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13026042 No.13026042 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Authors and philosophers who were as evil as they looked.

>> No.13026062

All of them. Evil has a form.

>> No.13026073

Ah but what is evil to you is actually BASED to me and the rest of the Grail Gang.

>> No.13026228
File: 62 KB, 640x626, 1554526632988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i.e. not evil at all

>> No.13026263

The one post that irritated me, and has stood with my memory more than any on this website was one concerning this, this terrible, ugly photograph, eulogizing its low resolution black and white merits, and how "HD photography" ruined everything. My friends, this was no troll, I know a troll post when I see one. This man was dead serious about liking this image and expressed his longing for living in an era of 'low resolution' photographs, himself being somewhat of an ugly duck. What a a complete and total imbecile. Images of that era were taken with MF film, and were very high resolution. The only reason for this image being 'low resolution' is that it is a digital scan and crop of the original. His intention was trying to exaggerate it was good for ugly people. I think it looks worse. I'm of the opinion that this is one of the worst photographs ever taken.

>> No.13026282

Evola wasn't evil because of his philosophy, he was evil because he was a fucking warlock.

>> No.13026296


>> No.13026333

Aren't they merely just as evil as the spirits they manifest?

>> No.13026356


>> No.13026364

Evola was an incel of course he's evil

>> No.13026427

he did sex magic with some random witch, forgot the name

>> No.13026441

not sure if italian incels even exist, they are sex-pests, doesn't matter how ugly or creepy, at some point girls just give in out of exhaustion

>> No.13026499
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>> No.13026779

Stern =/= evil.

>> No.13027152
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He was a lovable sperg, just look up old photos of him.

>> No.13027160

i remember being 12

>> No.13027190

I am evil on occasion. It's an acquired taste. You know, intentionally being wrong about stuff to hurt others... Not quite a journalist, but still fairly antisocial.

>> No.13028032
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>> No.13028198

This, I think incel culture is a US/Protestant Europe thing, even the ugliest, slimiest most disgusting dudes I know have gotten laid

>> No.13028231
File: 174 KB, 481x387, basedevola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Evola picture is the 1940s equivalent to an instagram thot using filters to look better. He in reality looked like some of the same Jewish people he thought of as being spiritually inferior. The fact he has such an obviously altered photo is rather sad honestly, and just reveals his insecurity about wishing to appear like the alpha males he idolized.

>> No.13028238

t. kike.

>> No.13028280

So you havent read Evola then?

>> No.13028288

Evola also wrote extensively warning against occultism and its many charlatans
Its like you faggots dont actually read on this board

>> No.13028290

Mad your daddy has been ousted as just another incel like you?

>> No.13028299

>posts a picture of him on his death bed after living secluded indoors for 20 years as a paraplegic
Damn I'm convinced! Those photos from 30 years earlier are photoshopped!!

>> No.13028333


>an italian
>looking like a Jew

Nothing to see here, what are you even debating ?

>> No.13028406
File: 216 KB, 1024x656, julius-evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The final chapter ofRide the Tiger isentitled 'The Spiritual Problem'. In this chapter, I developed some of the ideas I had first discussed in the course of my critique of contemporary neo-spiritualism: I pointed out that the present is witnessing the spread of 'spiritualist' tendencies, which - generally speaking - reflect not a positive change of direction, but rather the decomposition of an age of twilight, and, in a way, embody the counterpart to the materialism of such an age. I sought to be as clear as possible regarding these matters, at the cost of potentially disillusioning those readers who had followed my work on esotericism, yoga and initiation so far. All 'neo-spiritualist' cases aside - neo-spiritualism usually serving merely as a poor surrogate for religion - when turning to consider genuine traditional sciences, one must always bear in mind that the present conditions of humanity, marked as they are by the rapid retreat and concealment of all true centers capable of exerting a transcendent influence upon man, makes the effective realization of any 'initiatory disclosure of consciousness' impossible, or only possible in exceptional circumstances."

>> No.13028425
File: 1.13 MB, 988x606, Schermata-2017-09-22-alle-08.04.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"There are an increasing number of individuals who experience a confused and yet real need for liberation, though they do not know in the name of what. To orient these people, and shield them from the spiritual dangers of the actual world, to lead them to see the truth and sharpen their will to join the ranks of the first type of people is what can still be done. And yet this too affects only a minority, and we should not delude ourselves that in this way there will be sizeable changes in the overall destinies of the multitudes. In any event, this is the only justification for tangible action that can be carried out by men of Tradition living in the modern world, in a milieu with which they have no connection. In order for the abovementioned guiding action to be successful it is necessary to have 'watchers' at hand who will bear witness to the values of Tradition in ever more uncompromising and firm ways, as the antitraditional forces grow in strength. Even though these values today cannot be achieved, it does not mean that they amount to mere 'ideas.' They aremeasures. And when even the elemental capability to measure was totally lost, then the last night would surely fall. Let people of our time talk about these things with condescension as if they were anachronistic and antihistorical; we know that this is an alibi for their defeat. Let us leave modem men to their 'truths' and let us only be concerned about one thing: to keep standing amid a world of ruins."

>> No.13028430

Evil is motion; evil is the turning of the will away from the good

>> No.13028534

But he is our daddy precisely because of his notorius inceldom.

>> No.13028762

it's a joke, the wikipedia page says Mussolini thought he was a warlock.

>> No.13028795

Why doesn't someone change the Evola wikipedia page if it is such a joke? It's like they just want to reduce him down to a woman hater racist

>> No.13028802

It was already changed from a decent article to the meme it is now. Wikipedia is politically motivated, is this news to you?

>> No.13028833

Because there is a group of people online (antifa) who make a concerted effort to destroy anything that is even slightly right wing. His wikipedia page is a fucking joke. Full of baseless slander and badly sourced quotes from other authors talking shit about him.

Just look at >>13028802
Look what the article used to be; honest and focused on his main body of work. Look at it now.

>> No.13028840


>> No.13028865

You people are such pussies. The article as it is now still has all the shit about his "main body of work," along with the factual statement that he thought rape was fine.

>> No.13028877

No, I obviously know there are political motives, but I am just not familiar with the actual editing process on wikipedia when disagreements arise. Does it then just become popular vote to decide a disagreement? Are there moderators with a final say?

>> No.13028950

No it doesn't you absolute fuckhead and that statement is NOT correct. Its not even sourced in the article. The source it gives is 3 books by other authors and 2 articles about Steve Bannon from some dogshit media sites.
I have read his Eros and the Mysteries of Love and there is no such thing in there. Evola did not have misogynistic views by anybodys standards other than modern feminists. His views on gender are perfectly in line with what anyone believed before the 20th century.
Where that stupid lie about rape comes from is something totally unrelated to rape, it comes from Evola describing how the true woman realises her potential by devoting herself fully to her partner. Just as men must devote themselves to a higher cause women must devote themselves either to a god or to a man. Its got nothing to do with rape, but the retard who read that thought devotion = male domination = rape.
Maybe now you're starting to understand why its rubbish article.
It also removed about 90% of the text concerning his actual work revolving around tradition and religious studies. Maybe you're blind or something? In the archive there are about 20 paragraphs concerning his traditionalist and religious studies, in the current page there is a small bit about religion and the rest is 50 paragraphs of nonsense trying to link him to fascism and woman hating. His involvement with fascism can be summed up very simply: He was not a supporter of fascism. He thought there could be potential in Fascism or National Socialism but they both failed to meet his expectations so he severed ties, to the point he was even put on trial for being "Anti-Fascist". He was taken to court after the war for his involvement with fascism and he was acquitted with his famous self defense: http://www.fatuma.net/text/evola-autodifesa
End of discussion. There doesnt need to be anything more said on that matter since its completely irrelevant to his work.

>> No.13028972

Also I find it hilarious how extensive the part about his views on race are in both versions of the wiki. He wrote one pamphlet and one book on race in his whole life. Why is it so focused on trying to make out like that is an important part of his philosophy? Because it isnt. There's more info about his views on race than there is about anything else on that page. Absolute rubbish.

>> No.13029062

Jewish=evil though

>> No.13029197
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very fun

>> No.13029254

No lie detected.

>> No.13029260

This but also unironically.

>> No.13029274

They're fringe drama queens whose significance is blown wildly out of proportion because doing so was convenient for the sociocultural elite

>> No.13029290


>> No.13029304
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So top left

>> No.13030212
File: 9 KB, 480x360, bataille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13030215
File: 145 KB, 433x357, LizNietzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13030246
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>> No.13030261
File: 56 KB, 683x420, AleisterCrowley101013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13030265
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>> No.13030266

she looks like a massive thot. is that nietzsche's sis or something

>> No.13030286

>During his trial in 1951, Evola denied being a fascist and instead referred to himself as a "superfascist".
holy fucking based

>> No.13030295

This photo always made me think he could play O'Brien in 1984

>> No.13030306
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He looks like he could be hosting a cooking show on Italian cuisine

>> No.13030316
File: 22 KB, 220x391, 220px-Zeena_Schreck_at_Kantine_am_Berghain_Feb_28__2016_Berlin.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LaVey was a huge dork. Listen to the Nardwuar interview with Genesis P-orridge where he talks how LaVey would play them his shitty synth music, or just any interview with his daughter

>> No.13030323


>> No.13030326
File: 41 KB, 655x435, donald-pleasance-blofeld-you-only-live-twice-113502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13030343
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Look. At his smug. Smuggiest smug since Voltaire

>> No.13030422


>> No.13030491
File: 506 KB, 1579x1600, 1551130756695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le jocular swabian grandpa

>> No.13030497


Bataille really looks like he's been up all night watching liveleaks nibbas burning each other over petty crimes in some African village. I guess he would have been a /lit/ shitposter if he was born just a bit later

>> No.13030501

>tfw no Nietzsche gf
>to establish new Reich in Argentina with
>to set the record straight wrt jews
>to have funeral attended by Hitler with
hm, can anyone think of more before I can do the macro?

>> No.13030504

she wrote Will to Power

>> No.13030522
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>> No.13030635
File: 399 KB, 1165x759, 1556574428941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He in reality looked like some of the same Jewish people he thought of as being spiritually inferior.

Read a book stupid retard

>> No.13030656

>jewishness is state of mind, not necessarily of DNA t. evola
Didn't they say the same thing about niggers?

>> No.13030694

I actually agree on both cases, as did Otto Weininger.
Man, Judaism ruins so many potential friends it's mind boggling.

>> No.13030698

evola wasn't evil just autistic

>> No.13030703

Autism makes it impossible to be spiritual.

>> No.13030799

Haha,yeah, such an endearing dork Xd

Fuck off, satanistic subhuman.

>> No.13030801

You don’t know what austism is

>> No.13030804
File: 90 KB, 1920x1080, 1HY69NW_024_lt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I made a post making fun of LaVey and you somehow took it I'm a Satanist? What?

>> No.13030810

Thats a bad translation, in italian superfascisti literally means "beyond fascism". He said it in reference to how he thought fascism failed his expectations and got bogged down in petty racism and proletarian politics.

>> No.13030816

Evola just straight up thought nigs were inferior. Part of the reason he hated Americans so much was he thought their culture was "negrified"

>> No.13030820

Is that the bikelock antifa guy?

>> No.13030911

Here's the answer you'll learn to ignore.

>> No.13032268
