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/lit/ - Literature

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1303833 No.1303833 [Reply] [Original]

Go on then. . .

>> No.1303837

frozen lobesters if unthawed can come back to life

>> No.1303838

OP is a faggot.

>> No.1303839
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Antarctica is the largest desert.

>> No.1303840

That's amazing!

>> No.1303842


fuck you that's what i was going to say

>> No.1303845

Men die with an erection. The mortician has to sew the penis to the inside of the thigh. For women, the mortician has to sew the nipples together, because boobs sag into the armpits.

>> No.1303848

You can legally keep a seagull as a pet, but you don't want to because they're too loud.

Bird law in this country isn't governed by reason.

>> No.1303849

The working title for Moby Dick was actually Whaling for Dummies. His publisher changed it without informing him.

>> No.1303854


Wow. I actually really like gulls, but yes, far too loud.

>> No.1303855

The Wright Brothers, a pair of uneducated bicycle sales and repairmen, built the first powered heavier-than-air flying machine in 3 years - a feat which had not been achievable for centuries, and even eluded their most advanced contemporaries until the Wrights did it.

>> No.1303856

There is no such thing as invention/creation of written works. All literature is "discovered."

>> No.1303859

The story of Cinderella first appears in a Chinese book written in the 850s.

>> No.1303860

>>1303855 again
And they did it all for under $1000, including travel expenses to their testing site.

>> No.1303869

chocolate companies are allowed to have 400 insect parts for every 8oz of chocolate

>> No.1303862 [DELETED] 

sea turtles can breath through their anuses

Wanna go toe to toe on bird law?


>> No.1303871



>> No.1303873

Emily Dickinson wrote over 1,800 poems. Only seven were published in her lifetime, all without her consent.

>> No.1303875
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>> No.1303876


So fucking lazy. Correct him then!

>> No.1303877

The OSS, which was the precursor to the CIA, once devised a plan during World War II to take bats--yes, bats, and strap small incendiary devices to their bodies. They would then collect them into crates and parachute them over Tokyo. These bats would then be released, roost in the eaves of the mostly wood-frame homes and detonate on a timer, burning the city to the ground.

>> No.1303880

The closest thing to a success before the Wrights was Langley's aerodrome, which was a colossal failure.

Some of their contemporaries achieved a sort of hopping flight, where the machine would bounce along the ground, but no one achieved full powered lift-off before the Wrights, though Bleriot followed shortly afterwards.

>> No.1303881

Agatha Christie is the top-selling English-language author of all time. Over 2,000,000,000 books sold.

>> No.1303883


(Only makes sense if you've seen the movie)

>> No.1303887


The RAF (or someone) had pigeons trained by a guy called Skinner to peck at a target on perspex to release grain. They were trained so that they could guide missiles. It was never used.

>> No.1303888

Only two elected US presidents have been bachelors: James Buchanan and Grover Cleveland. No non-Christian has ever entered the office, and only one non-protestant: JFK.

>> No.1303890

Shakespeare used around 29,000 different words in his plays. About 10,000 of those words had never previously been used in any surviving English literature. Around 6,000 words only appear once.

>> No.1303891


She is only beaten out by the Bible. She kicks Shakespeare's ass too since she wrote way more than he did.

>> No.1303892

" Playing a record? I'll show you something interesting. Compare a point on the label with a point on the record's outer edge. They both make a complete circule in the same amount of time, right? Yeah... but the point on the record's edge has to make a bigger circule in the same time, so it goes faster. See, two points on one disk move at two speeds, even though they both make the same revolutions per minute!

>> No.1303893




>> No.1303894

The little metal ball in aerosol paint cans is called a glacket

>> No.1303899

>no public non-christians

>> No.1303900



>> No.1303901

>The documentary evidence to support such a claim remains open to interpretation

>> No.1303902

In "Toy Story", the carpet designs in Sid's hallway is the same as the carpet designs in "The Shining."

>> No.1303903

>mfw I copy and pasta'd from a search engine and it misspelled circle

>> No.1303905



>> No.1303908

Ice Cube's real name is O'Shea Jackson.

>> No.1303909

There is a secret private club in New Orleans Square in Disneyland. The park has a liquor license exclusively for the club, and nowhere else within the park serves alcohol.

>> No.1303910

There are tiny mites which live in your eyebrows.

>> No.1303911

Shakespeare time!
Interesting, Important, Unusual and Weird Facts about William Shakespeare
Brief and concise info and fast facts which will answer some of your questions and provide fun and fast facts about William Shakespeare!

No one knows the actual birthday of Shakespeare! April 23rd has been generally used - the same day as St. George's Day, the Patron Saint of England

We do not really know what Shakespeare looked like! No portraits were painted of Shakespeare whilst he was still alive!

The majority of the plays of William Shakespeare were only published seven years after his death in a collection of works called the First Folio!

Many eminent Authors, Actors and Politicians do not believe that William Shakespeare wrote his plays including Mark Twain leading to the great Authorship debate

William Shakespeare's three children, Judith, Susanna and Hamnet were all illiterate!

Many of William Shakespeare life facts are unknown - these years are referred to as the 'Lost Years'

William Shakespeare and his company built TWO Globe Theatres!

>> No.1303912


I've heard about that. I heard it's pricey too. Jelly.

>> No.1303913


Scandals and Weird Facts about the life of William Shakespeare!

Many of William Shakespeare life facts are unknown - these years are referred to as the 'Lost Years'

William Shakespeare is rumoured to be the father of an illegitimate son called William Davenant!

Treason! William Shakespeare and the Globe Actors were implicated in the Essex Rebellion of 1601!

Treason! William Arden, a relative of Shakespeare's mother Mary Arden, was arrested for plotting against Queen Elizabeth 1, imprisoned in the Tower of London and executed!

Shakespeare's Father, John was a money lender! William was also involved in Money lending!

The wife of William Shakespeare, Anne Hathaway was 8 years older than William Shakespeare and three months pregnant when they married!

The husband of William Shakespeare's daughter Judith was Thomas Quiney who had made another girl pregnant and was prosecuted for 'carnal copulation'

In the Last Will and testament of William Shakespeare he left his wife his "second best bed"

>> No.1303914

i shit jelly beans

>> No.1303915

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are witren, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe

>> No.1303920

Every human has spent about half an hour as a single cell.

>> No.1303921

You can taste salt if you stick your tongue out, close your eyes, and pretend to pour salt on it

>> No.1303922

Taht's vrey instesretnig

>> No.1303923

Each month you fracture and often break one of your little toes without noticing it. Can't feel much down there so that's why you never experience any pain. This happens to a normal human being around twice a month.

>> No.1303924
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Very true.

Also, my fact:

Hagfish have 4 hearts and 2 brains. They exude ridiculous amounts of slime/mucus from their bodies when disturbed. They have no true skull. They are so retarded they can accidentally tie themselves in knots

>> No.1303925

I love doing that to people.

>> No.1303927


Humans also have two brains in the sense that the gut can function independently of the brain.

>> No.1303929
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>mfw two brains means two brains

>> No.1303930

Celery has a negative dietary energetic value. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.

>> No.1303931

It is possible, and in fact a medically recognized procedure, to cut the human brain in half down the middle. The surgery is performed as a response to extreme cases of epilepsy, and the patient rarely experiences any serious psychological side-effects.
Some people with split-brain report one of their arms moving or performing common activities without their knowledge or intention. People with split-brain also suffer from some perceptual problems, for example the inability to name anything that they can only see with their left eye.

It is also possible to completely remove one half of the brain from a small child. The brain is so plastic that the remaining half will still develop most of the functions that a normal adult brain would.

>> No.1303933

There is a starfish, that when you cut it, becomes many starfish.

Fishermen, before realizing this peculiarity, would chop the starfish tangled in their nets to pieces. Unfortunately, they would use the ocean to place the refuse, and the starfish simply grew back in even greater numbers.

>> No.1303935

Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey-decimal category.

>> No.1303937

The Neanderthal's brain was bigger than yours is.

>> No.1303941

Money isn't made out of paper, it's made out of cotton.

>> No.1303942

my bind is blown

>> No.1303945

I knew he wrote an ungodly amount but still:
mind = blown


Pennsylvania Dutch are really Germans. The people who live in PA when they arrived thought that "Deutsch" was Dutch.

>> No.1303946

We still don't know whether mathematics is being discovered or created.

>> No.1303951

Every other thread on the main page of /lit/ is shit. People spend too much time on trolls, kindles and homework.

>> No.1303952


citation needed

>> No.1303956


This makes me believe in magic. But then, that makes me think I'm an idiot.

>> No.1303957


Being discovered. Incompleteness theorem simply avoided a paradox inherent to closed systems, which explains why mathematics works.

Source: Godel, Hofstadter, every mathematician I've ever known

(if you are butthurt go ask /sci/)

>> No.1303959

J.R.R. Tolkien did, in fact, smoke large quantities of marijuana.

>> No.1303960

The longest film ever made is entitled "The Cure for Insomnia". It is 87 hours long, and would have to be split up onto 22 standard DVDs to distribute.

>> No.1303961

The condom - made originally of linen - was invented in the early 1500s.

>> No.1303966

The human mind likes to process straight lines which is why magicians and pickpockets move thier hands in arcs.

>> No.1303968


uhhh i think some of your info might be a little misguided.

If you divide the brain in half you are cutting into the corpus callosum, which acts as a bridge between the left and right sides of your brain. Completely cutting the brain in half would obviously break this bridge, which is why patients would then experience the symptoms you described.

To help with epilepsy holes are punched in the corpus callosum...it's not cut entirely.

>> No.1303969


Is that with or without the bonus features?

>> No.1303970

The ancient Egyptians reportedly used lemons as a crude diaphragm. The juice acted as a spermicide.

>> No.1303978


I didn't post the original fact, but I saw a documentary about the same thing. People living just fine with half a brain. I don't know how it was cut up though. . .

>> No.1303979


Bullshit they used intestines similar to modern sausage casings in ancient rome.

>> No.1303980

i love bathroom readers

>> No.1303985


Sitting on /lit/, taking a shit.

>> No.1303986


I like the fact that you call bullshit but you say nothing about a condom made of linen...

Also, sausage condom. LOL

>> No.1303991

It's not secret or exclusive. You can get reservations.

>> No.1303992

There is a shrimp which can see into the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum in addition to polarized light. It can also punch you at 50 mph underwater.

>> No.1303996

Modern variations on the Corpus Callosotomy usually don't involve completely completely severing the Corpus Callosom, though they may if symptoms persist. Information between the hemispheres of the brain is maintained by the anterior and posterior commissures, smaller bundles of white matter completely separate from the CC.

>> No.1304001
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27 percent of U.S. male college students believe life is "a meaningless existential hell."


>> No.1304005

A man was arrested and charged with the robbery of vending machines. The man posted bail, entirely in quarters.

>> No.1304009


Dude knows his brain cuts.

>> No.1304010


Uncle johns? those fuckers are addictive. I end up spending like a half hour in the bathroom.

>> No.1304013


This video makes me hate myself even more.

>> No.1304014

The telegraph plant of Asia has leaves that flutter constantly, even when there is no breeze.

>> No.1304022

The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.

>> No.1304027

Most of the atoms that you're composed of have been around for billions of years.

>> No.1304028

There is a very rare form of agnosia called the Capgras delusion, in which it becomes impossible to recognize familiar people.
People with Capgras' delusion frequently become paranoid, because the people around them look exactly like their loved ones, but for some reason are perceived as being someone else.

>> No.1304033

And if that shrimp was the size of an adult human, its punch would roughly equate to that of a battleship's main gun.

Mantis shrimp

>> No.1304034

The cells in your body are about ten years old maximum. It's like they hit the refresh button every so often, except your connection is shit and the page gets more and more confused.

>> No.1304036



>> No.1304039

The verb "cleave" is the only English word with two synonyms which are antonyms of each other: adhere and separate.

>> No.1304040


Matter cannot be created or destroyed, so isn't it all of them?

I hope that isn't a stupid question.

>> No.1304044

Elephants sometimes use their dicks as fifth legs, or flyswatters and belly scratchers. Vid link related


>> No.1304045

atoms are not the fundamental units of matter, moreover matter conservation isn't considered strictly true these days

>> No.1304050




>> No.1304052

whales evolved from wolves

>> No.1304054

A lot people think Phillip K. Dick was on hallucinogens when he wrote most of his book. In fact, PKD primarily abused prescription stimulants, and his more bizarre works of fiction actually draw from a psychotic break from reality that he suffered following some minor oral surgery.

>> No.1304057


You have to take into account nuclear reactions, alpha decay, beta decay and other reactions that can change the mass of atoms by a couple mass units. Of course most of our body is made up of relatively stable isotopes, so for the large this can be ignored.

>> No.1304060


That breakdown can be noticed in some of his books but in VALIS it becomes the entire plot. I fucking love that book.

It is now around 40AD. The empire never ended.

Oh, fuck yeah.

>> No.1304061


You win, that's mindblowing.

>> No.1304064

Charles Bukowski was a poet.

>> No.1304074


In certain types if bugs, the male inseminates the female by puncturing a hole in her abdomen. This is called Traumatic Insemination.

>> No.1304078

Actually George Washington's religion is highly disputed; that he believed in a higher being is not, as he was a Mason, but many scholars are of the opinion that he was a deist and not a Christian. Whatever the case may be, he was reticent to declare his believes, as he did not think them pertinent to his abilities as a statesman.

>> No.1304141

You are made up of stars and dinosaurs.

>> No.1304163

and you are a sunshine lolipop

>> No.1304170

George R.R. Martin might have accidentally invented the Wookie race from Star Wars.

Read about it here:

>> No.1304226
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Thanks! You too, my friend.

On an atomic level, most of the material you are made up of has been recycled through manifold structures and substances over the course of its existence. There is a unique history to every particle of your being that shifts and changes as you move throughout your life. Thus, it is actually quite likely that, at this very moment, you are made up of remenant stars and dinosaurs.


>> No.1304317

There are more neurons in the human brain than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

Also, the amygdala (an area of the brain that processes emotional reactions such as fear and anger) is slightly smaller in the brains of psychopaths / serial killers.

>> No.1304322

Stars are actually suns. - Still gets me every fuckin time.

Bottled water is, on average, 10,000 times more expensive than tap water.

>> No.1304331

Worlds population in 1950 was 2.5 billion.

>> No.1304339

If Facebook were a country, it would have the world's third largest population. China is first, India second, USA fourth.

>> No.1304383

Nobody in the Middle Ages actually thoughts Earth was flat.

Colombus actually thought Earth was pear-shaped instead of round.

>> No.1304388

>Bottled water is, on average, 10,000 times more expensive than tap water.
Tap water is $0.
Bottled water
0 x 10,000
u mad?

>> No.1304399

Basement dweller who has never payed for utilities detected.

>> No.1304400


>> No.1304412

Star Wars is based a great deal on a French Science Fiction comic book.

>> No.1304426 [DELETED] 
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Only 5% of men can pleasure themselves. Im not one of them :(

>> No.1304430
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Only 0.5% of men can pleasure themselves orally. Im not one of them

>> No.1304433

My brother can. He's got Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome though. Degenerative joint disease, makes you really flexible - and really fragile. It's a trade off.

>> No.1304455

-In India it is cheaper to buy a prostitue than a condom
-A googleplex (google to the power of google) is so vast that there are not enough atoms in the universe to physically right it out
- Ninetendo started out as a playing card company
-Shakespere was a very talented writer: each line that finsihes a charecter's dialouge is different becasue actors of his time were only presented their lines (on parchments known as 'roles') and the single line of the actor before him. For example an actor playing Romeo in Romeo and Juliet would only recieve the lines for Romeo and the last line of Juliet's dialouge, meaning he would have to memorise other charecter's lines to know when to speak.
- Columbus set out to find China when he looked discovered America
- Paper burns at 450 degrees fahrenheit rather than 451
-Carl Sagan noted an increased fondness for eating potatoes when smoking marujina
-J.R.R. Tolkein never intended for the Silmarian to be published
- Here's an anagram: To be or not to be: that is the question, whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune./In one of the Bard's best-thought-of tragedies, our insistent hero, Hamlet, queries on two fronts about how life turns rotten.

>> No.1304468


I could when I was young.

>> No.1304474

Is that you, Peter Watts?

>> No.1304493

The first contraceptives were used by the egyptians. crocodile dung.

>> No.1304822
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>> No.1304825

croc shit in pUsSy is my thing. I wish I lived in the land of Ra.

>> No.1304829


I certainly wouldn't fuck anyone who smelled like crocodile dung.

>> No.1304833

>wouldn't fuck a crocshit pUsSy
>repressed puritan

>> No.1304839

>J.R.R. Tolkein never intended for the Silmarian to be published

As far as I know, it still hasn't.

Care to enlighten us about this mysterious tome?

>> No.1304852

The largest number is called Graham's Number. It's so big that all we know about it is that it probably ends in 7.

>> No.1304857


After looking on Wikipedie it says we actually know the last ten digits. 2464195387

It doesn't really have the same mystery edge to it now. Oh well.

>> No.1304862

Andy Dick killed Phil Hartman

>> No.1304869

Billy Connolly doesnt write anything down. He goes out on stage and has a one sided "chat" with the audience. The man is a genius.

>> No.1304895

He obviously just didn't know how to spell silmarillion

>> No.1304899


It's not the largest number (there is no largest number), but a large number for a specific problem.

>> No.1304907


Yeah, I'm no mathematician, I should have chosen my words more carefully. I just thought it was really interesting. I heard about it in a BBC documentary about infinity.

>> No.1304930


Tap water is likely to contain traces of mercury and fluoride, both of which are debated in their potential detrimental effects.

Bottled water is likely to contain Bisphenol A (BPA). "Bisphenol A is an endocrine disruptor, which can mimic the body's own hormones and may lead to negative health effects."

Unless i'm mistaken, BPA can also be found with canned goods, among other things.

>> No.1304945
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>> No.1304959

It's spelled googolplex, bro.

>> No.1304964

I masturbate approx 1,2 times a day

>> No.1304965
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>> No.1304975

in fact I just happen masturbating right now

>> No.1304983


I just finished, myself.

>> No.1304990

Is that one to two or tweleve with a comma by mistake?

>> No.1305030

I go to an Ivy League school and have gotten an A in every Writing/English class I've taken.

U mad?

>> No.1305039


Yes. I went to therapy for over two years.

>> No.1305052

Did you know that Harvard professors are not allowed to give their students anything less than a B for their final grade?

You may fail every test, but you will graduate from harvard with a B.

>> No.1305066

>an A
Fail. That would be a 100 or 4.0 once you get out high school, brah.

>> No.1305140

there's no way that's true