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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 428 KB, 1400x2100, chapo guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12999194 No.12999194 [Reply] [Original]

I brought up pic with a couple of my lefty friends at my DSA dnd group and they said that it's problematic that I'm reading this since there aren't any poc hosts & the humour can get pretty irony-bro. They said that I'm not 'doing the homework' to understand why a poc or not-cis person wouldn't like this kind of stuff. What is 'doing the homework' in this context? How do you 'do the homework'?

>> No.12999199

inb4 300+ posts

>> No.12999206

it's called a struggle session, and it's when you struggle to open your chastity cage before you cum from riding the sybian

>> No.12999224

Thanks for denigrating a legitimate tactic for getting an activist group to work on issues. I can tell you're a great activist.

>> No.12999234
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Cringe low iq shit. Stop caring about e-celebs. They are never worth your time.

Pic related is an example of someone that actually matters

>> No.12999269

>DSA dnd group
Almost as cringe as actually buying that trash. "Do your homework" means it's so tiresome to have to explain how it is to retard wh*tes every day.

>> No.12999283

>reading ironic leftist literature

>> No.12999321

how what is

>> No.12999356

That PoC and gays are literally dying everyday because of hate

>> No.12999763
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>> No.12999772

I would eat my hat if OP were not trolling with this post

>> No.12999814

Fuck neoliberals. Fuck liberals. Fuck cops. Fuck jannies. And most of all fuck idpol.

Unironically hail bread santa

>> No.13000368

chapos are faggots but the dsa people who think chapo is too edgy and problematic are even worse

>> No.13000386

Do you DSA niggers ever not talk about this kind of garbage? Why does it need to be brought up at dnd? Fuck having ultra political friends must be exausting

>> No.13000390

Blessed take. DSA fags who think Chapo's problematic are the type of basedboy succdem that love getting cucked. Chapo's the incel's leftist

>> No.13000398

Chapo exists as a pipeline to turn edgy teenagers into those type of people.

>> No.13000404

>struggle session
>legitimate tactic

This is the real bait

>> No.13000405

imagine actually listening to chap or being DSA or being left-socialist at all, lol just imagine

>> No.13000416

I wonder how often an honest to god prog comes to 4chan these days. Not a commie with their own take on things that doesn't mind arguing taboo stuff, but like 'trigger warning' type people.

>> No.13000429

Chapo are faggots, but
>we don't like it so you mustn't like it
is pure cancer. It doesn't matter if niggers and trannies don't like it. You don't need to proactively search for ways to be guilt ridden.

>> No.13000779

are you fucking with me you idiot

>> No.13000781

I know this is a troll but I have no doubt some faggot shit like this happens

>> No.13000786

p-p-please stop listening to chapo it's very problematic i'm not here to educate you ok

>> No.13000788

What is with this literature boards obsession with a podcast

Don’t you all have reading to do, I know there’s a backlog

>> No.13000798

and ben shapiro turns people into nazis

>> No.13000804

OP this sort of divisive internal fighting is perfect for the power elites and keeps them in power and opposition to them fractured
Their politics are legitimate, tokens are insulting

>> No.13000809

read Rules for Radicals and drop those fags

>> No.13000812

But why Rapist Frat House?

>> No.13000816
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>> No.13000820

Ben Shapiro didn't design his image to broaden the appeal of an organization that uses struggle sessions to crush internal dissent.

>> No.13000824
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>> No.13000828

ben shapiro designed his image to appeal to DOWNWORDLAY MOBILE retards and still failed

>> No.13000829
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>someone has read all of that

>> No.13000833

he's a pro immigration jew, pls

>> No.13000836

>someone has read
yikes and oofpilled!!! eeeek

>> No.13000838

My statement wasn't meant as praise for Shapiro.
This seems like a bit of an oversimplification to me.

>> No.13000839

Look at citation [10]

>> No.13000844

>10 detailed citations are oversimplified

>> No.13000847

Where are the citations showing those to be the beliefs of the "alt-right."

>> No.13000850

'concentration camps' lol
my point is he doesn't care if american stays white because he isnt even white and can just go to Israel

>> No.13000858

They aren't the beliefs of the altright?
Jews do view themselves as white and are incredibly racist to non-whites
Even in Israel there is a big class distinctions between the Western European Jews at the top, then the Eastern European and Russian Jews, then Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews, and right at the bottom the African Jews.

>> No.13000865

>Jews do view themselves as white
They are racist though. everybody is racist tbqh

>> No.13000867

chappie trappie exists to confirm biases and pat tushes in a platonic baseball dugout kind of way
"bread tubes" or Condé Points' little vimeo clout gang are the ones that have been workshopping desperately for the last 2 or so years to entrap those "edgy" pep-ay tweens who say "the n word" and "ableist slurs" with wry johnny olly wit and judd apatow skits
that hasn't been successful either
none of this shit is really working for them
slick way to wash your drug money though :-)

>> No.13000869


>> No.13000873

>hey aren't the beliefs of the altright?
The alt-right isn't coherent enough as a movement to have its beliefs lusted in such a way. If I remember correctky, Richard Spencer explicitly has voiced support for a single-payer system.

>> No.13000875

could you cite some alt-right thinkers that are pro-migration from the region in question?

>> No.13000880

Ben Shapiro believes broadly in liberalism and democracy. He aligns more with Proud Boys and the like. Most actual """"alt right""" people are some variation of third positionist and an organic state. This is a pretty fundamental difference.

>> No.13000888

but they do mean tweets about hip hop music sometimes so they're basically th' same guy

>> No.13000916

you're all liberals

>> No.13000917

I thought all alt-righters liked Memphis trap

>> No.13000919

No you are.

>> No.13000929

mcdonalds cashiers like memphis rap
aut righters like synthwave

>> No.13000968

Solid collection Matt

>> No.13000972

Liberals. Liberals. You're all liberals. None of you are free from sin.

>> No.13000975

LIBERALS let the purges begin

>> No.13000976

Everyone post your /r/cth2 handle or you're not qualified for this thread

>> No.13000977

virgils asian tho

>> No.13000985

Not those that are likeminded
White hetero men of upper class wealth are fine to enfranchise into liberalism and democracy
Women, minorities, the poor, foreigners, and especially Muslims need not apply
>He aligns more with Proud Boys and the like
So, the alt right
My names not Matt

>> No.13000990

if theres a difference between ben shapiro and the alt right then why cant there be differences between people on the left?

>> No.13000999

>why cant there be differences between people on the left?
nobody has said there aren't. Just yesterday tankies bullied some tranny lib off twitter because he/she/it used to work for the military.

>> No.13001003


>> No.13001009

>Women, minorities, the poor, foreigners, and especially Muslims need not apply
there are no barriers against the groups to succeed, there is literal affirmative action for them, theyre just useless as shit

>> No.13001010

i love tankies, but only the real ones, not the ones who larp as tankies while putting pronouns in their bios.

>> No.13001015

now that's fucking based

>> No.13001028

Was this the "things that totally happened" thread?

>> No.13001029

>So, the alt right
Ah, this conversation is pointless, I see.

>> No.13001037

absolutely based. anyone who voluntarily joins the modern day schutzstaffel should be shown no quarter

>> No.13001039

Honestly, if you don't pass out pamphlets about how North Korea is a paradise in the park, I don't consider you a real leftist.

>> No.13001044

>lefty lit

That's just regular lit, why is this a thread?

>> No.13001047

politics is guaranteed replies

>> No.13001050

>>He aligns more with Proud Boys and the like

>> No.13001078

I defend DPRK against those who refer to it as ``North Korea''.

>> No.13001094


>> No.13001098

there were multiple dramas on tankie twitter yesterday but I missed that shit

>> No.13001134
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she deleted her account after this

>> No.13001135
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>> No.13001160
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Why must trannies appear so frequently in modern military institutions and state craft?

>> No.13001165

Navy Gay + Female Privilege

>> No.13001168

imagine being this fucking delusional

amber frost and adolf reed diumvirate socialist republic fucking when

these fucking retards

useless fucking idiots

anarchists are scum

cia plants

fucking retarded pieces of shit

>> No.13001228

Saying, for example, that he thinks "all police brutality is fabricated" is a flat out lie. It's only a one-minute video if you want to actually check the "citation" yourself. What he says is that having fewer runins with the cops and cooperating when they do happen will lower the incidence of police brutality. Not the same as claiming all cops are saints, is it?

And calling centres used to detain illegal immigrants "concentration camps" is definitely also dishonest and manipulative.

>> No.13001272
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>> No.13001274


>> No.13001277

llarge son or future husband

>> No.13001291

>reading new york yuppie socialist literature

>> No.13001297

borderline unreadable but positively oozing with truth. this anon understands.
and most of all

>> No.13001302

lol haha lul

>> No.13001303

dumb ass 0.89iq ``take''

>> No.13001311

don’t you have to read your chapo approved funnies by dril, chapocel? what are you doing on 4chan

>> No.13001316

no i'm just PISSED you could possibly insult my future wife and mother of my children dasha

>> No.13001327

there are worse picks for a wife than an art hoe actress socialist, but it’s still bad

>> No.13001338

>troons designed the f35

>> No.13001352

netstream politics are gay as fuck and an exercise in futility

>> No.13001354

not untrue

>> No.13001519

That's a terrible misrepresentation of the alt-right. The alt-right are not Republicans, the "alt" part should be a clue.
(I know it's probably bait, but I also know that some people actually believe that, so I might as well reply.)

>> No.13001522
File: 135 KB, 500x500, e8d7b424e068ebd4772197f46392c91855499aaa921f823d09ca290e46be6c43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alt right is against abortion
>alt right is for billionaire tax cuts
>alt right is against medical care
this wouldn't just be a collection of basic bitch republican opinions arbitrarily declared as alt right opinions for the purpose of associating Ben Shapiro with said movement, would it?

>> No.13001527

>They aren't the beliefs of the altright?

>> No.13001599

the anon posting this is baiting, but the image was made unironically.

>> No.13001612

that's right, the alt right add to these basic bitch positions a conviction that they are victims, extreme obnoxiousness, vulgarity, and """irony"""

>> No.13001618


>> No.13001622

So you admit alt-right is just a smear phrase to you.

Icky poo poo bad men shouldn't be allowed on MY twitter!

>> No.13001624
File: 100 KB, 168x311, 29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

escuse me, whats bread santa?

>> No.13001639

>reddit spacing
get aids nigger, you gotta be quicker than that

>> No.13001661

trying too hard

>> No.13001670

poltards hate dril so much lmao

>> No.13001684

Chapos aren't leftists, they're liberals.
Actual leftists wouldn't dogmatically adopt SJW talking points.

>> No.13001690
File: 42 KB, 627x544, 1537912531986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone tells you Chapo are "problematic" that's a good sign you should not be listening to a single word they say. Their version of "leftism" is a dead end. Exit the vampires' castle.

Ain't gonna be buying Chapo's shitty book, though. Just because someone is good at talking shit in front of a mic doesn't mean they have any actual insights (take note, /pol/tards).
The only interesting points that can be gleamed from Chapo are those occasional 2-3 minute segments when Matt starts rambling and everyone else shuts up, but those are never particularly original or anything. I'm not gonna pay money to get 400 pages of those.
Just pirate the audiobook if and when it comes out


>> No.13001695
File: 7 KB, 138x153, 1447959135164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chapos aren't leftists, they're liberals.

>> No.13001728


There's almost no difference between Chapo and your basic Democrat. Chapos are anti-war, I guess, but that's about it. (Hell, even Dems are anti war on surface.) Both are deep into pandering to trannies and minorities, both support immigration and have seemingly no regard for nationhood. If you listen to any socialist with a brain he'll tell you that you can't have socialism (not even a mild form) without a somewhat homogeneous and united society. They're status quo apologists LARPing as commies for Patreon money.

>> No.13001752

>If you listen to any socialist with a brain he'll tell you that you can't have socialism (not even a mild form) without a somewhat homogeneous and united society.
Name some prominent socialists who are economically liberal and socially conservative.
If you can even name any, they're a complete nonentity in 21st century politics.

>> No.13001759
File: 11 KB, 645x773, C54C59F1-98B4-483A-871B-CB97CC4554B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13001762

>my lefty friends at my DSA dnd group
genuinely curious, have you been taken over by trannies yet? every DSA group seems to end up like this for some reason

>> No.13001773

Are you implying the only prominent socialists are those without a brain?

>> No.13001775

Yes, but please answer the question if you can.

>> No.13001780


Pete Kropotkin. Read The Bread Book.

>> No.13001789
File: 55 KB, 871x653, 1548746086005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you unironically waste even a fraction of a second listening to chapotraphouse never post here ever again and kill yourself
you're not welcome on 4channel or this existence

>> No.13001805

>socialists who are economically liberal and socially conservative
That doesn't make any sense, but I assume you mean "economically liberal" in the American way.
Anyway, you can find some like that in Eastern Europe.

>If you can even name any, they're a complete nonentity in 21st century politics.
That's probably true. It also explains why Chapo don't go for socialism and instead choose to be liberals. Promoting actual socialism with all the "ugly" aspects (like not pandering to trannies and niggers) would not make as much money.

>> No.13001870

The bait would work better if you didn't use positions that are the literal exact opposite of what the alt right constantly demands.

>> No.13001888

Contra and Chapo are both super popular. Whether they change anyones mind or just play to an established audience is up for debate tho.

>> No.13001901

original /lit/ was oratory performance faggot audiobooks and podcasts are way more /lit/ than gayass books

>> No.13001904
File: 19 KB, 620x423, richard-spencer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name some prominent socialists who are economically liberal and socially conservative.
hey there

>> No.13001917


>> No.13001919

How does 'social justice' contradict economic democracy?

>> No.13001930

probably quite a few, though they aren't active on /lit/. the more popular boards obviously are going to have those types

>> No.13001944

This thread confirms what I always knew, that I am always right and everyone else is a brainlet

>> No.13001952

are you me?

>> No.13001958

I'm a Nazi, dril is great

>> No.13001968

see >>13001917

>> No.13001986

>I'm so mad about trannies nothing else matters
Yeah we know, you retards post about them in every thread on every board
Have sex and stop complaining

>> No.13001990

Kill yourself

>> No.13001993

He mentioned them once in passing, I'm indifferent LGBT shit but it really does seem like TIDF is everywhere

>> No.13001995

dril is an implicit ethnonationalist

>> No.13001999

Do they? Why?

>> No.13002034

>The Chapo Guide to Revolution
>Ctrl-F: gay
>26 hits

Your "revolutionary" heroes are SJW liberals. Deal with it.

>> No.13002068

>the only true socialist is a national socialist
now that's a hot take I have not see

>> No.13002244

Because they hate being called corncobs

>> No.13002251

>mom, they mentioned the gay and my pee pee feels weird again! Make them stop!

>> No.13002272

The alt right is pro abortion?

>> No.13002282

pro-life for whites
pro-abortion for everyone else

>> No.13002300

Imagine giving a shit about burger politics.

>> No.13002314

Im pretty right wing and see as soft eugenics. Anyone that actually considers such a thing was never fit to raise children anyway

>> No.13002321

Idk I’m not cis but I think the chapo lads are all right!

>> No.13002336

Yeah, and universal healthcare for whites, and death squads for everyone else, doesn't seem all that universal to me

>> No.13002365

Didn't one of the Chapo guys rape a retard?

>> No.13002380

Gender dysphoria is caused by PTSD

>> No.13002399

I can tell you've never actually listened or read anything by anyone associated with the alt-right. They absolutely hate conservatives and generally don't buy into a lot of that nonsense, even the ones you'd associate with their open racism/race realism. You'd have a pretty hard time finding an Alt-right thinker who believes that "blacks are poor because they choose to be" rather than it naturally being a consequence of both biology and being a sub-nation within an empire that fundamentally was not founded in their interests.

I know you won't actually look into the issue at all, but Arktos has both a very good podcast if you're interested in the metapolitics behind the Alt-right and a fairly good introductory collection of essays called "A Fair Hearing". Even if you find yourself vehemently disagreeing with most of what the book contains and scribbling 10000 angry notes in the margins it will at least give you a better understanding of the alt-right. It's not just "extreme conservatism" in fact they consider conservatism to be a larger enemy than progressives/marxists because conservatism acts as a pacifier for whites to be able to comfortably suck on while ignoring their political/social displacement in their historical homelands.

>> No.13002411

If you can find a single Alt-right thinker (not some commenter on a YouTube video or frogposter on Twitter/Gab) that unironically advocates for violence against minorities, I will be very surprised.

>> No.13002428
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you shall pay for offending the trannies

>> No.13002431
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Yep, since it's mostly used by racial minorities. Shapiro-style conservatives, upon discovering this, naturally turned it into yet another spin on the Dems R Reel Racits meme.

Even among whites it's not usually considered a major topic, those in the ecofash corner can even be quite positive about it.

>> No.13002469

>If you can find a single Alt-right thinker (not some commenter on a YouTube video or frogposter on Twitter/Gab) that unironically advocates for violence against minorities, I will be very surprised.
Virtually no public figures call themselves "alt-right" so this is impossible. The more prominent people that have been called "alt-right" in the past (Milo, Spencer) are pretty irrelevant in 2019, and virtually everyone who tries to appeal to the /pol/ crowd these days rejects the label.
"Alt-right" still describes spaces like /pol/, which are overwhelmingly full of celebration of violence against minorities (including murdering/raping children and babies) makes that an alt-right position. It's not some throwaway inside joke. It's 100 threads a day for years on end.
If /pol/'s not alt-right then the term should just be retired entirely.

>> No.13002478

wtf this is a real name?

>> No.13002501

Doesn't ring a bell at all.
Nick Mullen (who's not part of Chapo but is in that circle) pretended to be a teenage girl with Down syndrome on a dating site and doxxed a middle-aged guy who contacted her trying to fuck her.
And Dasha (who's not part of Chapo but is in that circle) raped a bug.
Virgil (who is part of Chapo) was once anonymously accused of dating an underage girl but there were no details whatsoever, neither about the girl nor the accuser, so I'm not worried about it

>> No.13002518

Is Jake Flores a Chapo?

>> No.13002527

>If you can find a single Alt-right thinker (not some commenter on a YouTube video or frogposter on Twitter/Gab) that unironically advocates for violence against minorities, I will be very surprised.
does this matter? the anonymous alt-right supports violence against minorities, if people don't want to attach their name and face to it on YouTube that doesn't mean it's not a tenet of that whole culture

>> No.13002528
File: 24 KB, 480x285, ifonlyyouknew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know about based pastor anderson

>> No.13002540

>socialism applied in a culture automatically becomes national socialism
do you even understand the term "national socialism"

>> No.13002541

Milo has nothing to do with the alt-right, and to the extent that he temporarily called himself that, it was in an effort to divert people from the genuine movement.

Yes it is true that very few people directly call themselves Alt-right because of how much actual political/social persecution is directed against people who are even tangentially related to the label. Whether it be political imprisonment with no direct charge like the guys from RAM, never ending lawfare via frivolous civil suits like Spencer has been embroiled in for the past two years, or SPLC blacklists, being a pro-white advocate is a one way ticket to being oppressed by both the government and international capitalism. This stands in stark contrast to Chapo Traphouse and DSA who have their books openly sold in every Barnes and Noble in every mall in America and receive protection from the police while they flagrantly violate the law and suppress the civil rights of politically active whites.

With that being said, if you were actually interested in telling the truth rather than just bullshitting and hoping nobody calls you on it, it'd be pretty easy to figure out. It's not like Spencer/TRS/Eric Striker/Arktos/AmRen are hiding their positions.

>> No.13002549

No(though he was on one episode a while back)
The Jake Flores thing was a forced meme on /r/cumtown, it didn't actually happen

>> No.13002560

Do you apply this standard to your side as well? Do you take seriously the open calls for genocide and political displacement of white people by leftist literally who's on Twitter? Would you consider it valid if I posted screenshots of the numerous anti-white Jews openly advocating against white people as white people as representative as Jewish political interests? Would you consider the impressively stupid and violent positions of low-info Leftists like Bronx Blogger as representative of AnCom as a whole?

>> No.13002567

>Yes it is true that very few people directly call themselves Alt-right because of how much actual political/social persecution is directed against people who are even tangentially related to the label.
That was my whole point. The fact that people aren't publicly calling for violence against minorities, and people mostly aren't calling themselves alt-right, is because there's more scrutiny. When >90% of a group wants the same thing when they're anonymous, that's something the group wants, even if no one wants to say it on camera.

>> No.13002569
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the face of left in xxi century, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.13002571

>Would you consider it valid if I posted screenshots of the numerous anti-white Jews openly advocating against white people as white people as representative as Jewish political interests?
Jews are white

>> No.13002576

This isn't Chapo Trap House, it's literally a photo of random people that gets posted in every Chapo thread for some insane reason

>> No.13002579

Another bait thread with Petersonfags in full damage control Google Bookchin

Sounds hot

>> No.13002582

If you do a reverse image search it's almost entirely /lit/ threads lmao

>> No.13002597

>Do you apply this standard to your side as well?
White people joking about fictional violence against white people isn't equivalent to white people joking about actual violence against nonwhite people, no

>> No.13002601

What's my side's equivalent of the Christchurch shooting?

>> No.13002607

Do you think that the Alt-right (which did exist prior to this post Charlottesville political/social oppression that Alt-right thinkers exist under) was calling for literal death squads in serious way at any point before this political oppression? Yes, anonymous people are angry with this society which constantly tells them that they live in total white supremacy is also the same society that does not allow whites to advocate for themselves as whites, and they post violent rhetoric as a visceral response to that. Do you consider this any different than the never ending trannies and PoC leftists who openly advocate for murdering white people as a social good on Twitter? Do you think either of these groups of alienated venting bourgeois peasants are actually interests or capable of manifesting the violence they semi-ironically post about. Is Sarah Jeong a serious representative of progressive/DemSoc when she openly posts about all white men deserving the death penalty while also being a member of the NYT editorial board?

>> No.13002608


>> No.13002620

Literally every European terrorist attack that ever occurs as a result of the importation of Middle-Eastern/East African migrants. If you're considering Brandon Terrant a representative of the consequences of Alt-right thinking, it is even less far fetched to think the actions of Muslims brought in to displace whites by leftists are of your moral consequence, especially since his actions were a direct reaction to the endless directly anti-white terrorist attacks perpetrated by consequences of leftist anti-white immigration policies.

>> No.13002636

doesnt matter, theyre probably "lefties" anyway

>> No.13002641

Is there actual large scale violence against non-whites that you can point to that allows you to make this distinction? Don't even bother with police brutality bullshit because 1. Black police officers are significantly more likely to shoot black criminals than white police officers and 2. Blacks commit so much more murder that even the small percentage of black murders that are committed against whites, are about equal to the number of white on white murders per year (and that statistic includes Arabs and Hispanics as white which artificially increases the white murder rate substantially).

>> No.13002653

The reactionary cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.13002656

Sure bud. Sure they are. Does this mean I as a white person can claim citizenship in the Jewish Ethnostate?

>> No.13002666

I'm curious, after how many explicitly anti-white terrorist attacks do you think it's reasonable for someone to snap and retaliate? Are white people supposed to just accept significant violence against them by people who are imported to replace them and are openly hostile to them?

>> No.13002680

>A is a type of B
>therefore B is a type of A
so this is the power of the red pill...

>> No.13002702

>Muslims brought in to displace whites by leftists are of your moral consequence
leftists didn't even want to interfere to set up such a huge displacement of refugees in the first place

>> No.13002705

Wait, so Jews get to have an explicit subcategory of White for which they are allowed to have their Ethnostate but Germans or English don't? I'm curious what is the major distinct you're drawing that allows Jews as a subcategory of whites to explicitly advocate for their interests while no other subcategory can? Can there be an American German Congress of similar scale and power to the AJC? If not, why not?

>> No.13002711

So in the same thread we have "the alt-right doesn't support violence against minorities" and "the alt-right supports violence against minorities for a perfectly good reason". I'll let you two hash this out, I'm all set here.

>> No.13002714

The new trend is making all competent groups magically white, it's pretty funny.

>> No.13002724

what the hell is DSA

>> No.13002730

1. If you think that the wars in the Middle East are causing the migrant crisis you're a lot more low information than you think. It's the subsidization of births in Eastern Africa/North Africa that has created the majority of the migrants to Europe/Canada. These people are running from poverty, not wars.

2. Even if this were true that it was directly the result of interference in the Middle East/Africa, does this mean that if the American-Zionist empire stopped that these people would need to go home as their homelands no longer are under siege in your view?

>> No.13002737

Racist hellstates get to do whatever they want if they are backed by hundreds of billions of imperialist dollars stolen from the working class. Ending imperialism, ending capitalism, and ending Israel are all laudable goals which should be worked on at the same time. Praising the Christchurch shooter accomplishes none of these goals.

>> No.13002741

I'm asian and it basically is like being white except you have to work harder to fuck hot retarded white sluts

>> No.13002747

>does this mean that if the American-Zionist empire stopped that these people would need to go home as their homelands no longer are under siege in your view?
That's not how refuge works. The Irish didn't go home when the (British-caused) famine ended. Look to building a better world.

>> No.13002748

>Eastern Africa/North Africa
The part where all the wars conveniently are? Unlike you I still rmemeber the shift to immigration talking point after during the Syrian crisis.

>their homelands no longer are under siege in your view?

>> No.13002749

I don't support Brendan Tarrant's actions. I think they are an unfortunate consequence of leftist anti-white immigration policies. It is a terrible and unfortunate thing that could easily be avoided by reducing the political/social displacement of whites.
It's funny how much moral leeway you give to Jihadists who react violently to Zionist interference and political displacement, yet do not allow nearly the same amount of rope to whites who are experiencing the same thing. It's almost as if you apply different standards to them or something.

>> No.13002756

>It's funny how much moral leeway you give to Jihadists who react violently to Zionist interference and political displacement
I'm not on a Jihadi message board

>> No.13002772

What US wars are currently occurring in East/North Africa? When the Obama administration toppled Gaddafi and supported the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia that could hold some water, but the only major wars the US is currently engaging in are in Yemen/Syria/Afghanistan which very few "refugees" come from. Arguably you could say Yemen is geographically close to East Africa, but the instability in Somalia/Eritrea/Sudan are not the result of American interference beyond America subsidizing their birthrates/reducing infant mortality beyond their countries carrying capacity.

>> No.13002775

I don't give moral leeway to people who kill innocents as a performance art project. Whether that's the Boston Bombing or 9/11 or Christchurch or any of it. I don't regard any of it as legitimate and it tends to be wildly counterproductive.

Killing cops, politicians, soldiers, blowing up banks, etc., is perfectly valid. Killing randos is not.

>> No.13002786

America and the West has been interfering in countries ala Arab Spring as you yourself rattled off. Hell the trigger for such a displacement is still ongoing due to American interference.

And Gaddafi was dealing with the problems of those countries in the region before he was deposed. Without him the floodgates were opened.

>> No.13002787

Yes, but when Boomer Republicans point to Jihadists, leftists consistently react by talking about the context and circumstances which pushed them to commit such things rather than it being something inherent to Islam. I'm actually fairly ready to accept that concept, but see this odd dissonance when the same phenomenon occurs with whites who react against political oppression/displacement. It leads me to believe that your "nuance" posting has actually nothing to do with good faith engagement with the argument, and everything to do with looking to sweep the consistent racial violence by non-whites explicitly aimed against whites under the carpet.

>> No.13002794

So you're not looking to make excuses for the significant phenomenon that is explicitly anti-white violence that is committed by immigrants in Europe? Does this mean you accept that there is a legitimate position to be held against immigration because of the increase of this phenomenon?

>> No.13002817

We agree that getting rid of Gaddafi was a large source of immigrants yes? Where is the line where Europe/America/Canada's obligation to take these people ends? If America were to completely stop this interference (which ironically would happen if the Alt-right were to gain political power) at what point does our commitment to accept their wretched refuse end? When does America/Europe/Canada no longer have an obligation to be the receptecal for every peasant in the third world who wants to come for the Uber Eats Buffalo Wild Wings and cheap Chinese plastic goods? When does Sweden (who doesn't generally participate in America's foreign wars for Israel project) get to actually get to be explicitly pro-Swedish in the way China is explicitly pro-Chinese and this actually isn't considered beyond the pale by you?

>> No.13002818

Shallow cringe garbage. I don't know why anyone would waste their time with this and not read more serious books to understand our time right now.

>> No.13002839

It ends when you ends imperialism and fix your mistakes created by imperialism.

>When does Sweden (who doesn't generally participate in America's foreign wars for Israel project) get to actually get to be explicitly pro-Swedish in the way China is explicitly pro-Chinese and this actually isn't considered beyond the pale by you?

Oh please the same people are bitching about China' Han Chinese supremacy shit going on else well. They even get so mad about the western criticism that they coined the term baizuo for the detractors.

>> No.13002872

I think the Chinese model actually has many admirable characteristics. They have gone from being below modern third world living conditions to having the largest middle class in the world in less than 50 years. It is certainly an imperfect system, but it is honest about its imperfections and intentions as opposed to the American-Zionist International capitalist system which is actively hostile towards the founding population of America and its vassal States (including more or less all of Europe). Yes, there is the phenomenon of the "white left" that Chinese make fun of, but that position isn't taken seriously, where as cultural leftists moralists have significant positions of authority in the neo-liberal establishment. The left in America has completely sold out the economics of the proletariat for endless moralist masturbation about racism/gaypolitics/anti-Semitism (as if all of those things aren't fairly normal in some way and actually the result of healthy social instincts rather than some pathology). It can certainly be a pathology in the way Zizek talks about (though I think he is significantly less informed on the internal politics of Fascism/Nazism than he pretends to be) in that there can be an elevated Boogeyman which all social ills are projected upon, but at the moment that is so far from where the right is in terms of political power it's insane. For God's sake Spencer can't get a fucking debit card because he's been Blacklisted by Visa (the main reason stripe won't work with even tangentially Alt-right thinkers despite proclaiming to be openly "free speech") and your side talks as if white supremacy is actually even a relevant conversation in the modern power structure.

>> No.13002884

Your admiration of China doesn't matter with your failed attempt to call out your perceived hypocrisy of the 'leftist' strawman that you created in your head. They still critique white nationalists in Sweden just as they do with Han nationalists in China.

>The left in America has completely sold out the economics of the proletariat for endless moralist masturbation about racism/gaypolitics/anti-Semitism
Oh please Old/New Left was purged in America via the two Red Scares before idpol really take root. The other anon was right, the reactionary cries as he strikes you.

>> No.13002888

Chinas doing pretty well in africa rn with their psuedo colonialism. Its gonna take a sort of imperialism to get the third world in shape self actualization just isnt in their grasp.

>> No.13002891

Also, to address your first point, there is no externally "fixing" the results of neo-imperialism. The only way to effectively fix it is to stop interfering with the rising of political leaders in these countries and generally turning inward (especially by reducing the emigration of all politically/economically capable people into the west). Gaddafi was the best leader that Libya has had in decades, same deal with Assad/Iran's Shia Islamic elders, and there is no American capacity for "fixing" these countries that have been destabilized by projecting white political ideals onto them. Only Africa can fix Africa, getting Amazon, Microsoft and DARPA involved isn't going to help.

>> No.13002898

>So you're not looking to make excuses for the significant phenomenon that is explicitly anti-white violence that is committed by immigrants in Europe?
No, I'm not
>Does this mean you accept that there is a legitimate position to be held against immigration because of the increase of this phenomenon?
Not really. European wealth is mostly confiscated. The Euro nobility have no more right to it than any random Syrian or Somali. I also think anti-white violence is pretty exaggerated

>> No.13002900

China is going to fix Africa by building infrastructure and then Zerg rushing it with Chinese once the American global political infrastructure isn't strong enough to stop them. If you think China isn't explicitly interested in genociding Africans and taking the dark continent as their own you're delusional.

>> No.13002901

we didnt listen

>> No.13002902

the same way they critique chirstchurch shootings vs sri lanka bombings

>> No.13002906

>psuedo colonialism
It is not really colonialism, it is kinda imperialism though

>there is no externally "fixing" the results of neo-imperialism
Well not at the moment sure, but eventually foreign aid and reparations would help. Japan had similar programs with its former conquests in SEA to ease relationships that actually improved with it.

>> No.13002910

>The European nobility have no more right to Europe than random Syrians/Somalis

Do random white Americans have the same right to African clay as African nobility/warlords?

>> No.13002912

That is a non-sequtier to pivot away to yet another talking point in your head. At the rationale and context the sri lanka bombins aren't as clear as christchurch

>> No.13002914

Yes, that's what communism is all about

>> No.13002920

>Thats what communism is all about

>> No.13002923

So you're telling me that Communism supports the idea of random white Texans taking large portions of sub-saharan Africa from African warlords for themselves? Interesting.

>> No.13002926

why do they always look so disgusting? this fatty is dressed like a 5 year old

also whats a chud?

>> No.13002928
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>> No.13002929

The only real solution is abandon the human-rights paradigm and have as much sympathy for these people when they are in our presence as we did when they weren’t. One of China’s greatest advantages is that it is not weighted down by the concept of “humanity.”

>> No.13002932

> we should all be small souled bugmen

>> No.13002933

he just being ironic bro

>> No.13002936

I thought you guys were against the affirmation of so-called spooks.

>> No.13002939
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>if you abandons your ideology you win

>> No.13002940

spooks as a concept dont exist

>> No.13002948

It's a fashionable term for right-wingers among the more non-identitarian left.

>> No.13002951

That Sri Lanka poster wasn't me (the main guy you've been arguing with) though I do think there is quite a lot of evidence of explicitly anti-christians (largely as a proxy for a racial struggle) sentiments among the bombers (including two wealthy sons of Wahhabist Islamist capitalists). There is quite a large double standard in the coverage for these two events, and while I haven't seen leftist support for these attacks, I have seen leftists tacitly acknowledge that they are a natural consequences of current racial meta-political struggles that are a consequence of neo-liberal globalism (conveniently ignoring that the neo-liberal "woke capital" moral paradigm is near identical to the DSA and most prominent AnComs).

>> No.13002955

If you abandon abandon a tactic you adopted for the Cold War in a post Cold War World, you’ll definitely have a better chance.

>> No.13002964
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chapotards should kill themselves

>> No.13002967

You are aware that the cold war was basically just an A/B test of which meta-political frame would be best for ensuring global Jewish supremacy via controlled liberalism? While also containing some fairly odd religious arguments for America/England's support of Israel (which may be true but I haven't been particularly interested enough to pursue them further), Tomislav Sunic's Homo-Americanus has some very interesting arguments and support for this idea.

>> No.13002973

but what does it mean

>> No.13002975

The world's laborers have every right to the value of raw materials and anything labor does to those materials. Borders may be temporarily useful for organizational purposes but overall they just lead to waste and grievances

>> No.13002979

It's named after the cheesy movie C.H.U.D. (Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers). It basically means violent-minded right-wing people who live in their basements and post all day

it's more phonetically pleasing than "the alt-right" or "bitter incels" you must admit

>> No.13002980

doing your homework means trans surgery, do it

>> No.13002982
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> There is quite a large double standard in the coverage for these two events
Yea coz they don't care about Sri Lanka or at least know much about it to comment.

>natural consequences of current racial meta-political struggles that are a consequence of neo-liberal globalism
Both are.

>conveniently ignoring that the neo-liberal "woke capital" moral paradigm is near identical to the DSA and most prominent AnComs
But it is not though. At best leftists just want to not be racist and homophobic, not use race or sexuality to browbeat people. You only have to look at liberals attacking Bernie or Corbyn to see the vast distinction between leftists and liberals.

>> No.13002987

Are you telling me that you would only pretend to care about human rights if there was something threatening your existence?

>> No.13002989

The anti war left failed utterly, run over at the time by leftists like Hillary Clinton. And now they don't even exist beyond irrelevant literal whos like Chapo.

As the other guy says, the current migrant crisis isn't a result of evil Jug Ears bombing Iraq.

>> No.13002996

It's my understanding that the "alt-right" want Jews out of positions of power in Western nations. The concentration camp stuff is just edgy memes.

>> No.13002999

left really cant meme hey

>> No.13003000

>leftists like Hillary Clinton
Stop reading right there

>> No.13003004

I think the idea of humanity is a farce to begin with, but that the concept of human rights codified in the UN declaration was a tool necessary to appeal to the people of the third world when the Soviets were offering them a competing vision.

>> No.13003008

>Hillary Clinton isn't on the political left

>> No.13003011

So that is a yes? Noted with thanks

>> No.13003019

I can name exactly one funny reactionary

>> No.13003021

No, I’d rather die than appeal to my “humanity” to justify my existence.

>> No.13003028

One more than the number of funny socialists/leftists/liberals.

>> No.13003030

It's better than "discord tranny"

>> No.13003031

Anymore than Bush was to the right. Both are centrists

>> No.13003034

why does that cat seem to believe that conservatives want deregulation and privatization when, unlike most leftists, it seems at least theoretically aware that there is a difference between conservatives and neoliberals?

>> No.13003038

>t. discord tranny

>> No.13003040

that's definitely not true, but I do agree that progressive politics as a subject is inherently unfunny, for the same reason that Jackass wouldn't be funny if the pranks were about like, throwing Raab Himself a nice birthday party

>> No.13003042

Id watch that desu

>> No.13003048

I probably get more chuckles out of leftist humor, but rightist stuff probably gives me more genuine belly laughs.

>> No.13003051

He's wearing the exact same clothes as that toddler behind him. He's also standing like a toddler with a full diaper.

>> No.13003052

>cat seem to believe that conservatives want deregulation and privatization when
Republicans/conservatives have been doing that for decades regardless of neoliberalism.

>> No.13003056

discord tranny is way funny due to the lack of effort relative to impact

>> No.13003058

Leftist humor tends to be too didactic. They’re so busy trying to teach that they never really make much of a joke to begin with.

But I really do believe that our politics influence our sense of humor more than the other way around, so maybe I’m just not capable of understanding it.

>> No.13003059

Their mouths are closed. That's when you know they mean business.

>> No.13003073

Doesn't matter, they're the same people, situated in the bottom 30% of the sexual hierarchy.

>> No.13003089

Its either that or it bites "weird twitter" humor to much

>> No.13003096

Went into overdrive pretty much with neolib Reagan in the US, Nixon was borderline left on economics. Don't know how big of a thing it was in the UK before Thatcher.

>> No.13003099

not virgil, virgil fucks

>> No.13003110

the latter for sure
it's more about their reach imo especially w/ contra & co. and they really don't have any

>> No.13003115

at this point any of them could have their pick of their media groupies: "ticking #metoo timebombs," as queen anna khachiyan put it

>> No.13003134

Sure, but they can never forget what women actually think of them, the fundamental rejection of their genetic material. And at their level and niche they can't even score hot groupies.

>> No.13003135

Dick Sucking Autists

>> No.13003145

hm, this seems like an extremely inaccurate reading of the chapo guys and dare I say it, projection

>> No.13003150

Sounds like /pol/

Has horseshoe theory finally been confirmed?

>> No.13003160

A group o young people interested in expanding the welfare state in the present to gain support for their planned revolution.

>> No.13003162

the tumblr vs 4chan culture war has always been 100% driven by autism

>> No.13003169

an intense focus into politics reflects a certain type of character, regardless of position
convictions come after personality flaws for some people

>> No.13003172

It's more of a single point than a horseshoe. The centrists are in there too.

>> No.13003180
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Don't make me laugh.

>> No.13003188
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>DSA dnd group

>> No.13003203

>rap is crap
some very high quality bait in this here thread

>> No.13003205

you must be a real baby if you think that women, especially intellectual sorts, want some good looking guy more than the type who naturally has a cult of personality around him

>> No.13003283

You're describing just one variable of attractiveness. They're failing on the most important ones. But what I'm actually talking about is that they weren't getting laid in highschool and after that it didn't get better. You know this, I know this, everyone knows this. On the street no female is giving them any attention and in fact are annoyed interacting with them. They cannot leave this reality, it determines their self-perception and in large part their politics. This is why people constantly bring up those pictures of them, we understand these sorts of dynamics intuitively.

>> No.13003298

hoo boy what a load of projection that is lol

>> No.13003304

That's the joke. That's why they took the picture.

Also he has a spinal disorder which fucked up his legs so don't bully

>> No.13003316

it's so fucked up that the stupid reductive "everything is about sex" shit you hear your dumbest friend say at the lunch table in middle school turns out to be absolutely, immutably true

>> No.13003317

people here dont get ironic self deprecation. they think they really were the ones who noticed it first.

>> No.13003328

It's just the dynamics of human reproduction and I'm not talking about myself. I happen to be pretty so even my autistic behaviour could not prevent the fact that women have always liked me. It's not an achievement, it's a lottery.

>> No.13003335

>I brought up pic with a couple of my lefty friends at my DSA dnd group and they said that it's problematic that I'm reading this since there aren't any poc hosts & the humour can get pretty irony-bro. They said that I'm not 'doing the homework' to understand why a poc or not-cis person wouldn't like this kind of stuff. What is 'doing the homework' in this context? How do you 'do the homework'?
I can't read this diarrhea. Leftists should be shot

>> No.13003336



>> No.13003348

>language is changing much faster than my brain can comprehend. i better just call them fags for not speaking english.

>> No.13003389

This but unironically

>> No.13003847
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>so don't bully

>> No.13003897

What's even more frustrating than the current state of the world are these stupid (mostly online) debates that are constantly missing the bigger picture and it's just some faggots trying to own the opponent with clever zingers, like
>the leftists are inviting the refugees
>but the right wingers are responsible for the wars
Both ignoring the fact that 95% of the immigrants are NOT refugees and that the pro-immigrant side cannot be reduced to what's commonly called "leftists". Angela Merkel's party is considered center-right wing, for fucks sake. These distinctions are useless.
The divide with immigration is between nationalists vs anti-nationalists. People who want to preserve their own ethnic groups vs people who don't and see no value in ethnic groups per se. The left-right economic debates like whether we should have universal healthcare or not are almost completely irrelevant to this problem.
It's like listening to a bunch of 16 year olds who think they're much smarter than they are. Fuck anyone who engages in debates at this dumb level. Fuck your weekly podcast, don't do it if you don't have anything smart to say, you god damn attention/money whores.

>> No.13004304

>Everyone is dumb but me i'm very smart

>> No.13004325
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>rap is crap

>> No.13004340

>Fuck your weekly podcast, don't do it if you don't have anything smart to say
It's a comedy podcast, it's smart about trivial things and stupid about important things
Getting mad about podcasts is like getting mad about video games, what's the point

>> No.13004341

>Angela Merkel's party is center-right wing
>falling for the left right dichotomy in politics in 2019

>> No.13004350

you dug through your folder for that, huh

>> No.13004365

I'm gonna need to see this in pamphlet form, sir.

>> No.13004371
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>you dug through your folder for that, huh

>> No.13004384

“I don’t give a good damn about the browning of america”

>> No.13004390

have you ever watched pokémon faggit

>> No.13004417

you dug through your folder for that, huh

>> No.13004426

but what the fuck is wrong with your quotation marks, this isn't LaTeX fucker

>> No.13004517

back to /r/chapo

>> No.13004599

God, you guys are such cucks.

>> No.13004681

jews see them selves as gods chosen people whites are just very dangerous but useful goyim

>> No.13004704

There denial of facts and cult of personality around stalin is funny to watch but maybe i’ve never seen a real tankie

>> No.13005665

Cumtown and Red Scare are based you retarded faggot

>> No.13005702

You need to find a new dnd group. If you can't even have a lefty discussion based on those grounds, then they are hopeless.

>> No.13005752
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>You have to have brown people's opinions because...well you just have to!!

CTH is gay Reddit brainlet material and we instantly discard it.

>> No.13005776

>Have sex and stop complaining

Yes goy, be silent and indulge the flesh. That's all you're good for and all that's good for you!

Indulge and be placid! Why aren't you placid? Just consume, goy.

>> No.13005809
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based sex-negative poster

>> No.13005837

you absolute faggots, she didn't load bombs into F15s, she worked on the math behind flight dynamics for possible laptop-sized flying camera drones, she's gone over this several times. Fucking rich to see a tankie criticize an anarchist for "imperialism"

>> No.13005840

And the dsa faggots aren't doing shit in middle east where people are actually killing the gays.

>> No.13005843

>leaves a field to fallow, ensuring a sustainable crop cycle
>I don't get it, why are you suddenly against farming?!?

Degenerates gonna degenerate.

>> No.13005848

If my spidey sense is right this anon will tell everyone that every lefty in this thread is a secret Jew out for his foreskin

>> No.13005873

Nah, /pol/'s caricature of the "dastardly jew" is just highly evocative and kinda funny. Please substitute for your moustache twirling villain of preference.

>> No.13005913

lol kill yourself shitskin

>> No.13006187

but that's true, all left-socialism degenerates into global capitalism, the abstract vagueness of "the worker" without a socio-racial soul is an emptiness easily filled by trite consumerism, if left-socialism actually worked you wouldn't be allowed to believe in it, it's a non-starter, there's a reason you can wear a hammer n sickle and not a swastika, one works

>> No.13006194

I don't think black people are because they choose to be I just think they're fucking dumb

>> No.13006211

they have white skin but they value their ethnicity over their race to the point of sabotaging all but they, so they lost their wy-card for bad behavior

>> No.13006299

>virgil rapes

>> No.13006309

welcome to the third position, friend

>> No.13006412

it's always anarchists cheerleading american imperialists


>> No.13006460

shut up and fuck off

>> No.13007137

I suggest you look up the meaning of struggle session

>> No.13007421

Literally a cuckservative. If you want to call him out for being a Neocon and a piece of shit who profited off the Iraq War then fine, but don’t engage in the level of dishonesty in pic related.