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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 193x266, fuckface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13029228 No.13029228 [Reply] [Original]

Thomas Pynchon is a fucking hack fraud and fuck all of you pseud morons for pretending his pretentious, soulless, oh-so-clever lamebrain drivel is anything other than pulp trash for mouthbreathers who want to think of themselves as "intellectual." I would rather read fucking airport novels because at least they're upfront about how absolutely devoid of any purpose or truth they are, instead of trying to trick stoners and NPR listeners into thinking their insipid nonsense has any artistic merit. DFW's insincere derivative wankery at least had some kind of humanity at the root of it, which no one can accuse this snaggletoothed fuck of ever approaching. Fuck you if you claim this fuckface is anything other than the idiot's idea of a genius, who has conned his way into the cannon by way of retards who are scared to call his bullshit what it is for fear of being told they "just don't get it."

>> No.13029232

Wow this must be the 5th iteration of this thread in one week. You’re really working hard aren’t you

>> No.13029233

What's the matter 2deep4u?

>> No.13029273

haven't been on /lit/ in like two weeks because it's filled with /pol/-lite pseuds and teenagers. If you've seen five threads like this in a week that legit gives me hope, so thank you.

>> No.13029280

you just don't get it

>> No.13029399

So what was the page? The page you gave up gravitys rainbow on?

>> No.13029423

The part with the bananas for me

>> No.13029445

284, right before the zone. Hate reading inherent vice right now too after already quitting it once. Fuck pinecone

>> No.13029505
File: 89 KB, 500x683, E3624C02-B6B5-4A16-B592-1D548230F218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me laugh OP, but I’m getting this book sent to me in 2 weeks, and I am still going to read and complete this book,

>> No.13029560

>t. never read Mason & Dixon

>> No.13029687
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>> No.13030064
File: 131 KB, 1000x860, BananaSpit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a meme but the bananas part was great imo. Made me hungry for a bananna split

>> No.13030092

Hell, its not even clever. Soon as I got to the “learned english dog” part of Mason and Dixon I quietly closed it and never looked back at that shit.

>> No.13030115

I agree with OP. He has no style, go grasp of prose. He has an almost complete inability to suck you into his novels, other than wanting to read them to try and figure them out. Some people like that. Which is cool. But it's a small part of what a better writer would include in a more complete package.
DFW is by far a better writer.

>> No.13030127

Pynchon is his own shit. We can't deny that the man has style and is better compared to many American writers.

>> No.13030136
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What's wrong with airport novels?

>> No.13030172

He has no style, he has no grace
This Pynch has a funny face
He can handstand when he needs to,
And stretch his book out, just for you.
Inflate himself just like a balloon.
This crazy Pynch just digs this tune!

>> No.13030197

Postmodernism bores me immensely. The whole literary generation of midwits who obsessively broke the conventions forgetting to build something in return, all these giant meganovels with endless characters and "look at how overeducated I am" references feel desperate in the most freudian way possible.

>> No.13030214

what else you got?

>> No.13030240


>> No.13030263

You can use boom periods to your own advantage, just saying.

>> No.13030268


Want to be a little more up front about your own insecurities anon?

>> No.13030271

Whats wrong with the word "insipid"?

>> No.13030410

how historically illiterate do you have to be to not even have a dash of appreciation for Pynchon? Not just in the sense that he write about history, but what kind of writer he is and who he is writing against. He's pretty much the last writer of the 20th century who can be accused of writing meaningless or ineffectual nonsense. Fucking uneducated retards

>> No.13030526
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>that he write about history
Lovely grammar you have, cope more, you fucking illiterate dunce, you have to leave

>> No.13030652

No surprise, seeing that he and all his modernist peers were CIA assets. Which of course is deployed by the world elite to the totalitarian means of infiltrating and destroying all real art and culture.

>> No.13030964

Pyncher was a whistleblower, bruh

...Probably anyway

>> No.13031271

talk more about it

>> No.13031334
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>> No.13031719

Just got my copy in the mail the other day. Should I still be excited to start?

>> No.13031728

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

>> No.13031732

How did pinecone get so popular? Stuff like GR and CL49 is too esoteric (especially given his age). Was his success just a product of the times or are publishers not willing to risks nowadays and in turn depriving of us future authors with the same potential as Pynchon?

>> No.13031734

yeah, I'm so fucking glad I outgrew fiction and this pseud fetishization of being seen reading "hard" books but never have anything to fucking say about them

>> No.13031742

okay, leave the "hard" books to those of us who can, you know, actually read :)

>> No.13032034
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>> No.13032041

he was Nabokov´s student, he had connections with the literary industry

>> No.13032202

lol being 'difficult' or 'intellectual' isn't why his books are great.. he's the ultimate humanist.. all the fancy stuff is just window dressing. also his books are fun!!! you seem boring OP!

>> No.13032213

Reading CL49 right now and i can only disagree with this post

>> No.13032221

Also joke is on OP who seems to have spent some time reading Foster Wallace

>> No.13032253


>> No.13032322


>> No.13032409

That doesn't mean he had connections. I think it was just his old money getting him to rub shoulders with the elect

>> No.13032669

>Hates Inherent Vice

That's by far his most accessible book, easier to read than even Lot 49. And this is coming from a non-native English speaker.

You're just retarded.

>> No.13032681

Bullshit. Vera Nabokov said her husband didn't even know who he was.

>> No.13032704

What if Scarsdale Vibe was a good character?

Seriously, why don't more people give Pynchon shit for the "blah, blah, capitalism . . . blah, blah, The Man" stuff. His approach to wealth discrepancies and power structures is strikingly simplistic and his "villains" are just there for him to use as punching bags.

It's insufferable.

>> No.13032718

Because Pynchon is all about exposing the dirty underbelly of capitalism.

>> No.13032745

What's most annoying about his right-on attitude is that he went to an ivy league and came from an upper class family, and he goes on about "the preterite". Quite frankly it is annoying.

>> No.13032759

He was rejected from multiple foundations and fellowships before receiving an endowment to write V.

>> No.13032760

>Inherent Vice
Good Lord, do I hate this book.

This is very, very late Thomas Pynchon, when he was hopped up on marijuana and television. Consequently, the entire book reads like a very, very long, barely edited transcript of a stoned East Coast intellectual rambling incoherently for hours in turn of the century English, because that's exactly what it is. The narrative is simplistic, is buried underneath clouds of irrelevant and soporific detail, and frankly isn't very interesting to begin with. The characters are wooden and uninteresting. The entire book is less about actual storytelling and more about talking at great length about arcane Victorian traditions without actually getting to the point. For all of the thousands of words in this book, very few of them actually have meaning. This book adds nothing to either literature in general or to Pynchon's reputation, and only came to be because he was delirious and lonely before getting married.

This is possibly one of the most tedious, overwrought books I have ever read. On that negative note, I have enjoyed other books by Thomas Pynchon, mainly The Crying of Lot 49, which was actually quite good. It appears that his late works, Mason & Dixon, Inherent Vice etc, are in his most annoying, self-indulgent style, and most of them are practically unreadable.

And this book is indeed unreadable. Thomas Pynchon's style is overly wordy and verbose, his sentences go on for paragraphs. I found myself having to stop reading in the middle of a sentence just to keep track of what he was saying. This book is so wordy that it took me several months to finish it, and several times I found myself angrily throwing this book against the wall. How can anyone endure this? I have read other author's who are very wordy, such as James Fenimore Cooper, Nathaniel Hawthorne, George Eliot, but never have I encountered writing so painfully excruciating..

>> No.13032768

I'm reading it now, a lot of writing around death, sanity, the connection between a person and the place they inhabit.
It's also just plain enjoyable, the prose is entertaining, the characters are human and several times I've laughed aloud. Tenative recommendation since I haven't finished more than half of it yet.

>> No.13032775

This made more sense when it was posted about M&D and compared that with AtD instead of IV which is not in the same style

>> No.13032786
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>> No.13032802

I made this point about pynchon and gaddis a couple of months ago and everyone got super assblasted even though I like both authors

>> No.13032804

good for you?

>> No.13032840

Pynchon's a fucking fraud. In inherent vice the character tweezes the tobacco out of a cigar and replaces it with sensimilla. You'd have to be supremely square to not know how to roll a blunt.
Also, in v, he describes the ornette coleman character's music as 'all sixths and minor fourths.' Minor fourths?

I like the guy, but he's overhyped and fucks up his research

>> No.13032850

Kill yourself you retarded cocksucking anal gape faggot

>> No.13032855

lol touchy

>> No.13032861
File: 7 KB, 250x174, q5OL30Eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is freshman year going?

>> No.13032882

>Post modernism bores me immensely
How's highschool?

>> No.13032887


>> No.13032899
File: 133 KB, 329x330, 1551520862321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you got btfo 3/3 huh?

>> No.13032902

You stupid dumb bitch do you know how many students are in a university class? Lol of course not chances are you're some assblasted highschool dropout. Kys.

>> No.13032915


>> No.13032919


>> No.13032936
File: 120 KB, 3078x2564, 1548959027022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to 4chan(nel)
>bitch about frog

>> No.13032945


>> No.13032966

alright kiddo back to >>>/mu/

>> No.13032980

As I thought. This thread is infested with your genus of zoomer bugmen. That special brand of millenial so hopped up on the surplus dopamine of hitting "submit" and seeing your opinion pop up on a website for everyone to see. You who have been tricked by algorithims to think that you matter, or that your opinion matters without any experience, expertise or authority. Digusting.

>> No.13032984

Just finised M&D and aboutr to start Against the Day or Bleeding Edge next.

Which? And what am I in for?

>> No.13032988


>> No.13032994

In my opinion the whole frogposting dialectic gives too much choice in the matter. IF you bitch about the frogs, that is indeed what gives it power.

There are no sides in this. There is only one logical choice. And neither the feels nor the frogs are a genuine source of power anymore, as the lines and people they represent are vague.

Time for new memes :3

>> No.13032995
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>> No.13032996

I'm not talking about accessibility. I'm talking about creating stories with anything resembling artistic merit. Guys like you are obsessed with whether or not a book is "accessible" because you view reading only as a way to show off how smart you are. So, implicit in your criticism is the admission that, like most Pynchon fans, you are a pseud.

>> No.13032999


>> No.13033001
File: 170 KB, 829x404, vp(ynchon).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13033003

Right. There is no struggle. IF indeed what you say is true, then the struggle for power does not exist and everyone is constantly influenced by your mind. This is the kind of thing that is all powerful, like God in a way.

>> No.13033005

lol irony

>> No.13033014

>time for someone (not me) to dethrone the literally tens of thousands of pepe and wojak images that have been posted for ~10 years :3
What possesses people to be this retarded? Its not a very uncommon complaint but its an incredibly dumb and pointless one. is autism?

>> No.13033017


>> No.13033026


You just need to think logically about it for two seconds /lit/bros! You are simply not thinking correctly. It’s not like there’s anything to work against. You just accept the fact that these memes are inapplicable and move on!

>> No.13033035
File: 94 KB, 1024x676, 1542141705979m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude but look at my tryhard pontification
shut up faggot

>> No.13033039

But if there is no other side than what can we hope for?

Say this side hates our kind? And he says he stands with our God. Then what do we hope for? Where do we turn

>> No.13033043

pleb filtered

>> No.13033050

Obviously I don’t hate anyone in particular. Although I’ve said ‘nigger’ and said that certain people will be punished, it does not mean anything. I take no stance against blacks, I’ll have you know. I respect a lot of them and understand their struggles.

For the most part though, you are literally struggling against something very expansive and vast, and it makes no sense to do so. :3

>> No.13033054

>reads a par 500 page book once

>> No.13033057
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>> No.13033067

obviously struck a guitar there kiddo

>> No.13033066

And I do know that I am against one thing: shit flinging :3

>> No.13033070

So you get to just shit on people publically and get away with it?

>> No.13033071 [DELETED] 

You should just let me :3 I think it’s working in my favor, yes

>> No.13033073 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 454x453, 1556368466133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a complete brainlet. what the fuck are you even talking about
>I respect a lot of black people
They don't reciprocate that. Pepe and wojak are never going away.

>> No.13033099 [DELETED] 

Pepe and wojak have already went away, brainlet. They are regurgitated old memes at this point. They are both outdated

>They don't reciprocate that
But ‘they’ don’t have a collective conscious. This in and of itself is part of a serious problem affecting them all sociologically :3 you are creating a prison for these people with your words

>> No.13033124 [DELETED] 
File: 453 KB, 667x583, 1553735605227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop repeating yourself you fucking faggot. You're not going to "make new memes", you're just going to bitch. There are new memes made, some stay and some die, but wojak and pepe remain. The 30 year old boomer and honkler are not even 1 year old. Stop bitching, you retard.
>waaaahhh I don't like the frog :3
What are you the ADL? Suck dicks queer.

>> No.13033146

stupid frogposter

>> No.13033159 [DELETED] 

But the honkler is a perfect example. With the honkler you see the frog ‘switching sides’ as it were. Everyone is confused. No one knows who is winning or losing. As it should be.

Competition in life is, by and large, typically a grand waste. What good has it done any of you to sit around and say ‘ho hum what a failure I am compared to this person’, yet here you are doing it. Again and again and again.

These tropes are replicated on this website rather maliciously. I really wonder how many of you are genuine, or if people like Londonfrog ARE even genuine, or posters who are trying to control this segment of society/reality.

Either way, it doesn’t pay to do what you’re doing. And you will get your just reward when you die. :3

>> No.13033167
File: 146 KB, 634x976, 1555153214718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gracefully accept your concession

>> No.13033169

So you’re saying they are going to hell because they are losers?

>> No.13033173

nobody cares about retarded polshit

>> No.13033177 [DELETED] 
File: 715 KB, 868x1059, 1556189052256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still whining about frog

>> No.13033178

Not quite. These sorts of things require a LOT of thought.

But as it were, many people like you do not think quite enough about it.

No, if they are thought of as ‘losers’ they are not going to hell. It is if they try to replicate these mentalities throughout our board or elsewhere on the Internet. :3

>> No.13033184
File: 897 KB, 375x304, 1556471478688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this much of a spaz

>> No.13033204 [DELETED] 

Great b8, can't beliege you got me to reply earlier.

>> No.13033882

take it easy babe, no need to be angry

>> No.13033894

>not being angry

>> No.13033928
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>> No.13033960

bananas lol

>> No.13033964
File: 70 KB, 637x854, 1541394202521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas Pynchon is a fine author, among Poe, Melville, James, Gaddis and obviously Jesus Christ Himself as America's best. You're damn right I'm fired up.

>> No.13033984
File: 413 KB, 560x667, Screen-shot-2010-07-09-at-9.21.57-AM1-560x667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh Jesus was mexican

>> No.13034002

>farina, banana, nananananana
>charles mason, j. dixon, come on dicky nixon
>shambhala, vhe-issu, baby it's no issue
>'cause baby entropy
>it's simply an

>> No.13034007

le pynch is boomer trash

>> No.13034030
File: 51 KB, 340x490, Robert-Anton-Wilson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what about Robert Anton Wilson?

>> No.13034071

Literally pynchon fanfiction. Illuminatus! is like the gravity's rainbow coloring book (unauthorized). Never read his freemasom/david icke fanfiction but I'm sure.you can guess my opinion of it.

>> No.13034120

>Illuminatus! is like the gravity's rainbow coloring book (unauthorized).

but he wrote that book before GR was published, between 1969-1971, you could say that GR is the offshoot book

>> No.13034146

iirc he actually namedropes GR. It's definitely like "pssst, hey kid... yeah this book has drugs and sex in it" and then william burroughs showed up to the gay rights march and we all recited Joyce. That's how Illuminatus! reads.

>> No.13034177

>iirc he actually namedropes GR

oh yeah, he revised some segments of his book to include references about Pynchon before publishing the trilogy, not a good choice imo

>There are also references to Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49 and his Gravity's Rainbow, an equally enormous experimental novel concerning liberty and paranoia that was published two years prior to Illuminatus! Wilson claims his book was already complete by the time he and Shea read Pynchon's novel (which went on to win several awards), but they then went back and made some modifications to the text before its final publication to allude to Pynchon's work.

but yeah, the prose isn´t the best in illuminatus

GR: postmodern novel
Illuminatus: post-postmodern novel

>> No.13034200

You really think someone would do that? Just go to the press and tell lies about themselves?

>> No.13034215

well i trust them since they had a tough experience trying to publish the trilogy, it was a miracle that they published the book at the end of the day


>> No.13034227

Yeah they tried to peddle smut and Art Bell conspiracy theories before Thomas "the whistleblower" Pynchon writes his magnum opus and then 2 years later they release the My Immortal version of GR and claim they wrote it first.

>> No.13034250

>my favorite book is better than yours!!!!


>> No.13034258

>t. hasn't read either

>> No.13034269

The original concept for the Roberts was literally playboy magazine letters to the editor before GR

>> No.13034276

i read illuminatus two times, and GR the first two chapters (Beyond the Zero and Un Perm' au Casino)


>> No.13034304

>You really think someone would do that? Just go to the press and tell lies about themselves?

>> No.13034320
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>can´t come up with anything else


>> No.13034339

>I believe the hackwork mess of Iluminatus! is authentic
Pynchon was part of MKULTRA and he's still more authentic. Sad! Many such cases.

>> No.13034398

So like the 4th chapter? Okay

>> No.13035728

obvious bait but pynchon is a truly great writer OP, and his work is very accessible, zany, psychedelic, and fun!