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File: 84 KB, 241x312, Screenshot 2019-04-26 at 09.48.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13009308 No.13009308 [Reply] [Original]

>Stop going to space

What did he mean by this?

>> No.13009335
File: 191 KB, 1058x1385, 1484785958358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lay off the weed

>> No.13009352

Leftist nihilism that wants to revert us to niggerdom. I'll be joining Elon Musks White Ethno State on Mars first chance I get

>> No.13009401

space is literally the stupidest thing there is

>> No.13009413

Going to space is narcissistic withdraw on the scale of an entire civilization.

>> No.13009424

A rat bit my sister nell
But whitey on the moon
I cant afford no doctor bill
But whitey on the moon

>> No.13009428

You can't solve your resource by polluting and stripping bare of resources from one planet and fleeing to another.

>> No.13009467


This one by /ourguy/ is kinda outdated but nevertheless related


Zizek more or less doesn't really care actually whether or not we go to space; he wants automated luxury [insert your favorite project of governance] as much as anyone else, he just thinks it's unfeasible and that we'll just keep having the same resource struggles and petty capitalist issues even if we could double down on the resource availability and build a fucking Dyson sphere around the sun. I'm not sure I agree with that but some of it does make sense - why wouldn't we just keep doing corporate bullshit but on a grand scale?

>> No.13009469
File: 149 KB, 860x788, slave technocracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun being a nigger monsanto slave.

>> No.13009482
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Not our guy, and KYS.

>> No.13009488
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>ad hominem
>Sartre pic
>thinks this has anything to do with China

>> No.13009562

Where's the ad hominem?

>> No.13009565

>working hard is bad

Alright Leftist

>> No.13009575

Makes sense

>> No.13009578

The essay literally starts off with China.

>> No.13009586

>A rat bit my sister nell
>But whitey on the moon
>I cant afford no doctor bill
>But whitey on the moon
Mary Alice had a baby and he looked just like I did
We got married on a Monday and I been working ever since
Every week down at the Ford Plant but now they say they're shutting down
God damned Reagan in the White House and no one there gives a damn
Double Digit unemployment, TVA be shutting soon
While over there in Huntsville, They puttin' people on the moon

>> No.13009592
File: 112 KB, 777x960, oyster shuckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your voluntary labor camps.

>> No.13009605

Enjoy staying at home complaining about hard working people on the internet

>> No.13009610


>> No.13009618


>> No.13009621


>> No.13009643

anti work reactionary hinduism is the penultimate redpill

>> No.13009661


>> No.13009730


>> No.13010624 [DELETED] 


space is a meme honestly. A lot of people think that change the economic system that's causing climate change anda myriad of other problems is impossible but living on a radioactive wasteland like mars or going to some imaginary exoplanet trillions of miles away in the midst of interstellar space is feasible at all.

Space is unimaginably huge if you want a good example of how big it really is play spacenegine

>> No.13010914

It's impossible to keep one's penis clean within the dank confines of a space shuttle.

>> No.13010918

>Elon Musk

>> No.13010921

i literally will unlike 80 hour wagecucks lol

>> No.13011805
File: 96 KB, 720x720, maga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking that infinite progress is right-wing...

>> No.13011816

You realize working 80 hours a week doesn't have to mean flipping burgers 80 hours a week. Some of us have interest things to work on in our brief hours on Earth

>> No.13011870

It's another degenerate materialist glorifying work (un anglo, en somme). reminder that protestantism is proto-capitalism, moralism is cybernetics

>In our time it is fashionable to exalt work of whatever sort and no matter how it is accomplished, as if it had some superlative value in itself independently of any consideration of another order. Contrary to what the moderns think, any work that is done indiscriminately by anyone solely for the pleasure of acting or because of the need to ‘earn one’s living’ hardly merits being exalted, and indeed it can only be regarded as something abnormal, opposed to the order that ought to regulate human institutions, to such a point that, in the conditions of our age, it only too often acquires a character that without any exaggeration qualifies as ‘infra-human’. What our contemporaries seem to ignore completely is that work is not truly valid unless it conforms to the very nature of the being that accomplishes it and results therefrom in a spontaneous and necessary way, as it were, so that it is no more than the means for that nature to realize itself as perfectly as possible.

>It should be observed that in a religion where the social and sentimental elements preponderate over the intellectual, both the dogma and the cult have their share reduced more and more, so that a religion of this kind tends to degenerate into “ moralism ” pure and simple, as is well exemplified in the case of Protestantism ; at the extreme limit, almost reached at the present day by a certain “ liberal Protestantism,” what remains is no longer a religion at all, since it has preserved only one of the essential factors ; it amounts simply to a kind of specialised philosophic thought. It should in fact be pointed out that morals may be conceived in two quite different ways : according to the religious mode, when they are attached to dogma as their principle and are subordinated to it, or else in the philosophic mode, when they are treated as independent

>> No.13011885

Going to space, transhumanism, etc. all that bullshit is the consequence of an entire civilization not being able to come to terms with its mortality and the cycle of life.

>> No.13011893

Give an example.

>> No.13011895

>Slavery is ok as long as it goes against leftists
So this... is the power of the pro-capitalist right wing...

>> No.13011898
File: 510 KB, 1085x775, CapitalIsLove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one (1) good capitalist job.

>> No.13011903

Which is the last one? Transcending through meditation so you don't have to work one day in your life?

>> No.13011907

>choosing to work hard is slavery
Again Leftist logic at its finest

>> No.13011910

CEO of SpaceX

>> No.13011917

Leeching off the government

>> No.13011927
File: 416 KB, 1910x1000, muskybrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, I said job, not parading for the stock market and CIA.

>> No.13011935
File: 130 KB, 1048x793, employees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believes in passive aggressive authoritarianism

>> No.13011937

Work is mostly the meaningless production of "wealth". It's the maximising of sales of useless garbage to filthy, animalistic, consumer proles so that you yourself can buy more garbage.

The only meaningful work is artistic or scientific. Human cattle (people with IQs below 130 or so) should be sterilised and made to work for their betters so that the latter can freely dedicate their time to actually worthwhile, noble pursuits.

>> No.13011938

>Every job is bad! >:(

Spoken like a loser who can't get hired

>> No.13011941

>Implying you've got a choice

>> No.13011944

Fuck working for some capitalist faggot. Fuck the cuckolds that defend that bullshit. Fuck capitalism.

>> No.13011945

I do. I could live off welfare really easily

>> No.13011949

t. Faggot who will have to work for me because he went all in on resentiment

>> No.13011951

But that won't change the world

>> No.13011959

Exactly. You think the White race was built on 10 hour weeks?

>> No.13011966

>Working 40+ hour weeks so that other races can piggyback on your contributions to society while they vilify you
No thanks lol

>> No.13011972

>being an idiot
No thanks lol

>> No.13011975


I will choke you to death with guitar wire.

>> No.13011986
File: 115 KB, 575x1024, Amazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13011988

Nah you'll be at your desk and I'll be bumping by with my other hard working exec bros and make fun of your funkopop figurines in your cubicle

>> No.13011991

So you clearly don't need to be able to read at your workplace.

>> No.13011995

>insists on slave morality one-upmanship

>> No.13012005


Why anyone would buy Funkopop is just beyond me. What disgusting consumerism.