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13033438 No.13033438 [Reply] [Original]

There‘s an event my sister asked me to go, where some guys on stage will read whatever texts you bring them. Then the audience will decide if the text was better or the performance and if the performance was better, the guys get a free beer. If the text was better, the person who brought it gets a free beer.
Please lit, hit me with your best short texts (no need to be oc, according to the description, it can be everything from a recipe to a passage from a diary) to get some free beer!
What would be the most autistic thing to bring? Tarrant‘s manifesto?

>> No.13033465

A great speech that people have seen, no scrub at the bar is going to perform like this.

>> No.13033475
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Do you think it would translate well to german? Or should i just bring one of hitler‘s speeches? That would be hilarious because it‘s supposed to be some slam poetry thing and i bet it will be packed with leftists.

>> No.13033486

I‘ve also thought about this

>> No.13033493

Yeah if you want to win I would pick a speech the audience would like, it would be pretty funny to bring a Hitler speech though especially if you don't say it's by Hitler. I bet they will eat it up.

>> No.13033501


>> No.13033520

That could work. Would you take a speech or some part of mein kampf?
Or should i be a bit more subtle and find a piece of the communist manifesto that even leftists can‘t deny is questionable?

What about some passage from those scat filled letters kafka wrote for bauer. (Or who was that again?)
They specified that even shades of gray would fly. So i would also be up to bring them a real treat of sexual lit. Maybe some 120 days of sodom?

Honestly, i don‘t even drink alcohol, so i don't care for the beer. I just want to see something epic.

>> No.13033530

Wtf is that?

>> No.13033778

In an episode of the office Jim gives Dwight a bunch of mussolini quotes to use for a motivational sales speech

>> No.13033784

Probably something about the "evil" people holding you down. Just change ((them)) to whatever the zeitgeist villifies.

>> No.13033788


>> No.13033792

Uuh, nice. I could try changing (((jews))) to cis males.

>> No.13033803

Don't forget white

>> No.13033820

Who exactly was the retard who told people that logic and arguments had anything to do with politics? Was it that kike Jon Stewart? It was him, wasn't it?

I have no idea why idiots continue to insist that politics is some kind of intellectual forum in which two political personalities, acting in good faith and with open minds, debate the merits of their respective positions. It's fucking theater. It's always been fucking theater you mongoloid filth. The only two things that matter are actual policy and waving your genitals at the opposition.

You have certain things you want, I have certain things I want. I shouldn't have to explain why I want you to stop dumping ugly brown trash in my neighborhood, just like how you shouldn't have to explain why you want sexually disturbed fetishists to sit with schoolboys on their laps in public libraries. We are totally and completely beyond discussion. There is no discussion. Shut the fuck up. I want you dead. You want me dead. Shut the fuck up!

I want somebody to bring a gun to the next Democratic debate. I want to see Liz Warren slice Trump's balls off with a razorblade for overweight girl bosses who majored in psychology. I want to see Trump fire a .22 caliber rifle into the back of Beto O'Rourke's telegenic head. I want Kamala to paint her nails with Beto's mick brain. Then I want Rush Limbaugh to shit all 310lbs of himself into her prissy fake nigger mouth. Shut the fuck up! John McCain was a nasty little faggot and he knew it. So just shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up!

Who fucking asked? Who? Name me the skeezy television hymie who honestly thought that anybody on the planet wanted to hear what some quirky whore thought about Brazil. Give me the name of the slimeball kike who truly thought that THIS was what the American public was craving for: woke takes from the 2009 ukulele lesbian. I want that creep's head on a fucking pike!

>> No.13033822

You think i could come up with a motivational speech that sounds left winged but is put together from hitler quotes?
Or i could try using rupi kaur quotes to compose a text disrespecting women.

>> No.13033833

I won‘t

>> No.13033854

My bad, it was joyce who wrote those fart letters to nora

>> No.13033927


>> No.13033931

The possibilities are endless anon, the beer is the important part though don't forget

>> No.13034537

This is really cool! I want to go to one of these

>> No.13034561

the second to last chapter of Only Revolutions, Sam's side, all the way through. don't worry about length, it's only ten minutes. since I have it memorized, I'll provide it in the next comment just in case you don't have a copy

>> No.13034592

turns out this is really long to type out, I'm splitting it up, reply "STOP" if you read this part and don't want any more. also mind the spacing, I don't remember how it looks line for line

Now's my way. Never a wilderness
Without an escape. For I
take every path. And I'll
ravage every chance.
The hammer. The blast.
Massing at last. I'm the fury
Only Hailey's DEAD HOPE,
Charred over, haggard,
Can try to stop.
"We're the unmended, the untended,
cold soldiers of the shoe. We're the neglected,
the never resurrected, agonies of the few.
We're the once kissed, unmissed,
and allways refused. Because we're the unfinished
and feared and we're never pursued."
"We?" I flip to this drip-wench swinging
forlornly her broken switch. DEAD HOPE.
Very dangerous, though not to me, even
with millions of hands. I slink menacingly.
"You've lost. You're the bomb squad after
the bomb's gone off. I'm the blast ongoing."
DEAD HOPE screeches. Harumph to that.
"Live longer rascal, get back!" "No," I rumph,
banishing her fumes, life's petty banes turning
to ragedy rales. Fascinating.

>> No.13034615

Here, with winter, cupped by Hailey's left palm,
A comb of Honey nipped just once,
A waxing amber that doesn't ebb.
Try a bit, worth a nip.
Woah! What weird fire devours my perimeter.
Perimeterless on the flip side.

And just that easily, on my behalf,
I come around. Because I'm burning.
Because I'm too soon.
Because without her, I am only revolutions of ruin.
The beast of War feeds only on the meats of War.
And now I'm for carnage.
Here's how my anguish frees.
Destroy everyone of course. Because I'm unwanted
and unsafe. And I'll take tears away with torments and rape,
killings and fears not even the dead will escape.
Encircling the Guilty, Ashamed, Blameless and
Enslaved. Absolved. Butchering their prejudice.
Patience. Their Resolve. Because I'm without value.
I'm the coming of every holocaust. Turning no lost.
Rending tissue, sinew and bone. Excepting no suffering.
From this Mountain, I'll go, rogue, stalking the sick
upon the curbs, the thirsty with their ladles,
and all towns will burn.
I'll hunt the rich and the fat, heads dashed, flipped,
limbs ripped, strewn over stream beds
And across every ditch.
Cities swept loose with fire and for those who kneel,
beg for reprieve, Municipalities and Paladins, I'll chew through
Their teeth and every nation will burn.
All I won't forgive, forfend, fortake, I forsake
It all with pogroms.

>> No.13034642

Heave of blade, grenade, uranium, and
Troubling velocities. Mortar rounds. Ground zero,
By me all levees will break. All silos heave.
I will walk heavy.
And I will walk strange.
Racing, wheeling famines, roadside to ramp,
A compass of travels never beyond the range of my wrath.
Even equators will crisp, change out directions,
Until Saturn, Uranus, fed up, will wobble loose and go.
Sorrow's Five Horizons goes too with a swing.
Milky Way, Singularity, every universe sent wandering,
And more still. All following to extinction my extinction.
Ever allways beyond death. On and one,
For I forever only spare the pursuit of all I delimit.

I am the prophecy prophecies pass. Why need dies at last.
How oceans dry and islands drown,
And skies of salt crash to the ground.
I turn the powerful, defy the weak, only
GRASS grows down abandoned streets.
And I alone am left to slaughter all my laughter would not wish to keep.
Where by my staying, no else remains, all now I'd never hamper.
Because I'm the rules I allready change, and by their change allways regain.
Because I'm the order over which ruling orders perish
And by my Hailey, which I will disorder with relish.

>> No.13034656

fuck me I just wasted 15 minutes, read the rest here

>> No.13034687

fuck me this one's wrong too, it's the teaser version that he put out before publishing it, just buy the goddamn book

>> No.13035885

I‘m looking forward to it too! I just hope everyone else doesn‘t just bring their sappy and pseudo deep lyrics.

>> No.13037418

huh, thats my econ undergrad professor.
what a guy, i love him.