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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.94 MB, 3438x2411, Hamlet_by_Aiwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1302357 No.1302357 [Reply] [Original]

Guise, Hamlet is not 'emo'.

(possible spoilers ahead book club ppl!)
Dunno why you even think so. For a start Hamlet is a wise person, he abhors alcohol & all the other debauchery that Denmark has descended into. He has legitimate reasons to be depressed at the start of the play, even more so when learns how his father died. & then he even apologises & is ashamed of himself for times when he acts out of passion. Let me guess, you guys are just uptight as usual since your weekend/weekdays consist of getting drunk & trying (& failing) to engage in casual sex with mindless sluts or trying to forget your 9-5 life with weed or 'disco-biscuits'. So when a guy that can afford drugs & attract whores easily refuses to descend to that level while you wish you could, it makes you angry & jealous(wow makes sense considering how most of you act on here!). For shame.

Now this really makes me want to read Catcher in the Rye soon because Caulden's prob not emo either considering i know that he's mourning his brother & there's probably even more reasons for him to be depressed.

Also my local library fucking sucks, didn't have The Stranger or 'Portrait' by Joyce, or Trout Fishing in America. The first two are at another library so im gonna check if that library is along my train journey :/

Back in like 10 minutes, food.

>> No.1302364

Hamlet isn't emo, he just can't fucking commit to any single action ever. Only in the final act does he actually DO something, and even then he's super hesitant about it.

>> No.1302366

yeah yeah yeah get to the oedipus complex

>> No.1302367
File: 3 KB, 194x159, trollface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me guess, you guys are just uptight as usual since your weekend/weekdays consist of getting drunk & trying (& failing) to engage in casual sex with mindless sluts or trying to forget your 9-5 life with weed or 'disco-biscuits'. So when a guy that can afford drugs & attract whores easily refuses to descend to that level while you wish you could, it makes you angry & jealous(wow makes sense considering how most of you act on here!).

Just gonna quote this and post an appropiate picture.

>> No.1302375


>> No.1302394
File: 102 KB, 812x545, TyBrax25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead!

What killing people? Oh wow, what a faggot. He's so fucking lazy for not killing his uncle or himself, fucking faggot.

>> No.1302397

Fucking reverse Oedipus FTW.

>> No.1302398
File: 33 KB, 302x300, 1266782230395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change, Ty.

>> No.1302403
File: 108 KB, 545x363, TyBrax23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this is such a incredibly compelling argument that I'm practically speechless.

Never change, /lit/.

>> No.1302413

His uncle murders his father, steals the kingdom, marries his mother. Dad COMES BACK FROM THE DEAD to tell him that he'd been murdered.

Hamlet's response is to go "ehhhhh maybe" and flounder around for the whole play. People die unnecessarily because of his inaction.

That's kind of the point of the play. This is basic high school english bro.

>> No.1302419


Hamlet's inability to commit to action has been widely considered his tragic flaw since, like, forever. Of course it's reasonable, that's what makes it compelling tragedy.

Also, I'm not sure why you assume that comment was denigratory.

>> No.1302423
File: 8 KB, 249x233, eddiemurphyreactionimage40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right about my life. Though it's a million times better than yours because I can't imagine living in a shithole where the library doesn't even have the stranger, lol. You're probably just as jealous of me as I am of Hamlet because there aren't places in your shithole where you can go out, get drunk, go to disco's, smoke weed, aim for casual sex.


>> No.1302428

That's great now you should read some Harold Bloom

>> No.1302434
File: 3 KB, 130x98, TyBrax19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is basic high school english bro
Yeah, just what I'd expect from /lit/. Regurgitating hivemind shit with no thought, no wonder alot of you hated me before even seeing my posts. That said I have to give credit to that anon that wrote a paper detailing that Iago was not the villain in Othello, that most of the other characters were for good reasons.

>Hamlet's response is to go "ehhhhh maybe" and flounder around for the whole play
1. Ghost is strange shit, possibly hallucination (maybe some marijuana was burning nearby & they all got stoned).
2. Could have been the devil in disguise. tempting him to kill.
3. It is not easy to kill someone, the guys fucking royalty, not a war veteran.

>People die unnecessarily because of his inaction
No, actually. An innocent man dies because of his reckless action. After killing someone accidentally & regretting it I don't know why you'd be so quick to kill another.

See first paragraph.

>You're probably just as jealous of me as I am of Hamlet because there aren't places in your shithole where you can go out, get drunk, go to disco's, smoke weed, aim for casual sex
I basically follow Hamlet's example, I don't even want to do any of that shit & lol if you don't think Glasgow is one of the worst places in the world for debauchery XD

>> No.1302436


>Implying Medieval royalty weren't all deadly motherfuckers.

I mean, shit, Hamlet's a great fencer.

>> No.1302440

>Glasgow is one of the worst places in the world for debauchery XD
*I mean Europe lol

doesnt mean he's killed someone before.

>> No.1302443

Tybrax would be a force to be reckoned with in a tag-team with Harold Bloom

>> No.1302444
File: 7 KB, 240x173, VanMorrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ventured in the slipstream,
Between the viaducts of /lit/'s dream.
Where immobile stolen arguments crack,
And the trips courting anons favour stop.

I thought he was the Shakespeare expert & that all these arguments anon + public education recites are from him?

>> No.1302450

>I thought he was the Shakespeare expert & that all these arguments anon + public education recites are from him?
nah most of harold bloom's ideas are a bit different from the mainstream.. you should check him out. for one, he considers hamlet the most intelligent person in the world

>> No.1302451

Hamlet isn't emo.

he's a hipster.

>> No.1302452

this whole thread is retarded.

>> No.1302454


Well I'll need to re-read before agreeing on the intelligence thing but sweet, that's kinda cool since he's a Shakespeare scholar & generally well-read. Like some of Hamlet's philosophical lines I didn't follow through & just assumed it was to show his state of mind. Defo something I'll pay more attention to on 2nd read.

>> No.1302455
File: 7 KB, 273x184, VanMorrison2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More great arguments from anon, as usual my arguments are being reduced to ash....

>> No.1302461

Also nope, that library is pretty far away.

Does anyone have The Stranger ebook? I'll check the charity shop tomorrow & then maybe get it in the 3for2 deal at Waterstones right now.

>> No.1302463

I have the torrent link but I's prefer to keep it to myself because of your faggotry.

>> No.1302465


>> No.1302473

faggot. omg so many times do i get the impression that the people that hate me here are idiots. but i have to ignore it since ppl irl arent like you guys (i hope)

I was just asking because sandygunfox is lagging for me & a link was posted last night in the book club. ill check gutenberg cause im not exactly sure what period camus is from.

also, 'dont sage me, bro'!

>> No.1302476
File: 10 KB, 221x228, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TyBrax thread

>> No.1302475

>People hate me
Flawless logic, bro.

>> No.1302480

re-read my post, reading comprehension bro. you guys give me the impression all the time of your dumbarsery. its too much to ignore.

>> No.1302486

I feel the same way about you.
Also, I can't read your post because of your lack of basic grammar.

>> No.1302563


>> No.1302578

Every time you post you end up eating your own shit.

Where's your tripcode?

>> No.1302650

>more idiocy

>> No.1302671

why in the world do you hate torrents so much. do you can't figure out how to use them

>> No.1302672

>more shit eating.


Don't be mad, tripfag. Just stop posting until we forget who you are.

>> No.1302776
