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13004156 No.13004156 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn more about anarchism. What books would you recommend?

>> No.13004158

books written by anarchists

>> No.13004169

Best form is anarchocapitalosm

>> No.13004173

I would recommend Conquest of Bread since it is the only competent anarchist work I know of

As for Bakunin, let me repost from the last thread on the subject:
Bakunin is a pretty dope writer but a shitty anarchist thinker, absolutely awful materialist and his criticism of Marx is weak as well.

His (only?) big book "Statism and Anarchy" is actually pretty decent as a supplement for people who are interested in the history of the socialist movement and European 19th century geopolitics, but otherwise it's not a very helpful work and has very, very little to do with anarchism. His strength lies in his philosophical and anti-theological writings - seriously, I have never heard a better argument against the existence of God than from Bakunin. I am NOT talking about "God and the State", that work is fragmentary and far from completion, many of the ideas in it are actually taken from previous articles he wrote which were much more competent and developed.

Too bad most of those are only available in Russian and French lol.

>> No.13004187

someone post that juicy quote of his

>> No.13004188

Having lived in the anarcho-capitalist utopia myself I can tell you it sucks. Just a few weeks ago the McMarines came and "reappropriated" my hard-earned sex slaves and warned that if I keep not eating at Mcdonald's I will be next.

>> No.13004199

You mean his BASED and REDPILLED quote where DESTROYS the JEWS with FACTS AND LOGIC?

>> No.13004315

>his criticism of Marx is weak as well
And yet he was 100% right about statism. His writing isn’t bad. It’s short.
But true you ought to read the bigger theorists, beginning with Stirner and Kropotkin, and some Proudhon.

Read what Bakunin’s friend Alexander Heaven wrote about him

>> No.13004333
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hey how do you feel about this book

>> No.13004336

and the ussr

>> No.13004444

I really liked it. One persons experience of the war, but told really well. Doesn’t go into any anarchist theory though
I have the Abraham Lincoln Brigade now too

>> No.13004475

My diary acab

>> No.13004574

>And yet he was 100% right about statism
Yes in the same way that Alex Jones was "right" about chemicals in the waters making the frogs gay. Somewhere, at some point, that argument was technically correct, but as a formal argument against what Marx wrote it doesn't hold water.

What he wrote against Marx holds only as intuition. This lack of rigorous criticism is Bakunin's weakness when it comes to anarchist theory, the best he could come up with is "to inspire a widespread revolt" and "destroy the state". How will it begin? (he was constantly talking about a nearing revolt as well, a prediction which didn't happen) How will it maintain itself? How will it spread? How will society organize afterwards, in the workforce and in coordination? Conveniently, he declares that "these questions are for future generations to answer". He has neither the basis nor the justification for his speculations. What was his answer to the situation in Russia? To connect the villages in such a way so that they would have permanent communication between them to ease organization when the moment of truth comes. That's as close as there is to praxis in his major writings, but I doubt his pamphlets and letters are any better.

On top of all of this he was an unconscious idealist. Instead of understanding the organization of society through the material conditions he'd ascribe some "hidden nature" to various peoples. The Slavs were natural communists ("peace-loving land workers never knowing hierarchy") on whom the state was imposed, Germans were natural statists and the ones imposing hierarchy on the Slavs, and if we just got rid of the institution of the state the Slavs would return to their state of nature. He forgets to mention how could the revolution then get rid of that inner German tendency. Funny enough, his proofs for Germans being statists is the history of Germany and Austria, conveniently ignoring the free cities and the surrounding less statist, more so democratic Germanic peoples - but the Slavs? All the way from Western Russia to the Balkans a spirit of freedom lies dormant. As a cherry on top his he lists patriarchalism as a Russian trait, one that was even before "hierarchy was imposed", and yet he's sure this "nature" could be overcome somehow.

On the other hand, again, he's at his strongest when criticizing theology. That's where his rigorous thinking comes about.

>> No.13004594

i find it paradoxical that reading about anarchism maskes you smart, yet doing an anarchism makes you stupid and possibly gay.

>> No.13004663

Go back in time and drop yourself on your head as a child until you become retarded, then you won't need to read anarchist """literature"""

>> No.13004728

Unpopular opinion, but start with Chomsky (On Anarchism, Manufacturing Consent, How The World Works). His writing's a lot more contemporary and easy to understand when compared to Bakunin's dense, philosophical writings. A Conquest of Bread is outdated in my opinion.
There's also some great compilations of Emma Goldman essays and I'd highly recommend George Orwell's A Homage To Catalonia. This website contains a lot of the famous works and some good essays: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index

>> No.13004917

i'm conflicted on anarchism. in general its values seem to align with mine but i wouldn't call myself an anarchist and i'm not sure what the role of or potential for the present day anarchist is, other than an ineffectual kind of reformism.

if it's purely out of academic historical interest reading the anarchists is fine, but if you're looking for some kind of road to praxis in bakunin, kropotkin, or proudhon i think their sketches of anarchist society are largely outdated, inflexible, and even counterproductive. a true anarchist action should be in the reform/rebellion of the present and not in the top down construction of a theoretical future.

but then where does that leave us? attend protests? hang out with a bunch of echo chamber antifa hipsters at the anarchist bookstore? engage your white saviour complex and go die in rojava? kill a bunch of innocents in some pointless act of terrorism? support workers groups on facebook? sign petitions? make tax deductible donations to the exploited of capitalism? graffiti A's all over the poor parts of town? dress in all black? volunteer two hours a week to some community benefit? listen to punk rock? vote democrat?

>> No.13004975
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>vote democrat?

>> No.13004981

it's a joke. but it's also not.

>> No.13005000

Join a union, take part in a rent strike, help set up a co-operative. But realistically, anarchism will probably take place in less developed countries that suffer more from the effects of capitalism.

>> No.13005038


Anarchism and capitalism cannot mix at all, you stupid shit. If you're an "anarcho-capitalist" you're just another liberal piece of shit that will be shot. Fucking retard. Goddamn, I hate retards like you. Unironically.

>> No.13005054

less developed countries benefit from capitalism and die under socialism you fucking teenager
>in my vision of anarchism we either go back to barter or we become collectivists, no there's no way someone will take over control because everyone will be nice to each other in my fantasy world

>> No.13005083


Shoot them too. By committee.

>> No.13005090

Kropotkin and bakoenin.

>> No.13005091

Do whippets at the punk show

>> No.13005093
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>less developed countries benefit from capitalism
Then why do people get bombed in profit-motivated wars? How come Cuba, which has always been a poor country, has better healthcare than most Western nations? How come the quality of living in Russia improved when the workers took control of the means of production (until it was eventually shifted to party control)? How come the quality of life in Venezuela improved under socialism until the US put sanctions on them? Grow up you fucking burger.

>> No.13005096


>> No.13005101

The anthology No Gods, No Masters: A History of Anarchism is a great starting place. Short slices of anarchist theory from thinkers across the tradition. Chomsky's "On Anarchism" is another good intro volume

>> No.13005111

blessed quads butterfly is right

>> No.13005117

Jesus do you retards ever get tired of rehashing the same "libtard owned" level talking points?

>> No.13005119

All examples of anarchist societies have been socialist. Anarcho-capitalism doesn't exist outside of the internet.

>> No.13005316
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>thinking ancaps are anarchists

>> No.13005356
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wait, you're serious? what the hell is there to learn about anarchism?

>> No.13005606
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Read >>13005101
Dare ya

>> No.13005673
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Bookchin is the zenith of leftism. Disprove me please.

Also read Lenin's works at some point OP. His criticisms of 'infantile ultra leftism' are the some of the only worthy criticisms it receives.

>> No.13005740

I’m going to get into Bookchin soon,but what the hell could Lenin say?

>> No.13005818

reported, bitch

>> No.13005826

>Fourth-worldist libertarians
Use the proper term, please.

>> No.13005855

Here's the real list:
The Anarchist Tension by Bonanno
Camatte (far-left/communist, but his critique of leftist organisations is similar to that of anarchists, and he is the proto-primitivist)
Against His-story, Against Leviathan by Perlman
At Daggers Drawn
The Poverty of Feminism
Barbarians: The Disordered Insurgence
Sam Moss
Killing King Abacus
Summits and Counter-Summits
Nihilist Communism (far-left again, and go terribly wrong in some places, but their critique of leftist organisation was quite important)
Revolution of Everyday Life by Vaneigem
The Right to be Greedy by the American Situationists
Summits and Counter-Summits
Against the Corpse Machine
Letters of Insurgents by Fredy Perlman
The Spanish Anarchists: The Heroic Years by Murray Bookchin
Armed Joy by Alfredo Bonanno

>> No.13006471
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>> No.13007600


14 year old Molymeme follower spotted

>> No.13007943
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>Bookchin is the zenith of leftism
True, but he goes beyond anarchism in his later thought and eventually criticizes it (or maybe only its representatives of the time, I still haven't got that far in his works).

Then start from pic related. He recommended it himself as the best entry point to his ideas.

>> No.13007946

at the cafe is a really good introductory work. its written like a play and has a bunch of different characters asking basic questions

>> No.13007990

The Ego and Its Own
I don't think he even claims to be anarchist anymore.

>> No.13008949

There are no representatives of anarchism. He criticized the “lifestyle anarchists” the do-nothing extreme individualist variety.
I was recently razzed for seeing the sense in this.

>The Politics of Social Ecology
I search this book and it’s got Bookchin name on it. Who’s Janet Biehl?
And I was asking the tankie to offer what Lenin had to say. I still have no interest in the man

>> No.13009504

>I search this book and it’s got Bookchin name on it. Who’s Janet Biehl?
Ah no, I meant the book is about Bookchin's ideas, not Lenin's. I have no idea who exactly she is except that she was close to Bookchin and apparently that book is recommended by him as an entry point to his thought. It was written in the late 90s, so after his ideas have already matured.

>> No.13011235

can someone explain individualist anarchism more, liking it so far
is it just stirner, tucker, warren, spooner or are there more important ones