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13036840 No.13036840 [Reply] [Original]

>What are your favourite books that visit other dimensions?

Monthly Reading for May: There Are Doors by Gene Wolfe

Monthly Reading books: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ZwgDZVXB-nLqjbgcqgntZDyTddd0eqP


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


>> No.13036845
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While this is beautifully written, I'm really not enjoying it as much as I thought I might.

>> No.13036856
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It have been decided!

>> No.13036859
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Anyone hype for her latest novel?

>> No.13036873

stop posting this please

>> No.13036951
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>> No.13036974

I tried to read this and Last and First Men and couldn't get through more than 30 pages of either.

>> No.13036981
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Anyone here read real fantasy?

>> No.13037058

Read those as a kid, then re-read them a while back. They hold up surprisingly well.

>> No.13037077
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Fantasy is objectively superior to "science" fiction

>> No.13037101

Especially Cornish fantasy

>> No.13037119

What are some fantasy books with themes like humanity reaching the end of its evolutionary road and declining, or humanity collectively losing its will to live.

>> No.13037222


Oh aye, "I put on my robe and taker out my magic rod".

Some people like one, some people like the other, most people are capable of enjoying both without feeling the need to be a pretentious dick about it.

>> No.13037238


You sound like one of those sad fucks who is all like "X genre of music is objectively better than Y type of music and Z type of music is unrepentant trash".

Most people like that aren't worth the time of day, obnoxious twats.

>> No.13037263

Why are you tards getting baited?

>> No.13037293

Because they're WRONG. On the INTERNETS.

>> No.13037364

>seek the flying sword is now done

What will life be like without new chapters to look forward to?

>> No.13037482

What is some COMPLETED xianxia that is not ABSURDLY LENGTHY?

>> No.13037541


Those are only interesting themes to materialistic atheists.


Triggered star trek fan defected.

>> No.13037556

Those are events, not themes
>stop having opinions REEEE

>> No.13037588

How are Elizabeth Moons works?

>> No.13037597
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“Iron or glass? they'd ask.
She was neither.
She was steel.”

>> No.13037641

The cover (lotr movie cover tier book) makes it look as if it has lotr vibes. Don't want to touch it.

>> No.13037648

When will you be doing 31th or 31rd again, reading anon?

>> No.13037654

Solid but unremarkable. I can't think of anything bad about her stuff except I'm not going to rush out and buy any new book.

>> No.13037661

But the length is the best part, so you get a full story with zero bloat

>> No.13037662

Opinions are, by definition, subjective. When that anon added the word ‘objectively’ to his post, he gave up his right to hide behind ‘opinion’ as a defence.
>literally judging a book by its cover

>> No.13037736

>>stop having opinions REEEE
You can't say it's an opinion if you use the word "objectively".
An objective statement would be, "if the animal known as human were to be deprived of imbibing oxygen for an extended period of time, they would cease to live".

>> No.13037759

>literally judging a book by its cover
Unlike back in the day, you can safely judge recent books by their covers. It usually tells of something that is occurring in the novel.
Not in the mood for "the three adventures standing badass like holding weapons on the cover", thank you. Especially when one of them gives me lotr flashbacks.

>> No.13037852

>literally judging a book by its cover
Literally what they're for.

>> No.13037919

Stainless or mild they asked?

>> No.13037948

It's nothing like Lord of the Rings. Apart from them both being epic fantasies.

>> No.13037958

Is this author the /tv/ equivalent of Brie Larson (i.e. she triggers the incels nonstop)?

>> No.13037963

But it's also a horror novel, just in an epic fantasy setting.

>> No.13037967

There's no triggering. Just one dedicated troll.

>> No.13038027

She’s just a plump housewife who writes ya shlock. Just one absurdly dedicated autist shilling her here.

>> No.13038051


>> No.13038102

>absurdly lengthy = zero bloat
In what fucking universe

>> No.13038106

I have been meaning to ask: are you the same anon?

>> No.13038127
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What does it rate on the GRI APPROVED index?

>> No.13038128

No. I haven't even read Maass
Should I?

>> No.13038131

Sex addict woman POV and cultists impaling sacrifices on a giant stone dick. All I remember before I dropped it. So it’s got some gay and rape in it.

>> No.13038140

Why is it that pol and women like to use buzzwords so much? First it was a bean plant that has many industrial uses, now it's the rehashing and revamping of the "virgin" insult.
They give themselves away so easily. It's like they can't control themselves and have to make an outburst.

>> No.13038141

Bloat = stupid writing or multiple points of view,

>> No.13038147

I bet you're the wandering inn anon. What other lengthy bloated books you think is worth reading?

>> No.13038155

Anon I....

>> No.13038159

>before I dropped it.
Wtf. Why are you shilling a book you dropped? I was going to pick it up.

>> No.13038169

They both have their merits and I like to alternate between the two depending on my mood

>> No.13038174

Different anon baka

>> No.13038191
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Anyone know any good /k/-tier sci-fi that doesn't revolve around the military? Police stuff or gang stuff, anything with good street level shootouts really, a few sprinkles of gun autism don't hurt either.
Already read Neuromancer and Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep.

>> No.13038213

So is that retard claiming ASOIAF's worldbuilding is bad using capslock gone? Damn he had no fucking idea about why GRRM's characters are so good, and that's because of how they connect with the world.

>> No.13038255

Altered Carbon series has shootouts and every book some gun-buying scene. And it was interesting enough.

>> No.13038342

/sffg/, im probably not going to work this into my story, but would it stretch suspension of disbelief if one of my characters used grenades rocket candy (an ameteur solid-state rocket fuel made of sugar and saltpeter). they would require an ignition source in real life, but I don't have a good idea that doesn't sound stupider than this already does

>> No.13038350

>*grenades made of

>> No.13038382

I was about to say that that looks like a very /k/ gif. I'm J N Morgan, wrote a book dedicated to /k/, a little novelette called Firearm Valhalla set vaguely in the future and has a lot of firearms involves. I call it my 'gun porn' book, inspired a decent bit by STALKER: Call of Pripyat at least in terms of the firearm selection (primarily with the Misery and The Armed Zone mods), and there's also a character named Ivan.

There's also my 5-novel zombie survival series; Living Amongst the Dead. Not quite as many different firearms but lots of firearm terminology. The protagonist has a Lee Hand Press and dyes in his backpack so he can pull the bullets of ammo he might come across but don't have a firearm for, and then use the powder in his own ammunition. I did my best to maintain consistency in terms of how much powder he has and how many primers. Didn't want it to be just some untold amount that can basically give him infinite ammo provided he keeps finding more, and I was also very thorough from the beginning to track how much ammo he has from book to book. Primarily uses his bayonet to dispatch walkers that he can't avoid, which saves ammo.

There's other books I've self-published but they're mostly erotica, drama, and a couple non-fictions including my own take on the concept of 'arming teachers who are capable with firearms'. The title of that is kinda long, "For the Safety of our Students and the Security of our Future" or something like that. Anyhow, you can find my stuff on Amazon/Kindle if you're interested, in fact many of my books are available to read for free on Kindle Unlimited. Just search 'J N Morgan'.

>> No.13038388
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Sci Fi boring as shit.

The only good thing close to that genre is Space Opera, because it's basically Fantasy in space.

Fantasy dicks on Sci Fi and you all know it.

>> No.13038488

Fred the Great? If he had one arm I'd have guessed Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson, what with the ship in the background. Oh, though it looks to have an American flag. Interesting.

>> No.13038548

>Space Opera
W e w

>> No.13038570

I'm not dropping it. Going to read it to the end. Other anon is a fag.

>> No.13038595
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>> No.13038614

Pretty sure that's just some British colonialist

>> No.13038615

You need to read a lot more Dick.

>> No.13038622
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Thanks anons, I'll check them out

>> No.13038625


>> No.13038632

I can't remember the last time a read sci-fi novel so is there xianxia in space? I don't want some deep metaphorical meaning of life and downfall of mankind tryhard bullshit

>> No.13038635

How to make gun battles interesting? They finish so quickly compared to sword fights...

>> No.13038639

What's a good jumping off point for Dick's work (other than Electric Sheep of course)?
Flow My Tears? A Scanner Darkly?

>> No.13038726
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It a completely different animal than a sword fight and you have to treat it as such.
Gun fights have to feel deadly, very deadly, like any action a character takes could kill him in half a second no matter how skilled he is, the single most important aspect of a good gunfight is tension in my opinion; and while sword fights rely on face to face fights with the enemy a good gunfight should involve not actually knowing exactly where the enemy is at all times, the tension in your opponent being more of a looming presence just out of sight.

>> No.13038742
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I'm actually enjoying Runelords so far, really makes me want to start playing D&D again.

>> No.13038761

Pretty sure sword fights finish quickly once you're close enough to hit one another.

>> No.13038778

I'm reading actual D&D novels, Daughter of the Drow is really comfy.

>> No.13038801

I actually think I've learned. However with a slight lisp 31th does not sound that wrong so it might still happen.

>> No.13038808

Seems hard to keep the tension when writing desu.

>> No.13038821

Is Altered Carbon the tv show worth watching?

>> No.13038834

It's definitely not something every author can do, Unknown Soldiers did it great in my opinion.

>> No.13038842

Yes. It has a lot of differences compared to the book but none that detract for it overall.

>> No.13038875
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yo how's this book, it's got thieves in it

>> No.13038891

Finish quickly? Battles can go on for quite some time. Not only that but Beaumont Hamel comes to mind, well it probably goes with many WWI battles but some soldiers end up wounded or too pinned-down behind cover to do anything. If they survive until nightfall, they then have the terrifying process of trying to stealthily crawl back to their line under cover of darkness. Possibly while wounded. Then there's the 'Canadian Goodnight Kiss' that I heard of in College; Canadian soldiers crept into the German trenches at night and sliced some throats. If they're successful, they'll also sneak back to their own trench without others noticing. The next morning, Franz and Hanz would wake up to find some kamerads nearby, dead, likely with their eyes wide open in terror and utterly covered in blood if I had to guess.

There's a lot of different ways to go about an attack. There could also be a long-term and tense sniper battle, like those seen in the movie Enemy at the Gates (which inspired me to buy that M91/30 with the replica PU scope). I recall a scene in Sharpe's Trafalgar, in which redcoat infantryman Richard Sharpe finds himself on a ship during the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Lots of combat, ship-to-ship musketry shooting, boarding enemy vessels, at one point a loose orange rolls over to him and he realizes how thirsty he is and how his tongue is salty from gunpowder, having been biting paper cartridges to reload. He bashes the orange with the butt of his Baker Rifle and eats some of the slivers, I think also offering a piece to a fellow nearby.

Just use your imagination if you want long 'gun battles' as you put them. I recall one in Living Amongst the Dead: On the Road Again. There was some fairly close-range stuff, one character using a pistol due to having an injured right arm, a bit of house-to-house shooting I think, and one long-range situation that actually ends up including the element of bullet drop at a distance. That was a pretty fun scene to write, as I recall. Good ol' SKS.

>> No.13038917
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>I'm reading actual D&D novels, Daughter of the Drow is really comfy.
The only Forgotten Realms books I've read are some of the Drizzt ones, are others as comfy as Driz?

>> No.13038938

I don't understand why colour of magic is under starter novel but the author apparently says you should skip ahead to sourcery?

>> No.13038997

It's the first novel, and in particular the first Rincewind novel. But it and Light Fantastic aren't particularly good or representative of the rest of the series.

>> No.13039032

What are some fun fantasy novels that utilize the traits of different fantasy races, especially in combination with each other? For example, I like what Vince's people do in Wild Wastes, i.e. putting dwarf-made heavy armor and giant tower shields on ogres and having them fight in a phalanx or function as a protective wall for frail elven mages while they prepare long cast time spells, or putting the ratfolks to their many uses.

>> No.13039060

Lord of the rings

>> No.13039073

whats a good place to start then?

>> No.13039113

I guess it qualifies, anything else?

>> No.13039122

ignore the incels, her books are pure kino with cute fae waifus

>> No.13039127

What's so cute about them?

>> No.13039129

Guards! Guards! is the usual response, but pick what strokes your fancy.

>> No.13039148
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Less than a week left boys.

>> No.13039160

is the dragonborne chair good

>> No.13039165

If you like being cucked, yes.

>> No.13039173

It's alright, nothing super groundbreaking, but it's a pretty solid look at a kind of post-Arthurian world
Don't remind me. Miriamele doesn't deserve Simon.

>> No.13039176

Loved That series when I was young.

>> No.13039182

Have sex.

>> No.13039230


>> No.13039234

How do yall niggas personally account for the Fermi paradox?

I don't mean in your writing, I mean what's your real hunch about the "where is everybody" problem.

>> No.13039240

Swing Shift is moving towards release. It's our Paranormal Urban novel.

Here's the blurb:

>Reports to write, forms to fill, coffee to drink, leads to run down.

>Gus’s life was a tedium and boredom he’d grown comfortable with. One that he sought out after he’d come back from his tour of duty.

>A Detective in the Paranormal Investigations Department.

>A job he could work day in and day out in relative peace.

>One cold and forgotten cup of coffee at a time.

>It was an environment that made some sense to him. At least in comparison to civilian life where almost nothing did

>On top of that, it gave him a chance to hide what he was from the rest of the world.
>An apex predator that made the entirety of the Paranormal world fear him. His very species was often killed as soon as they were found out.

>By government and citizen alike

>He’s a Boogieman.

>A name that made humans laugh, and vampires curse. It was a strange life to be sure.

>Now though, Gus’s stable non-life is about to be kicked over. Whether he likes it or not, he’s about to be handed a case that’s going to mess up his already screwed up life.

Not feeling it senpai.

>> No.13039247

Too far away.

>> No.13039268

The New Achilles by Christian Cameron still isn't out on mobilism yet. I may end up buying it.

>> No.13039269

something exists, no smoke without fire, all those UFO sightings aren't false
now back to reading Rothfuss

>> No.13039282

dresden files by william. oh boy.

>> No.13039292

>Too far away.
And to add to that wormholes, "warp" etc. are nonsensical fantasies.

>> No.13039307
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I thought the first book in the Black company was a bit boring and slow going at the start, but it picked up at the end so I decided to try the next one. This one was really good, I really liked Shed and how your perception of him changes over the course of the book. Definitely going to finish the books of the north, probability will return to the others another time.

>> No.13039321

So at least it the waifus won't all be killed off to make the hardboiled protagonist suffer?

>> No.13039343
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>copies Iron Man's arc reactor, Steve Rogers' likeness and his shield
nothing personnel kid

>> No.13039382

Fábula, Ficción y terror. Obras de Lovecraft




>> No.13039399

Thanks, hope you enjoy them! I'll give a link to a free ebook novella, though it's a drama and only has one or two scenes with firearms as I recall. Pretty emotional and intense stuff, kind of a tragedy.


Also, I've officially changed the title on Amazon/Kindle to simply 'Another One Please'. The former 'Another One Please, to Dull the Pain' title was quite melodramatic. I wrote this thing in like 5 days or something like that, just over 2 years ago. It was a very intense time in my life.

>> No.13039438

I’ve liked every book he’s done, even if remnant moves way too fast for my liking. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.13039534

I only know one person of the Stainless variety
and he's a rat

>> No.13039581

You're delusional, there's no women here.

>> No.13039586

When and why exactly did people start using this without the d?

>> No.13039596

sounds and looks gay

>> No.13039608
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I'm looking for something a little more relaxed and worldbuilding/environment focused than most of the epic fantasy series - sort of like what the Ghibli movies are to most anime.
Preferably something warm and sunny. I read the Inda series, and it fit the bill pretty well - lots of boats and seaside cities.

>> No.13039630

Self hating women are the worst.

>> No.13039652

The Dispossed has really great world building and the plot moves quite gently

>> No.13039660
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>> No.13039681

You are literally delusional mate. Women don't give incels like you a second of their day in real life, why would they give to you online? Arrogant and delusional.

>> No.13039684
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You mean The Dispossessed by LeGuin?

>> No.13039686

>post-Arthurian world
What's that?

>> No.13039689
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Should I just give in and Start reading the malazhan series?

I'm halfway through the 1st book and I'm actually enjoying it.

I'm just afraid it will be like the Wheel of Time

>> No.13039702

It's a slog and it's shit. Random shit just keeps happening. He just keeps adding different stooges for the chained one. Each subsequent book starts to feel like a Saturday morning cartoon desu.

>> No.13039709

By "he" I mean the author.

>> No.13039716
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Will he finish the books?

>> No.13039725

>give in and Start reading
>halfway through the 1st book
sounds like you already made your decision
the first half of the first book is one of the weaker parts of the series, if you enjoyed it so far it only improves further on

>> No.13039726

I think you are confused.

>> No.13039736

Depends on what you didn't like about Wheel of Time, but there aren't too many similarities between the two.
It's personally my favorite series of all time, but I understand why some people don't like it. There are some caveats.
>first 2 books are pretty slow, and mostly just provide minor setup
>the author is a anthropology professor, and there are a few historian characters that will give random lectures on the subject
>similarly, the prologues are often in depth explorations of the culture and history of some of the races and can be skipped
I never thought that stuff distracted too much from the story, though.
If you're enjoying the first book, though, you will probably enjoy the rest of it. If you get bored, skip to the third book.

>> No.13039757

>Depends on what you didn't like about Wheel of Time

What I mostly hated about the Wheel of Time was the feeling that absolutely nothing happened until the end of each book.
I felt like I was reading the same book over and over again as I moved along each book. They were always on the road.
It's hard to exactly put my finger on it, but it just felt like Lord of the Rings fan-fiction to me.

>> No.13039764

honestly, it would be completely in-character for dresden, but I don't think harry really is knocking off marvel characters. the closest thing he has to a marvel knockoff device is his shield bracelet, which is more like Black Panther's necklace than Cap's shield

>> No.13039770

no. his problem is that he just keeps expanding and expanding and expanding the world and its characters and isnt capable of tying it all together

>> No.13039775

>Each subsequent books starts to feel like a Saturday morning cartoon
I don't even know what this is supposed to mean.
I can only assume you lost track of what was going on in the story if you assumed everything was random, it certainly doesn't hold your hand or repeat things like most series.

Well, my response to this guy should answer your question. I know exactly what you mean, though - half of every book in WoT is spent repeating and re-explaining things that happened in the last one, it's like reading each book twice. Malazan is definitely the opposite in that regard.

>> No.13039780

is there any science fiction in which religion plays a central role? especially christianity? i've already read the canticle for leibowitz,

>> No.13039791

The first book is the best book out of the 10.

>> No.13039792
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I always think of /k/ when I see this book.

>> No.13039797

Agreed. It's litrpg smut for /k/

>> No.13039801


>> No.13039827

The Sparrow.

>> No.13039847

everyone has their own opinion on the ranking of each book in the series, but generally GoTM is ranked lower than most of the other books
I liked it better overall than the following book Deadhouse Gates but I know that's not an opinion the majority of readers would hold

>> No.13039855

/sffg/, would you immediately drop a book if it looked the monsters dropped mana orbs?

I'm not doing litrpg, but there's an element there that plays out sort of similarly

>> No.13039877


>> No.13039882

What's your first sentence?

>> No.13039899

>Lasea groaned, and the mana orbs dropped from her like dung from an ox.

>> No.13039904

anon, please don't do that

I'm not up to the mana part yet

>> No.13039916


>> No.13040022
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>Within the game, weapons take on human shape.
>enter a world of guns, violence, profanity, fast cars, pretty girls, and a hot mess of sexual content.
>Have we mentioned harems, yet? Every Meister gets one.
This book was written by a /k/ommando, wasn't it?

>> No.13040039

You know that is fanart right?
Dresden was out before the ironman movies. And a glowing pendant that reacts to demons can't be from the ironman comics.
Read the fucking book because you shit out your ass. You're probably underage b& too.

>> No.13040070

Preddy gud.

I read mana books (magic, litrpg, etc) so unless your writing is complete shit, I would probably read it.
But some advice from a readfag. Don't have the orbs "drop" from monsters. Make your characters harvest the orbs after they kill the monster. Like a mana sack. Some organ that stores and compresses the mana the animal absorbs. Make it like hunting. Your kill the best, you harvest the usuable bits, meat, skin, fur, orbs.

>> No.13040082

Can someone tell me what happened to the MEGA links?

>> No.13040084
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>Go to bookstores and look around for a good while to get ideas on what to read next
>Leave without buying a single thing
>Buy the books online for less than a third of the price

>> No.13040103

I thought so. You literally have to fuck your gun to make it happy.
It's like those anime where, when you squeeze the gun trigger, the gun orgasms.

>> No.13040109

I only reconize arbies, McDonalds and Burger King, sticking knives at her.

>> No.13040146

>look at books online
>buy them online

>> No.13040168

I actually had a specific reason why mana orbs drop. I have a whole detailed explanation for what mana is but the key thing is that mana is attracted to life, especially sentient life, like a magnet. Kill something with mana and the mana will fly to the nearest source of life. However, mana rapidly crystalizes the air around it into an insulating shell, so it usually won't travel more than a meter after the death of the host, meaning a bunch of crystals will suddenly scatter on the ground the minute you kill something magic unless you're close enough to absorb it

>> No.13040229

>I actually had a specific reason why mana orbs drop. I have a whole detailed explanation for what mana is but the key thing is that mana is attracted to life, especially sentient life, like a magnet.
>Lasea groaned her last breath, and the mana orbs dropped from her like dung from an ox.

>> No.13040344

I didn't like those as much as I enjoyed Time Out of Joint and The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch.

>> No.13040357

I decide whether I'm going to read the book based off of the first sentence

>> No.13040360

Good, that means he writes a realistic story. I don't him to tie the story like Sanderson ties his shitty animes, with things happening just because.

>> No.13040426

>endings are bad

>> No.13040439

>it's okay just give me a shit ending

>> No.13040623

Well, I finally read Redshirts.
I can never quite verbalize what redditcore means, but I know when I read it...

>> No.13040639

>Good, that means he writes a realistic story.
You are very stupid.

>> No.13040666

Scalzi is reddit incarnate. The three most shitty stories on Love, Death & Robots are his.

>> No.13040688
File: 1.14 MB, 852x854, 1462148318738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Three Robots, When The Yogurt Took Over, and Alternate Histories
Jesus, what a hack.

>> No.13040730

>Definitely going to finish the books of the north
thats also a good place to stop, quality drops

>> No.13040737

its more like D&D Black company than wheel of time. worth it imo

>> No.13040742

hyperion and especially endymion. endymion is basically catholic church in space. also Dune with the golden path

>> No.13040744
File: 36 KB, 310x499, 51puq3t1diL._SX308_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never getting the last book in this series sure hurts.

>> No.13040748

1 is guilt of failing to explain enough. the 2nd seems to be a fan favorite, especially the chain of dogs

>> No.13040766

The magical world tree

>> No.13040783

its impossible to not like coltaine. The most critically underused character.

>> No.13040815

The Eschaton Sequence. The number of things you can apparently convert to Catholicism is astounding.

>> No.13040855

are there any scifi or fantasy books about a regular guy living a regular life, albeit in a harsh/strange world. maybe theres some big evil around, but the MC never really does anything against it and just provides social commentary on the actual heroes and shit that are fighting it

>> No.13041073

The Book Of Strange New Things by Michel Faber. A corporation colonises an exoplanet Avatar-style and makes contact with the natives, these weird nomadic desert aliens. The aliens learn about Jesus and become obsessed with him, especially with trying to work out why Jesus/God have visited humanity but left them behind. As part of the deal to get their sweet, sweet unobtanium the corporation brings a missionary to the world to teach them to be Christians, and the story is his account of mixing with and teaching the aliens while dealing with his separation from Earth.

You need to suspend your disbelief a little, because Faber isn't really a sci-fi writer and he skims over anything science-related that is too inconvenient to the story (like how all the aliens speak good English, or how the FTL system works.) Apart from that, it's a solid examination of faith and Christianity in a sci-fi setting.

>> No.13041100

Endymion is awful

>> No.13041125

Some of the POVs in Wheel of Time are like this, but it's <5%

>> No.13041230

Oof right in the childhood. I remember having some kind of picture book with illustrations and explanations of the various settings and monsters encountered in each book.

>> No.13041247

Are there *any* good books with a dragon MC? And yes, I mean main character. Not sidekick, not mentor, not respectable villain, but actually the protagonist of the story whom plot events center around.

>> No.13041365

I remember something on amazon with a dragon protag that had really good reviews. Probably some "YA" fantasy. If that doesn't bother you I could click around until it maybe pops up otherwise I won't waste my time

>> No.13041462
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I'd very much appreciate the effort, anon. Just be sure it's not that series by E.E. Knight. That one was awful. Temeraire is pretty good but I wouldn't call the dragon in that one the "main" character.

>> No.13041547

I only remembered the cover art and I assume that the dragon humanoid thing is the MC. So I guess it's not really a dragon. oh well. Good luck finding a legit dragon MC.

>> No.13041589

He’s a lizardman not a dragon but a decent enough series

>> No.13041621

have you read it? is it good?

>> No.13041652

>Christian Cameron
>no mommy not the belt!

>> No.13041668

>Lasea groaned her last breath, and the mana orbs dropped from her like the shit from her arse
Saved your career for you

>> No.13041679

It’s decent. Lots of suffering fuel with a bit of cuckshit thrown in. It’s almost comedic how “and then the shitty humans try to betray the foreign lizard man” happens in almost every book. So Id say it’s predictable, but fun.

>> No.13041748

Haven't read Drizzt for comparison, only recently started reading some forgotten realms to take a break in between longer series. Seems like a bit of a crapshoot picking things out, I'm curious about what's good relative to each other among them too. Only read Daughter of the Drow and Elfshadow, and I like the drow one better out of those two, reading the 2nd one in that trilogy now.

>> No.13041775

No, that whole trilogy is derivative tedium. It's like he wrote by throwing darts at a wall plastered with fantasy cliches and stitched a story out of them. The Last King of Osten Ard was pretty good though.

>> No.13041793

Thanks George!

>> No.13041895

Monthly Reading anon here, I'll be afk for a while and will miss one or possibly two threads.

>> No.13042317

If I think of it, I'll repost the reading in the new threads until you get back.

>> No.13042351

thanks. God bless

>> No.13042373

I'm not anyone that you linked, but God bless you as well.

>> No.13042403

God bless you too

>> No.13042483 [DELETED] 

its out

>> No.13042549

What MEGA links? I don't remember this general ever having having any mega links in the op.

>> No.13042561

a few threads ago or so some anon posted a mega folder with pretty much everything relevant to this general. im pretty sure he was refering to this foder: https://mega.nz/#F!51Q0waSI!4Ut-eePQr9YSjHJJTQs7Ew

>> No.13042565

Almost as much of a retard as the brainlets that actually pay for books whose authors are dead.

>> No.13042570
File: 164 KB, 900x900, seath the scale-less.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good female authors
>good black authors
>bot folders are empty
my sides

>> No.13042586

oh yeah, it was the 20,000 books anon that posted it.

>> No.13042597

Blue mage raised by dragons. And if you feel he isn't a dragon, tell that to his mother's face.

>> No.13042612

It was never in the OP.

>> No.13042629

There's a handful of good female authors and they're all dead (and no; LeGuin is NOT on that list). As for black authors the only one I can think of is Charles Saunders who created a Black Conan and wrote decent enough Sword & Sorcery in an African fantasy setting.

>> No.13042638

Monthly reading download link updated with the book for May.

>> No.13042857

There was a MEGA with basically every book written by every golden age scifi/ fantasy author of note, it was fantastic. If it wasn't on this thread then I can't think where it could be.

>> No.13042866

This is decent tho. Thanks, man.

>> No.13042946

What are you waiting for then faggit? Whining about it isn't going to bring it back, it's gone forever.
Time for you to remake a similar mega folder. Google a list of all notable golden age sff writers, input their names into mobilism, libgen and b-ok, download all their works and upload them to a mega folder.

>> No.13042983
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Lois McMaster Bujold and CS Friedman are both alive though.

Yeah, the little dude on the cover bones the big one

>> No.13043000

I know there was. But. It. Was. Never. In. The. OP.
Don't reply to the OP like it was posted there regularly.

>> No.13043013

Check /t/ faggot. Then kys for not storing shit.

>> No.13043037

David Farland is partly responsible for the degradation of fantasy. He mentored Sanderson back in the day.

>> No.13043069


Thanks Anon!

>> No.13043092

Sort of. It looks fantastic throughout and starts off really well but the writing really falters as the series progresses. If you're the type that hates inconsistencies, plot holes and idiot plots you're going to be irritated.

>> No.13043119
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I liked this one, but I was already a big fan of the animated film. Gordon Dickson is a decent writer regardless, so you're probably safe.

>> No.13043284

>dat pic

>> No.13043361

You just know

>> No.13043392

Why has fantasy degraded?

>> No.13043782


Lord of the Rings.

>> No.13043797


It's bloated and slow.

>> No.13044135

What's everyone reading?

>> No.13044146

Cap had a virtual shield bracelet back in the 90s.

>> No.13044183

>tying your magical spells to an item was done since ironman and captain america V10 in the 90's

>> No.13044262

>are others as comfy as Driz?
Yes,specially the ones from the 90s,in the early 2000s they started to be more edgy but they still pretty fun.

>> No.13044338
File: 67 KB, 387x580, wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good fantasy novels that have strong characters which are magic users? Wizards, mages, necromancers, etc.

>> No.13044339
File: 9 KB, 459x377, constipated black man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suck it up and grab a download of Desolate Era for funsies
>only one easily available is a full, complete anthology which is fine
>read a few pages and see how long the entire thing is
>112 hours
are you niggers fucking serious
>that faggot who said xianxia doesn't have bloat

>> No.13044374

>easily available
add a 'download' to the end of that, whoops

>> No.13044390
File: 263 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190428-013213_WhatsApp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord of the rings, Eragon

>> No.13044399

Wow i never heard of those before,thanks anon,very cool!

>> No.13044464

Dread Empire by Glen Cook

>> No.13044512

I recently finished The Wandering Inn, 110 hours, every one was worth it. I don't know about you, but I love when a series I like has tons of reading material because I like to read

>> No.13044577

Rhialto the Marvelous

>> No.13044632

Pretty much.

Found some Xuanhuan stories and they have homoerotic love stories. But they kind of rely on the leads being bullied by some system to act in character.

So it feels meta in some spots, but it does feel a little weird. One line involves making fun of a female side character for being the type to always get kidnapped or in peril.

>> No.13044711
File: 398 KB, 500x467, Just nuke my shit up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is amazon published stuff usually a hidden gem or so shit that's it's pretty obvious why no one would publish it?

>> No.13044768
File: 37 KB, 300x510, TheDyingEarth07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea The Dying Earth books by Jack Vance. Top 5 fantasy IMO.

>> No.13044784

the vast majority of authors are selfpublished nowadays. its not the minority. sffg tends to discuss lesser known stuff or obscure weebshit like litrpgs or wuxia.
quality really has no relation to a book being self published or not. it mostly comes down to the book being edited or not.

>> No.13044839
File: 27 KB, 272x400, AnomanderRake_9597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how good are the Malazan books actually?

I'm not sure if I want to get in bed with it's bajillion books if it's not worth it

>> No.13044849

Felicien Champsaur's Nora, The Ape-Woman (1929) is a sequel to both Homo-Deus and Ouha, King of the Apes. Nora is the story of two hybrids: a beautiful dancer sired by an orangutan and a human scientist, further humanized by surgery, and the son of a native woman and the part-human orangutan Ouha, King of the Apes. It is concerned with evolutionary history and the true nature of the simian and human species; it deals with the scientific modification of such species by means of surgery, thus enhancing the human condition, ultimately leading to the creation of supermen and the conquest of death. Despite various critical claims, Nora refuses to be racist and proudly claims that supposedly civilized white men are not superior to other races, or even species. It is a story of the triumph of animality, and argues that such triumph is not something of which we should be ashamed.

>> No.13044947

They are better than WoT,but that's not saying much.

>> No.13044948

Daniel Black for Magical Engineering.

>> No.13044952

Damn,Elric of Melnibone looks like THAT?!

>> No.13044994

Elric is a skinny fucboi all hopped up on magic and drugs.

>> No.13045187

you have made an enemy today

>> No.13045517
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For those who were asking.

>> No.13045623

Are we being raided? How is the thread dropping pages so fast?
The catolog has a bunch of philososhit that belongs on /his/

>> No.13045624

How do you measure the length of a book in hours lol

>> No.13045631
File: 492 KB, 176x216, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wild Wastes
>military sci-fi

>> No.13045632

I dropped the wandering inn a while in

>> No.13045647

book has Y pages total
read X pages
record time T spent reading X pages
time it will take to read whole book = (Y / X) * T

>> No.13045652

>doesn't know facial expressions
Are you an alien? That is a crying face.

>> No.13045655
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>> No.13045656

What’s ur pages per minute reading speed

>> No.13045659
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x768, Brainlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13045665

How is that testing autism?
It's a toilet.

>> No.13045682

I think you are supposed to get caught up with the patterns on the floor and not respond.

>> No.13045688

I honesty want to know the answer to this? Do other people not notice the tile? I definitely do not have autism and my eye went straight to the belligerent tile. Are normal people so retarded as not to notice? I honestly do not know the answer to this.

>> No.13045721

Any good space opera that isn't trying to copy Star Wars plot?

>> No.13045755

depends on the page size, typeface size, type color, and the type of content and how much i care about it

>> No.13045786

We are being raided right now. Is it rebbit?

>> No.13045845

Probably some tranny.
They are all over the site.

>> No.13045853


great filter being ahead of us.

>> No.13045862

literally nobody on reddit raids. It's exclusively a chan thing, like false-flagging and brap posting

>> No.13045893


a fire upon the deep fits this bill.

>> No.13045900

The great filter has been occurring all along and is happening before our very eyes, mongrelization, dysgenic, high fertility amongst the lowest races with low fertility among the best

>> No.13046088

the kindle calculates it and shows it at the bottom of the page.

>> No.13046130

[Citation needed]

>> No.13046238

I don't really read books, I want something like Dark Souls, any recommendations? Thanks.

>> No.13046240


>> No.13046278

Ok retard

>> No.13046334

>this board
>links to a different board

>> No.13046352


>> No.13046356

Vorkosigan Saga

>> No.13046390

It seems interesting. Where do I start?

>> No.13046392

Don't respond to /pol/tards

>> No.13046398

Prince of Nothing

>> No.13046412


>> No.13046587

Favourite Sword and Sorcery novels? Are Conan stories the best of this subgenre?

>> No.13046828
File: 28 KB, 500x490, 1548295099084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best sci-fi is fantasy

>> No.13047078

The Cassandra Kresnov series by Joel Shepherd is about this android/replicant soldier who runs away to be a civilian, but eventually she ends up joining a police SWAT unit on the planet she flees to.

His other series, Spiral Wars, is more military focused but rather than straight milSF it's more of a adventure series about the crew of a space battleship mutinying and going on A Quest.

Read some of David Drake's stuff.

>> No.13047099


>> No.13047301

Spiral Wars is so good holy shit
When the fuck are we getting the next one

>> No.13047481

The chain of events that lead to sapient intelligence are so rare that we're literally a freak occurrence. In the universe it probably happens a lot, but it's so rare that we'll never find another species like ourselves. We'll probably end up making them our of a sense of cosmic loneliness.

>> No.13047497
File: 29 KB, 316x475, 2868646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you get conned by a coworker who recommends you a book
Should've known not to listen to a woman recommending me anything about vampires.

>> No.13047502

Make sure to read the Silver Spike. It's not part of the original North trilogy, but it finishes it off.

>> No.13047504

No. But I imagine his assistants will put one out real soon after he croaks.

>> No.13047529

It happened here, therefore it can happen elsewhere
Dark forest problem, perhaps a superpredator civilization
Maybe we're being intentionally shielded from transmissions or evidence as a science experiment
Maybe we're a simulation

>> No.13047586

It plays big role in the Contact by Carl Sagan. Not central role, but in Rendezvous with Rama there is a character who is religious and his theories regarding Rama's purpose and existence are treated with same respect as scientific theories, I found that refreshing.

>> No.13047646

The beginning was decent at least.
Either way that's what you get when you don't check if it's YA or not.

>> No.13047772

>It happened here, therefore it can happen elsewhere
That's some decent folk-spun wisdom, but is it meaningful in relation to the topic at hand? It can happen elsewhere, but does it require such a random confluence of events to all occur in just the right sequence and at just the right moments that it won't happen again for a billion years, or it won't happen again in this galaxy? Maybe. Probably. It's certainly more likely than that tired old cliche of the Earth-exclusion zone.

>> No.13047784

How come France was literally 90 years ahead of the USA when it comes to social justice?

>> No.13047788

Would it be inadvisable to read this at the same time as BOTNS?

>> No.13047789

Advanced civilizations transcend the material dimension.

>> No.13047802

France has always been well ahead of everyone else when it comes to social justice. That's why they're such a dominant world power...

>> No.13047834

Book of the new sun, about the church in a far future

>> No.13048033

Lol retards with kindles

>> No.13048136

The universe is a big place. Earth is smaller than a pinhead when you take the entire universe into context.
There are other intelligent species out there.
Remember not too long ago it was believed that the earth is flat, and that the sun orbit the earth.

Take earth as an example. We as humans didn't know natives existed, and natives didn't know the white devil existed either. They didn't know each other existed, they were separated by a few leagues of oceans and isolated from each other. This was on earth, what happens when you take this to a planetary / galaxy scale?

The only people I see argue that there is no other life, and human are alone, are ignorant bible thumpers who want to feel special.

>> No.13048158
File: 1.53 MB, 4608x3456, ZdYsmp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what I just bought.

>> No.13048168

Impressive. I've honestly never seen a more disgusting collection of books.
Could have saved yourself a lot of money if you instead just shat in your hand and started eating said shit though, you didn't have to go and waste all that money on paperbacks to achieve the same goal.

>> No.13048172

>read masters of Rome
>its actually good
Based shill I'll try Maas' stuff next.

>> No.13048198

Haven't seen the Maas fag in a while, hopefully he got banned again and it was a perma this time.

>> No.13048591

To be fair these days anything labelled fantasy has a 50/50 chance of basically being YA-tier

>> No.13048601

I’m trying to come up with an idea for an invading force as a big antagonist
Something like the Orcs from WoW, or the Kaiju from Pacific Rim.

My initial thoughts were large beasts that start showing up out of nowhere, and seem to be highly intelligent/coordinated. Then later they’re revealed to be just the scouts for someone.

However it’s hard for me to justify how legions of soldiers (mid fantasy) would have trouble taking down a bunch of animals, and then guys controlling animals.

Anyone have thoughts? I’m open to all suggestions on types of invaders

>> No.13048648

Don't see what's hard to justify, a bunch of animals are much stronger than humans, being coordinated eliminates their biggest weakness. Something like an army of tigers with scaly hides would be terrifying, have you seen the muscles on those things? Look at zerg or tyranids or something, and the humans have high tech weaponry in those, if anything you'd need to justify how humans armed with scrap don't get slaughtered by many times stronger beasts.

>> No.13048806

lol you know both of the posts you quoted mention the possibility of other life but just presume we won’t come into contact with it, right? lot of words just to agree with each other.

>> No.13049107

what should I read

>> No.13049138
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>> No.13049199


>> No.13049414
File: 95 KB, 445x700, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more heroic fantasy.

>> No.13049485
File: 495 KB, 1264x3672, 1541957680506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the last thing this thread needs,

>> No.13049692

What are some books with that feel?

>> No.13049743
File: 29 KB, 329x499, 51heglUweyL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this? Looking for a new fantasy trilogy to read and i'm trying to decide between, pic related, Bakkers Prince of Nothing, Elizabeth Moons Deeds of Park, and Anne Bishops Black Jewels.

>> No.13049838

>Thomas Covenant
Hard pass, I say either Bakker or Deeds of Park

Black Jewels is kind of a meme, but I’d save it for after those two.

>> No.13049846
File: 77 KB, 312x623, dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably drop Rage of Dragons. I also need to throw Coiling Dragon in there somewhere. Battle Mage is slow but alright enough so far. Shit is happening but not happening enough in Darkest Revenge.

>> No.13049859

>reading Afro fantasy
What did you expect?

Battle Mage picks up around halfway through, if you want to stick around for it.

>> No.13049860

Thomas Covenant is pretty based

>> No.13049892

>Afro fantasy

I'm ~20% through, they've left the town, Falco is healing from the forced fuming from Malaki, and those other soldiers found the message tube from the dead messenger.

>> No.13049910

What did you like about it?

What did you dislike about it?

>> No.13049943

Covenant is a depressed piece of shit and the trilogy is how he becomes a real human bean again.
Omg He's literally me!

>> No.13049972

You forgot the rape.

>> No.13049991


>> No.13050004

How often do fantasy novels have a bad ending for the main charater(s?)
Any way to find obscure novels that end bitter or bittersweet?

>> No.13050022

Guess i'll pass for now, i'll probably get Bakkers.

What's meme about Black Jewels?

>> No.13050041

New Thread

>> No.13050042

In Elric of Melnibone everyone fucking dies

>> No.13050051

The second Thomas Covenant series >>13049743 doesn't exactly end on a good note for the MC. That one hurt.

>> No.13050119

Get Black Jewels Trilogy.

>> No.13050303

Lots of little loli rape

>> No.13050623

>Rwandan Genocide
>Still colonizing in 1950
yeah lol sure man

>> No.13050640

look into the dredge from banners saga. the first game is almost as well written as a novel, and as a preliminary antagonist they are GREAT

>> No.13050649

the power metal of fantasy subgenres

>> No.13051152

Which of Heinlein's books are most similar to starship troopers **aside from starship troopers**?