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/lit/ - Literature

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13010815 No.13010815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do people who read books die?

>> No.13010820

God I hope so.

>> No.13010821

please stop

>> No.13010822


>> No.13010827

Everyone's already dead.

>> No.13010829
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If you're not gay you're not literary in the slightest and you're a fucking pleb who shouldn't even bother reading. Straight people only read to reinforce their insecurity about not being gay, like how masculine people pretend to be masculine because they're afraid to appear feminine.

>> No.13010837


>> No.13010839

YOU'RE WRONG, fucking shitlord.

>> No.13010859

Lesbians are the literary masterrace and you know it. Faggots are just the genre tier substitute. Breeders are the lowest form of life, only kept around because someone has to be worse than Plato.

>> No.13010860

As a result thereof?
Probably not.

>> No.13010866


>> No.13010931

I thought everyone die?

>> No.13010943

Nobody ever dies. We move on to our dreams. Become lucid
I am not afraid to die.

>> No.13010958

Christians think they don’t. Anon between our posts for one.

>> No.13010980

I am not religious at all :)

>> No.13010985

I want to silt a Christian's throat. I would smile and ask him if he sees his existence fading out or not. After the cuck dies, I'll cut off his belly meat and make myself a nice dinner out of a Christcuck.

>> No.13011011
File: 105 KB, 960x638, 2894C1CB-166D-49A7-920C-09EB78F28CFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Ok?

>> No.13011013

Homosexuals don't have the capability to create life. They are repulsed by the most fundamental form of creation, instead choosing to reject it, pervert it. The same applies to literature. Only heterosexual people can create true, vigorous, lively, important literature that will speak to generations to come. The homosexual psyche is totally opposed to that. Lately there's been a surge in homosexual literature but merely because the society itself has gone astray, looking for alternative solutions to its problems. It will pass, and all homosexual literature will be forgotten. You will mark my words.
It seems like you have a lot of irrational anger towards Christians. Have you ever thought that the anger is a result of your own insecurities?

>> No.13011022
File: 58 KB, 500x667, 9D9DC05C-D403-42D0-8B9A-4E0C58198E31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13011057

I am repulsed at having a child grow inside me. I love children though. I see them playing around a fountain and can’t help but smile. Like a grandparent who can pass off the kid when s/he cries or fills his/her drawers, I get the best of them. They are the reason to keep going.
Don’t speak of things you don’t understand.

I love that picture.

>> No.13011058

What does the picture mean?

>> No.13011067

You are a tranny. Post dismissed.
inb4 ad hominem
Ad hominem is valid when applied to someone like you.

>> No.13011093

Not a man, not dysmorphic in the least. Shove it up your ass

>> No.13011103

Ignore the tripfag.

>> No.13011158

What a load of horse shit. There's no such thing as "homosexual literature" just as there is no such thing as "heterosexual literature". There's just good and bad literature.

>> No.13011169

>Homosexuals don't have the capability to create life
neither do you lol

>> No.13011189

Oh but I do. I am attracted to women and I plan to have a lot of kids with my beautiful wife in the future.
Yes there is. You seem to deny the obvious. Literature written by homosexuals usually reflects their values and their deeper psychological issues which cause/are related to homosexuality.
There is good and bad literature, and homosexual literature is not in the former category.

>> No.13011192

>Christians think they don’t die

>> No.13011203

If you're seriously telling me that you wouldn't want to bury your face in the soft cushiony butt covered in those tight soft leggings then fuck you.

>> No.13011224

Your first mistake is presupposing life had any value to begin with.

>> No.13011225

See, I'm not a homosexual. I do not care with sexually engaging with men like myself. Actually, the person in the pic doesn't seem to be a man at all, so I would not interact with him at all, in most likelyhood. I do not find it cute or sexy because I do not have the homosexual mindset. I don't hate myself, nor do I hate society. I care about beauty, and I can't wait to have lots of kids with my future beautiful wife.

>> No.13011237

Do you seriously not believe that life has any value? I must say that if if you do, there is seriously something wrong with your mindset. Perhaps you were deceived, seduced by philosophy books, I cannot tell, but there is absolutely beauty in life. Especially creating life. Seeing your child grow up, nutruring him and watching as he becomes a fully competent human being must be one of the most beautiful things in the world. No amount of hedonism, mindless sex, pornography can beat that.

>> No.13011262

Hey dude, if you're not having sex with the same sex or masturbating to gay porn or having gay thoughts you can literally stop talking to me. Capisce?

>> No.13011273

What the fuck faggot. My post that you literally replied to obviously implied I was heterosexual. You started this, don't put this on me, faggot.
Go on hating society and what's good, just stop responding to me.

>> No.13011293

Look at this breeder still talking to me. Please don't poison me with your drabness.

>> No.13011313

You actually think that's a bad thing, don't you? Preserving your existence is a bad thing. Passing on your knowledge, wisdom and joy to future generations is a bad thing. Of course you would be this wrong, faggot. As I said, stop replying to me. Literally everyone in this thread sees how angry, irrational and stupid you are being. If you don't like life, just kill yourself and stop annoying me. Thanks.

>> No.13011330

Dude, you're such a tight wad of religious bullshit. If you seriously listen to what your church tells you and you don't immediately reject it as deranged shit you're a gullible as fuck person. I feel so bad for Steven Dedalus in portrait of an artist as a young man. Catholicism is so abusive, it tries to keep people's natural desires repressed for no reason. It's no wonder there's so much sexual abuse in the catholic church, they have no outlets for natural desires.

>> No.13011352

What the fuck are you spouting, you utter insufferable faggot? I am not a christian, I do not believe in any deity, you utter retard. Learn to read. My opinions are based on natural reason.

>> No.13011377

>The same applies to literature. Only heterosexual people can create true, vigorous, lively, important literature that will speak to generations to come.
I see you have read zero canon. You could at least pretend to read Western canon like the rest of the board. Have some standards for your pseudery.

>> No.13011416

Wow you are really stupid aren't you. You literally just expressed your anger in attacking me without providing any actual argumentation. I have read most of the canon. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Name me one book written by a homosexual that reflected his homosexual psyche that has truly contributed to the well-being and prospering of the western civilization. Protip: you can't, because you're a pretentions, self-important philistine with no actual understanding of literature. Just move on.

>> No.13011422

So you buy into christian idealism and you're not a Christian. That's even more pathetic.

>> No.13011544

>I'll pretend nobody knows Plato is gay across many books and still inferior to Sappho
Libraries' continued existence must really hurt you. I can't imagine what literary studies departments do to you. It's almost like your tears won't dissolve canon's standards and will go on ignoring your shitty taste in literature until the next period of ahistoricity. It's pretty bad when you have to hope for total illiteracy for your views to have any hope of holding weight. Still, maybe someday all of literature will be erased and you'll be able to feel safe. Of course, that will probably be centuries after your death at minimum. Sorry for giving you more than one book from the Greeks alone. It might speed your death but not the end of literacy you so desire.

>> No.13011567

How is it pathetic? Seems more like a simple cope on your part. Provide arguments for your beliefs or gtfo retard.
My tears? You have to be kidding me. I am not crying. Again, if you don't have any arguments to provide, that stfu, I am not interested in what you have to say, nor is anyone else on this board. Attacks like muh you haven't read enough literature/don't understand it won't do it. Stfu kiddo bugman.

>> No.13011579

>I'll ignore Plato's place in Western canon
You can do that, but people will laugh at you.

>> No.13011589

What is his place in the cannon and how does it contradict my arguments? Speak up, kiddo, or get ignored like the retard you seem to pretend to be.

>> No.13011593

I don't know any dead people who read books, so no I don't think so.

>> No.13011663

"I-I do have the capability to create life but it uhh goes to another uh school. I'm gonna meet it in the future!"

>> No.13011683

I have the capability to rape a woman and create the life that way. I am not a generate, so I won't do it. The difference is that I see value and beauty in creating life, since I'm not a homosexual. I have not found my wife since I am still young, and your argument doesn't make any sense. I am fundamentally not a homosexual, that's why I will eventually have a beautiful wife and family, and you will revel in your own degeneracy, perverting everything that is beautiful, and good for you. I hope you see that.