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13022288 No.13022288 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.13022302

Wittgenstein, the greatest philosopher of all time, found that book shallow.

>> No.13022324

Jew. Automatically his works are all jewish and must be burned

>> No.13022338

Einstein was also a jew, should we burn all works about relativity as well?

>> No.13022357

Wittgenstein was shallow and he published one lousy book. Don't start this shit

>> No.13022365
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>try to reformulate all metaphysical problems as linguistic errors
>calling anyone else shallow

>> No.13022367

Wittgenstein was a complete idiot and autist

>> No.13022371

No, Einstein was a socialist but he was strictly a scientist, you can't insert your jewishness into physics. But in philosophy basically all jews like Freud, Boas and Jung(yes not a jew, but was a posterboy for psychonanalysis just because he was a gentile) can insert their jewishness into their teachings, which either helps jews in any way, or fucks up gentiles.
Read CofC for more detailed information.

>> No.13022386


>> No.13022394

Some interesting post-Kantian metaphysics, an interesting theoretical justification for empathy/compassion, and a solid theory of aesthetics. All-round good stuff and underrated.

>> No.13022396

Who the fuck cares about Wittgenstein

>> No.13022403
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Wittgenstein, the greatest philosopher of all time

>> No.13022449
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Viennese theoretical physics PhD reporting in who read Wittgensteins texts 500 meters from his house.*
The Germans certainly did think there's Juwish philosophy and there was German (Deutsche) Physics to counter it

Living in Vienna, there's also a few right wingers not too far at any time, and I certainly heard from them about e.g. the theory of how Jewish Maternal wanderer mathematics e.g. gave rise to Topology

There's also the whole Kaballah connection, that's rendered e.g. in that movie Pi. I never really go it.

His house in a strong sense, Wittgenstein archetected around for some reason

>> No.13022551


> As a teenager, he clung to Schopenhauer, who had written World as Will and Idea. But later in life Wittgenstein dismissed Schopenhauer as "shallow" and as having "quite a crude mind."

How do you feel knowing that your favorite philosopher was BTFO by Witt?

It's laughable that some of you try to disregard Witt as a "complete idiot", what a disappointment, /lit/...

>> No.13022558

>One could call Schopenhauer an altogether crude mind. I.e., he does have refinement, but at a certain level this suddenly comes to an end; he is as crude as the crudest. Where real depth starts, his finishes.

- Witt

>> No.13022597

When I read this book it changed the way I view the world completely. His theory is so simple that you wonder why you didnt think of it yourself. Plus his writing style is so clear and full of cynical wit that it is a treat to read.

>> No.13022603

Pretentious and pseud.

>> No.13022615

Why is Schopenhauer getting popular? If you are depressed you should reach out to a friend or see a therapist.

>> No.13023384


>> No.13023386
File: 127 KB, 576x635, schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thousand pages of Schopenhauer telling you to refer back to his earlier work, On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason

>> No.13023392

there is no cure for suffering

>> No.13023396

you should have started there in the first place its basically his thesis

>> No.13023421

Wittgenstein was autistic.

>> No.13023434

Truth, don't know where this whole 'Wittgenstein is a pseud' meme came from. The only thing you can hold against him is his obsession with cheese and the words 'bloody' and 'ziggity' really.

>> No.13023449

Doesn't devalue his work, Kant and possibly Socrates were aspie.

>> No.13023464

The truth

>> No.13023480

Hot ziggity!