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13029221 No.13029221 [Reply] [Original]

Write whatever passes through your mind at the moment.

>> No.13029229

Poopy fart butt I'm gay

>> No.13029238
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, ED62F25B-8537-421F-AC11-686D79C8A537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to have sex with a cute girl who’s wearing a cosplay while I fuck her

>> No.13029261

I don't know what to write, I must be stupid because I don't know. It feels so good to write whatever comes to my mind, but I can't go further than just the surface. Jist. Post.

>> No.13029282

try to to think of something interesting
try not to think of the song you're listening to

>> No.13029310

As if my mind is capable of realizing its own problems. I'm unaware, I will forget, redemption requires memory and my mind forgets at the first sign of a rest relaxing by the side of my own way. What am I to do to be saved my own way how can I both submit and lead how can I be a leader and the first and a follower and the last and be what is inverse to my own when my own is my own

>> No.13029324
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I just decided that i'm not going to read this book i needed for uni. fuck it. tomorrow i will read the whole thing, but now i'm going to jerk off and fall asleep instead. it late anyway, so no reason to feel guilty. oh fuck. i've just remembered that tomorrow i have plans to eat some nutmeg with a friend. he said it gave him a nice trip, so i did some research and it seems it actually works lol. now i'm just talking to much. bye. good night to my fellow /lit/ frens.

>> No.13029336

The ancient 和 art of 省略 runs deeper than I had anticipated (hoped for).

>> No.13029376

i skipped class today and headed to the college library to jot down the titles of books that interested me so that i could illegally download them later since finding supplementary material for classics online is surprisingly difficult
there's also this used bookstore i wanted to go to but its on the other side of town but i still might as well go since its not like i have anything better to do and i got my tax return so i can afford to splurge a bit even though i know i won't read them for possibly months
i can't wait for this godforsaken semester to end so i can drop out and go to trade school, fuck college for real

>> No.13029397

going full speed on a bridge of destiny where the road doesnt seem to end,no way of really knowing.

>> No.13029404

that giant spicy foodtruck burrito is probably what gave me the shits because i smelled it,i wonder what will happen in the morning when someone finds me sleeping under this church awning?i thought for a bit that it was the bag of rancid meat that stupid ugly woman gave me but i washed my hands,fuck using a touchpad mouse to operate an on screen keyboard to type train of thought is ridiculous,its gonna storm tomorrow its gonna storm tomorrow its gonna storm tomorrow make a plan stan.

>> No.13029428

explosive endless breaking thoughts of the lifetime dreams beyond the living organisms that stink of the fluid and piss of a million different niggers all over the planet shitting and pissing and there isn't a life to live and we're all going to die screaming

>> No.13029430


>> No.13029437
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There was this counselor who called me in for my shit.grades and she was a real qt turns out she was a sociology major so I tried convincing her that marx shouldve been ancap because diamat and all that cuz I was bored out of my mind and we ended up wasting a whole hour of our time just talking abt life n shit and i thought I was so profound and cool and I come back to find, guess what, some stupid ass thread on this stupid dumb board that asks "whats the best argument against dialectical materialism" and the first post was "taken to its ideological extreme one should arrive on anarcho capitalism not socialism" and I was sitting there thinking wow some stupid autist really just typed the same thing I said the very same day what a weird world guess I'm not so special, or cool, after all and maybe she was just laughing at me the whole time thinking "wow look at this midwit thinking hes solved the whole world while everybody knows that diamat should be interpreted to justify laissez faire capitalism" or maybe she didnt think of this at all and was really convinced of my faux profundity which means that maybe I'm just some middling iq kid raised up in a stupid world where nobody is actually well read at all and this whole board is actually a fuckton of posturing and by the way ever since i started reading kant and Hegel and nietzsche and marx and I skipped the greeks by the way, fuck you guys, ive realized that 90% of this board is just posturing midwits who actually dont know what the fuck theyve read and probably read wikipedia articles as a substitute which is okay because, I'll give you all this, you guys are actually pretty verbally gifted, so posturing and all that is pretty convincing but still fuck you if you dont think that somebody sees through your congruent posture, yea yea I said it, and im a midwit too but at least I accept it because I doubt anybody isnt a midwit even schopenhauer was a midwit I bet so yea suck this dick also I'm not gonna reread this shit before I post I care how you guys see me but just not that much

>> No.13029441

I wish I was dead.

>> No.13029506

fuck fuck god damnit jesus christ fuck's sake god damnit fucking fag

>> No.13029514

"And it's a cruel memory to look back on who we were, 'cause my past is a poison and I'll never find a cure"

>> No.13029515

I want to slaughter roasties. Shoot them on sight. Cut their eyes out with a bayonett. Scalp roasties. Burn roasties alive. Slit their throats. Smash their heads with a rock. I wanna make them beg and crawl for their lives before i blow their retarded faces away from their heads with pump action shotgun. I need to calm down and relax, but i can't. I havet strong urge to visit a place were roasties gather and machine gun them all down. Please. Please help me. I don't want to hurt anyone. But i can't stand foids anymore. They need to be slaughtered like cattle. And i want to be the guy who pulls the trigger and exterminate female vermin. But at the same i am a rational being. I know deadly violence is not the answer but what can you do?

>> No.13029526

Yeh. This here is the numbah FIFteen guy on the blaaack list

>> No.13029572

my guts are twisting, contorting in pain, ate too many oranges or something, took a shower, drank water, had a bite of zucchini and some harissa carrots, sudden abdominal distress, aches like a kid who ate too many chocolate chip cookies, used to get terrible migraines as a child, threw up because of them, later on found out brewer's yeast tablets mom kept in the kitchen had been doing it, thought about it recently, thought maybe it also had to do with general dehydration, imagined myself as 6 year old boy with permanent heat exhaustion, eating too much, not enough water, stunted growth from poor nutrition and lack of exercise, crippled, unused muscles, no turning back, body is locked in, too far gone, point of no return, stomach beginning to settle, mind beginning to clear, pain beginning to subside, always the persistent pain, barbs, needles, pokes, tortures, inflicted by others, self-inflicted, wish to tear open bowels, wish to pull brain apart, indigestion, no good movies anymore, nothing tickles, Blade, good movie, Blade 2, bad movie, Blade 3, bad movie, what happened? Silence of the Lambs, good movie, went to theater today, nothing playing, Avengers on 8 screens, then Captain Marvel maybe? something else, family friendly, one rated R, La Llorosa or something, read synopsis, wasn't interested, didn't see anything, went home, got oil changed, said needed power steering fluid changed, sure, ok, $160 total, dude, might have told me the power steering was gonna cost 100 bucks, whatever, have money, swipe card, on my way, paid up rent through October, good deal, just another 9 months to take care of, why fuck around? nothing else to do anyway, got groceries, salad, oranges, mushrooms, carrots, bouillon, sardines, what else? don't remember, sauteed onions, mushrooms, leftover steak in coconut oil, splash some veggie stock, apple cider vinegar, deglaze, no butter so throw in some of that thick cream you scrape off the top of organic milk, salt, pepper, 5 spice powder, cup or two of water, simmer, reduce, mmm, bon appetit, took out trash, made coffee, how the time flies, got home six hours ago, nights already over, nothing feels good these days, so much pain, so much sad loneliness, feel like pathetic chump all those memes are about, oh well, if it weren't real there wouldn't be a meme, funny cause it's true, serving a purpose, smiling Sisyphus, pathetic Prometheus, Homererotic, stole that from Naked, sort of, Shinji, miss anime, used to be so important, now a vague memory, painful memories, watched some Excel Saga recently though, liked it, funny, laughing's good, need to laugh more, always on verge of either laughing or bursting into tears, wish could lose more weight, used to weigh 200+, now weigh 150-160, want to weigh 120-130, too short, excess weight very unbecoming, pot-bellied reject, psycho, spazz, books aren't cutting it, want to read new Houellebecq, waiting for translation, too lazy to learn French, Dieu n'existe pas

>> No.13029611

Chicken McNuggets in my tummy. So delicious, so yummy. I like them! Yes! It’s so fun to eat. It’s so fun to be. Delicious. Like a tree in a park. The way the tree moves as you move, the change in shadows created by the sunlight through the leaves, it all feels so real. That is reality. Everything is good. How could it be any other way? Sometimes I forget, but this forgetting is good, too. Oh! How beautiful. What to do? I don’t know. I love God. But what does this mean? I love everything. Do I really? Everything has value.

>> No.13029621

ah hahaha hahahaha hahahaha. yusko novno antavna

>> No.13029635

Hoalright nebros, the semaphore for the setting sun slams sideways into the sidelong shatterbinge of the cliff, forsad warns the forsayer of sidelong cliffs, slamming into the effigy of spanning sidewavering stallments. The rising sun is a setting shape, the stars distant refuges for the space in between the rehappenstance of any incident’s magnitude. It has no brother, it has no love.

>> No.13029642


>> No.13029648

Oh shit

>> No.13029657

I like

>> No.13029669

IN the beginning, the end was the beginning, and light was not yet made but made also. Truth was to fulfill itself for itself in itself all at once through a becoming but yet always was is as it is. The becoming illusion is part of the being, the illusion of time as necessary as anything, for the sake of Truth. Yes, it is all as it is, complete, with no errors. Misunderstanding is as necessary as understanding, good as necessary as evil, and all things opposite. Everything is everything with nothing left out, because nothing is evil. And the noticing of this idea is good, and everything is good, but what is bad? Only that which is perceived to be bad, but this perception is necessary. To see all things as good is good, but it can be dangerous, too. I don’t know anything, but I don’t have to, because God does know everything, including Himself, the ultimate achievement of existence. What can be more important? What left is there? We will have to make do with what we have. It will be so great. Everything is great. But what should we do? If only we were perfect, but we can’t be. But this imperfection is good, too, and we should accept it. Why can’t we accept others’ imperfections? Perhaps because we suspect they do not accept their own imperfections. They probably aren’t even aware of their imperfections. How stupid are they? But this is a good thing. I just wish!....I don’t know. What are we aiming for? Why does no one dare discuss it? Shall we swim along without stopping or thinking? Does this not bother anyone? Why are we so worried about the future, anyway? Why are some not worried at all? Which is better? I’m trying too hard to know, but I know that I can’t know, but I forget this. I guess I’ll embrace what I am. Does this mean I should stop reflecting on myself? Now I’m confused.

>> No.13029670

Yesterday I discovered my now EX-boyfriend has a protein shaker full of semen which he evidently wanks into and never empties out. I’m completely weirded out and mortified by this, is this normal for boys? I just think it is so messed up. Has anyone experienced something like this? I found it under his bed, it’s half full and was vomit-inducing.

And btw, when you see this, just know this is the real reason I ended things with you. I would have told you why last night but I didn’t want to out you to your housemates for the weird semen collecting wanker you clearly are and always were. Ugh, really thought we had something, you’re cute and so funny so good luck in the future but please stop ejaculating into a protein shaker. Thank u, next! I want a bad guy, not a creep

>> No.13029730

Skinny in the penny, I’m skinny, for real. Jack in the shack, I’m black, not for real. I don’t know. Sometimes I’m in time but I’m not IN time but I don’t, i don’t, see what the point, is, where to go, go...but it’s not over. Nope, “it’s only just begun” hehe ahhhhh so dumb. If only (IFFFFFFF ONLYYYYYY) haha. Gosh. I hate it. What’s wrong with me? Someone should something. Help? I’ve fallen and i can’t get up! What the heck. I mean seriously, what the frick. I can’t do it, man, haha. Just stop, no, whatever. Come on, do it, it will be fun! I like sunsets, wait, not really, they’re kinda cool, but why would I say that? It’s just not in the moment. I’m struggling to find...

>> No.13029790

No, don’t let me know this will go; at the end we can’t mend what’s lost through a storm of meaningless office and madness imbibed into our great and flourishing ring of joy.

>> No.13029833

As I type this, I'm really thinking a lot about how my day went and how I DIDNT see anybody i knew today except for I did but I did not remember my interaction with them, did I talk to them? If I did it must have surely been over nothing, for I remember not what it was that I was supposedly talking about. At this moment I cannot remember anything I have ever said to anybody, nothing at least thats done something or changed anything, except for maybe when I didn't talk to Michael because he was being too much of a boomer but then again i DIDNT talk to him and the absence of the discussion was what changed him. To not talk with someone will probably have more of an effect, but I don't know, who do I know, my name is Chase I know that but like hmmmmmm

>> No.13029852

Man Jon really had a good chain of steaks in his time didn't he. Really quite a lot of lovely meat before the inevitable fall into post-competent bovine mockery. Someone's going to have to really whip him back into shape if we're to enjoy some of that good old red stuff. Maybe poke him with one of those kebab skewers until he leaves that wog shit alone. Bloody arabs
And did you know that the process of halal butchery is inhumane and sadistic on top of all that? Take kosher killing for instance, they distract the animal and than they cut a nerve or something so it dies instantly and feels no pain. But these muslims mate, I've seen it happen and it's like these mohammedans take pleasure in the fear and suffering of innocent animals. got back on it john you cunt

>> No.13029997

hibit bop it hop pop it top quick
stop snop stod it quack toxic
turben fooglen booden nenen

>> No.13030008

I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate Israel I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job boobs

>> No.13030025

haha based lemme try


>> No.13030029
File: 379 KB, 640x589, 8D16E027-3849-4AA1-9898-B165FD0011C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, explain how diamat leads to ancap
Also, dude, chill you’re literally fine. You were def posturing but she either thought it was cute and endearing or didn’t care. Also here’s the good news. You literally don’t exist except as a social construction recognized by other people unless you have faith in yourself, which you obviously do because you’re so self consciousness. Turn that consciousness outward and give something for people to react to for a change instead of endlessly analysing things that happened to you.

>> No.13030034

posted this more than once on this board ahaha pathetic
when your nihilistic rage is just a performance

>> No.13030035

I'm so happy that I find vaginas sexually attractive... do I like dicks? Would I like sucking on a di ew no I wouldn't even like sucking a tit iv only ever suked my mom's tit why is my father so cold to me.

>> No.13030078

Nothing compared to

>> No.13030090

I wrote both

>> No.13030096

What does that tell you

>> No.13030107

The first was definitely more spontaneous and real

>> No.13030119

Halibut Einstein a fish of a genius, A master of science smith. Halibut Einstein the drunkest creature who creeped out of the ocean. Evolutionized to in danger his own species, he catapulted cheese to the moon and switched them at high noon. On a rocket he swore that the tailgates where born when Halibut Einstein fell asleep and snored.

>> No.13030132

words do not go through my head listening to the kreutzer sonata right now I am overly conscious of how I feel the banner is an anime girl spewing coffee out of her mouth thinking faster than I type I look at the words on the screen one by one by one it is strange no? thinking smugly self reflecting like some some guy whose name I don't want to say because it is a literary figure and I will get shot down on the internet for mentioning this figure WHO AM I in big caps on the screen big letters big emphasis do not want to repeat myself don't repeat myself don't repeat myself end this here fuck it

>> No.13030140

everyone guy has a semen shaker

your vagina is probably way more gross so shut your stupid bitch mouth

>> No.13030142

spa pa pa gehtti
only when the table is ready
spa pa pa gehtti
its Wednesday day day
spaghetti day
pa pa pa says get the table ready

>> No.13030150

I have so much to do tomorrow, and I don't want to admit online how low I see myself I'm ignoring my biggest problems fuck nick the cunt stole 5 bucks from me last summer if I ever see him again I want to not think about making out with him, why do I have gay thoughts like that I don't like being confused. I guess this is a sort of reaction to my relationship that I've built with my dad the nonexistent relationship. Yes that's probably it my gay thoughts are probably just my brain saying that it wished dad would say something to me that didn't make him look like the lily cunt he can be he's so shy I wish he'd just say something and I like the guy but he's to much of a pussy

>> No.13030153

gurgle purgle miggle wiggle shiggy piggy ya diggy? fa jig jig niggy in riggle piggle piddy haha this is fun

>> No.13030176

you got it set to M for mini, when it should be set to W for w-WE HATE NIGGERS

>> No.13030178

Just arrived at work, to the start of another wondrous 8 hours of boredom and loathing. Somewhere else, not here, people are living a life. Not me. A stack of papers sits on the printer in front of me and demands attention. I'll ignore you for as long as I can. My eyes feel heavy, I woke up at 3 am and masturbated all the way till the morning, also my stomach feels cramped from not shitting for several days, how great. Fuck this stack, seriously, fuck it to all hells. It gets renewed every day, always there, always waiting. I wish my job had some meaning, I wish it was less repetitive, I wish my bosses weren't all women, causing me to feel emasculated and pathetic, I wish for many things, but I got this stack.

>> No.13030188

hope you find somewhere to stay tomorrow

>> No.13030191

jesse had a name but we dont know if he was a boy or girl we just know he had a hole, a nice sweet sweaty shlong sleave and boy did it feel rump when the girls took the turns pumping their toady bumpy tongue all through jesses buns

>> No.13030205

it's hard to write stream of consciousness because there's a perpetual temptation to write something childish or immature like gay sex poop fuck or something of that nature because we're afraid of expressing ourselves sincerely because then we would might be judged badly we dont want people to prick and prod us in our inward tender parts so we hide them under a rough shell of shame and fear and we pull up dirt from the earth into the light of day and offer it up in exchange for our very selves caring not what the other does with that dirt but perhaps growing indignant when the dirt is rejected because being indignant is a sort of pleasure and we grow vainly satisfied if that dirt is applauded for then we claim that this dirt is our very self when we know deep down that it is not, our very self is hidden away like a kidnapped child in a damp cellar

>> No.13030209

I have saved enough money can I stop going to work now

>> No.13030225

what a shitty fucking post, oh look it's shinji in the pic, completely irrelevant, I should really go back and actually watch that all the way through, the fact that I've only watched 12 episodes is really getting hard to hide from my anime friends, yet I finished all of serial experiments lain for some reason, what a shitty fucking anime, what a shitty fucking post, what a shitty fucking phrase, I don't know what to think about because you've put me on the spot to just write what comes to mind but this probably isn't even everything since thoughts just come and go like leaves in the wind that are never individually seen again, leaves in the wind reminds me of that poem from the end of house of leaves, how does it go again,
little solace comes to those who grieve / as thoughts keep drifting / and walls keep shifting / and this great blue world of ours / seems a house of leaves / / moments before the wind
that's about right isn't it, god is danielewski actually going to be able to finish the familiar, wonder how that'd be as a netflix show isntead of a book, that'd actually almost work, it's already kind of set up like a tv show in the book, it'd be weird trying to set up the narrative constructs or the stream of consciousness into the medium of tv,
hey I mentioned stream of consciousness, which is what I'm doing right now, mhm, how lovely, I'm bored of this now, I'm not a robot, yay no picture captcha, post

>> No.13030233

The bitter irony of that post is that the first impulse to have sprang upon the mind of its author was the idea to criticize others for the supposedly cowardly ways of expressing their SOC writings, the criticism given in the most surreptitious way, never addressing concrete posters, but sort of musing out in the air, like wise ol' Socrates giving us marketplace plebians a lecture. The air of smugness emanates from the expectation of being praised for this brilliant insight and supposedly naked honesty, which falls apart upon close inspection of the hilariously insecure style, found in things like the rejection of capital letters and punctuation marks, the immature idea of how the stream of consciousness is supposedly supposed to be written. I'm afraid this post gets a big oof and a biglier yikes from me, it was less than a stream and more of a trickle.

>> No.13030241
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was criticizing myself and my own first impulse and sympathizing with others who gave into the impulse because i understand them. why must you hurt me so with your cold speech

>> No.13030252

the fact that people are arguing through stream of consciousness both astounds and annoys me like really guys why are you doing this in a thread as harmless as this its just stream of consciousness bullshittery why is bullshittery even an allowed word in english it sounds and looks terrible shenanigans is better yeah the thread is just stream of consciousness shenanigans oh yeah i was scolding you you know what whatever do literally anything i don't even remember my point

>> No.13030254

There he goes again, donning now a veil of humbleness and scathing self-critique. Insecurity seeps futher, almost tangible now through the monitor screen, sticky on the fingers. The picture of a cat in distress, begging you to empathize, the dagger of pseudery hidden just behind it.

>> No.13030296

I feel really tired most of the time and I think school is not helping with it. I feel like I can make way more money and learn a lot more if I just skipped those 7 hours. My financial future is exciting in the sense that I love making money. I am tired of trying to convince people of my ideals and I'm just going to stick to myself.

>> No.13030302

Its been years since I truly did this. There used to be a time when I could only write like this, by letting whater came forth come forth with no restrictions no hold overs no waves from the ocean entering my mind and washing away traces of truth or talent or anything other than what eve was suposed to be there. UI forgtoet shat ti felt like buyt now i can't fucing stop.

>> No.13030320

I laugh, anon your your original response was funny and it was true but I find you to far gone into the clouds of this blue board , like a day sky you remove your personal traits and you tarnish your social worth by pointing at the weak. I know you know better, you are smart and it's only the end of our first day of the week. And here you spend and soil your attitude ( or perhaps it has been tilled, your soil ) with gross pasteurization of sublimity in hand. Chunky, gurdy, milky... Your personality is opaque, and I don't need a crystal ball to scry.

>> No.13030321

I hate myself for my weakness
Zica virus
Zica virus
¿No querias encontrar tal horror?
I hate myself for my weakness
God damn
Fucking weeb you stupid fucking trash holy shit
5 strings power chords are okay really
Kat Bjelland is the greatest female singer ever
fucking Kat,so fucking good,so good
No,no,theres Nico too

>> No.13030386

*cracks open a fresh beer*


Ahem amend amen
a man amends to mend but bends
Earthward as if to crawl as earthworm eats of words to be in body of what is a man

A man eats bread and becomes the bread molecularly reconfigured and this is easy to believe but if man could become bread it would be in a word absurd

Of flesh I have but this to say: holds sway for a day and is lost, Sons come and go and leave dirt behind but dirt means more than words for gravely destined bodies flirting uneasy with the cold spring air find in mothers recompense for promises born of the unkempt unkept uncapped unction poured like rain upon the head

The head, the head, the head is the house of the man says men, the heart is a ghost long dead

I have a body, I have consciousness (which is a byproduct of DNA),
Hear oh you who are of words to say
What I in speaking would frail wish to say
Grail, dish, display
I have no soul, I am metaphoneme, Blip called I by name. This name, this head, are not the same. I have seen God imagine man seeing God, twas proof. Proof was lost in pudding and rebuked, the pudding jellied seal was made to squirm, I am mankind, hear me wiggle as of worm, jiggle with the fat of this late age congealed

I am lost. I have not a word to say. I spit up my bread born labor of a day
I was easy and was made afraid
I have a belly button and as if by knife am flayed
Broken downward of a spine am splayed
Broken aspirations downard driven knelt to pray

Kiss the grown I walk upon
When Im gone

Arrogant pissant ego I detested
Tried by life and found to have been bested
Heaping earth on body strewn
Read my words on stones by living men have hewn

Late the hour, stupid palsied chimey noon
Foul stinking steady setting stench of afternoon

A bloom bends forth it knows not for to bed
Snowy litter of a sentence here had read

Red is the color of blood, but red is but a word
In truth it is so with blood as I have heard
Life was calling intramural and demured
Dreams are but the echoes of a life deferred

Dread the read the Red the Dead and song
Die or dance you will but sing along

You belong to something else and it hates you
No, it loves and beckons by the stray
Holds sway and directs what us aloof

Petrine Rhine Charlemagne my king for a while
Rex in tempora intemperate equatorial EVENings even sing equilateral equitable equality ecclesia ecstatica ecce stoa soma somnes somber saunter sauna sun ra Son La illaha ill Allah sick God fallen creator ex nihilo antiphonal Antigone sick of me sick of me sick of me twice repeat redundant pleonasm please leave it be and see not me with furrowed wrinkled brows raised like trophes signing the significance of my soul to other nasty creatures in the void but the void has things which i for one never frankly understood the Frankish kingdoms buried under wood and easy bursting flames flame flumes the flumoxed flexes of the heaping falling crown late late late late late late the tomb of berth hath

>> No.13030400
File: 73 KB, 463x599, gertrude-stein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have the pulse.

If someone else posts a theme or idea, I will record an unedited stream of consciousness on that subject.

I have the pulse. Sometimes it is off but now it is on. This could be fun.

>> No.13030408

a bloody peach like the cummy peach in call me by your name but instead of jerking off into a peach you punch some guy in the face several times and break his nose to cover the peach in blood. water fountain. in a garden acacia bushes not trees got leaves in my sleeves and bees on my knees banjo in the mountain stream playing candy mountain till the mushrooms gleam in gloam my shoes are made of foam

>> No.13030445

I love writing. It's fun and I can spend the whole day doing it. However, I know my writing is shit because I don't read enough, but every time I'm reading something I day dream of things I want to write. I hate this.

>> No.13030448

Ow my chest is that my heart tingle in my temples down my arms end at the tip of my index finger box fan positioned just so the air streams right above my head whisps my hairs I want sex maybe I'll ask sammy but probably not

>> No.13030535

This Russian Music sounds really good. Hmmm I wonder what these fags are going to say about what I said. I should probably study. I think I hear my dad. I really need to read more.

>> No.13030809

>perpetual temptation to write something childish or immature like gay sex poop fuck or something of that nature
The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.13030838

Celofánpapír... (said in a voice similar to “Rosebud” in citizen kane, in which there was no cane)

>> No.13030853

The idea of 'stream of consciousness' is idiotic because writing cannot accurately portray or describe the process of thinking/perceiving. Only low IQ people think in words or 'voices', anyone who managed to brave the threshold of 100 IQ congizes the world in abstract terms and idealized images. So, in actuality, the attempts to do so lead to hokey, gimmicky paragraphs full of long-winded contrivances, unedited speech, mispelled words, and random interjections.

>> No.13031616

Speed up till you peed up sneed up in the treed up. Weed up lead up. Bust my kneed up. Vacationed and I ski'd up.

>> No.13031631
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I can't do stream of consciousness in english.

>> No.13031632

Fire burning fire divine fire unholy fire glorious fire true fire bitter fire lovely fire consuming fire alluring fire bitter fire how I beheld you like a guard of two swords which reign among the mountains of wormwood and who’s marrow is like the rust of an elder moon then the Diamond was pierced by the demon dagger and I beheld the flames of the First and his voice was carried like the wings of the wind and thundered through the whole aether.

>> No.13031700
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whatever passes through your mind at the moment. I have nothing uh a whatthe for fucksake school tomorrow gay retard shit seriously fuckit watch thislecture 8hours 7hours56minutes go to sleep at 1 7hours wake up at 9 8hours should i miss lecture watch later have to do questions before tomorrow watch the lecture before still have too much let me guess 60% grade so whats the fucking point try hard shit try zero shit dont wake up no more shit relax sleep

>> No.13031703

last night I pistol pounded your sister?

>> No.13031723

Last night I pierced the meaty buns of your sister

>> No.13031861

I wish I had a gf. I’m so alone. Some cute girl just sat next to me and I wish I could lean over and plant one on her

>> No.13031878

She got up now, and left her trash on the table. Sitting atop her wrapper is a piece of her sandwich she didn’t eat. Just a bite. I picked it up and popped it in my mouth. The end of it was still moist with her saliva. This is it! The taste of a lady

>> No.13032280

The mind creates problems.

>> No.13032692

He was in trouble now. Despite not much downloaded from a gigabyte perspective, his rekindled love of torrenting had not gotten his IP flagged for copyrighted material, but rather using a data cap. No matter what the situation was or solution was, he couldn't continue what he was doing, and just stop. Worse, he wasn't able to find his media drive, where he stored movies and games, collected from a variety of sources over the years. It wasn't fighting "the man" or the pursuit of free stuff, it was avoiding the hassle of streaming and the degeneracy of Netflix, it was the pursuit of digital materialism, but most importantly, it was an autistic quest to see dozens upon dozens of progress bars fill up at different rates.

>> No.13032728

That's the sixth bond and the ninth combo meal on a mcdonalds drive thru window (or it was some years ago) and I tell you this information in this thread because I want that stupid shitty meme to die, I found this explanation in a dead reddit stub and it seemed as good an answer as any, it's not anymore funny than sneedposting SNEEEEED hahahahaha so fucking funny guys yes I'm triggered fuck you, b~a~n~e is the only funny meme /tv/ has ever come up with and it's still better than /lit/ who's greatest claim to fame is a shit "easy on the carrots" hahahomgwowsofunneee macro that is sneed-tier levels of pleb garbage and was rightfully subverted by the normies into the mindnumbing garbage meme it was always destined to be. I hate how much I know about memes and how much I care, this space in my brain could be filled with self-confidence and that would lead to memories of tiddies of the women I've been with, but I only have two memories of tiddies and both of them were small, which is not a bad thing especially with a fat ass but I'd like some variety

this is just a write what's on your mind thread but even less legible

>> No.13032732

Yeah, cosplaying as that guy!

>> No.13032992
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Oh God this beer at the bars flat..typical. the bartender is fat. Doesn't improve service. Hockey is dumb. The manager is ugly too no treats here I'm hungry I'll get burger or Turkey or a quesadilla

>> No.13033011




>> No.13033174

OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag OP is a fag

>> No.13033258

i feel the existential dread flowing through my body. what is the meaning of it all? why does anything exist? i am going to read the myth of sisyphus soon, maybe that will clarify things up for me... it can be unbearable at times, where questioning everything hurts and becomes useless. i sort of run on autopilot when it comes to this point. everything flows in, everything flows out. it’s sort of peaceful, but eerie at the same time. letting go of it all, letting things be as they are.


>> No.13033271

extremely based

>> No.13033284
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Now it's this.

>> No.13033289
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anon.. easy on the edge

>> No.13033703
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eternally stagnant state of mind absence of any material clarity of mind subconscious eliminate desire rationality subjective truth existence

>> No.13033759

Are all expectations fantasy?

>> No.13034173



this is what goes through my mind at least twice an hour

>> No.13034268

bud of a flow the bud of a flow the bud of a flowert he bud ofa flow the flourish of petalss the floruish of petals the flourish of petals the tear drops of rain blessing thep etals the bright sun is everything that im not

>> No.13034439

There is nothing actually wrong with some wrongdoing, it's just that wrongdoing being wrong is wrongly defined as wrong, as wrongdoind is wrong in itself as it defines itself as the doing that characterizes itself as wrong, even though that's false.

>> No.13034480

As it fell through the grin of its owner and showing its grin as its owner of grins, it fell and stopped in the ground as fall continues but is inaccessibly existent.

>> No.13034549

Major sinus infection coupled with withdrawal. My entire body is ablaze and my head feels like a hundred pound stone. I cant look to the sides without my brain doing this strange flickering thing that shoots down my entire spine. Tried reading earlier but the words feel like mush in my head. Even this is hard to type. When I walk I seem to float from place to place rather than travel there. Haven't felt this horrible in a long time. It's my own fault, of course. Not the sinus infection but the withdrawal. My week-ago self thought it would be wonderful to binge on my medication, real fucking groovy. And it was, I'll admit. Paying for it now though. Ran out on Sunday, and the doctor's office wont refill my prescription until next Monday. Withdrawal kicks in within 12 hours of not having it, by the way. He wants to see me Monday, the doctor. This is the third time I've tried to get my prescription refilled early and I'm sure he's going to have something to say about that, and I doubt it'll be a conversation about upping my dosage. It would be for the best if I told him to stop giving it to me, but I won't. I'll satisfy him with platitudes and try not to wring my hands or shake. The thought of the pharmacy visit will banish my foulness and I'll be as pleasant as a peach, except for the over dramatic talk of the pain in my shoulder. Hell I'll probably even apologize for bothering him, and I'll promise to set a strict schedule and abide by it. I'll even get my girlfriend in on the deception, without her knowledge of course. I'll tell him that she'll have control over my dosage, and he'll press his lips together and nod, satisfied. But she only has a fuzzy notion of what I take, and I've never told her how much. I deceive her too when my symptoms become too obvious to hide. I rant and rave against the stupidity of the doctor's office, and how somebody must have fucked something up with my prescription. But fuck it, I'm about to be smoking the filter on this cigarette so I'll wrap this up. Go fuck yourselves faggots.

>> No.13034585

Somehow whenever someone takes a poke at a System Stooge, the media, which is supposed to represent all sides of an issue, takes a very dim view of that guy or gal. It never fails. No matter whether the System Stooge is a Lefty like the Kennedys or whether he maintains a Rightist image like Wallace and, to a far lesser degree, Reagan, or for that matter is supposedly a private citizen like Martin Luther King, the media goes all-out to paint the hit man (or woman) as a "professional loser" and a social and moral leper. Actually it's not because the media loves the victim so much (for Big Brother is a most unloving taskmaster) but rather because the media- as the official voice of the Big Brother System- CAN'T STAND such rugged individualism and right-to-the-point direct action in the super-homogenized "1984" society they are building. They get all unglued when somebody circumvents all their rigged "debate", "due process", "redress" and "checks and balances". In this town which is Republican territory and rural, I did not truly encounter any real upset about the shooting. There have been reports of classrooms full of kids breaking into cheering and applause at the word of the Reagan shooting. Naturally, Blacks everywhere were jubilant. But the media was shocked senseless, moved to tears. Dow Jones took a dive. As revolutionaries, each of us should have been unmoved one way or the other. Notice how "murders" are all-right but "assassinations" are out. That's because to get yourself "assassinated", at least in the standard accepted jargon of the times, you've got to be among the "in crowd", one of Big Brother's elite.

>> No.13034601

Anon you can absolutely become the person you want to be. You sound like you're in a certain kind of hell but I believe in you.

Be careful quitting, plan it out smart. Ask for help as well.

>> No.13034786

at one point nothingness hopeful type theoretic memetical hypertrophy wifertrophy nigger nigger white meme nigger nigger white meme nigger nigger shoutin louda louda louda louda shoutin so many thing to see and do and it's over come over she smiled at you
ter ter ter ter (I'm listening to trance) dirnt dirnt dirnt dirnt

Eddy pull that up

>> No.13034811

nigger my digger for shigger my nigger ai penis weanus nigger fuck fuck dick dick ass penishit ass dick neon genesis evangelion memem

>> No.13034850

For the sugary cockmaster said to the slut nigger faggot cunt, ass dicks ass niggers poop poop shit niggers, cock ass for the fuck and the fuck and the fuck and the penis on jupiter's dick penis
and the dicknigger said, for the shit why does it be like the way how it is, and I said fuck you dumbass cracker bitch fucker fucking kill yourself you dumb honkey I'll eat your fucking socks you white devil fucking kill yourself I will eat your fucking shoes you cunt fucker faggot cock
And the man said, the man said the man said ass dicks fuck nigger ass dicks fuck nigger and the man said ass dicks fuck nigger and the man said and the man said and the man said
Yes no bepebebepepe bebeppepebepepenpenbpepe

>> No.13034851

Why is it that most individuals feel compelled to turn toward, and visually follow, a casually "honking" car as it passes by them, and almost always - until it is out of their view? Do they actually expect to see something unusual/interesting happen? Is this some kind of "norm" that I was fortunate enough to never have adopted? That blank stare that always grazes the side of my face is annoying in its anticipated mundane inevitability. I hate cars. Stasis in motion - death on wheels. Sometimes, I imagine myself telekinetically forcing apparently hostile drivers, which manifest in the blind speed and ugly noises of their cars, to abruptly stop, and flatten.

>> No.13034907

here a lifetime manifests itself through the lens of your present being, you and this tragicomic pastiche prism/shell you've made like some sad fucking hermit crab out of characters you identified with (but what was in you to even relate to them in the first place?)

Everything good is wasted on you, a childhood, and adolescence, and adulthood all happy, full of opportunity and your first thought is to sulk, since that's what you've built for yourself. Somewhere you saw you could gain social and cultural capital by being a certain flavor of pathetic and that's the game you've trapped yourself in. Even the supposed remorse you feel isn't a real criticism, it's part of the act. Your whole fascination with layers of abstraction is because layers are masks, but the masks don't even need to be on a face, there is no "you" beneath the layers.

Your distate of the npc's comes from the fact that you are perhaps the only real npc. Ein lauter nichts beneath those pretenses, those constructed hopes. Once the other is gone so are you, those times where you reached something like ego death and there was nothing left? Except just a hot painful sensation? See the other non-golems have something left when they got past ego death. You didn't that is your fucked up secret. You still don't really exist. The others do, that's why they can allow themselves to eat sugar, to listen to country, to do things they actually enjoy, to have vulnerabilities, instead of defining themselves as an utter reaction.

No point in pronouns any longer, this writing is by and for the sameself nothingness hiding under a stack of papers, ink bleeding through each into the next. There was no content even in the page where the marks were "intentional" but like some meaningless parody of indra's net, the marks and signs descend and warp through the pages, an empty din of gliphs, a pitiful mockery at sense, that by a network of accidents happened, and to those separate events, all impermanent, the miracle of contact had them flower and fester into a vague thing to which is ascribed intentionality.

That torrent of old leaves blown through against the wall, the lamented spills of rainwater from the gutter through the leak in the window, the twitching leg rent from the live animal, Svetaketu, thou art that.

>> No.13034920

Fuck bad drivers. Fuck me, I am the bad driver

>> No.13034925

I want more of the inside of your head

>> No.13034932

fuckin saved

>> No.13035094

Ah it's not so bad. Nasty dysphoria is a side effect of the withdrawal, and I dont mean the cut-your-dick-off kind. It's more of the "I'm a fucking animal who needs to be put down," kind. I appreciate your kind words. I wont quit unless something serious happens, just like every other addict. The real problem is I do have debilitating pain in my right shoulder, cause by a misdiagnosed collarbone fracture that has left me with a permanently crooked spine. This makes my shoulder blade rub against my rib cage and on bad days it hurts to even breathe. I'm coughing sporadically right now and I see stars every time I do. PT helps as well, but anything short of a full replacement surgery just isn't going to cut it (pun intended). When I take the medication like I should and do my PT I feel great, even managed to get back into the gym about a month ago. But I overdid it, took a little extra to deal, remembered how much I enjoyed the high and, well, the rest tells itself.

>> No.13035104
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>> No.13035136


>> No.13035195

I'm absolutely confused about everything, I don't know how I will carry on with my life like this, maybe I'm bipolar. My neighbours are a bunch of assholes, I hope died painfully right now. Don't know what else to write, I don't want to close it here cause I don't want to be seem uninsteresting by a bunch of stranger who will never know my identity, not even when I publish my shitty books someday.

>> No.13035200
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>> No.13035232

calm down man, kill people is bad

>> No.13035269

When thou looketh into my mind thou shalt find in the brine of the pickled nigger cucklord a small penis the size of a dime covered in cum and vaginal secretions the length of a nigger dick which is particularly large and in charge and in charge of the female pemale that vemales the zemale and cremales the shemale and demails the nemail and femails the female the demale the remale etcetera the time which is now is 10:23 in the PM Eastern Time which is the only time zone that matters I might add for it is the time where I must dine on pickled foreskin from the dick of a penis dick and a dick and a dick and a penis and a dick

>> No.13035935

Is this a copy pasta?

Anon if you actually feel this way try finding a professional to talk about it. You might have been burned in the past but you cannot let your past experiences dictate the rest of your life. In my life I've altered from women seeing me as invisible, to attractive, to disgusting etc. The world can seem like a dark place when you're in an awful spot, try to find help anon.

>> No.13037033
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Slash international diatribe mixolydian eggs on the post-landscape rift of mixolydian tyranny for you on the in the without a heart of gold mix of my tricks are for kick in the head kick you in the fucking head sell some fucking dope I'll mix up both left and right and go straight crash into the media. Media media. Mash potato with anus. Grab horn by the life. Entity of prescribed prostate pulmonary gland. Jeff said to Jane, "I'm lame brain." Rabid dog got troglodyte quacks. Tooth of ant. Went out to wish hut yesterday. Poor pour glass of milk on head of trap. Spikes taste like sour milk. Deuteronomy said to Jane "I got lame mane." Get a haircut faggot. Get some dope faggot. I got lame fain. Vain vein. Crush camel mixolydian idolatry. Bratwurst. Put some bacon 'n' eggs in the bakery. Flour of death. Put it in your lame train. Of mice and on the next day I become balloon tooth. Shift to black. Fade to nigger.

Antlers was talking to Mick at rice plantation and heard reply now from cellular nipple. Went off and shook tree for apple of Eden and got Ed Edd 'n' Eddy on vinyl. Broke vinyl in two with penis cock and went to barbed wire fence to grate urethra into packing peanuts. Amazon package came to our house other yesterday and we fisted ourselves with the delivery boy. Fisted the box to reveal more dope and a glass of milk and also textbooks on Deuteronomy. Fisted the book and fisted my dog. Shove a fist in balloon tooth ant plantation. Tranny tyranny. The eggs of bacon will break fast and milk you into oblivion. A tract of prostate callus will turn you into dope faggot. Get some Pizza Hut faggot. Rift out. Nigger fades are for niggers.

>> No.13037095
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Pt. 2

In guts of the ragged teal rutabaga we found Ronald McDonald in his teal yuletide yardstick antler. He tried to saw off my left tooth and was met with BIG CRUSHER from vain brain. Vain Jeff went to Jane and smashed her head in with tongue of ant and went to poor milk to milk his cock in shifting mixolydian hurtles. I was not prepared prepare the doomsday nipple. Went out to wish hut yesterday when out to wish of yes the day was Monday the 35th of Occidental Epsilon went to retrieve my own soul from soul eater 2 electric fuck you man if you ever say some dumb shit like that to me again I will Saturday I went to go and meet some fiends of despair we opened our mouths agape and gazed at VHS blurs of the post-iridescent proto-nigger Bloomberg hell shapes. A triangle of fission burst into my urethra which was now a clump of packing penises and turned the Styrofoam into beautiful Nubian goddess. Was not satisfied with packing peanut penis so shipped Nubian giantess back to Amazon where she belonged but Amazon thought I meant Amazon so they fed her to snake mother. Pearls were not swine and ate pigs for breakfast. Bacon. Need vain lane. Car crashed into left lane looking for lame brain. Jeff where are you. Jeff please come back you're not that dumb. Jane come back. Jane please I'm an antler for Eden. I branch off and fall like two of a kind peas in a pod mix up my urine with yours and we cross the streams don't blue with red it's like Deuteronomy or was it Aristotle or was it Sissy Sissy you're dopenose Sissy Pissy. I wish I was Space 2.0 wish it was hut of Nubian Amazon Space 3.0 not 2.5 but 3.1 you are now in the CRUSH ZONE take a seat and beat your meat and meet the meat bacon 'n' eggs or maybe just hard to defeat these days but even if it were not like you crush zone on the teal hellscape of shifting Mixolydian diatribes slash you in the face with my katana Kitana is my main in Mortal Kombat Ku Klux Kick you in the fucking brain Jeff is dead I am urethra I sifted through my fisted dog and packing peanuts and found mashed potato anus. Media went out of commission on Saturday because of all this. Now I am husk, destroyer of Pizza Hut faggots. Go make your thin crust. Go make your international playboy. Golden goo wreaks havoc on slash key. Key to cellular nipple. Antenna of ant tooth diatribe Of mashed potatoes. Amazonian Amazon amazing. The shift to slashes from tildes will make us truly the greatest antlers of Eurthymics. If you are not a fan of antlers, consider yourself a branch of the nigger we term "neo-platonic post-pre-tentacle-of-Deuteronomy proto-philosophical troglyodykes." You should be proud of this position you dome dope. Dope chrome. Shalom biome. Blow it all up. Cross our urine streams and nuke Eden.

>> No.13037105

The watermelon arizona tea I had last night tasted more like a capri sun pouch. I didn't like it at all, I wish I'd bought the strawberry variety.

>> No.13037461
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I lay here in my bed, wasting time before I go to sleep. It's 8am, I've popped two five milligram tabs of melatonin to help me drift off.
I'm in a weird sense of Zen. I could lay here all day and night and not waste a lick of my time. I have nothing to do, and no one to report to.
It used to be the opposite. Constantly kissing up to some higher up in an attempt to not fail but when I did fail life got so much easier. I didn't have time to enjoy life, any book I found had to be read in inconsistent and frankly worthless manners and any new game I bought had to be held off for the weekend, only to have the time be taken by some seemingly random event.
Now I have all the time in the world. My backlog of media begging to be consumed, unfinished projects seeping out of storage to get me to notice them, yet, there's nothing I'd rather do than lay here and be almost alone with my thoughts. My cat and my phone serving as companions before I teleport nine or ten hours into the future to do the same thing over and over again.
I'm not sure if this newfound calm is due to some chemical imbalance or because it is genuine. I truly feel fine and find that not everything is so bad in the world, or I'm just feeling as if life is a homogenized waste of hours in days in months in weeks in years. Nothing being accomplished, yet nothing being demolished. Everything is just the same as it used to be and it always will be.

>> No.13038849

Cuphead Cuphead nigger Japanese porn fuck ass porn Japanese porn in the rice fields Cuphead and his pal Mugman watching Japanese porn in the rice fields while fucking Cuphead and his pal Mugman in the rice fields and Pepsi-Cola in the sink of an abandoned Applebee's at midnight where Cuphead and his pal Mugman eat Japanese hamburger porn and Japanese hamburgers and eat Japanese cunt

>> No.13038958

Nice, Beckett

>> No.13039027

I ndáiríre a stór? Shleamnaigh tú ar plastic wrap fadó? Ba bocht mé ach fós shleamnaigh mé ar Tigh Cnoic ar rubbish lid.

>> No.13039761

Living in the big city feels unnatural and profane. I need my trees and my seclusion. Why should you spend half your time getting around during the day dodging other people like you're in an obstacle course? What sense is there in constantly exposing yourself to strangers, never sure what they might do?

Even if it's a beautiful stranger I don't feel exactly comfortable crossing paths, because then I'll care whether or not they might hold me in esteem. If it's an unsavory type there's nothing but a slight tinge of awkwardness as I work my way around them.

These buildings only look cool lit up at night when the sheer verticality and uniformity of them convey a dizzying impression. When the eye is unfocused they glitter in a cascade. Otherwise, they like so many prison bars.

I have my reasons for living here and it's fun, but if I had to choose between this and the country I'm at a loss as to what I'd decide. I know I'd be writing an exactly opposite complaint about how underwhelming the middle of nowhere is. Still I'd be damned if this environment isn't adding to my crazy.

>> No.13040592
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The harmony of chords and complementary colors show that distinctions can be bridged together to create a more meaningful whole.
Just as man assumes to be the center of his reality only to to realize any qualities that he contains are properties that are shared among many.
Yet he is entirely distinct from anything else.
The way to bridge the gap between the universal and particular is through the language of symbols that are the very stones of reality.
Perfecting the intellect and will in accordance with universal law and truth can one bring change to himself and the universal world that future souls shall call reality.
Virtue allows one to take on the hardships and not be conquered while the slothful shall succumb to the control of the demonic.

>> No.13041075

bumping thread. I don't know why I'm still here, I just come here to loose my time, I should be studying, but I'm a worthless piece of shit and things can't get into my head, or maybe I'm plain stupid. I'd like to read a lot more, the old lady of the library thinks that I'm a bookworm who reads like 100 books a year, but I have a hard time reading just one 200-pages book, I used to read so much, what happened to me? Now I loose my time on the internet watching memes anf posting on 4chan, and for some reason, some people think that I'm smart when I don't actually feel like it godamn.

>> No.13041097

What if we pulled off some Banana Republic shit like what we did with Honduras and Guatemala. But instead of doing it with bananas, we did it with lithium in Bolivia?

>> No.13041155

Fuck... why am I here.
is there anything i can to to (make her love me)

>> No.13041261

there is nothing here for me I am nothing there is nothing here for me there is here I am nothing here I hate myself dear God I hate myself that girl hugged me today she was crying red eyes red wet eyes she had red wet eyes and hugged me standing I was in my chair when she hugged me standing why did she cry??? I will see her in many years they look like weeks which look like horizontal days no get away no get no get away I want to die I hate myself I love you Em- ven.. cardieldieldielrosemary no McKayla I love her not that girl with the wide set eyes Italian and fat breasts I'd have fucked her but she wouldn't have it I was in that couch that car that black couch that grey upholstery in the car the sunset in the car the red hoodie think of me what do you think of me of me turn off the lamp sleep

>> No.13041759

I wonder if the country is better. It has to be, right?

>> No.13041767

I miss my Dad

>> No.13041772

stream of consciousness is for plebs. you should be thinking in fully formed sentences.

>> No.13042020

cum groyper

>> No.13042030

Stream of consciousness? Hmm.. I wanted to meditate yesterday before going to bed but forgot about it completely and your post reminded me. I will have to do it today.

>> No.13042036
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>> No.13042042

Wow! Kek 10/10 I love it

>> No.13042056

>sure, ok, $160 total, dude, might have told me the power steering was gonna cost 100 bucks, whatever, have money, swipe card, on my way,
>got home six hours ago, nights already over, nothing feels good these days, so much pain, so much sad loneliness, feel like pathetic chump all those memes are about, oh well, if it weren't real there wouldn't be a meme, funny cause it's true, serving a purpose,
These are the only good parts of your post
Also forget about movies and holywood, its all jewish degeneracy and anime while sometimes is high production value visually.. storywise and dialogue is often 9 year old level which I guess makes sense because its geared towards (man)children.

>> No.13042198

>congruent posture

>> No.13042310

Stream of consciousness? Sure, just let me spend a few hours trying to compose a few paragraphs of boring fucking cookie-cutter /lit/ pseudery so people won't judge me except that they will but I'd rather be called a pseud than a brainlet who types nigger poo poo or whatever and I'll get back to you ecksdee

>> No.13042314

Stop projecting.

>> No.13042316

I am fucking bored. at work. i am fighting mnetal illness. also trying to pay for my girlfriends college tuition and apartments and everything. i am basically alone immigrant in another country not working for what i studied. i have a shitload on my plate. but i am fucking succeeding. why am i then always cast with doubt? i guess thats what makes me see what is actually happening. is it tho? do i really need the everpresent doubt in order to be aware? is this how a windmill works? how does a factory work? boxes boxes boxes boxes.

>> No.13042320

The internet and digital media has completely capitulated my mind in past couple of year, I try to escape its unnatural hands, but it tightens it’s grip around my mind. It almost seems it’s always been part of me, even though I know I’ve been void of it’s dark presence for first 16 years of my life

>> No.13042357

I am just gonna keep posting. this is fun.

still bored at work. what do? what they do? gotta avoid the loops, loops, loops - hoops, fuck you james joyce. oh my god that finnegans wake really kills you for all the motivation for experimenting like that. what is the point anymore? he wrote the book of books. i havent even read much of it but i feel it to be true. it is true. just look at the fucking text. fuck that. keep on picking your nose. i love it. shut up? who is talking to who? oh, you are always right, i give up, and you know why? because you are just a chemical and i am electricity, my job is to pass on, further, down, straight, up up and i am allbeing. well you just went bonkers. meh, i aint playing that game again. fucking stream of consciousness, i love it, my brain, it fires, words come out, but theyre all in these black lines called letters, lets dissociate a bit, is it time for therapy? it might be. lets do some selftherapy for the day while you have no work at the moment? funny how the you and i gets mixed up. get help. for what? for being here and there at the same time? holy. you sound impossible. this is what a solipsis feels like. pretty lonely dont you think? that doesnt make sense. fuck the solipsis, fucking niggers. niggers and joos. i love dirty words. dirty words dirty words paint them with a swastika, la-la-la. holy shit how the fuck do i even function in this world? its alright, the pain in the stomach is calming down, youre good for another hour or two. i dont care man. i have a system now. i know how to beat this shit. just gotta avoid the loops, loops (you are the beginning again), i know, you cant leave the actual loop, thats what makes you, the attempt, mad, just stick to your guns, your boomer guns, haha. i dont like the thought finish in a semi-jokery-morality way, wow, this feeling realizing actualising itself through these words is doing it for itself in itself, it is motivated for itself by itself to survive? to manifest? a feeling for a feeling. how in the... fingers, words, my keyboard. i love it. bring it. i need more drugs. but i havent taken drugs in 3+ years. alcohol as well. sobriety is alright. i dig it. i wish to see the world more, more beautifully, just gotta stare at it, then it shines.

>> No.13042369

What're you talking about dude I was just typing the unfiltered thoughts of my brain it's gibberish why would you be offended at a bunch of incoherent nonsense

>> No.13043865


>> No.13044040

Is it ethical to force someone to experience empathy?

>> No.13044102

Thus it was said in itself that the thing-in-itself eats itself as a self-eating-thing-in-itself-eats-itself-in-itself is such a category of itselfism-of-things that none of it poop fart cuck of Panama pirates on drugs on the showers of ram ranch

>> No.13044452
File: 11 KB, 235x216, 1556495965726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13044468

I called cursed words o' them! Call em, stall em, Stalin, red guard. Don't nay say the day away, friends. Depends depends, what-ey, think-ey, you-do? Think right, wrong, short and LOOOOOOOOONNNNNG-UHHe think's me think's like a stinks-ey traitor-wator.