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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 302x486, if this is a man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12992870 No.12992870 [Reply] [Original]

how do you not kys after reading this?

>> No.12992874

Well, i got bored not so many pages in. That's one way

>> No.12992876


>> No.12992896

Why is that?

>> No.12992919
File: 30 KB, 650x654, Standing-Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bored with levi

>> No.12992964

Let me guess: is this a book that's supposed to make me feel guilty about the holocaust despite my never having took part in it?

>> No.12992977

christians feel guilty about everything. the men at least, it's a symptom of being male

>> No.12992999

At least you're honest about not having read the book.

Now read it faggot. It's one of the most unsentimental books ever despite having been written by a literal genocide survivors.

>> No.12993002

No, your guess is wrong.

>> No.12993665

It's mostly about how shitty Auschwitz was (the worst Jews survived,the best ones died) and his walk back to his native Italy via Russia.

There's nothing simplistic about his books. He parses myriad ethical quandaries.

>> No.12993672


>> No.12994846
File: 534 KB, 1087x724, thunderbolt of the confederacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I chose to channel my suicidal tendencies into writing Confederate pregnant Anne Frank erotica instead.

>> No.12994855

It's literally bullshit

>> No.12994858

Literal liars

>> No.12994863

Yeah, he wrote it just for you and your feelings.

>> No.12995290

Become an industrial chemist.

It mostly worked.

>> No.12995302 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 809x1024, gassed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Become an industrial chemist
>develop even more efficient ways of carrying out mass murder

>> No.12995315

No you stupid racist, the joke is that becoming an industrial chemist didn’t prevent his suicide.

>> No.12995316

Because I don't want to make my mum sad

>> No.12995322 [DELETED] 
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Is this as historically accurate as Wiesel's "Night" or Nyiszli's "Doctor's Account"?

>> No.12995370

Not surprising. Wiesel and Nyiszli are both proven frauds, and I have serious doubts about Frankl as well.

>> No.12995371

I masturbated during most of it tbqh

>> No.12995854


>> No.12995880

The journey through Russia is described in The Truce, not in this book. Incidentally, I actually liked The Truce better, it felt more intimate than its big brother.

>> No.12996807

The Truce was an entertaining mixture of Hebrew antics and Slavic incompetence. It's funny how Levi describes Jews getting out of the German death camps scamming and swindling the Russians who saved them in the first place.

>> No.12996814



>> No.12996988

The beauty of the discourse on this topic is any refutation I link to, no matter how well researched, no matter the source, can and will be dismissed with "lol nice Nazis pal."

Google if you're interested. It's not hard to find.

>> No.12997022

sure were a lot of survivors.

>> No.12997030

no, he wrote it to cash in on the shoah scam.

>> No.12997559

>It's mostly about how shitty Auschwitz was (the worst Jews survived,the best ones died)
>good jews

>> No.12997732 [DELETED] 

is this about how 6 billion jews got roller coasted into the gas chambers and then turned into lampshades?
so sad :(

>> No.12998948

Gas chambers are mentioned margianlly, 8 times in total, and not much is said about them. The "6 billion jews" are never mentioned. The book is about the life in the labor camp, read it before attempting to sound smart with your banal sarcasm

>> No.12999282
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The Jews are such a literary people.

>> No.12999289
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Holocaust accounts are a subgenre of Magical Realism, and the symbolism is on point.

>> No.12999303
File: 98 KB, 762x627, k to 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very glad we instruct children in these important moral lessons. Literature is essential to the development of a young mind.

>> No.12999310

>tfw we will never be able have an open and honest discussion about the Western Ashkenazi-Jewish elite and the negative implications of this group’s actions on society at large because this Austrian faggot couldn’t contain is power level and full-on sperged out 80 years ago

>> No.12999338
File: 52 KB, 712x369, jta mandated holocaust education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That -was- the honest conversation, my friend.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled program.

>> No.12999374

stop shitting up a thread with irrelevant shit, do you have anything tangible to say against Levi or the book?

>> No.12999386

Is the masturbation-machine chapter suitably raunchy?

>> No.12999395

I swear to fuck, I went to at least half a dozen holocaust museums from K-12.

That's not even counting the survivors who got paid to come to our schools and talk about railroad cars for half an hour.

>> No.12999398

Have any of you read Levi's other works? What'd you think of them?
Periodic table is my fav probably. The follow-up to if this was a man was great too. Didn't like Monkeys wrench at all tho, it was so goddamn dull.

>> No.13000591

>this is how far up their asses /pol/ posters are

>> No.13000619 [DELETED] 


> genocide survivors

The very idea of surviving a "death camp" is ridiculous.

>> No.13000635
File: 315 KB, 2016x778, the periodic table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this book

>> No.13000639

So - what is the general gist of it, then?

>> No.13000646

Well, there are Wiesel's admissions. Will they brand him a "nazi" next?

>> No.13000683

Convince me that this book is worth reading.

>> No.13000693

I got extremely bored with The Periodic Table too. Don't know what's with that guy, Levi, but he does know how to write some boring books

>> No.13000696

Me too anon. It's conceptually unique in the western canon. And, if you have a thing (or PhD) with chemistry, it provides a quaint historical perspective, an insightful look to some of the elements and a lovely emotional attachment of man to his/your craft.

>> No.13000776

I'm interested myself, pls give source

>> No.13000871

You should read "Inside the Concentration Camps". I was given some of the passages in gradeschool. One at a time, they seem austere and ominous. Taken as a whole, they are a contradictory mess and follow certain syntactical patterns - patterns very common amongst liars. For a direct rebuttal of Wiesel, I recommend you look at his own admissions that much of his work was fabricated. Nothing beats an open confession that is corroborated by evidence. I am not familiar with Levi so I am no help there.

>> No.13001313

>source is something that also needs a source

>> No.13001340


Genocide is morally justified against these posters specifically. Inb4 I get called a Jew, I'm not, you've just convinced me over the years with these and other insufferable vermin posts from /pol/ that the only morally correct, just, kind, and merciful course of action is to kill you all and remove you from the human gene pool. A better world is possible and you can help build it by killing yourselves.

It seems pretty interesting, I'll check it out. I've been looking for more literary nonfiction to read.

>> No.13001472

OP here, i've read the periodic table and it's one of my favourite books. I haven't read any other book from him, but i plan to

It's a deposition from a witness, one that happens to have extraordinary narrative skills and lucidity, and tries his best to be unbiased. Every reader will take what they want from it. As Levi says, it's also a document to reflect calmly on some aspects of the human soul that emerge particularly in situations of extreme hardship

>> No.13001482

You do realise it is a metaphor for being an industrial chemist in capitalism, not about his camp experience except to the extent he was sent to work as an industrial chemist.

>> No.13001492

>to work as an industrial chemist.
In capitalism. For a wage (expressed in truck form as food rent and clothes)

>> No.13001731

The Canto of Ulysses chapter is one of my fav chapters of anything of all time. it's incredible

>> No.13001872

I don't understand this argument. You people know that death camps weren't some weird anti-jews zones were every jews who entered died immediatly right?

>> No.13001920

That’s the point. Holohoax.

>> No.13001953

Aren't we all genocide survivors? What does that even mean?

>> No.13002044

Is this bait

>> No.13002183
File: 53 KB, 480x480, P6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this to be superior.

>> No.13002257

>Genocide is morally justified against these posters specifically. Inb4 I get called a Jew, I'm not, you've just convinced me over the years with these and other insufferable vermin posts from /pol/ that the only morally correct, just, kind, and merciful course of action is to kill you all and remove you from the human gene pool. A better world is possible and you can help build it by killing yourselves.

I'm not that crowd, but to be fair, many Jews from Israel are just the same as the posters you quoted: they would think it's fair to gas Arabs and other "enemies".

Nobody learns anything with history. There are no innocent races and cultures; one always need to go for the individual to see if the soul is beautiful or ugly.



>> No.13002458
File: 26 KB, 334x499, 12 Rules for Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He parses myriad ethical quandaries.

He parses myriad ethical quandaries.

>> No.13002490 [DELETED] 

>Genocide is morally justified against these posters specifically. Inb4 I get called a Jew, I'm not, you've just convinced me over the years with these and other insufferable vermin posts from /pol/ that the only morally correct, just, kind, and merciful course of action is to kill you all and remove you from the human gene pool. A better world is possible and you can help build it by killing yourselves.
Look how I can make this argument sound offensive
>Genocide is morally justified against these posters specifically. Inb4 I get called a Nazi, I'm not, you've just convinced me over the years with these and other insufferable vermin posts from Israel that the only morally correct, just, kind, and merciful course of action is to kill you all and remove you from the human gene pool. A better world is possible and you can help build it by killing yourselves.
See how hypocrite you are?
I'm Italian. I've read Levi's book as a kid. It's literally bullshit.
/pol/ posters aren't the one who rape and torture children to suck off their blood in morbid rituals. Jews are. You are a coward, a soulless coward, a faggot. You disgust me

>> No.13002883 [DELETED] 


Oh? So did you just admit they weren't extermination camps and people died because of severed supply lines in war torn Germany? Funny, that.

>> No.13003813
File: 10 KB, 632x26, 1492724586287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same way i don't kill myself every day as it is. i'm too much of a pussy to.

>> No.13003823

Jesus. How many books did he write on that...

>> No.13003875 [DELETED] 

seething jew, your kind was hated for centuries for a good reason.
Dostoevsky was right.

>> No.13004182 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 1073x361, firefox_2019-04-25_14-58-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh. The janny issued a warning because I disagreed with this post? Yeah that's not Jewish at all. How the fuck is commenting on the book mentioned in OP "off topic"? I demand an answer, janny.

In the meanwhile, I'll reiterate my post: Oh? So did you just admit they weren't extermination camps and people died because of severed supply lines in war torn Germany? Funny, that.

>> No.13004521

>I am not familiar with Levi
why tf are you in this thread then
did you just get triggered by the cover lmao