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13004717 No.13004717 [Reply] [Original]

Sweet reminder that there are no successful arguments against antinatalism.
Having children and contributing to the continuation of life is the most cruel thing one can do.
We should just stop reproducing and let our species go extinct.

>> No.13004720

>I cant get a gf so the human race should go extinct

>> No.13004729 [DELETED] 

Nice argument, you low IQ monkey.
Having a girlfriend won't solve the problem with existence.

>> No.13004744

Nice argument, you low IQ monkey.
Having a girlfriend won't solve the problem of existence.

>> No.13004747

>mistaking argumentation for mockery

>> No.13004749

A human male is the only form a being can take that allows them to achieve nirvana and escape the cycle of samsara. So in that sense it is better for the subjective expression of Brahman to take the form of a human rather than a women or animal who is doomed to rebirth.

>> No.13004753
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>> No.13004772


>> No.13005071


>> No.13005148

easy: somebody disagrees with you, they are dumber most likely, they produce worse children, suffering increases because we're all dumb. see idiocracy.

>> No.13005209

Antinatalism is for pussies. Can you imagine being shook just by existing? lmao

>> No.13005292

Antinatalism presupposes that pleasure is always good and suffering is always bad, and that the reduction of suffering is the primary moral objective. This negative utilitarianism is one of the most axiomatic views an individual could subscribe to, and displays a lack of deeply penetrative questioning as to the fundamental nature of suffering and pleasure. The truth is that suffering can be a good thing, and pleasure can be a bad thing. Once you begin to question the axioms of utilitarianism, which antinatalism is a form of, the arguments in favour of such beliefs start to crumble, and erelong one is led away from their antinatalist position.

>> No.13005340


>> No.13005369

One could be a non-axiomatic antinatalist. But such a person wouldn't claim that all childbirth and bearing is morally impermissible. Either way, you are correct.

>> No.13005372

>The truth is that suffering can be a good thing, and pleasure can be a bad thing.
idk mang, that sounds pretty fashy to me

Humans weren't meant to strive. We should all roll around in the mud with our dicks out.

>> No.13005401


>The truth is that suffering can be a good thing, and pleasure can be a bad thing

Insofar as suffering can be a 'good' thing by your definition, it is a 'good thing' because it ostensibly enriches a person in some way or another and hence creates positive utility at some point in the future. The axioms of utilitarianism are not violated.

Negative utilitarianism is stupid, though. Unless proverbial opportunity costs are introduced as part of 'suffering' within a negative utilitarian analysis then it fails from any reasonable meta-ethical perspective

>> No.13005433

>The truth is that suffering can be a good thing, and pleasure can be a bad thing.
Try again my friend

>> No.13005442
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>The truth is


>> No.13005446

But his postulation can certainly be true outside of a hedonistic context.

>> No.13005511

My antinatalist beliefs gave me a fetish for nutting inside girls without their permission or protection, any books for this feel?

>> No.13005555

I only care about my genes. Your own moral view is meaningless.

>> No.13005632

>antinatalist Jews connive and fidget
>I strongly contend and I bask in these digits

>> No.13005658
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>The truth is that suffering can be a good thing, and pleasure can be a bad thing.

Well, you're right, it's just a matter of perspective. Nature is beyond good and evil. However, real suffering is a hell to experience to any of us, not something you can easily ignore with just ideas.

>> No.13005671

suffering would actually decrease the dumber we got

>> No.13005688


>> No.13005701

Kill yourself, my wise man.

>> No.13005742
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>> No.13005743

L'Occhio Occidentale - Nicola Samori

>> No.13005785

It's a book, brainlet.
Only German speaking people (aka intelligent people) know him.

I'm also afraid of what comes after death. I'll just wait.

>> No.13005825

anon when I run, I suffer. running hurts me. my heart convulses, my legs ache, my lungs burn. in suffering I increase my ability to run farther, I improve my health, and I feel better about myself. when I eat candy, I feel pleasure. I love dark chocolate. but it fattens me, clogs my arteries, and doesn't give me as many nutrients as something healthy. this is a first grade level example but i think you need it

>> No.13006171

Yeah sure, if all humans, everywhere, could agree to stop having kids, then you might have a practical point. However, the negroes and orientals will keep spewing out children (to carry on their tyrannical ideologies) regardless of your decadent little theory. I consider it ultimately more harmful to allow the Earth to fall into tyranny.

>> No.13006549


The entire purpose of the universe was to generate us, human beings, the supreme lifeform.

>> No.13007766

Man is what he is, a wild animal with the will to survive, and (so far) the ability, against all competition. Unless one accepts that, anything one says about morals, war, politics—you name it—is nonsense. Correct morals arise from knowing what man is—not what do-gooders and well-meaning old Aunt Nellies would like him to be. The universe will let us know—later—whether or not Man has any "right" to expand through it. In the meantime the M.I. will be in there, on the bounce and swinging, on the side of our own race.

>> No.13007786

>The truth is that suffering can be a good thing
I fucking hate this vapid shit, and it's spouted so often, most likely by people who never actually suffered, or Juden Peterstein's followers. Go fuck yourself, faggot, I hope your entire family gets raped and dismembered in front of your eyes so you can enjoy some of that 'good thing' for your soul's nourishment.

>> No.13007819

you can't really compare running with suffering, come on.

>> No.13007933


>> No.13007938

lmao imagine growing up this sheltered

>> No.13007939

You confuse purpose and meaning, highlighted in the dishonest phrase "in suffering". Imagine reversed scenario in which running makes you sickly and fat, while consuming candies grants you better health and nutrition. Would you still choose to run? I'm thinking not. So suffering in itself is meaningless to you, it's just that suffering tends to accompany some beneficial activities, and you choose to tolerate that suffering, for, ironically, greater utilitarian joy (being slim, fast, and healthy). In other words, you treat suffering as a price of great pleasure, and avoid great pleasures only because they might lead to suffering (being fat). Secondly, I'd like to point out that every criticism of antinatalism simply treats it as utilitarianism, completely ignoring the idea of existential suffering/dread, the eternal lock of suffering experienced by all sentient creatutes, the one that comes from the ennui and meaninglessness of being, from the philosophical absurdities and paradoxes of our self-aware lives. When you 'suffer' (as much as light joint pain could be described as that) during you running sessions, you persevere for a while, you push your body and mind a little while longer outside your comfort zone, and then you stop. Aren't antinatalists suggesting the same?

>> No.13007960

This doesn't add up. There's not outside of a hedonistic context, cause delayed gratification is, inevitable, still pain in the moment of conception. Getting more pleasure out of pain doesn't negate pain per se.

>> No.13007962
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Also, I agree. Antinatalists shouldn't reproduce.

>> No.13008289

There are no arguments against it because it’s already a self-nullifying philosophy. If it turns out that there’s a genetic component as to why certain people are more sympathetic to anti-natalism than others, then it’s likely that particular gene will gradually disappear from the gene pool (so long as anti-natalists stay true to their philosophy and don’t procreate).

>> No.13008292

not true because anti-natalist are born from breeders

>> No.13008297

Ideas arent genetic traits, dumdum. Humans have natural affinity and affection towards truth (which, one may claim, is, in fact, a genetic component of survival instinct). So as long as ideas appear to carry the truth within them, they will continue to exist and spread.

>> No.13008331

This criticism only applies to the analytic take on antinatalism (negative utilitarianism) which is indeed bullshit. Continental antinatalism is a completely different case.

>> No.13008354

The thing about antinatalism is that it doesn't need a response. It's a self-solving problem.

>> No.13008547

Fucking this.

>> No.13008598

I have respect for the 'truly' good people, not just the average society defined concept of 'a good person,' Just imagine the difference between Mainlander who saw it fit to discourage the elongation of life/suffering, 144 years ago, and other life affirming philosophers, who although probably good people, yet didn't see it fit to discourage a reality where earthquakes and other assorted disasters decimates thousands of lives at a go, a reality where no one is an ultimate winner.

So, happy nonexistence to an honorable personality who refused to encourage the amplification of all the sounds and fury, going nowhere, as Woody would say.

>> No.13008779

>dad leaves at birth only comes occasionally forgetting my age 90% of the time
>uncle new dad figure
>uncle starts smoking and drinking
>insert stroke;gets a pacer.
>no moar smoking drinks like hemmingway all day everyday
>organs fail body starts bloating up and turning various colors(think body in space w/out suit)
>literally stops breathing and dies infront of me one day
>no more studying chess and books
>act out cause 3rd child in family with mom always working no attention
>mom stresses out has a seizure and panic attack infront of me
>get ass beat and bullied in school by negroids twice my size
>expelled thrice
>new school is chill focus on school
>find 4chan /lit/
>*wave of acne like no other hits* woah
>all through that managed to get to a good uni and study phil.
>find gf :)
>she wants me to attempt suicide w her
>no nigga
>she does it anyway
>too pus
>work for phd completely numb to world

>in car with brother going back home for holidays
>ensue car-accident
>other car explodes because it was actually stored with boxes of flammable shit and the guy was smoking
>blind for 2 months
>now blind in one eye shit vision in other
i work in research and am involved in academic circles in my city but i don't do much else. I'm part of two private academic organizations but have yet to teach or have a job or do anything.

To say that pain is sometimes pleasure is bullshit and I hope you suffer the true pains in this world one day so you can understand.

>> No.13008794


This is genuinely the most weak philosophy a man can live by.

>> No.13008811
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now thats edgy

>> No.13009230

>live by (a philosophy)
this is one spooked post my friend

>> No.13009231

Philosophy isn't a fucking wrestling match, Neetshetard

>> No.13010516

This, but with a Rosacrucian argument.