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13019747 No.13019747 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't a troll thread, but how am I expected to write about "romance" or innocent love between a man and a woman now that I've been redpilled on women and their taboo erotic fantasies?

It makes me feel like a naive incel to avoid confronting the fact, statistically speaking, that seek out and become immensely stimulated by aggressive, dominant, borderline transgress men rather than intelligent, virtuous, kind, gentle, community-orientated men.

>> No.13019758

Just don't set the novel after the late 1960s and the sexual revolution.

>> No.13019763

Write gay romance because the Greeks were right

>> No.13019769

No, set it after 60s and pretend there never was any sexual revolution.

>> No.13019770

watch anime

>> No.13019772

But surely this is something inherent in female nature. I

>> No.13019789

Find it in yourself.

>> No.13019794

>how am I expected to write about
Who except you to do so?

>> No.13019801

>women like chads

>> No.13019810

>implying angry virgins on the internet understand what women are like
No 'redpill' you have ever come across was worth a damn, it just reflects your own neuroses

>> No.13019899


>> No.13020001

you may be "redpilled" but you're still obsessed with women as some sort of ideal

how do i know this? you're still focused on romantic love when you could be writing about brotherly love or love between comrades or literally any other form of love

>> No.13020025

hehe please expand your tiny minds and wonder how it would be like to BE proof the incel mindset is fundamentally wrong, and the many young men who subscribe to it would benefit wildly by, y'know, going out to talk to real people.

t. cute grill

>> No.13020064

isn't it hypocrisy to critisize women for imagining gentleman and bad boys when you yourself imagine ladies and pornstars?

>> No.13020073

Most men would marry a somewhat attractive, pleasant, somewhat young women even if she worked in McDonalds or was homeless. 99% of women wouldn't look twice at a guy in the same situation.

>> No.13020383

>redpilled on women

Just give up because you're never gonna get your /pol/trash published and you don't understand the world like you think you do faggot

>> No.13020388

Lemme stop you right there. Youre overdosing on redpill anon. There are more vanilla women than you know; the transgressive ones are way over represented.

And "they" dont share every taboo you can find in /alt/, /yu/ or /ya/.

There's a reason lesbianbeddeath - no more sex after a lesbian couple marry - is a meme: the female sexdrive isnt that high. Consequently, the number of male degenrates will always and overwhelmingly outnumber female ones; by that ratio alone, you can't claim that women are all transgressive sexmad cows.

If you did finish 50shades (you are either a champ or a cretin), and you are in tune with the fetish club degeneracy its supposed to represent, you'll easily conclude that 50shades is normie grade s&m. It's weaksauce. All the female fans of 50shades, same as twilight, are not true degenerates; they just like the idea of degeneracy. It makes them feel above the crowd; crf the number of women who claim to be "not like other girls".

Look again at the popular romance novel genre. Pick a few chart toppers and read: the main draw of these books is a fantasy of a virile and highly competent man gallantly treasuring their self-insert.

Do women desdain virtue? I do not think so. They just want to test claimants of virtue, like most people. And all virtue under trial is bravery. There is not one right thinking person who on seeing this diaplayed aays "nah, i dont need or want that".

Do you think that all women go for bad boys? They do not. Women without experience or sense, yes, they pick badboys. Sometimes not because they want badboys, but because they think lots of women want them; it's a status competition.

The ones that keep picking badboys tend not to end well.

Write your book. Romance comes in all pasta shapes. Even comfy dadmode.

>> No.13020394
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>> No.13020400

the large majority of men would be happy marrying just about ANY woman who wasn't fat and had a somewhat pleasant personality. that's literally all any woman needs, even if she's not attractive otherwise. just don't be fat, and don't be a total bitch. that's it, and she can have almost any man as long as she's still young.

>> No.13021677

>how am I expected to write about "romance" or innocent love between a man and a woman now that I've been redpilled on women and their taboo erotic fantasies?

More or less same way that e.g. CS Lewis, Great War infantry private, wrote about righteous kings slaying evil witches.

There are a couple of ways you can go with this, so here's my suggestion which is pretty much in line with my own views:

Women's "taboo erotic fantasies" and hypergamy, while real, are mostly latent. Under a moral order, a woman can (and will) fall in love with a man who's reasonably attractive and good character. Unfortunately, if she indulges in sin, she will find it much harder to do so, and we live in a society that deliberately cultivates this.

The upshot is that if a man and a woman fall "innocently" in love, they've dodged a bullet. I see this all the time. Actually, it's worse, because the forces of wickedness -- often unfortunately including their own parents -- are actively working for the demise of their love, or at least trying to litter the environment with temptation. YOU know this, but the characters don't. Do something with it.

>> No.13021689

would read

>> No.13021707

>YOU know this, but the characters don't
This is the crux of it; the writer is not the character. The character does not need to be a direct representation of the writer.

>> No.13022855

Psued writers do not understand this.

>> No.13022906

Neither do many successful writers

>> No.13022940

Being successful =/= not being a psued

>> No.13023056


>> No.13023239

if you were better at writing you'd know how to do it and would be able to write about it properly without inserting your """"handicap""""

just write more

>> No.13023887
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has it ever occurred to you that they like chads because chads are actually more community oriented than you? has it ever occurred to you that the behavior which to you comes across as "aggressive" comes off to others as "assertive." That "dominant" is simply a way for them to control the situation they're in, which everyone wants to be able to do, that their physical fitness and social prowess are desirable traits in a male mate that they would want their children to inherit? Has it ever occurred to you that it is actually very normal for women to like guys like this and that maybe instead of getting mad you should get even, take better care of yourself, and try to socialize, rather than wallowing in your own self pity?

Or maybe women simply disgust you for who they are and you should try men? That's not mockery. None of this is mockery, I mean it.

Don't let the pain of rejection stop your ability to self improve.

>> No.13023893

have sex

>> No.13023918


>> No.13023956
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>> No.13023965

>when you yourself imagine ladies
What's the issue here exactly?

>> No.13024005

will travel

>> No.13024033


Did you know the penis of the promiscuous male becomes smaller and oblong after years of sex out of wedlock? There must theoretically exist an equilibrium where small-cunted females and oblong-dicked males coexist without any further change in size of genitalia. That is my version of utopia.

>> No.13024272

if you want this to work you should claim that it's masturbation that shrinks your dick.

>> No.13025430
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Being red pilled and being a mentally eunuch incel who hates women are two inherently opposite concepts.

>> No.13025795

fair enough I suppose

>> No.13025845

>my romantic interest is a womanchild
>The female equivalent of manchild
>Less erotic than Nabokov's nymphets
>More likely to run up the electricity bill without paying it than a savage
Make your romantic interest a woman instead of an emotionally stunted teenager. Even making her a precocious teenager is better than writing her as a three year old trapped in a thirty year old dried up and resentful husk. The fact that women who are toddlers in adult bodies arouses your interest more than anything else is more disgusting than Humbert's love for Lo, because Humbert loved Lo for her intellectual and erotic precociousness more than her form. Being attracted to the adult female form which contains a poorly parented tween with self esteem issues is a character flaw of the male romantic interest if you write it that way: he should be concerned for her acting in such a manner and wonder why she has missed so many developmental stages and question why he wants to fuck a retard and if he might not be better off getting a doll to fuck if he is into women so stunted in mental growth. You can write something where he falls in love with an intellectual adult who has passed through normal stages of development for women, but the fact you would prefer to write about mating with a toddler in an adult body makes me think you're sick in the head, especially as you want to sugarcoat her intellectual capacity rather than her body as subconsciously you must realise that fucking a full grown retard is more socially proscribed than fucking an underwater who possesses adult reasoning.

>> No.13025851

Sorry autocorrect on my phone is fucktarded.

>> No.13027652

write about how YOU would want it to like, in an ideal world. That's why people read romance novels anyway, it's an idealistic fantasy; an escape. No one wants to read a forensic, Rooshvian rendition of male-female sexual dynamics, like something out of a Jane Goodall thesis. People want to dream, so you need to dream about what the world SHOULD be like (or maybe COULD be like? hmmm)

>> No.13027950
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Severely underrated

>> No.13028090


>> No.13028116

What's weird is that japanese men have perfected women before women have.
When you fall in love with the idea of femininity in the modern world (esp. Anime, but also elsewhere) you're actually falling in love with some Japanese guys' ideal of femininity.

It took me a while to understand it, but women aren't actually that feminine, this is the driving force of men who immerse themselves in pop culture, they are looking for a substitute or vein to a source of femininity that they can't find in reality.
Once you accept modern women as the equivalent of frat house boys, it's much much easier to relate to them on the ground level.
The only difference is that women get turned on when you take the piss out of them.

>> No.13029551

have you actually been in love and appreciated what everyone has thought about? If so, then recall those memories. If not, then 1) no, and 2) you don't have to write romances and 3) how can you know you're right? (i say this as someone who likes Schopenhauer, Weininger, Goethe, Nietzsche, Proust, has gone through a redpill phase while been in a relationship, still is in one, thinks men and women are different, and that there is a Shakespearean woman for you.

>> No.13030848

this differs a shit author with a great author. the ability to distinguish between personal bias and artistic integrity

>> No.13030879

Sounds like women are based and men are scum.

>> No.13031344

How about simply writing on the disparity between what women are represented (or as people hope they are) and how the truth is quite far from it once you dig deeper into it