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/lit/ - Literature

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13044665 No.13044665 [Reply] [Original]

So what’s the verdict?

>> No.13044671

One of the greatest French novels and Camus was a genius.

>> No.13044677

One of the worst Argelian novels and Camus was a retard.

>> No.13044681

My dick is big and it keeps getting bigger, and that's because JESUS CHRIST is my nigger.

>> No.13044684

One of the most disgusting Belgian novels and Camus was a reverse albino

>> No.13044692

Camus, Albert. Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me. Awful.

>> No.13044729

Shut the fuck up

>> No.13044734
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Trump, is that you?

>> No.13044740
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This one is better

>> No.13044742


>> No.13044748
File: 34 KB, 286x475, 672725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is even better

>> No.13044753

I tried reading it and it was boring, wasn't going anywhere. I'm sure it's good but I think i'm content with reading the synopsis on Wikipedia.

>> No.13044761

It's quite shallow but a good introduction to the ideas and nice story. There is a single line that I remember of his still though:
>"There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn"

>> No.13044762

It only gets good after the murder

>> No.13044763

the wikipedia synopsis is probably as long as the book you fucking ADD zoomer

>> No.13044777

I think it has one of the best closing paragraphs in literature history.

>> No.13044782

trips confirm

>> No.13044805

The beginning is awesome though

>> No.13044853

The English should start with "Maman"

>> No.13044863


>> No.13044868
File: 148 KB, 817x1200, 20BA7B43-78EA-4FB5-AA0B-3CB4CA869B1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be OP
>Say something unironically absurd
Camus is remarkably brilliant, but, anon

>> No.13044876

Guilty. They fucking show the guy firing the gun.

>> No.13044885

I prefer the spiritual successor titled "Naked Came the Stranger."

>> No.13044908

name one better

>> No.13044918
File: 23 KB, 464x713, BE62473D-1BA2-44D6-92B4-B3A5D2EE36E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fall has the best closing paragraph in LITERATURE HISTORY YA FUCKING MARBLE

>> No.13044923

more like i fall down when i read that shit cus it’s so bad lmfao ownsd

>> No.13044939

Camus wrote it due to his panty droppage count, fucking housewives ruining marriages, denting bitches, folding them like car seats, soaking panties, getting sucked up the right way, it was an apology to his wife for fucking thots

>> No.13045600

my mommy died and i'm edgy waaah ablooablooo

>> No.13045856

What? You fucking vermin, you have to be 25 to post on this board

>> No.13045872

Both this and Siddhartha were two books that I didn't hate but I kept seeing people everywhere talking about how deeply it impacted them and felt like I missed out because they didn't really affect me at all or seem all too profound at all

>> No.13045930

Great book and a damnig portrayal of the court of public opinion.

>> No.13046081

i read this shitty book when i was a sophomore in high school

>> No.13046101

Correction to your typographical error Monsieur, you are still in High School you pussy

>> No.13046150

suck my dick i have a masters degree in linguistics you fucking sped

>> No.13046178

Good as an intro to his ideas, and has plenty of outstanding moments (the last paragraph is among the best in literature), but the prose is weak due to Camus trying to emulate American writing. The Fall is 100% better, and it's what truly cements Camus as a literary juggernaut, but due to its complexity one ought to be familiar with his other works first.

>> No.13046263
File: 69 KB, 600x480, 98156CC4-7EDB-4C20-A6C9-ADCE2550DD55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahaha useless fucking degree
Alright since you went there, Degree in architecture, philosophy and literature, pussy boy

>> No.13046269

>getting a degree in a field you could of invested in as a hobby

>> No.13046279

Oh man maybe one day you could translate famous philosophical work fucking cock snipe

>> No.13046350


Thoughts, anons? Trying to get better at writing commentary or criticism. All takes will be considered.

>> No.13046355

>suck my dick i have a masters degree in linguistics you fucking sped
Is this new pasta

>> No.13046396
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>> No.13046515

The verdict is that you are a samefag.

>> No.13046525

The version in the OP uses 'maman' instead of 'mother' though?

>> No.13046556

Can't tell how did the translation from the cover. But Matthew Ward's translation uses 'maman.'

>> No.13046706

i make 120k telling computers what a verb is
i got paid to take my degree, whatever
>linguistics == knowing multiple languages
you're a tard
fuck yeah spread it

>> No.13046722

The version in the OP is the Matthew Ward translation.

>> No.13046744
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>> No.13046788

great book

>> No.13046813
File: 161 KB, 1280x1280, EBA6E91F-FC6F-4E8F-88F1-D0468CA6918F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man stop hahahahahaha

>> No.13046841
File: 51 KB, 906x494, compling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah retard i know computers are doing it because i'm telling computers how to do it ffs can you read lmfao


>> No.13046846
File: 10 KB, 225x225, C1F0D790-3B63-4CC2-989D-63F6C1279F81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, you don’t have to prove a point, falling for bait, why are you so concerned with letting me know what you studied and what you earn annually?, want a friend?

>> No.13046865

im just responding to the tards who accused me of being a teenager, then accused me of having a useless degree m8

>> No.13046900
File: 850 KB, 1125x1620, F762638A-4506-453D-AA7E-3DE21714BCDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13046904

That’s him showing them his cool 4chan cumbacs

>> No.13046907

so fresh