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/lit/ - Literature

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13022748 No.13022748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you read books written by women?
do you read books who's protagonist is a woman?
do you read books recommended to you by women?

>> No.13022757

big no

>> No.13022817


>> No.13022837

Yes, yes and not usually but I'm sure I've glanced at some. Only incels say no.

>> No.13022838
File: 105 KB, 960x638, 7D830263-C07F-492F-A8BB-F8B4BE04E598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no

>> No.13022845
File: 333 KB, 2200x1444, 5689E74D-FC3D-40A4-B91D-72682DD4329A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only incels say no
Ok genius, you savant you, you upper echelon intellectual you, you brilliant mind you

>> No.13022873
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>> No.13022882

Yes, yes, generally no

>> No.13022883
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yea buddy
yea sometimes
yep definitely

try the bell jar by sylvia plath

>> No.13022884


>> No.13023103

yes to all three :) i love it when someone recommends me a book. i get to examine what draws them to the book while enjoying a new experience :) discussing ideas is a big plus too :) i love you :)

>> No.13023240

you talk like a faggot

>> No.13023448

People don't usually recommend books to me

>> No.13023453

I can't help but think that your posts play a role in some kind of social experiment

>> No.13023940

I almost never read other people's book recommendations

>> No.13023990


No(except one, and it was a novella [Carmilla])

Not on purpose, I actually hadn't thought about it until you mentioned it to me.
Can't say I can even think of many (good) books that I've heard of that are by/lead by women.

Closest I've gotten to that is an idea I worked on for a while before throwing out in which the protagonist's gender was never specified, and that's just because I didn't want it to be judged based on that.

>> No.13024029

what even is this board anymore. There are about three people left who are actually well read provide worth while discussion of literature and then there are /pol/ shits who read Dante in high school and now declare themselves experienced in ‘western culture’ and come here to circle jerk it’s demise. What does this thread contribute? A area to endless bicker about feminism with bigots who’ve already decided there not going to change there mind and are in fact proud of there ignorance?
A place to recommend female authors that will promptly be ignored and dismissed as art hoe shit by people who’ve never read them? A series of yes’s and no’s that day abousoutly nothing becuse this discussion belongs one hundred years in the past? Oh I know, it’s a (you) generator. Op’s trying to generate (you)’s by appearing neutral while clearing trying to attract misogynist, sexist get (you)’a by trying to be as vile and hateful as possible to both earn praise from fellow sexist and derision from those who aren’t, and those who answer the non insane thing are even considered baiting for not conforming to obvious reality that this board has the mindset of an 17th century Puritan and what are we if not perpetually outraged that no one fetishizes the past as much as us. Goodnight

>> No.13024042

based as fuck

>> No.13024045

that's going in my cringe compilation

>> No.13024071

...but rarely have I ever not regretted it

you got a chuckle out of me--well played.

>> No.13024072

>do you read books written by women?
I don't know how to read books by women. Seriously, I am completely illiterate when trying to read books by women. I can read books written by men just fine, but whenever I try to read one by a woman, it's like I have forgotten how to read, and it's all a bunch weird symbols on a page and can't make any of it out! Am I the only one who experiences this? Can somebody please, help me?

>> No.13024104

Stop buying Cyrillic books when you can't speak Russian.