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13002103 No.13002103 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on anger management ?
I'm afraid I might hurt someone

>> No.13002389

Headspace app for meditation

>> No.13002409

the phone book so you can look for a therapist

>> No.13002422

Gosh you folks are useless

>> No.13002440


anger by thic nhat than

>> No.13002450

If you're afraid of hurting someone then you aren't angry and have nothing to worry about.

>> No.13002454

fuck you faggot

>> No.13002481

See a therapist, reading a book won’t do shit. I’m speaking from experience as someone who had severe anger management issues as a child but managed to overcome them

>> No.13002484
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sadler will help you


>> No.13002535

Sadler's great

>> No.13002542

I refuse to see a therapist, I'm a conpulsive liar as well and if I won't be honest to him I don't see the point

>> No.13002558

This desu, I was going to say Heart of Buddha's Teaching, but TNH in general is peak comfy.

>> No.13002591

Reading won't help

I used to have severe fits of anger and I've read over 1200 books of philosophy and the classics.

Meditation can help if you do it properly, cultivating it over an extended period, it slows down or stabilises your attention enough so when you get angry you can remain separate from the anger and observe it from a detached position, and not be taken by it. Eventually as you more and more remain apart from it, and see it from this detached position, these reactions will weaken and eventually die off.

>> No.13002716

How does meditation work ?

>> No.13002727

Thats a great excuse you made for not trying to help yourself bud

>> No.13002739

I bet your weak ass couldn't hurt shit faggot. bring that weak shit around here again and I'll make you like your own ass.

>> No.13002802

If I wanted to open up to someone it wouldn't be a prig I payed, that's for sure.

>> No.13002819

We 'learn' to react in a certain way in childhood and because our attention isnt naturally stable it gets drawn into these reactions over and over. By simply training our attention to keep still, even when we get angry, we will not be drawn into the reaction. With time and practice you can observe the reaction happen inside you while not being drawn into it. Through a repeated seeing of it in this way, the reaction gets dissolved because it's kept alive in a sense by our attention consistently going into it. In a sense we are starving it of its food, so it's dies.

>> No.13002880

Again, nice excuse

>> No.13002918

Anger is sublimated by violence

>> No.13002945

De ira, De clementia

>> No.13003018

It's not an excuse

>> No.13003033

what's his instagram?

>> No.13003064

Anger builds and exploded on its own
It has fucked up a lot of relationships and has caused me to enage in violence

>> No.13003068


Things science has proven:

>will power is not a bottomless well. possible to use up your days worth. if you don't put yourself in situations that require will power, you will have more will power later on to deal with things.

>acting out your rage (yelling into a pillow, punching a pillow, exercising) trains your body and mind to act out your rage. when you're in a situation that doesn't allow you to punch a pillow then your mind and body are still trained to act it out. outbursts more likely.

So, what have we learned? Don't let your anger out even in times of peace. BUT not letting your anger out diminishes your will power, making you just as prone to outbursts later in the day/week. catch 22.

So, don't act out your anger, but also stay away from angering situations.

>> No.13003914


>> No.13004122
File: 739 KB, 1023x780, it_looks_like_youre_a_naive_realist_would_you_like_some_help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things science has proven
>proving anything
>not simply giving us probablistic data for instrumental use

>> No.13004287

It literally is an excuse brainlet.

>> No.13004470

>Things science has proven:
stopped reading there

>> No.13004561

Whatever you say

>> No.13005195

Can you explain why it isnt an excuse?

>> No.13005530

I did twice, you have to explain me why it is an excuse .

>> No.13005834

So >>13002542 is the closest you got to an explanation but to me it sounds more like a preconcieved belief about yourself which gives you the... excuse... to not even try.
>>13002802 on the other hand is simply not an explanation and basically just saying "No!" With literally no reasoning

>> No.13005884
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the seminal text on anger/wrath

>> No.13005894

I'm trying to make it easy for you bud.

>I lie
>you can't help someone if he won't honest
>paying people to listen to me pisses me off
>I have people I'd more gladly confide to, childhood friends and relatives, but I want to work it out myself

And no, it's not a preconcieved belief. Why ? I know myself.

>not an explanation and basically just saying "No!" With literally no reasoning

I have my motives.

>> No.13006027

You shouldnt assume that you are so special that things that have commonly worked for others wont work for you, particularly if you have never tried them

>> No.13006054

I think I'm going to unironically recommend Infinite Jest to you.

>> No.13006086
