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/lit/ - Literature

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1303312 No.1303312 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate Jews.

For all my life I've never understood. People launch conspiracy theories that they 'are trying to take over the world' but in all honesty, it makes no sense.

I think its because the Jews are right. They are holy and God loves them. And that's why people are jealous.

I'm only a gentile, though.

>> No.1303319

read the first section of Arendt's 'Origins of Totalitarianism' which is a pretty legit history of anti-Semitism

the deep roots (going back to the middle ages and before) are somewhat complicated, and have a lot to do with religious intolerance (christians just don't like non-christians, especially back in the Bad Old Days) and also class distinctions (jews in european areas tended to be somewhat well-off, many were merchants and bankers; this led to resentment from the rural aristocrats and from peasants)

and in the last 50 years there's also the issue of the historical crime which is the creation of the modern state of israel, which has led to anger particularly amongst muslims (wrong anger, but not unfounded anger)

>> No.1303327

They're a closed community with a disproportionate share in wealth, that cries as soon as someone critiques them.

They invented suicide terrorism and look down on every other culture.

I have nothing against them personally though, but they're crying that every arab is trying to kill them while commiting genocide on palestinians.

>> No.1303332

Why were they angry?

>> No.1303330

what would i know about it? i'm only a mere gentile.

>> No.1303336

I'll let my buddy Friedrich explain:

>Incidentally, the whole problem of the Jews exists only in nation states, for here their energy and higher intelligence, their accumulated capital of spirit and will, gathered from generation to generation through a long schooling in suffering, must become so preponderant as to arouse mass envy and hatred. In almost all contemporary nations, therefore—in direct proportion to the degree to which they act up nationalistically—the literary obscenity is spreading of leading the Jews to slaughter as scapegoats of every conceivable public and internal misfortune.

>> No.1303338


>I'm only a gentile, though.

Yes, goy. You are not comparable to the chosen ones. You are cattle, whose only purpose is to serve.

FFS, why do people think that they were kicked out of 100+ countries? Because they make themselves unwelcome.

Watch this video. It's a story, so you'll love it, being a /lit/ fag. It's allegorical.

>> No.1303339


shut up, communist.

>> No.1303340
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Sorry, forgot link:


>> No.1303341

The truth hurts.

>> No.1303344

oh boo hoo

>> No.1303346

>They all pick on us because we're so smart.

>> No.1303350


Notice that Friedrich was decidedly NOT Jewish.

>> No.1303353

I guess I'm sad because God loves them better than me. :(

>> No.1303355


jews are white, genius.

if you are going to distinguish by color, then you have to include everyone that is the same color.

>> No.1303361

If I feel worthless, am I?

>> No.1303368

1. they're different
2. despite being spread out across the world, they are very cohesive
3. they have a culture that is, in certain regards, very respectable (i.e. fundamentally based on reading and literacy).

number 3 is important, because people like to ascribe differences to genetics, which breeds racism. protip: the same thing that makes many believe the Jews are "intelligent" makes those same people believe that blacks are "unintelligent"---culture.

>> No.1303384

I used to think I had an the idea that Jewish people could actually be evil. How do I make up for that? I know see the errors in my ways.

>> No.1303397

you are talking about zionists. not the jews.

>> No.1303398

I'm a pizza delivery driver. Those motherfuckers don't tip. That pisses me off.

>> No.1303403



>> No.1303413

I'm talking about the majority of the jews.

>> No.1303422

My ex-girlfriend was a jew and she was a cheating, lying whore. Which makes it a safe assumption that all jews are cheating, lying whores. The stereotype backs it up, so therefore it must be true.

>> No.1303432


you are an ignorant little shit. you better be trolling!

>> No.1303433


One woman cheated so ALL women cheat. Only possible logical outcome.

>> No.1303445

But jewish people are white...
One of my best friends in highschool was jewish. She was nice and all, and always just a little better than me in every class we took together, but for some reason she felt the need to mention to me at least twice a day that she was jewish. I swear to god she was convinced she was a different race. It was alright though, since she brought me chocolates from her jew club and honey sticks on her jew holidays. Her family was kind of poor though, with her dad being unemployed and her mom being a Spanish sub. They acted fucking classy anyways, what with the constant classical music playing, the obligatory piano lessons, each child taking more AP classes then normal ones and eating kale. It was like they fit the stereotype and didn't.

Not sure what I was trying to accomplish by writing all of that, but now it would be a shame if I didn't post it.

>> No.1303449

That's not accurate.

jews are the most intelligent members of the white race, plain and simple. thus the pent-up rage on the part of everybody else.

>> No.1303451

this is the entire premise of /r9k/

although i don't think they're even working off of isolated real-life cases, just anime storylines or anxiety-induced fever dreams of the horrors that await if they ever dare to take a shower and leave the house

>> No.1303458

Jews are the best, you guys. James Franco is Jewish and he is super cute and made Spider-Man 3 partially watchable

>> No.1303468

you obviously don't watch anime so shut the hell up, bitch

>> No.1303469


The premise of /r9k/ is that no women will sleep with the people posting there, therefore all women are whores.

>> No.1303471

hell yeah. anime forever, bitches. born for anime, live for anime, die for anime. all my anime niggas know what i'm talking about, fuck all y'all fake ass punk ass bitches that don't fuckin watch anime. naruto is my fucking homeboy. shit yea.h

>> No.1303484

phillip roth turned his weird sexual neuroses and fantasies into some fine literature

you ask a mormon to do the same thing and you get twilight

>> No.1303488

man i never know when to do two l's or one

allison/alisons are tricky like that too

>> No.1303497

Jews detected

>> No.1303529

Which Friedrich are we talking about.

>> No.1303538


Who the fuck do you think you stupid asshole?

>> No.1303542


You obviously never dated a jew, so you wouldn't know what it means to be in a relationship with one. I'm more neurotic than I ever was thanks to one.

>> No.1303549


>I'm a weak willed faggot and I make absurd generalizations.

>> No.1303553

Annie Hall spotted

>> No.1303578

Jews were throughout european history a tight-knit community that nonetheless was well-off economically, aka they jelly.

Although disproportionally small compared to the rest of the world there are tons of jewish intellectuals, aka they jelly

Christians hate jews because they "killed Christ" and also because jews have theological grounds to shoot down their religion. It's a dichotomy, they worship a jewish-propjecy guy but when the jews say "wait, he's not the one from our religion's prophecy" Christians loose it.

Everybody hates jews because in one way or another they have managed to survive and keep their culture, and nowadays have political power that many people deem unfair.

Because they're smart and foreign, without a place where they really belong to for ages, paranoid retards blame them for trying to "take over x" (europe, america, the world, etc). Because of their foreign quality they're a nice scapegoat.

All of those factors combined answers your question.

>> No.1303584

that's a pretty... i don't want to say biased reading, but it gives a lot of surface level reasons without delving into why it's so. for example, the reasons that jews were disproportionately wealthy were largely down to religion: jews did not have the same prohibitions on charging interest to christians as christians did, and generally were more able to conduct trade in the middle ages, especially transnational trade. your analysis of the religious differences between jew and gentile is pretty much 'jews own christians' which is pretty biased. it's difficult to say that the high number of jewish intellectuals is down to some innate superiority of the jewish race.

>Because they're smart and foreign, without a place where they really belong to for ages, paranoid retards blame them for trying to "take over x" (europe, america, the world, etc). Because of their foreign quality they're a nice scapegoat.

this is on point though.

>> No.1303589

because they're stubborn and never conformed

>> No.1303610

>your analysis of the religious differences between jew and gentile is pretty much 'jews own christians' which is pretty biased.
It is pretty true though, Jesus fulfilling the messianic prophecies can be shot down in three minutes by any religious jew who knows hebrew. So Christians claim jews hate Jesus and killed him, etc. When some sequel contradicts the first book the first book takes precedence, same deal here. Why else would the new testament have so much antisemitic stuff otherwise, from a historic perspective it fits the glove nicely: romans don't have grounds to reject jesus so they're portrayed positively, whereas jews who have grounds to reject him are portrayed as evil bastards.

>it's difficult to say that the high number of jewish intellectuals is down to some innate superiority of the jewish race.
never implied that, just saying that despite being a really small population they have very public achivements.

"For example, during the 20th century in the United States, Ashkenazi Jews represented approximately 3% of the population, but won 27% of the US Nobel Prizes in science, and 25% of the ACM Turing Awards (the Nobel-equivalent in computer science).[54]"

Most stormfags will tell you that jews are dangerous and shit BECAUSE they're smart and cunning.

>> No.1303623


Why the fuck did you insult me, asshole?



>> No.1303628


he mad

>> No.1303636


also the game

>> No.1303653

Because they are clanish, seem to be able to resist doing any form of manual labor and get other people to do their fighting for them. That's why people don't like jews.