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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 111 KB, 1080x1350, 9E7C99AA-2CE6-4C44-9AE7-B689B92F6EDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13039281 No.13039281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let’s make a poll, for example, very descriptive, in which everyone describes their ideal partner with very much detail: physical appearance, personality, opinions on things and on the subject itself, voice, age, tastes, origin, common phrases, ideal meeting place. ¿Literature in which I can base myself to analyze the subject due to it’s preference towards it’s ideal partner?

>> No.13039354

id have sex with her shieteeettmm

>> No.13039396

Thank you for your valuable contribution

>> No.13039409
File: 18 KB, 542x320, ECD2D7CF-4F4A-4F68-B25A-98AF19034059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to be so specific, you‘ll die alone. Guaranteed.

>> No.13039741

Everyone on /lit/ either wants a well read virgin manic pixie dream girl who was born in Europe, has blonde hair, dresses modestly, and is a devout Christian or an edgy big tiddy goth gf who reads postmodern horror and listens to post-punk.

>> No.13040010

Can't I have both of those in one girl? :(

>> No.13040101
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Ideal partner

>> No.13040121

What are those, nascent grapevines? Fuckin hot

>> No.13040122

I fucked her

>> No.13040129

Manic pixie dream girl is rarely a virgin or a Christian, and if she is religious she is 'spiritual'.

>> No.13040151

The uncultured man's choice

>> No.13040185

What if I'm polygamous and want both

>> No.13040339

Yes. And should she become an actuality another ideal partner will replace her, as it were..

>> No.13040371


>> No.13040387
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>blonde hair
>manic pixie blabla
shit meme and you're wrong again
fuck no
>edgy goth gf
not my ideal but they're good people

I want a brown haired brown eyed slightly depressive, very introspective girl who can talk about her feelings and opinions with me. Very specific, but you wanted my ideal gf.

>> No.13040403

I want a hard working quiet girl with a sense of humor who either likes to read, paint, play piano, or any combination thereof.

>> No.13040471


>> No.13040613

Learn English. I can tell you're using Google translate.

>> No.13040645

Blue-eyed brunette average height Mormon virgin and oh man I can't go on because now I'm thinking of all the delicious girls I know who fit that description that I should have gone for when I had the chance

>> No.13040664
File: 336 KB, 1617x1080, art gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an art hoe gf who's fluent in two languages, above average height, nice body, well-read, with an interesting backstory and hopes and dreams and aspirations

>> No.13040725

1 or 4

>> No.13040746


>> No.13040768


>> No.13040771

rolll roll ROLL ROLL

>> No.13040773

roll for claire luna or heather

>> No.13040781

Claire looks like my last GF who was a bitch. Rolling

>> No.13040791

I fucked her twelve times before >>13040122 did too.

>> No.13040802

Everyone's response would be one of the three:
>Manic pixie dream girl
>Will save you from your depression
>Positive outlook
>Only reads YA lit but that's OK, it's better for her innocence
>Wants lots of kids

>Edgy postmo chick
>Listens to avant-garde techno and house
>Admires the spectacle and the depravity of modern existence with you
>Dark clothing all the time, dark hair, pale skin
>Only reads things described as "postmodern" "avant-garde" "transgressive" etc.

>Well read
>Modest dresser
>Spends free time reading in coffee shops throughout mainland Europe
>Speaks five languages fluently
>About as smart as you, but not so smart that it hurts your ego

>> No.13040828

Mine is a desperate red-haired artist with fybromyalgia whose politics are somewhere between anachism and communism but whose favorite authors include Plutarch, who is fond of the pictural aesthetics of the Middle Age, sometimes prays in old churches despite not being christian and has respect for the spiritual purpose of the army. Also she has visions, admires Duchamp but despises Warhol, likes tinkering and smokes a lot.

>> No.13040834
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>> No.13040934
File: 323 KB, 1597x1321, Cornelis_boel-Amorum_Emblemata_Figuris_Aeneis_Incisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the most part I don't care about physicality as long as you're cute. Other than that:

>Large black eyes, not dark brown, but black. Lacking any contrasts, black eyes are the most impenetrable but that gives them a paradoxical depth. With colored eyes you can see the meeting of the iris as it slopes inward to the pupil, which gives the sense of a "bottom." Those big pitch dark eyes though have no point at which you can say "There is the bottom, the extent to your eye," no single point at which you know you've found the window of the pupil. Whenever I come across these eyes I find myself struggling to meet their gaze for very long. They just bore into you with a veiled intensity. It's intense and insanely hot.
>I don't care what she reads as long as she does. This goes for music as well. As long as a person has passions for something that they find to be their own niche, I usually enjoy listening to them talk about it. It's fun to watch someone you like be excited about something, even if you can't get excited to the same extent over it. They just need passions.
>She needs to yell. Non-violent communication is asinine. We're adults, not children who's feelings need to be coddled and protected at the expense of the other in distress. If you're mad, be mad at me, jesus. Also, shouting matches are hot. Fucking after fighting is some peak catharsis.
>Be a sap. I'm a sap and I need a sap to reciprocate that. I like kissing a lot. I like to kiss your forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks in that order. Play with my hair. Being a sap is an exercise in excess and decadence in romance. Just doing dumb bullshit because it's cute. I like laying in the sun together, drinking wine in the park, dressing up fancy and going to dinner, and exchanging a lot of gifts. I will leave you love notes on your fridge and you need to have the sap's constitution for when your roommate sees it.
>Have a good laugh
>Speak with intensity
>Don't be bad to me

>> No.13040943

The funniest (or saddest) part is that she's a real girl.

>> No.13040955
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>tfw the last one is exactly your type

>> No.13041015
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>> No.13041022
File: 19 KB, 220x310, 220px-Søren_Kierkegaard_(1813-1855)_-_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you marry, you will regret it; if you do not marry, you will also regret it; if you marry or do not marry, you will regret both; Laugh at the world’s follies, you will regret it, weep over them, you will also regret that; laugh at the world’s follies or weep over them, you will regret both; whether you laugh at the world’s follies or weep over them, you will regret both. Believe a woman, you will regret it, believe her not, you will also regret that; believe a woman or believe her not, you will regret both; whether you believe a woman or believe her not, you will regret both. Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will also regret that; hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the sum and substance of all philosophy.

>> No.13041037

i've still never gotten luna

>> No.13041335

In this order: 9/0/1/3/7/5/2/8/4/6

>> No.13041336

based kierkposter

>> No.13041351
File: 458 KB, 220x268, 1550124263659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with fybromyalgia
>politics are somewhere between anachism and communism
>prays in old churches
>despises Warhol

>> No.13041360

alright heather come to poppa, although claire is cute too

>> No.13041368

ahhhaaha rollin :-3

>> No.13041380

Tfw girl I went to high school with is now peak waifu material but I'm not in contact with her anymore
>pixie w black hair and pale skin
>classics major
>over 150 iq
>has a special condition where she can hear higher frequencies than most people and is incredibly sensitive to loud sounds

>> No.13041388

Hey Anon, did she even really exist?

>> No.13041418
File: 597 KB, 1200x1325, CDC3D888-2015-42C8-822B-19C6CBACBC9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly gave zero idea about non violent communication. You can yell just fine and still use nvc. This isn‘t about coddling anyone. In fact, it‘s about honesty even if it‘s uncomfortable. Maybe pick up a book sometimes.

>> No.13041426

i want a mommy gf who cooks nice meals for me

>> No.13041428

I want a chubby art hoe gf who will read me Pynchon to bed.

>> No.13041475

Anybody can figure out how to talk to their partner honestly with half a brain. NVC is detrimental because dipshits think they're in the right whenever the person they're talking to doesn't know how to speak like them.

>> No.13041484

I already have an ideal partner I think
>Works a corporate job
>I'm free from her for the entire day as she works
>Do my reading and writing in complete solace and solitude
>She makes breakfast every morning cuz she gets up early
>She likes to read sci-fi and historic fiction
>Pretty introspective
>I make dinner every night cuz I like too feed her
>Go to gym together
>The pays for most stuff
I think she loves me but if one day she decides that she doesn't then that'll be the end of some of the best years of my life

>> No.13041486


>> No.13041494

i just want a gf
any gf
just any gf who wont cuck me
thats all i require
is it so much to ask?
god im so horny and lonely

>> No.13041977


>> No.13042823


>> No.13042827
File: 9 KB, 300x288, lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god, why was he such a beta faggot. Just make a choice and live with it, damn

>> No.13042845

That‘s the issue. You exude this desperation.
>please? Anybody?

Would you want to marry a girl if you knew she couldn't care less about you as a person, she just needs someone to have kids with and provide for her?
That‘s what you do. You don‘t care about your vis a vis. You just want someone to hold and fuck. Any warm body will do. Nobody wants to be that replaceable.

>> No.13042876

>art hoes
Is there anything more pretentious, more attention-seeking?

>> No.13042907

I'm depressed :)

>> No.13043309

Hoping to avoid Jessica, Emily, Olivia or Charlotte

>> No.13043319


>> No.13043432


>> No.13043442


>> No.13043552
File: 104 KB, 1080x310, IMG_20181230_180231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and she read Crime and Punishment. I don't talk to her anymore.

>> No.13043574

roll for em

>> No.13043709

Imagining your dream girl can be a useful excersize but I recommend caution.

I got into a relationship with a girl a few years ago, and I thought she was my dream girl. It ended up not working and I spiraled into a mental breakdown and a severe depression that I just recently emerged from. After a lot of introspection and struggling and studying psychology, I can finally rationalize what happened. I was projecting my Jungian anima on this girl. I thought I was completely in love with her, but I was really in love with the idea of her. It took 9 months of confusion and depression to realize that not only did not love her, I didn't like her, and furthermore I barely even knew her.

So yea it was a very juvenile relationship that caused me a lot of pain, and I ended up causing her a lot of pain too.

So if you ever meet your dream girl....good fucking luck man. Be careful. Love is a force of nature.

>> No.13043725

In retrospect and in looking at my journal, I can see specific moments where I was engaged with my anima projection, and not with the actual human person in front of me. There are Facebook conversations where I was expecting and imagining certain responses from my questions, and this girl completely surprised me with her response. Everytime it actually felt like a bit of a let down, because this poor girl wasnt acting out the fictional encounter with my dream girl that I had imagined.

>> No.13043732

It's quite simple really. If you're a female, your ideal partner is Chad. If you're Chad, your ideal partner is every female.

>> No.13043736

Luna has most patrician taste

>> No.13043741

fuck yeah, god loves me

>> No.13043763

Luck be a lady tonite!

>> No.13043764

You need to take her to a silver balloons exhibit

>> No.13043819

god I wish that were me
god I wish that were me

>> No.13043991

Double interrogation signs.

>> No.13044015

You mean ¿? Or ??, as an answer or pointing the fact I use ¿?

>> No.13044036

I just noticed you use ¿?, not wanted to be aggressive or anything. You also speak Spanish or something?

>> No.13044043

Yes, my native tongue is Spanish, currently practicing English but is pretty lackluster still, how did you know ? Sentence order ?

>> No.13044075

I mean, the ¿? are pretty evident, but yeah, I feel like the order and the type of expressions you use kinda show. Spanish is also my native tongue, but I have to use english constantly due to work.

>> No.13044190

Cool, ¿do you have any recommended literature for getting used to english?

>> No.13044249

Not really... I just read more books and played games in english.

>> No.13044305

Yeaaah. I think we can close thread, guys.

>> No.13045282

I'm gay