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/lit/ - Literature

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13027656 No.13027656 [Reply] [Original]

I've been a litfag for about five years. I have a sabbatical coming up this fall. I will be off work for four months with a decent income. Wondering if anyone is interested in this project. I hope to publish a /lit/ quarterly. Here's how I see it:
>3-5 short stories
>1-2 essays or book reviews
>a poem or two (I don't know much about poetry)

My intention is to pay $200CAD for each accepted story and essay, $150CAD for each accepted poem. After all is said and done, around December or January, I want to print/publish the quarterly on amazon. It will be printed and sold roughly at cost.
NOTE: this is a non-profit venture, entirely self-funded. My only goal is to become more disciplined and productive in my writing, and I know there are some talented writers here who aren't inclined towards following the traditional publishing route. This allows us to write with a purpose, to submit our works for editing (I believe I could edit a submission in less than two weeks; not for content, per se, but grammar, diction, tone, etc.).

Also looking for input for sources for printing, cover design, and other stylistic choices for the physical publication. All input welcome.

Either way, if anyone is interested, please email me at litquarterly@gmail.com. The submission process will be very simple and informal. I want to publish literary fiction (sorry, no genre fiction) and literary or political criticism, and giving space to some poetry. All submissions must be original and unpublished.

[Will repost monthly as my sabbatical approaches but please don't hesitate to email me for info]. litquarterly@gmail.com

>> No.13027847

Also, looking for a hardcopy publisher if amazon only offers kindle publishing.

>> No.13028620

For the cover template, look at canva.com under magazine templates.

>> No.13028701

Does this place really have the reputation that warrants you doing this?

>> No.13028757

I've seen enough critique threads that I know there is potential out there. And even if there's someone who hasn't written at the level they want, I think having a framework and some acquaintances for genuine criticism and editing will be good for everyone involved.

I don't care about reputations or appearances. I really just want to write, share writing, and publish writing amongst ourselves in a way that's a little more meaningful than an anonymous, throw-away shitpost on a forum. And because I have the means and the time off to do it, I think it's a worthwhile pursuit.

>> No.13028810

Do you have any ideas about themes or the title? Will it just be literature or will philosophy be a component as well?

>> No.13028904

I think there is room for philosophy in the essay section. I, myself, am not well-versed in philosophy but appreciate works *about* philosophy.

As for themes...themes that interest me, other than the general subjects that most literary fiction involves (meaning, identity, loss, humanity, religion, history, etc.), are those related to individuals making peace with modern evolutions...curating a conception of reality in the hyper-modern world.

As for title, I think it might literally be called The Lit Quarterly.

>> No.13029143

Okay. I'm fond of the idea. Is it just going to be you deciding what gets in or not? Shouldn't there be some sort of committee or poll system ?

>> No.13029158

On the other hand, if the magazine has a committee or a poll it leaves itself open to being manipulated through vote brigading and hopelessly hamstrung by disagreements between members of the committee. There are perils with all the options here.

>> No.13029169

Not opposed to that, but obviously with this thing blooming from scratch, there would need to be some sort of central authority. I am not opposed to bringing others aboard as editors if I feel that their intentions are sound and well-founded. But in my experience, people will try to seep in and ruin things for their own amusement.

Nonetheless, shoot me an email and we can discuss the goals and vision of this project.

>> No.13029202

That is one of my concerns, true. That's why I'm not going to invite a committee of any sort. I just wish to hear the inputs of anyone interested in such a project. I am funding this on my own and, though I don't have a very clear vision in mind, I know what I'm opposed to.

I just want to encourage people to share their writing and their views on writing.

>> No.13029250

I think that's a good idea and I'm quite interested in it myself. Will there be any guidelines for the short stories in terms of length, topic etc. or are you going to leave it open-ended

>> No.13029259

>I know what I'm opposed to.

Why should we trust you with our writing? How do we know you wont steal our ideas or what have you?

>> No.13029272

I've had this idea in the past. Would be quite interested. It needs to be democratic if it wants to be truly representative though. Although I get the necessity for an executive power at the beginning. Whats our guarantee that you [OP] won't abuse your authority?

>> No.13029287

The topic can be broad, but I have to disqualify "genre-fiction;" that is, works that involve fantastical or imaginary worlds, or anything involving trite gimmicks like you might find in detective fiction, romance, conspiracy, YA, or anything of the sort - you know what I mean. The short fiction should involve a realistic setting with human characters dealing with spiritual, existential, physical problems. Other than that, nothing specifically strict.

For the essays, I hope to find at least one even-handed review of a modern novel (from the last 20 years) and one essay broadly discussing some aspect of the socio-cultural realities of the early twenty-first century.

>$200CAD for accepted short stories
>$200CAD for accepted essays
>$150CAD for accepted poetry
>looking for input regarding content, design, typeface, etc.

>> No.13029311

>It needs to be democratic if it wants to be truly representative though.
what a stupid idea
should the funding be democratic too?

>> No.13029320

This, honestly, is the biggest hurdle of this venture. I'll just tell you what I'm about and, really, it's up to you to judge if you want to share your works with me.

I am a 29 yr old male who has been pursuing writing since I was sixteen. I am currently focused on a novel, with a previous novel and a handful of short stories still underway in the background. This project comes about because I have a four-month sabbatical from work this fall and will be living alone in Europe during that time, writing and reading, and feel that this would be a great opportunity to organize something that we can all share and enjoy as writers.

I strongly encourage anyone who's even mildly interested to email me first and we can chat. If you get a bad impression of me, that's fine. You can step away. And I am very reluctant to share one of my short stories for editing, but that is something that will have to happen before we print.

See above, and also: this is a completely non-profit venture. I have saved up some money for this exact purpose - to pay the contributors and to pay for formatting and printing of the quarterly. I think it's a worthwhile venture because I want a medium for myself and others on this site who clearly have some talent for writing, to contribute to something we can share and enjoy.

>> No.13029333

Are you all new? This has been tried and tried and tried, and it always devolves into a shitfest.

>> No.13029335

Obviously ideally yes. Wouldn't that be how these things are started irl?

>> No.13029348

Guys, I am funding this all myself, so am not subject to the pressures of "sponsors." I have a fairly good ear for the type of writing that I want printed. In the past, I have been temporarily inspired by ventures along these lines and have tried to get something ready for publication, but burned out and got distracted.

What I hope to achieve here is to get in contact with people who are writing literary fiction, essays, and poetry, and give them (and myself) a medium for publication. Yes, it is a humble medium. But it's still something.

>> No.13029370

>fund it myself
If anything, that’s worse. Once you see the quality of /lit/‘s writing, you won’t want to part with one greasy shekel. Just like all the others.

>> No.13029384

I disagree. I am very loose with money (often, when I've been drinking, I've give it away on paypal in stupid threads). But I also have a great opportunity before me wherein I will receive my regular income and not be working. While I'll be using this time to work on my novel, I think it's important to have some sort of discussion and social interaction regarding writing as a craft. That's the purpose of this publication - to seek out people who are at the same stage as I am: on the verge of serious writing, but not motivated enough to complete anything.

>> No.13029489

And furthermore, in a handful of critique threads, I have seen enough potential to tell me that there are talented writers here, even if one must sift to find them.

>> No.13029575

I'm interested, but not gonna lie: I'm nervous about this. I'm gonna think about it and email you in the morning. At the very least, wouldn't hurt to have someone to chat with about writing.

>> No.13029595

Please do. Chances are, you and I are very similar in our interest in writing. I understand the reluctance because the short story I'm lining up for this project will, at some point, need to be edited by a stranger and that bothers me...but it is what it is.

Regardless, shoot me an email so we can chat.