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/lit/ - Literature

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13037419 No.13037419 [Reply] [Original]

What should read now that the Reiwa (令和) era has begun?

>> No.13037449


>> No.13037455


>> No.13037465

We're moving onto the Romans, baby!

>> No.13037477

I can only read the desu, but i know what you did motherfucker

>> No.13037517

Read some heian era lit. I read the tale of genji, reading sarashina nikki right now. Super nice mix of poetry and prose like I e never seen before. The style is also very unique due to the interesting time period, and the fact that all (literally all) literature produced at that time was from women.

>> No.13037526

why would I read your diaries

>> No.13037535

you are a fag, and also new.

>> No.13037539

Slave and fleshpilled.

>> No.13037560

t. Incel

>> No.13037596
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>> No.13037613

Why 83

>> No.13037831

>reading women

>> No.13037848

Why are you know that

>> No.13037888

Literally only weebs know about it

>> No.13037895
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>most famous revered literature in all of Japanese history.
Fucking incels

>> No.13038312
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kore desu

>> No.13038327

>jap """""literature"""""

yikes fella

>> No.13038362

>has never read a book from japan

>> No.13038427

Underrated lolipill tragedy.

>Genji finds a loli in hills
>Genji kidnaps said loli and shapes her into ideal tradgeisha
>contrary to loli's expectations, he doesn't marry her, he instead fucks some powerful bitches in court for glory and power, but he fails at it
>loli dies of grief because she's neglected
>only then Genji realizes what he's lost
>the end

>> No.13038459

>reading poetry translation

>> No.13038547

Get a dual language edition pleb

>> No.13038758


>> No.13038766

>literally all
The more famous Shonagon got her court position because her dad was a poet though.

>> No.13038805

>muh heian era, the single window of history, modernity included, where women wrote more poetry than men did
I know, shocking. But not really when you consider how Heian era court worked:
1. Court culture where lady in waiting status is determined by their literary skill (men having far wider options than this)
2. collect random folk shit, or have orbiters write poetry for me
3. congrats, you be noblewoman now
This had happened in china to a lesser degree too. In modern era, you can see this with popular music for instance. Women sing to be revered, anonymous men write the lyrics.

>> No.13038823

Bruh I already did. Passed JLPT N1 nigga

>> No.13038832

I mean the court was full of nepotism, so what? I didn't say they got in on their laurels.

>> No.13038858

Were you trying to refute something I said? Seems like you're just agreeing with me but also being a dick. I just said the writings are unique due in part to the fact that it was all women.

>> No.13038872

Is that chinese moots dad?

>> No.13038877

In the original 漢文. Otherwise, you're a pseud.

>> No.13039196

I hate americans so fucking much

>> No.13039412

We hate you too. Wherever you're from.

>> No.13039564

I don't think about you at all

>> No.13039582

No I mean he's still a significant male poet of the era. Skill is important (and the female one is a part of that because she's the one who invented writing only when it feels right in the court) but saying they're all female even from that point on in the era is pushing it.

>> No.13040385

bitch ass