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/lit/ - Literature

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13038989 No.13038989 [Reply] [Original]

>What languages do you speak, anon?
>Don't tell me you can only read English!

>> No.13038998



>> No.13039008

I speak English as well as 5 languages you don't speak.

>> No.13039064

Some Spanish and French. I want to learn a language of limited utility, maybe something with very few speakers left

>> No.13039068

I only speak English but I can read English and Latin

>> No.13039074

Why would I need to know another language when everyone speaks English?

>> No.13039077
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Fluent in Hebrew and English

>> No.13039085

Spanish, english, and also studying some mandarin.

>> No.13039092

היי אחי

>> No.13039102

Spanish and some 日本語.
I like the way German sounds, might pick that up.

>> No.13039212

Speak/read English, Spanish
can read Dutch and German

I want to read the Bible in KJV, Reina Valera 1602, and the Dutch Statenvertaling

>> No.13039258

Hey there. I read the Herziene Statenvertaling. If you wanna chat about the Bible, feel free to add me on Discord, I'm Antithesis#1519.

>> No.13039298

German, English and Arabic

>> No.13039330

Spanish, French and English

>> No.13039347
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German, English, French, Italian

Sup achmed.

>> No.13039351

The patrician triumvirate.

>> No.13039355

>he thinks actual human beings share /lit/'s prejudice against monolinguals

>> No.13039386

Is this what Americans tell themselves?

>> No.13039427

i am a native german and russian speaker so i can enjoy all the relevant lit in its original way the way its meant to be read, not twisted by the translator jew

>> No.13039430

I wish i would know russian. Compared to german, what would you say, is it a lot harder to learn?

>> No.13039431

Spanish, English and Italian fluently

>> No.13039441

>I like the way German sounds
you might be the first one.
I mean I admire the language for its practicality and flexibility, but unless you have a real charismatic voice German doesn't sound exactly pleasing.

>> No.13039457

Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and a bit of French.

>> No.13039472

I can read Spanish fluently. I cannot converse in Spanish. Any tips?

>> No.13039483

Is 21 too late to learn French?

>> No.13039522

Your mom is too late to learn French. The biggest change in difficulty happened long before you were even thinking about these things. Learning a language at 21 is roughly the same as learning it at 18.

>> No.13039593

My mom is Assyrian Syrian and my dad is German that's why I know Arabic

>> No.13039614

What would one call a non-german woman getting bred by a german man? Blitz'd? Goosestep'd?

>> No.13039628

>you might be the first one.
He's not. German is dope, anon. And not in the "haha I like when they are angry and sound like hitler"-sense.

>> No.13039631

Spanish, English and French

>> No.13039643


>> No.13039670

German english romanian and i can read latin

>> No.13039677


>> No.13039685

Baby I was raised bilingual.

>> No.13039712

English, Spanish and French. Might pick up Russian

>> No.13039739

English, Spanish, German and basic Turkish

>> No.13039787

And proud, also studying German and Russian

>> No.13039819
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English, French, Mandarin Chinese and Irish Gaelic

>> No.13039823
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In order of fluency; Danish, English, German, Portuguese, French, Latin. I want to learn Russian as well, but in order to maintain and improve my other languages, I've decided not to. That sucks, but it is what it is.

>> No.13039873

i can't even read english

>> No.13039957

Based and redpilled.

>> No.13039964


I can also read every greek and latin

>> No.13040097

>native spanish
>fluent english
>beginner french

>> No.13040174


>> No.13040228

so yes then?

>> No.13040231
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>> No.13040238

I am a proud monolinguist, deary.

>> No.13040239

English and German though I'm only really good at reading it.

>> No.13040278

they do. Though the general stereotype is simply that Americans are utter morons.

>> No.13040304

I ardently envy you.

>> No.13040318


>> No.13040321

Not everything gets translated

>> No.13040378

I love how this girl had to spend hours and hundreds of dollars on that hair/dye job, a few hundred more on her glasses and artfully frumpy thriftstore-esque (though obviously new and fitted) clothes, and go to pains to by art artfully conceal the fact she is wearing make up. All to project the image of being down-to-earth, tossed together intellectual type with bigger things (even bigger than that nose) on her mind.

>> No.13040382
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I am a proud monolinguist, wench, and I adore my Mother tongue above all others, finding it to be the most immaculate. I will never learn another language. Non-native English speakers need not attempt any replies, whatsoever, for they are not truly initiated into the wonders of this glorious language and fail to understand its inherent, absolute beauty. I pity those not born to this language, the greatest of them all. The envy of all the world. Purely pitiful, are those born to my language and then discard this prized possession away to gain knowledge of inferior tongue. A precious pearl, one of a kind, one that is a treasure— and these sad cretins decide to trade it for what they think are stores of coin. Keep your filthy lucre. I will do as Shakespeare, Milton, and all great speakers, the masters as I like to call them, of this glorious language have done and keep my priceless English language utterly unsullied.

>> No.13040394

English 和中文

>> No.13040432

What's 和中文? Japanese Chinese?

>> No.13040500

I looked inward and develop a hieroglyphic and degenerate psuedo-hieroglyphic language that describes and modifies reality while it changes. I waste no time and read English words (waste not want not), I can make it through with a dictionary when the racist clerks of the popish conspiracy use French and Latin. You will never read more books than there are English books even if you rush through them, you will waste thousands of hours developing a child's understanding of a foreign language while I learn everything from this reality and then use literal sorcery to fold you into a cosmic hell which I've already done millions of years ago. Stop wasting your time on language games and you might escape from the tomb. Ask for the father, tell em that The Son sent you. ;)

>> No.13040679

English and French fluently.
I took Spanish and Italian classes in high school, I'm sure I can make sense of a text in those languages.
I recognize Japanese from many years of listening to it in anime, but I never bothered to learn it proper. I'll probably learn Chinese at some point because of how useful it's gonna be in the future.

>> No.13041081

>He thinks being able to speak his mother tongue + English is enough to brag about

>> No.13041110
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>half ass a duolingo course
>tell people I'm fluent in that language

>> No.13041116

I actually can't read.

>> No.13041126
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>Why yes, I speak Latin. How could you tell?

>> No.13041136
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>why yes, I can speak Homeric Greek, how could you tell?

>> No.13041142


>> No.13041237

why in particular will chinese be useful in the future?

>> No.13041262
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>> No.13041263

itll probably be another hundred years til mandarin is essential and by then we'll have realtime translators.

>> No.13041452

Are you so retarded that you need anonymous shitposters on an somali stargazing forum to tell you what to do? Look at all the people ITT, how do you think they managed to learn all these languages? Try using your own judgement for once, and no, adults have every advantage against toddlers when it comes to language learning.

>> No.13041487

Italian, Romanian, English, I've studyied latin in hs and I'm learning Russian now.

A cute girl just sat next to me on the bus btw, she's reading Da Vinci's Code (the special illustrated edition.
What should I do ?

>> No.13041497

Ignore her, she's merely flesh and bones arranged neatly

>> No.13041509

How cruel. I wish pleasant looking people would also cultivate their minds .

>> No.13041536

I dunno ask how she's enjoying the book? Not hard you 'tist

>> No.13041976

English, Russian and Chinese. I'm a Britbong.

>> No.13041989

English, French, German, Farsi and Arabic
Iranian-French mutt here, AMA

>> No.13042055

Swedish, English, Farsi and a little bit of french

>> No.13042100

Idk, just seems fun
Like writing a journal in code

>> No.13042110

native: dutch
near-native: English
well: German
well enough to read: French

>> No.13042125

French and Latin. Can't speak either of them particularly well though.

>> No.13042184

Fluent Vietnamese and English, slightly worse German

>> No.13042212
File: 126 KB, 494x577, f7e238de-4d0b-4f3b-825f-94adf7613900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hy чe, кaк c pyccким дeлa, пaцaны? Caм гoвopю нa pyccкoм, aнглийcкoм, китaйcкoм и фpaнцyзcкoм языкaх.

>> No.13042214

Immersion and practice are the only solutions for improving conversational skills. Go to a Spanish-speaking country or at the very least get a Spanish-speaking friend to talk with you

>> No.13042225

>fluent enough to read books
French, Romanian, English

>working on
Latin, German

>want to learn
Sanskrit, Hungarian

Does anyone have any experience trying to learn Sanskrit?

>> No.13042247

I'm similar, feels good

I'm native Polish but speak fluent English and German
Learning Russian atm and its coming along easily because of the native Polish

>> No.13042309


>> No.13042342

It's like Latin on steroids. Just more of everything and memorization out the ass. Sandhi is painful too. Learning Devanagari is the easiest part by far. Not impossible though. If you can handle Latin it should be doable for you with some effort and patience. I'm not reading fluent but I studied it a few years ago. I'd like to return to it soon.

>> No.13042390

Speak: English, Danish, German
Read: English, Danish, German, Swedish, Norwegian, basic Italian, basic Spanish, rudementary Latin, and rudementary Icelandic.

>> No.13042405
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>Rhyming with perish

>> No.13042437

Damn I wish I could read Kierkegaard in Danish.

>> No.13042477

We've got him now, Hans.
/ליט/ הוא רכוש היהודים!

>> No.13042571

How do you stop wanting to look like this and start feeling attracted to them as a male again?

>> No.13042577

Which Iranian works should I check out? Preferly theology, philosophy or poetry. Oh, and which of your parents are from Iran?

>> No.13042606
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Yea, it's pretty neat. And H.C.Andersen for your children. Comfy times

>> No.13042775
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english: native language, with patrician-tier accent
french: near fluent, speaking for years
german: Pretty good, can get by in the basics and have rudimentary convos
spanish: see german

I'm pretty good with languages, but it takes years to get anything near fluency. I've been living in France for one year, that's why I'm so strong in it.

>> No.13042781

I speak English, Cantonese, Punjabi, Ukrainian and Cebuano, fight me.

>> No.13042788

You don't speak Chinese, otherwise you wouldn't call it Chinese

>> No.13042789


>> No.13042846

>reading fluent
Queen's English, French, Italian, Romanian, Farsi

Kurmanci, Bangla, Turkish

>> No.13042911

Me? Well I'm a native English speaker but most of your friends are impressed that in this past year alone I read courses in German, Dutch and Spanish. What about you, toots? What do you read through those big glasses of yours?

>> No.13042916

Then it's irrelevant.

>> No.13042925

I speak catalan.

>> No.13042953

Dysga Cymraeg.

>> No.13042975

Hungarian, English, German.
It's my personal long-term goal to learn Mandarin

>> No.13043005

>Je peux lire un peu de francais, mais ca tout. Maintenent, est-ce-que vous voulez manger mon bitte?

>> No.13043011

English (ESL)

>> No.13043039

Stop asking these stupid ass questions and start learning French.

>> No.13043074

Using translators is no replacement for the sheer beauty and confidence that comes with speaking - nay, *knowing* - another language by heart. It's unironically one of the best things any person can do for themselves to improve all areas of their life.

>> No.13043076

>with patrician-tier accent
Awful. Accentism is the worst. Clear-speaking and mastery of word choice >> snobby audio differences any day of the week.

>> No.13043085
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>tfw my gf speaks chinese so I'll never need to bother about learning more than a few sentences.

Michel did the right thing. They fuck goooood

>> No.13043090

If you're monolingual, it'd be worth learning it just for its own sake desu. Learning another language illuminates all the hidden quirks of your native worldview (and makes you a better thinker/speaker/lover) like few other things can.

>> No.13043150

Based indepe

>> No.13043171


I don't even speak spanish just catalan and english lmao how weird

>> No.13043185

Native Russian, fluent English. To be honest, I hate Russian, I've tried to read Dostoevsky in English and it was just as good as original.

>> No.13043199

Hи нyжoн.

>> No.13043237

Based and Anglopilled

>> No.13043311

English, Spanish, Russian

>> No.13043325

How similar are spanish and catalan?

>> No.13043341

Read Latin well, but these days it's fairly useless except for reading the classics, and even then you have to make adjustments. It IS kind of good in some cathedrals, if you're trying to pick up the right sort of girl and you can translate the inscriptions for her. I still want blood over Notre Dame, BTW. Macron in particular.

>> No.13043349

A lot

>> No.13043477

>british scum
>thinks he speaks french fluently
Pas en un million d'années, ordure d'Albion.

>> No.13043597

Portuguese (brazilian here)
Average level of English

>> No.13043637

Same and maybe arab

>> No.13043645


>> No.13043646

Only fluent in English, but My German and Irish are both pretty solid. I hope to become fluent enough in German to practise law in Germany or Austria within two or three years.

>> No.13043695

not mutually intelligible. a spaniard in barcelona will not understand the language. but I suppose that grammatically they are as similar as say french and italian are.

>> No.13043698

Norwegian, English and Russian.
I also have some basic knowledge of Spanish and am currently learning it.

>> No.13043707

Isn't Catalan closer to French?

>> No.13043715

yeah in a lot of its vocabulary. it's not really like either french or spanish. it must be stressed that it's its own language with its own history and development. they are their own culture

>> No.13043717

Native Brazilian Portuguese speaker.
Intermediary efficiency in English (I can understand really well the language, but I'm sastified with the efficiency of my expressions using this language. And, yes, I'm a perfectionist and I need to quit it).
I can read and do some writing in Spanish.
Planning to start learn basic Japanese (motivated by a interest in Japanese media), German (as a interested person in Germanic cultures) and French (interested in French writers) in the near future. Maybe Latin, too, as a Catholic.

>> No.13043728

What's a catalan? I don't think it exists.

>> No.13043731

Native: Japanese
Can speak:English,Chinese,French and German.
Currently learning:Italian.
Want to learn:Russian and Spanish.

Japanese is a terrible language to conduct Philosophy,so I was obliged to learn to write in foreign languages. (German is a Goat language)

>> No.13043745


>> No.13043904

Cute I want a Catalan gf now

>> No.13043962

i learned korean to understand my kpop idols

>> No.13043968

german, english, french fluently
spanish pretty good
italian + russian basics

being a european is awesome

>> No.13044033

I'm only fluent in English, but I've given months to years to Spanish and Japanese but gave up on them. Right now I want to learn Latin, Lojban, and Klingon. My interest just switched to languages without native speakers, especially conlangs.

>> No.13044084

My native language is Frog and I can read English (I rarely do so though). I'd like to learn Arabic and Russian.

>> No.13044590

K e dise illooooooo tu shurmano ole tus webos menudo jefe

>> No.13044601

24 year old here, decided to learn spanish in december from not knowing more than one word, i now speak in spanish fluently according to me and to my chilean girlfriend who i met through the italki app two months ago, age has nothing to do with it. Also you can find love through language social apps

>> No.13044602

Yea but it good for anime so fuck philosophy

>> No.13044992

>t. state school pleb

>> No.13045055 [DELETED] 
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ok asshole

>> No.13045080

Why is it that americans always smile so wide with their teeth? Is it a cultural thing? Can't they appreciate a modest smile?

>> No.13045255

English, Hebrew and Russian

>> No.13045284

China is taking over the world.

>> No.13045294


How can you be this oblivious?

>> No.13045508

Basque. Literally not related to any other language on Earth.

>> No.13046558
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Every fucking bookthot roastie I've met took ONE French class as their 2nd language.
>ohmygosh French is such a beautiful language
is a phrase that I hope to never hear in my goddamn life ever again.

>> No.13046578
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yk that milton spoke latin, greek and sanskrit at least and shakespeare probably spoke french...

>> No.13046584

I speak Spanish as a first and english as a second language, and I can just get by with spoken French. I can read French fluidly tho.

>> No.13046595

Old English/Anglo-Saxon > English

>> No.13046599

As a French I would agree. Bitch if you think my language is beautiful how about your complete my forms for me ?

>> No.13046601

Forgot link

>> No.13046654

German objectively sounds like shit

>> No.13046675
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y-yeah haha

>> No.13047209

Learn the language of those who haven't fucked your mom yet.

>> No.13047228

Spanish, english and portuguese.
I'm not a spic I swear.

>> No.13047229

min ween be souria emak?

>> No.13047234

English native speaker. Did French in high school and retain enough to read on a moderate level. Chinese fluent conversationally w/native accent (chink) and can read on a newspaper level. ASL conversational (obviously useless for literature), can read Japanese and Russian signposts.

Currently taking Quechua classes for funsies. It's a pretty cool language but I can't do ejective consonants for the life of me.

Would like to spend this summer improving my French so I can read French lit.

>> No.13048289



>> No.13048294

I speak fluent javascript

>> No.13048297


>> No.13048336

Some french

>> No.13048350

Whatever other languages you speak just aren't as important as English and implying that there's a natural second language choice for anglophones the same way there is for you or I is fucking retarded and you should feel bad for even thinking it.

There is no easy curricular decision to be made here. Grow up in Germany? You'll learn English. Grow up in Holland? You'll learn English. Grow up in England? What are you going to learn and what is the justification for forcing others to spend the time on it? There is no clear option here. Do you learn Mandarin because mainland Chinese gook farmers speak it? French, to speak to niggers who have difficulty with Germanic languages? Japanese because you're a fucking weeb? Take your pick but don't expect that to be a common choice because it just isn't universally useful.

.t Afrikaner

>> No.13048631

I can read Dutch, French, English, German, and Latin. Speak Dutch, French, English, a bit of German.
t. Belgian

>> No.13049592

Fair point. I suppose a lack of necessity can reduce learning foreign language to a matter of either interest or required school credit, which certainly wouldn't motivate any kids. Kind of unfortunate for them really.

>> No.13049616

Wrong, you stupid whore.

>> No.13049785
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Ja jong, ken daai gevoel.

Mandarin gaan wel die hoof taal wees om te ken buite Engels in die toekoms, Sjina is besig om die wêreld oor te neem.

>> No.13050010

Patrician in two geopolitical regions here.

>> No.13050071
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Grew up in England till I was about 13, then I moved to my grandma's farm in rural Quebec. I've never been able to shake the Cockney accent. When I was 17 my dad bought a farm in Paraguay and I moved there with him for the birds and to get out of the cold and ended up going to university there. Needless to say, I can speak French, English, and Spanish like a local. Unfortunately I've been yet unsuccessful in translating my linguistic ability into any good gash, but I've impressed a lot of people on the internet.

>> No.13050290

I'm native in German and learned English and Latin in school. I'm trying to learn Korean, but I'm still at the start and barely beyond starter phrases.

>> No.13050310
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Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Montenegrin, English, German

>> No.13050390

English, a bit of church Latin, even less medieval Greek and a smidgeon of Esperanto

>> No.13050497
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>be job recruiter
>look at resume
>languages learned : english

Into the trash it goes

>> No.13050518

only English but I barely speak that ha ha lol lmao

>> No.13050524

What's your favorite language?

>> No.13050644

The only books worth reading are written in english

>> No.13050691

It's literally the same thing

>> No.13050805

For what it's worth, my post was a joke. Take all the worst accents of each respective language and throw them together in the personage of a polyglot with absolutely zero cultural capital.

As for my favorite, it really depends. English is my first language, so obviously I find it much more malleable and open to experimentation, although I like to consider this something innate and not merely perceived.

French, for it's stylistic conventions of long run on sentences, punctuated with the occasional comma, never a period, which flow on and on, poetically, with none of that tedious Anglo obsession towards the efficiency, has a charm which tends to shine through in English translations but never in English literature (except, maybe, during the Victorian era, although that baby comes with a stew of other unfortunate conventions and is best tossed out entirely).

Spanish is wonderful for conversation, something about it's flow and simplicity seems to constantly border on melodrama, and it's inherited a lot of interesting grammatical rules that don't exist in the rest of the European languages. There is however an unfortunate lack of both the wide vocabulary of English and the precise vocabulary of French, and although this may be simply by my ill-acquaintance with the language, I always find everything being described as 'lindo/a' and can't help but be annoyed. They do have a great literary tradition though, so obviously it works very well. The use of the upside down question mark in particular is interesting, because it allows for a question to be asked within a sentence, rather than as a sentence as with other languages. If this doesn't cause you to stand back and examine the limitations of English, ¿and doesn't it do so elegantly?, I don't know what would.

>> No.13051237


>> No.13051265

native spanish, advanced english i suppose.
but why do you care, ugly bitch, you look like a jew anyways

>> No.13051270

>not spanish

>> No.13051345
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What's a good way to learn a language, anons? I'd like to learn a lot but I only speak English fluently. Any tips?

>> No.13051389

Work diligently for an hour every day without fail or distractions.

>> No.13051832

Are you literally me?

>> No.13051953

Read books, watch movies, and listen music in the language you want. Sounds retarded, i know. But if babies can learn only with exposure why not you?

>> No.13051968

Read poetry. It's the fastest way to
A. Build a respectable vocabulary
B. Understand the rhythm and musicality of the language

>> No.13052053


Why is /lit/ so stupid when it comes to language learning?

>> No.13052054
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Learning Korean
Want to learn Japanese and to read Latin

>> No.13052066

I speak English and Portuguese. Actually, being from Brazil, Portuguese is my first language. I'm studying Japanese and planning to learn Esperanto in the future

>> No.13052204

>Fluent enough to read books

English, Latin, Ancient Greek, Esperanto

>What I'm studying

Russian, Mandarin, Welsh, Irish

>> No.13052944


It means 'and Chinese'. 和 is the Chinese word for 'and'.

>> No.13052957
File: 19 KB, 217x320, JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to learn french
>mfw i see genders for the first time
thats when i quit

>> No.13052959

I learned Spanish so I could read Don Quixote in its original language. Huge waste of time. But at least I can pick up fat-bottomed latinas at the sports bar.

>> No.13052985

English German French and learning Arabic.

Fuck you, you presumptuous bitch

>> No.13053029

>ITT: A bunch of delusional people who have deceived themselves into thinking they speak multiple languages with anything approaching competence.

>> No.13053101

Do Soren's graphomaniacal ramblings read more sufferable in his mother tongue? The guy needed an editor to tell him to cut 50% down
She succeeds I'm a sucker for this type

>> No.13053449

norwegian, german, latin and koine.

>> No.13053520

Portuguese, italian, french, spanish and english

>> No.13053526

Cyкa, блядь. Also fluent English. Slowly going through French.

>> No.13053532
File: 178 KB, 1024x699, The Day before the Exam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swedish, english, greek

>> No.13053595

english, 1337 and ebonics.

>> No.13053613

Swedish, finnish, english and a little bit of german. Thinking about taking some german course in uni.

>> No.13053685

t. monolingual who cannot even comprehend what being fluent in more than one language is like

>> No.13053698
File: 219 KB, 616x623, alien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Basque is literally a patrician-tier language.
t. basque speaker

>> No.13054165

Your from india ?

>> No.13054194

de dónde eres, negrito

>> No.13054293

native polish
average level english
low level german

When i'm finished with learning english what would you recommend to start with?

spanish? indian? Arabic?

>> No.13054437

what's essential vietcore reading?
vietnamese is a comedy language

>> No.13054465


>> No.13054477

My opinion?
Cartoons with subtitles. Then movies with subtitles. Then documentaries.
After that you start reading.

>> No.13054482


Finnish, Swedish, English

>> No.13055796

Vũ Công Hoan, Nam Cao, Vũ Bằng, Ngô Tát Tố, Vũ Trọng Phụng are some great names of modern-postmodern literature. Bảo Ninh is another great author whose works are more internationally popular I think, since his novel The Sorrow of War has a great deal of translations and is generally quite well known.

>comedy language
What do you mean?

>> No.13056104

I can read Korean. Can't understand it, but I can read it.

>> No.13056502

English, Danish, Swedish

>> No.13056532

FYI....Ignore any multilingual people with SWEDISH as one of their languages. These are immigrant Arabs that learned through parental association and through their gypsy migrations. This is why they always know 3 different European languages that are relatively local and several Arab languages that are local. They had to learn everytimw they moved. This isn’t the same as learning a language to be smart.

>> No.13057276

Like subbed in that language or just subbed anime? Or dubbed and subbed foreignly?

>> No.13057705

Get someone who currently learns English so you can teach each other. It's important to speak the language you want to learn from day one. Where I live, it's called a "tandem partner". If you live in a bigger city, that should make things easier but tandem via Skype works well, too.

>> No.13057726




Medieval Latin
Middle English
A little German already, still working on it

>> No.13057853

Hurt durr best literature is only the literature I can read the easiest. Nothing different is good!

>> No.13057860

Non Sequiter city population you

>> No.13057870

I don’t even know where to start

>> No.13058006

If you are a native spanish speaker you can learn to speak catalan perfectly in a few years.

>> No.13058027

>own history and development
You are quite an snowflake

>> No.13058220

i'm fluent in English and Arabic. it's a shame that contemporary writers of both language suck.

>> No.13059446

Let me guess, you're Swedish but one of your parents is Finnish?

>> No.13059454

Depends what languages you're interested in. Easy and common ones are German, Spanish and French, but if you aren't interested in those then you should pick something else. Learning a language requires a lot of intrinsic motivation and you're not going to have that if you aren't interested in the language.

>> No.13059483

Could be a fenno-swede.

>> No.13059505

I know Russian, what books am I missing out on?

>> No.13059519

what's workflow for learning languages after your 20s? e.g. How do you learn German? Grammar, dictionaries, movies? How much time would it take to start reading philosophers?

>> No.13059526

How did you learn all these languages? Pretty much learned them as a kid?

>> No.13059546

Romanian, French, English, Italian
Want to learn Russian or Japanese. Just for fun.

>> No.13059631

Yeah definitely, but that's just my guess.

>> No.13059785

In my experience, finns in Sweden aren't really in the business of teaching their kids the language, not unless both parents are finns.