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13012775 No.13012775 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.13012778 [DELETED] 

Butterfly says something nice to me :3

>> No.13012788

A book of short stories from human toilets

>> No.13012810
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All the men die out.

Would you read something like that?

>> No.13012811

It's about a guy asking online for other anons novel idea. He end up stealing some anons idea. Turn out, said anon used to be a navy seal, with more than 300confirmed kill. So our protagonist has to live the rest of his life runing all across earth, trying to save is life. The worst part is, the book only got 1.5 star on amazon

>> No.13012816 [DELETED] 


Except for me butterfly. Say it... say it... 'except for me'. Just say you'd keep me.

Not as a pet though, as a rather dominant male. Say you'd keep me as a rather dominant male and I'll be happy. I could repopulate the world. And I wouldn't let you have sex with any women still :3

>> No.13012837

No no. I mean they age and die out. Only women remain, and work out how to procreat

>> No.13012843 [DELETED] 

Right right. Except for me.

And I haven't aged, and I've only become more dominant. Other women watch while I fuck you and repopulate the Earth.

Meanwhile you are looking at all of them and wishing you could fuck them but I don't let you and you learn to love the shape of my dick :3 hawt

>> No.13012898
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>> No.13013201

I definitely would if the author were realistic about. Nothing funnier than women failing at being men and being complete bitches to each other.

I recommend watching the women only survivor tv show Bear Grills made, crack open a cold one and enjoy.

>> No.13013541

Six entertwining stories. The most prominent deals with three characters; the first is a compulsive liar who literally never tells the truth, even his real name is unknown throughout the novel. His love interest is a stastican who is so devoted to her work that she predicts her own death, and leaves a mound of notes to her assistant, who eventually becomes a replication of the original, eventually taking on the appearance and demeanor of the original chatacter. The third is an elusive playwright, who has written a comprehensive play detailing the history of the universe up until it’s heat death. These three characters are linked and deal with the theme of “identity”.
Then there’s a pair of best friends, one rich and scientifically-minded, the other impoverished and well-versed in mysticism—their combined knowledge leads to metaphysical experiments involving digital tulpas, quantum physics-based divination, and etc.
The third main character is basically Samus from Metroid in an impoverished, decaying city, hunting for an elusive crime boss.
Then there’s two siblings, brother and sister, the sister being pressured from all sides into having a child, which she doesn’t want to do, and the brother being a social misfit wandering aimlessly in life.
Then there is the story, told across many generations from Babylonian times up to the present-day (mostly conveyed through the aforementioned play) of a family who, by way of a hallucination from a field of ergot-infested crops, believes themselves to be a divine bloodline destined to lead humanity into a new era, all the while becoming more and more degenerate with each generation.
Finally, the somewhat autobiographical story of a young man going from eccentric artist to reclusive hermit in a far-away city, and then returning to find that despite superficial changes, everything remains the same, only under a different name

I’m 52 pages in

>> No.13013573

what happened to pige :(

>> No.13013923

>All the men die out
Penis Envy: A Novel

>> No.13014824

It's a post catastrophe book. Something killed off all the women in a month period.
Scientists are using the frozen ovas and artificial wombs to try and breed females again. Nothing is wasted if failed, stem cells are collected, budding ovaries are snatched. If grown to term eggs are harvested. All while racing against the clock because humanity is on a timer.
Some people try to better neural uploads to work towards a goal even if humanity (males) die before their work is completed.

While all of this is happening, passable trannies are made into sex objects. They are made loose by the amounts of erect attentions shown them. A lot of trannies were outted when they didn't die like all other female looking humans out there. Even tranny dykes were outted when "males" dropped dead and it was shown they have vaginas and wombs (those were harvested of course).
Trannies became a currency because men wanted sex, but didn't want to have sex with someone who looked like a guy.
Humanity is slowly going down a road of degeneracy while the beings that caused all of this looks on in fascination.

>> No.13014984

I'm writing a romcom, it's kind of difficult. How to do I properly describe flirtatious behavior and sexual tension?

>> No.13014993

A futuristic toilet's AI becomes self aware

>> No.13015337

A guy obsessed with his ex spends the next 15 years programming a neutral net to generate porn with her in it. This forms the nucleus of a PhD, "on computer-generated self-insert cinematography", which brings him wide acclaim. She gets back with him, but leaves when she discovers the petabytes of encrypted porn of her. With a somewhat ironic grin, she links him to the gigabytes of amateur material of her earlier career on Pornhub. Written in my semen.

>> No.13015371
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Pige eyes perceive bige lies.

I have a still very vague idea of a novel about people moving to a better place, most likely a different country, to have better lives. Very much "American dream" style ambition.
And of course it fails miserably, because if I can't be happy I don't see why my characters should be either. Fuck those assholes!

>> No.13015390

horrible sand sex. crushing scorpions and smudging it across the vagina then fucking it raw. a love novell about 2 people fucking hard in the nasty desert

>> No.13015406

Happy World Tapir Day!

>> No.13015419

It's about a talented writer who has perpetual writer's block because he is young and has led a sheltered life and therefore has very little life experience. To invent more writing material he starts actually living an adventurous life of sorts solely to later write about it. Something something about how doing things for the wrong reasons always backfires.

It'll be one of the great novels of the 21st century you guys watch.

>> No.13015424

>a comedy about a medieval plague doctor who thinks he's smarter than he really is peddles bullshit trying to make a bunch of medieval bitcoin
I have the first chapter written

>> No.13015432

This sounds pretty cool

>> No.13015433

What the fuck is a tapir? This a pigey

>> No.13016428

Thanks I'm stealing this.
Look for my book end of next month on amazon.

>> No.13016522

The story of a man who can only masturbate whole screaming.

>> No.13017234

there was a sci-fi short story about this in the 80's. It was pretty shit though, so maybe you'll do better

>> No.13017244


>> No.13017248

post the kavanaugh edit

>> No.13017303
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imagine cutting out a juice, long tapir trunk and cooking it

>> No.13017310


>> No.13017322

A pige fucking another pige in the ass!

>> No.13017347

All of those seem like extremely interesting ideas and I'd definetly read your book if done right. The "samus" one seems kind of out of place and boring, but maybe you can pull it off idk. Good luck fren

Based, very creative and appealing. It's a fucking shame something like this would never be published. How does it end?

>> No.13017414
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There are three animals in this photo. Only one of them has value.

>> No.13017985
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>> No.13018064

A family of six are sitting around a picnic table when their watermelon grows wings and takes flight. The daughter (5 years old or so) screams and cries and afterwards she asks her parents what happened.

Neither of them know what to say so the mom starts to feel like a bad mother, and the dad starts to feel emasculated. This sends the family down a spiral of mistrust and negative self-fulfilling prophecies.

At the same time, their son takes to trapping birds in the backyard and slices off their wings and glues them on fruits, like apples and oranges and even a grape in one case. At some point, the son stops his obsession after noticing that all the fruits in the house are growing spider legs, seemingly inanimate ones, but often times are ending up in strange places in the house as if they moved when no one was looking.

The story all comes to a head when the neighbor, who claims to have lived in the house next door for the past 31 years (thought nobody has ever seen him before) introduces himself to the family and sits in their living room smiling from ear to ear and laughing at statements they make that were never intended to be funny. Like, not inappropriate statements, just any old statement like "honey, can you grab the photo book from the sun room?" He also starts to show sympathy or shock at equally random statements. Eventually he leaves, but instead of actually leaving, he just stands on the stoop with his face a quarter inch from the shut front door, smiling at it, almost as if he's looking past it, or past the house itself altogether.

The family notice that all the fruit in the house is gone and so is their infant boy, whose cries they can hear coming from the fireplace, even though when they look, there's nothing there.

>> No.13018070

can someone explain this tapir meme to me?

>> No.13018282

Sounds pretty cool, anon. How do they intertwine?

Trannies are ugly, boys are cuter desu

Magical realism doesn't make a story instantly interesting, anon.

>> No.13018454

What if at the center of every galaxy is a black hole which acts as a wormhole thereby interconnecting all galaxies with one another?

>> No.13018469
File: 12 KB, 180x300, B924E719-C1C4-4777-AA76-092CC4B078AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early 2017...
A fifteen year old Muslim girl named Sara lives in a province of Syria that’s controlled by ISIS. Everyday she toils to care for her bedridden, dementia/cancer laden grandfather. She never knew her father and grandpa tells her that her mother died sometime in 2004 in Iraq shortly after Sara was born. She’s forced to wear a full burqa when she goes out and after she’s almost raped by a some inbred fuckstick, she uses the Silk Road/dark web/black market to purchase a collapsible .308 with a suppressor and 100 rounds of subsonic ammo. This gun here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OwBMG_F-5EE
The. Proceeds to wage an “enemy at the gates” style sniper war against the caliphate (after studying YouTube videos on long distance shooting/sniping) while also caring for her delirious grandfather who has fits of PTSD about his time as a sniper fighting against the soviets during the 80’s. His rants also reveal the secret that Sara’s mother was the secret identity of the elusive and deadly “JUBA” sniper
that killed numerous US service members during the Iraq war. By being crafty and learning to hide her weaponry under her clothes, Sara plays a deadly game of cat and mouse with ISIS as she hunts for blinds and evades patrols.
Tentatively titled “the sixth pillar” OR “the bear, the eagle, and the jackal”
should be done by Halloween.

>> No.13019605

started off great but its a little too much of sniper larping in this one

>> No.13019631

Based gaskun, can’t wait for your space opera

>> No.13019653

Seems surprisingly good and coherent, you should keep goin at it.
Hope you’ve done a lot of research, though.

>> No.13019654

If I’m not in pain it’s boring

>> No.13019669

nice try. My magmum opus idea is so mind blowing I would never reveal it.

>> No.13019682

Sounds like a great dark comedy novel, would read.

>> No.13019697

t. thommy pynchon

>> No.13019704
File: 552 KB, 752x1063, nina_the_killer_fan_art__by_dessertandpizza-dciq023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, but you should ditch the burka stuff, she should be wearing edgy black and purple clothing that you should describe in detail along with her makeup and hairstyle. Be sure to post drawings of your character on Deviantart so your readers can imagine her better and send you fanart. But it's very important that you state in the book that she is plain looking.

I also suggest her to be in a love triangle with a hot US marine and a ripped Russian paratrooper love interest, one of whom gets killed around the third act of the novel.

>> No.13019715

Where does a teenager who spends all her time caring for a sick family member in a desert shithole get the money to buy a fancy sniper rifle

>> No.13019726

look tatsy

>> No.13019752

An historically-set apocalyptic western. A child in remote Kentucky is tasked with guarding and nurturing a tree in the backyard of her family farm. Lots of mysterious figures show up, but dad rebukes them and warns they must never be allowed to see the tree. One day they come and kill her dad and steal the tree, so the girl embarks on a crosscountry journey to recover it, discovering it is the last tree left in America.

>> No.13019788


>> No.13020006

>one of them has value.
Yes the pig because its flesh could be sold

>> No.13020185

I'm going to be writing 24/7 now, thanks for the freebie.
That's an easy blank to fill in, although he's not going to give you the missing lego piece and neither am I.
lol, barf

>> No.13020417

You from Kentucky?

>> No.13020418

>How does it end?
if an advanced alien race was good enough to fuck only females of the entire planet, you think we can do anything to them? This isn't a humanity fuck yeah novel, it's a book about the struggle to survive.

>> No.13020444

None of the components are fancy except the suppressor, so it wouldn’t be hard to pull off

>> No.13020956 [DELETED] 

I came up with a novel idea a few months ago and just discovered today that my exact idea was already done in 2013 as a webcomic called Stand Still, Stay Silent
Guess I'll have to go with one of my other ideas

>> No.13021034

Does anyone know a website/search engine specifically aimed towards looking up books by factors like setting, plot proponents and maybe even theme elements? I came across one well over a decade ago, but I can't find it anymore.

>> No.13021436

i like this idea :) do you have an idea where they would move to? :) even if they are unhappy in the end i would hope i can still love them :) i love you :)

i hope it is one of the great novels :) i believe in you :) i love you :)

>> No.13021909

>Written in my semen.

>> No.13021935

She wasn’t being serious, women-hating incels. The mods deleted this rather sexual comment chain about me fucking her in front of all the lesbians. :3

>> No.13022011

Use examples from your real life

>> No.13022380

Demons and angels fighting eachother. Humans and aliens get caught in the crossfire. Very epical.

>> No.13022489

Man gets wife moves to house has kid and the family lives in house in 60s and 70s. The kid grows up has a kid in which he grows up later living in that house with his wife in 80s they has kids in that same house and then moves out kids grow up in 90s and 2000s then the kids later moving back into that same house after the death of father trying to puzzle peice together the strand of history of house and blood.