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/lit/ - Literature

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1299258 No.1299258 [Reply] [Original]

I'm on benefits and I get to read all day long. Isn't welfare wonderful?

>> No.1299261

you are living my dream. well either that or being the kind of librarian who gets to choose what books to by (essentially getting paid to read).

tell me how you did it, please.

>> No.1299271


It's very easy.

1) Refuse to work
2) Lie to the Jobcentre about looking for work
3) Invest in an ereader and download your life's reading list or just go to the library (I prefer ereaders since I am a recluse)
4) Read erryday

I've been doing this for about 14 weeks now. It's wonderful.

>> No.1299316

>It's wonderful.

Until those Tory cuts start biting.

>> No.1299320

same, bro, i been on JSA for a few weeks and i buy lots of books. i don't lie about looking for work though, you bum.

>> No.1299343


I can always hope...


LOL you got me. It's easy to sink into the habit though. I was pretty dilligent in jobhunting for the first few weeks, after I took a trial day in a call centre though, I just thought, fuck this shit. Haven't looked back since.

I also read about a famous author (I can't remember who though, dammit) who was on welfare for about two years or so and used that time to read as much as he could, it influenced his later work. I wish I could remember who he was...

>> No.1299359

ok, i did lie about two jobs the last time i had to sign on, and it was my third time signing on, how old are you?

>> No.1299392


See, that's the slippery slope right there lol I'm only 22 though. I don't intend to be on it for the rest of my life, I just want to read another few hundred books first.

>> No.1299420
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into uni
>fees are paid for you
>you get expenses allowance
>£1000 profit for getting into uni
>freak out about going into lectures & generally looking like a freak & having no friends to talk to
>spend weekdays in coffee shops reading
>will now drop out before December since it means the fees haven't been paid yet & it's like you haven't gone/wasted a year
Feels ok. I wish I had friends though. Dunno what I'm gonna do after officially dropping out.

>> No.1299431


I'm actually a uni dropout, that's how I came to be on benefits. It's a strange contrast from having all those student loans and just spending it on anything and everything (mainly drugs) and never reading to being reduced to a couple hundred pounds a month, doing no drugs and constantly reading. Feels good though.

>> No.1299437

Did you stay at a hall of residence (I forget the name in other-countries: college? fraternity?) It's pretty hard to not make friends when you're surrounded by so many other nervous nooblets. If you did and failed, well, sorry.

>> No.1299440

>It's a strange contrast from having all those student loans and just spending it on anything and everything (mainly drugs) and never reading to being reduced to a couple hundred pounds a month, doing no drugs and constantly reading. Feels good though.
Jesus Christ. I would feel sick doing the former. Seems alot more fucked up than being straight edge even though you're unemployed.

>> No.1299446

no i communed from home.

<3 Glasgow public transport.

>> No.1299450

also, you're idea of 'friends' is fucked up. i found people to hang out with during classes but thats just polite.

>> No.1299511

>Jesus Christ. I would feel sick doing the former. Seems alot more fucked up than being straight edge even though you're unemployed.

Well, doing a lot of drugs isn't exactly good for you so I am glad I'm clean now. At the same time though I don't regret it and I have no problems with most drugs when used in moderation. I have no problem with people who are stright edge either, but I wouldn't ever use the term for myself, I don't feel people should classify themselves so readily. I like flexibility.

>> No.1299556


I am genuinely applying for jobs, as well as postgraduate courses and training programmes and anything else I like the look of - but don't think I haven't been tempted to just drop everything and spend all my time reading and writing for pleasure.

>> No.1299567

I get paid $21/hour for doing work that is essential what I would do in my fee time anyways. Then I spend the rest of my time reading. I'm pretty okay with this.

>> No.1299577


>> No.1299596
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>> No.1299603

hoping 2 stretch my grant out till I get another one at l8 January. Not sure if it will last considering how I am buying books for my phil collection, video-games and tracksuit pants out of it :(

>> No.1299618

>buying vidya
bro, just send your xbox to get chipped then download all the games online. since you only play single player anyhow.

>> No.1299659

If you cut welfare spending, more and more people will start to seriously look of work. Paying taxes instead of leeching of them.
Cutting costs and gaining income? Is it magic?
No, only the power of traditional conservative politics.

>> No.1299673
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>> No.1299690

Is welfare just for american citizens?

>> No.1299691

>prefers slavery to love
>doesnt realise not being a materialist fucker is a good thing

>> No.1299699


>> No.1299709


is it true you're a sexually frustrated fat whore ?

>> No.1299713

no /lit/ doesnt kno shit bout me

>> No.1299730

I will continue to abuse the system and claim benefits until I either get bored or it becomes impossible. It's human nature to exploit these sort of things, it makes life easier. I'd prefer to sit at home and read all day rather than go out and clean toilets or sit behind a desk. I just refuse to do it.

The only job I'd consider at the moment would be one in a library. That way not much would change except a pay rise.

>> No.1299732

You should read some Atlas Shrugged on your time off you fucking mooch.

Nah, all trollin aside, that's pretty cool

>> No.1299745

But that would be incredibly ironic. Hipster appeal + 10.

>> No.1299761


lol 'mooch' I like that. I have a shit load of unread Ayn Rand. It's not high up on my list though. In the next few months I will be tackling Dostoevsky, Knut Hamsun, possibly some Don Delillo or Thomas Pynchon (read Vineland so far. Booooring. Such a promising start too. . .) and some more Hemingway.