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13035250 No.13035250 [Reply] [Original]

Does anti-feminist female writers or philosophers exist?

>> No.13035271

It’s always been a contentious idea to liberate so there’s tons of shit to fuel your pitiful fragile masculinity with confirmation bias. Tons!

>> No.13035286

fuck off to twitter, butterflyfag

>> No.13035302
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>people who don't think exactly as I do are pathological.

>> No.13035303

Have sex.

>> No.13035308

You'd still hate women if you were born in the 80s but you'd just be a drunk scene molester instead of spamming boards with "Give me things to read about how women are bad"

>> No.13035321
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>> No.13035385

Kill yourself, inferior being.

>> No.13035460

have sex

>> No.13035472

have sex

>> No.13035984
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Male shaming code purple

>> No.13035987

Based kvetching taxonomizer

>> No.13035992

Retarded tripfag

>> No.13036059

there are essentially two camps when it comes to feminism, feminists who say men put women in these submissive roles and feminists who say women put themselves there to escape responsibility, feminism has always reproached women for the same behaviors men find so disagreeable, superficiality, dilettantism, manipulation, and has encouraged women to move beyond their traditional gender roles. The fact of the matter is that a majority of both men and women are perfectly satisfied with their traditional gender roles, and while some changes have occurred over the past century, resistance and complacency have remained steadfast obstacles that are marginalized and never overcome. Theorists have elaborated much more eloquently on the benefits and disadvantages of the ongoing reformations in the realm of sexual politics, if you just want one name of a woman who has criticized feminism, Camille Paglia. Criticism isn't the same as antagonism, she likely agrees with feminism as an idea and is skeptical of the means it employs towards its ends.

>> No.13036068

how do you think the guy who made this is in bed? I'm imagining an epitome of sexual sobriety, the perfect example of virtuosityless competence, a man whose bodily manoeuvring does nothing to improve your opinion on him, yet forces you to confront the fact that your dissatisfaction stems from a lack of emotional bond and not in a failure of coordination in the Other; basically the Auden of sex

>> No.13036099
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Pic related is a first step in the good direction.

>> No.13036101

women are retarded. don't read anything they write

>> No.13036102

have sex

>> No.13036122

Have sex

>> No.13036127

none of those responses are actual arguments. trash chart.

>> No.13036128

Being against something validates it. Feminism isn't worth being against since it was confected as a D&C identity politics strategy that simultaneously distracted from Women's Liberation, (a movement that knew that women couldn't be liberated without men first being liberated. That's why Women's Libbers marched with Bolsheviks and Communists before the Revolution) at the same time as it set every woman against every man. The 70 million extremely rich and wealthy people in the world who enjoy nearly all the wealth generated don't care about the socially corrosive effects of identity politics because they aren't part of society. Any and every resentment you have is just another big fat button for them to push to turn your eyes and mind towards people around you and away from their fat asses in their little private gated Elysiums.

>> No.13036240

Good post, for once.

>> No.13036265

It is a grey area, in the end it is more a question of what is feminist, there are many female writers who call themselves feminists but the mainstream feminist movement call anti-feminist, they fight it out on the fringes and who ever wins gets to lead the next phase of feminism, been going on for as long as feminism has existed.

While we all shitpost at times, that was just sad, and you assumed OPs gender, but I suppose no woman would ever have to ask such a question, right?

>> No.13036843
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>> No.13037812

god I wish that were me

>> No.13037818

Have sex.

>> No.13037826

i understand being upset that women won't sleep with you but have you ever stopped to consider that you're the problem

>> No.13037833

Have sex

>> No.13037860

Ayaan Hirsi Ali has written pretty scathing reviews of some feminists, and since she's a black ex-Muslim who got her clit mutilated while growing up in Somalia she wins almost every oppression olympics competition the left can throw at her. But she's still a feminist.

>> No.13037872

based femcel poster

>> No.13037875

You sound insecure about how you perform in bed

>> No.13037896

>implying have sex to begin with

>> No.13037899

Feminists and anti-feminists need to have some sex.

>> No.13037900

I thought you left? I, for one, am happy to see you return.

>> No.13037961

esther vilar or something like that

>> No.13037977

have sex

>> No.13037987


Have gay sex

>> No.13038045

Please talk to me: the post.

>> No.13038048

have sex femcel

>> No.13038055

>Does [...] female [...] philosophers exist?


>> No.13038064
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>opression olympics

>> No.13038077

>reading gender studies of any kind
retard alert

>> No.13038462

have sex

>> No.13038545

>responding to an obvious shitpost with twitter-tier condescension
y*kes, have sex femcel

>> No.13038605

I dont think you understand where that chart is coming from anon.

>> No.13039405
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>> No.13039447
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The manipulated man by Esther Vilar. It is actually more extreme even than your average 'redpill' take on women. She received death threats for decades after publishing it lol

Personally I think it's a bit of a meme of a book, you can get the accurate bits of it from an elementary understanding of sociobiology, if you're interested in that kind of perspective, while cutting out the biases and projections particular to her(eg. her views on why women have sex are clearly coming from a place of sexual dysfunction or dishonesty).

but it is definitely an 'anti-woman' book by a woman.

>> No.13039477


>> No.13039478

Feminism hates women

>> No.13039482


>> No.13039494
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Depends on your definition of feminism.
Camila Paglias feminism more often antagonizes other women and especially other people calling themselves feminism.

Anyway, are there any (relevant) books written from the perspective of very beautiful women??

>> No.13039527

Helen in Egypt
Blonde — Oates