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13008473 No.13008473 [Reply] [Original]

Write a paragraph describing this character.

>> No.13008492

disheveled, plump slavoj zizek came from the bus stop, bearing a bag of hot dogs in which a papaya juice and chopped cheese lay crossed

>> No.13008508

The gentleman keeps his on-screen appearance even when off-screen.

>> No.13008519

"I am already eating from the trash can all the time" noted the Slovenian Hegelian. "And the trash can contains two hot dogs with mustard and ketchup" SNIIIIIIIIIIIFFF. "Just like the right hegelianism and left hegelianism dat inevitahhh-bly lead to Marxism and Nazism." Then wildly he spat onto his shirt and a woman that was standing next to him.

>> No.13008534

Slavish Schischek prowled the street again, hotdogs akimbo. A fat bodied beard on comical legs, like Winnie the Pooh, but more drab. what is sche importansche of sche hotdhog in sche capitalischt mode of producschion? he spat to himself, in his head. Even in his own mind the phlegm is present; the phlegm was not only a physical malaise but had become a form of his very thought. sche hotdhog, he thoughtspat, isch de phallic manifestaschion of induschtrial overabundance. He devours the dog without mercy or hesitance. There will be more

>> No.13008541

upvoted for hotdogs akimbo

>> No.13008546

fuck you

>> No.13008565

After buying my cigarettes a decided to get back to order me some hot dogs. As i was closing i noticed an old man eating what would be my next lunch. As he passed me i decided to follow him as he was the one holding the last remaining hot dogs.

>> No.13008584

Along broad paved slabs trotted the slovenly Slovene in t-shirt and jeans, guzzling with gusto streetfood, the faeces content of which one was better off not dwelling upon. Housed inside his thick phrenology existed a usually vivacious brain, but now his thoughts were as far from the philosophical as possible, focussed only on the mush of bread and meat that he masticated and swallowed in satisfaction.

>> No.13008594

more like viscous lol

>> No.13008650

and he strode ahead, with steps heavy and confident, undisturbed by passerbies, his gaze turned to deep thoughts never bothering to look around as he devoured one of the hearty foods held in both hands like symbols of power.

>> No.13008694

such disgust. Who knew, Zizek eats...

>> No.13008777


>> No.13008783


>> No.13008786

A merry fellow! Bright Blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow!

>> No.13008873

destroying capitalism by consuming all of it's products

>> No.13009294

With a somber gait, a shell of a man walks down an avenue- dedicated to this feat he sees before his eyes- to devour his sandwich as if it were his last. He as well as many around him recognize that whole world is coming to a steady collapse, which may be why he is so intent on truly enjoying his meal. In the back of his mind, he is surely appreciative of how simple yet beautiful his western delicacy is. This may well me his meal after his demolition of Peterson's asshole, so it made the tastes in his mouth all the more vibrant; explosions of ecstasy and lust as he recognizes he secured a victory in the fight for Communism.

It would bring a tear to the once-youthful Karl Marx now buried under the dirt somewhere in desolate Russia.

>> No.13010014


>> No.13010039

I respect Zizek but until now I didn't realize he was a hunchback manlet.

>> No.13010055

Ah there he is.
That motherfucker.
What a tool.

>> No.13010068

downpolled for excessive profanity

>> No.13010095

>Ravenous, I went at it as a whore off alimony. Haumph left and haumph right and onlookers be damned.

>> No.13010108
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Still a total chad though. Married a literal model at some point.

>> No.13010125

Somewhere in his mind he had entertained the hope that with the onset of old age life's sensual pleasures would diminish in their intensity, that he would climb up to a quiet plateau of gentle breezes where one could contemplate and reflect in an atmosphere of cool clarity. This afternoon demonstrated the error of such surmises. Even at his advanced age, nothing could rival the exquisite pleasure of biting into a street vendor's hot dog, hot juices squirting out of the ruptured film of plastic-y hot dog skin as his dentures penetrated the tender, under-cooked meat. To his great pleasure, he found that the mushy buns absorbed all his excess saliva. On the whole, his surrounding environment made no impression on him, the smoggy air, the blare of car horns, the pretty girls strolling down the street, so absorbed was he in immediacy of his urban brunch. "Yes, a hot dog is good" he thought, "And two hot dogs are better". He thanked God that he had two hands. What a blessing to be alive.

>> No.13010147

"Umppghgffff," - snot dripping from his nose, mixing with mayo and watering the bun, "that's a good, ffffnn, sammich". $8.25. Producing more nasal liquids, Zizek made his way towards the locale of the debate with J. Peterson. Capitalism was about to meet it's challenge.

>> No.13010342

is that an union jack on his shirt

>> No.13010455

zizek is like those ascetic cross country/STEM kids in school who have so many free shirts from competitions that they have never bought actual clothes in their life

>> No.13010469

Honestly I don't know what the fuck Slavoj is talking about when I listen to him but he seems to live a cozy european lifestyle

>> No.13012432

Look at him go

>> No.13012486


I would prefer not to.

>> No.13012509
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>> No.13012835
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>hotdogs akimbo