etc.
Okay, now realize what an actual right winger has.

The world is dead and the only thing left to do is burn shit.

Now this is fascism. You see, lots of people think fascists are traditionalists. Even so called fascists. Actually, the nazis wanted to burn everything to the ground and build a new order

Futurism was very popular with the early fascist movement.

Another thing is that a proper fascist can be quite critical of capitalism and democracy. Of course very few right wingers come the dark truth. Capitalism only cares about profit, not nation or race. The capitalists are the ones who destroy traditions, and the capitalists are the ones who profit off of the cheap slave labor of immigrants (the parasites ruining your country)

So fascism can sometimes veer into attacking capital from a moral perspective

Finally, Italian fascism was quite different from German fascism. Actually Mussolini didnt even give a shit about race and jews lived in fascist italy and Mussolini even had a jewish mistress

>> No.13045412
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>On paper it's not that bad

>> No.13045433


if you want to read about fascism by a fascist read gentile, as others have said already

>> No.13045436

>Not even three minutes in
>He's already incredibly per-occupied with "disingenuous assholes on the right" calling antifa fascist
An absolute insult to my intelligence. Why would I give a flying fuck about the misuse of a term in contemporary internet discourse, just get to the point of the video.

>> No.13045446

It isnt. You just put everyone under the leader and force them to pull towards the same goal. When you add real people into the mix it fails spectacularly.

>> No.13045548

read Benjamin
fascism is the application of aesthetics to political life blah blah blah

if you're learning about fascism from someone who didn't die because of Nazis in WW2 then what are you doing with your time my guy?

>> No.13045586

Came here to post this. To understand fascism as a government you need to understand its mindset

>> No.13045615

Just read primary sources like Mosley or Mussolini

>> No.13045657

A History of Fascism, 1914–1945 by Stanley Payne is a source of information, covering fascism's ideological origins, the main movements of the 20th century, and the various interpretations of the ideology. As someone else mentioned, Roger Griffin is also good.

>> No.13045672

This is way too generic lol, you would end up calling systems like feudalism "fascists".

>> No.13045674

Hannah Arendt. Seconding Umberto Eco.

>> No.13045700

the plebs fight tooth and nail against their best interests all the time, look at America right now

>> No.13045704

What are the 'best interests of the plebs' in your opinion

>> No.13045715

To understand fascism as a political philosophy, particularly the Italian kind, read The Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile.

>> No.13045781
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Here you go sweetie!

>> No.13045841
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In terms of history pic related is a pretty good overview if you're only interested in Italy. It has a clever cover too.

>> No.13047412

fucking idiots propaganding disingenuous leftist propaganda

>> No.13047489

why are you even here?

>> No.13047629

Read The Manifesto of the Italian Fasci of Combat written in 1919

>> No.13047871

A. James Gregor
Stanley Payne
Giovanni Gentile
Corneliu Codreanu
Oswald Spengler is the fascist's philosopher of history despite not being a fascist

It's trash
To be ruled by an overclass that talks about social revolution instead of God or the nation

>> No.13047895

>stop calling us fascists!!!
>it's just capitalist dictatorship!
>roger griffin
Can't say I'm surprised, sasuga /leftylit/

>> No.13048122


>kills the economy

How did hitler revive the destroyed and looted german weimar economy in a few years to superpower status?

>> No.13048135


>To be ruled by an overclass that talks about social revolution instead of God or the nation

I wish I could throw you out of a helicopter.
Communism sucks smegma dick.

>> No.13048151

I'm sarcastically restating his position.

>> No.13048160
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Fascism, as a coherent political doctrine and practice has zero existence and public face today.

I'm reminded of pic related, except if it was Hitler peering down from the clouds at today's "fascists" and grasping his head in shame as he sees them with their "anime waifu" pillows, pepe the frog memes, "traps", and support for Trump.

Fascism was an over-response primarily to the great depression and the traumatic situation of post-ww1 Europe. It was also the logical conclusion of scientific racism and imperialism.

Things simply aren't bad enough to get millions of men all to stand in a line wearing uniforms all killy. Despite all the rhetoric to the contrary, things aren't nearly as fucked up as they were when real fascism stalked the world stage.

>> No.13048180

can we talk about these digits

>> No.13048260

Why would everyone care about the same goal, you fucking idiot?

>> No.13048267

Considering that children nowadays are being coerced into becoming trannies it's probably way worse than what Weimar was

>> No.13048268

Oh allright. Then I apologise, my fellow white man.

>> No.13048274
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>muh liberty to stick things in my ass and nothing else
>muh economy, I mean usually fascism revitalized it but I have to fit things into my capitalism versus communism narrative
right- and left-liberals competing to generate the worst takes

We exceeded Weimar in terms of degeneracy a while ago but we're taking longer to build up to its level of economic dysfunction

>> No.13048305

Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Gentile

Selected Writing of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera (specifically "man is the system" but everything else is good too)

For my Legionnaires by Codreanu

Imperium by Yockey (though you might need to read Decline of the West by Spengler before)

>> No.13048318

Spanish fascism is underpublished in English. I know there's a comparison of the Legionary movement and the Falange in Spanish written by Horia Sima.

>> No.13048326

You just described communism.

>> No.13048327

dont see you having digits worthy of talking about kid

>> No.13048333

My instinct is to say that you're massively overestimating the degree of cultural perversity. It's called an availability bias. All those instances of what makes you uncomfortable are collected and curated in certain venues for display. It gives the impression of ubiquity where there is none.

Besides the rise of fascism was more about responding to economic insecurity and nationalistic assertion. Cleaning up supposed degeneracy was an afterthought. Germany for instance was posed with the possibility of becoming a failed state. Nazism was a reflexive response to that tension in the form of the absolute assertion of the state, militaristic regimentation of society, etc.

>> No.13048382

stop gaslighting

>> No.13048414


>> No.13048421
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Read this anon. Its short and sweet.

>> No.13048426

>including yockey before mussolini or mosley
100 Q & A by Oswald Mosley and The Doctrine of Fascism by Mussolini are essential

>> No.13048445

Fascism is by far the least pinned down ideology, it is loosely defined by whatever practices were involved in it historically.
I'd say the most relevant tenant of fascism is it's opposition to class struggle, and affirmation of class collaboration, as represented by the fasces symbol.

>> No.13048449

Stop caring what brainlets say first of all.

>> No.13048477
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Ok full list in order:
>Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Gentile
>The Doctrine of Fascism by Mussolini
>Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered by Mosley
>The Coming Corporate State bt Thomson
>The Philosophy of Fascism by Palmieri
>Interpretations of Fascism by A. James Gregor
>Fascism: The Total Society by HR Morgan
>Fascism, Integralism and the Corporative Society by HR Morgan

For more info on the more racially charged branches of Fascism:
>Nest Leader Manual by Codreanu
>For My Legionaries by Codreanu
>Mein Kampf by Hitler
>Hitler's Second Book by Hitler(duh)

>> No.13048498

>one party system
Not in theory it didnt
>cult of personality
>state capitalism
Thanks for outing yourself, but it was anti-Capitalist. Fascism is Corporatist. Please look it up.
>society is divided under corporations
No, the economic field is split up into corporations, or syndicates, or guilds, and these are goverened like small scale democracies. They function as unions for their respective area of focus. It is inclusive of employers and employees. The law applies equally to all here.
>state sponsored nationalism
What the hell does that even mean?

>> No.13048550

Good list
I'd add Stanley Payne's "Fascism: Comparison and Definition" as well as the José Antonio Primo de Rivera anthology

>> No.13048565

I also think Evola's critiques of Fascism and National Socialism are pretty good. They give an insight into the actual results of these ideologies in practice rather than just the theoretical, but from a right wing perspective rather than the usual left wing perspective.
Fascism Viewed From The Right and Notes On The Third Reich.

>> No.13048829

He didn't he just racked up debt and counterfeit foreign money knowing that he was going to war soon and one way or another he wouldn't have to actually pay for that.

>> No.13048842

>To be ruled by an overclass that talks about social revolution instead of God or the nation
It's the first time i see one of you being honest about what you want.
I'll be honest right back: youre social revolution a shit. Just like your waifu.

>> No.13048850

>no u! The post

>> No.13048947
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I'm a fascist.
I don't think that's what all communists want, but it's definitely what radlibs and bourgeois communists want, and it's certainly what happens in practice in Marxist-Leninist states.

>> No.13048986

The word fascist should only refer to the historical Italian fascism. Otherwise it's too vague and ill defined to make any sense. A politic can be any combination of nationalist, hierarchical, dictatorial, authoritarian, racialist, and whatever else and still not be considered fascist so it doesn't do any good to define it as such.

>> No.13049076

that's not how it works newfriend.

>> No.13049164

But it is and I've been on 4chan since 2008

>> No.13049213

Find "cultured thug" on Youtube. He has many videos on fascism, as well as similar political orientations such as Juche, Strasserism, integralism, Hitlerism, etc. These videos include book recommendation videos.

>> No.13050127

How about no

>> No.13050240

t. Tranny hall monitor

>> No.13050384

I want to listen to his video on Codreanu but he pronounces Codreanu wrong and I can't stand it.
Smart guy, wish he'd work on his delivery and pronunciation is all.

>> No.13050424

He’s a fag but he’s not wrong. Using a filthy leftist degenerate like eco to decry fascism is laughable

>> No.13050432

tbf that's who'd you'd really expect to oppose fascism.
The real problem is that his thoughts on the subject aren't even good.

>> No.13050443

fascism is actually the ultimate form of anarchism. A fascist is merely an anarchist who is not willing to let the freedom of the weak get in the way of his Freedom. the roles have shifted, in the 60s the left was against consumerism and conformity and for rebellion and revolution, now it is the right that has taken on those roles.

>> No.13050447

Fascism was much more a response to communism than anything else

>> No.13050449

now THIS is a hot take
completely incorrect but still sizzling

>> No.13050453

>an anarchist who is not willing to let the freedom of the weak get in the way of his Freedom.
isnt Stirner type anarchism already like this

>> No.13050454

A response to liberalism. The initial thought was "syndicalism is cool but internationalism is gay."
That post was made by someone who doesn't understand fascism, anarchism, or politics

>> No.13050506
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Anarcho Fascist theory has already been explored by the order of nine angles and james mason. the illegalists, Gabrielle D'Annunzio, the marquis de sade, Carl Schmitt, Ernst Junger, and the fringe of the turn of the century individualist anarchist scene have been another inspiration for my personal praxis. Nick Land and Sam Hyde are the contemporary philosophers that allign the most with my ideas. The french even have a term for it: anarchisme de droite, with Celine being the most notorious example. People forget Ginsberg Burroughs and Kerouac were pretty sympathetic to right wing ideas. I also enjoy neofolk and martial industrial music. this is a fully coherent aesthetic, philosophical and political disposition, people like Matt Christman can only rehash mid 00s something awful humour expurged of any actual edginess, they have no sense of the sublime, no sense of history. anarcho fascism is the most transgressive and

>> No.13050520

Anarcho Fascist theory has already been explored by the order of nine angles and james mason. the illegalists, Gabrielle D'Annunzio, the marquis de sade, Nechayev, Carl Schmitt, Ernst Junger, and the fringe of the turn of the century individualist anarchist scene have been another inspiration for my personal praxis. Nick Land, Sam Hyde and Alexandr Dugin are the contemporary philosophers that allign the most with my ideas. The french even have a term for it: anarchisme de droite, with Celine being the most notorious example. People forget Ginsberg Burroughs and Kerouac were pretty sympathetic to right wing ideas. I also enjoy neofolk and martial industrial music. this is a fully coherent aesthetic, philosophical and political disposition, people like Matt Christman can only rehash mid 00s something awful humour expurged of any actual edginess, they have no sense of the sublime, no sense of history. anarcho fascism is the most transgressive and revolutionary political philosophy out there.

>> No.13050571
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>Why would I give a flying fuck about the misuse of a term
Refer to the topic of this thread.

>> No.13050578


>> No.13050595

Based, fuck anime

>> No.13050641

>Anarcho Fascist theory has already been explored by the order of nine angles and james mason.
ok retard

>> No.13050646

when your reply is this bad, it makes the guy you're trying to insult look good in comparison
you're like the kid who scores on his own goal

>> No.13050856

t. fascist retard

>> No.13050875
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>> No.13051248

t. Tranny

>> No.13051263

Look into the Conservative Revolution, not "Fascism." Fascism is a nebulous term.

>> No.13051305

Fascism and communism were both responses to the industrial revolution

>> No.13051331

Not in Italy's case. Mussolini was a former Marxist. Fascism was a response to the developing world. Italy lacked a lot of industry and raw resources so they needed to revolutionise labour.

>> No.13051359

Industrial revolution: 1790
Communism (modern): Roux, 1790
Fascism: Louis Napoleon, 1851

Not really correct.