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/lit/ - Literature

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12990719 No.12990719 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread. What you got, what you want; don't be afraid to explain the grouping or lackthereof a bit

age, gender, occupation

>> No.12990729
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top shelf Japanese and weaboo shit, second shelf Greeks and golden age Russians

misc. and some philosophy. The WIlliam Osler essay set on the right are phenomenal

28, M, medical resident

>> No.12990742
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more misc. shit; have the Loebs because i took a lot of Latin in uni, aka waste of time. Will likely buy better translations in the future of Ovid, Cicero and Virgil since the Loeb translations are just meant to make the direct Latin->English a lot easier to follow along with but make for rather awful actual translations

>> No.12990758
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Whiskey atlas and Calvin and Hobbes don't fit on my singular shelf. Will get another shelf when I move for fellowship. In the process of just buying up some nicer bindings of books I've already read for swapping out shitty bindings for nicer ones. nb4 easton press and franklin library bindings are shit; they're quite nice and make reading a pretty enjoyable experience, same with Folio society bindings and they end up being about the same price when bought second-hand a lot of times

>> No.12991910
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Not my full bookshelf but its a little /pol/lit/ ical
I want more of julius evola and more of seneca

>> No.12991916
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>> No.12991939
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Thats it
I recently got
Seneca: how to die
Mein kampf
Gulag archepelego
KJV of the bible
And 2 other books from seneca but cant recall the name

>> No.12991940

I should really finish Blame.

>> No.12991968
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Grouping is mostly just by books that are somewhat related. Rather small shelf, and didn't have enough room for everything. Always looking to add more theology books to my collection

23, M, law student

>> No.12991988

Can I come live with you?

>> No.12992013

New leather bound books look like they lack any life. There's something about them, be it the silly and ostentatious use of gilt decoration or the fact that they look so untouched that just screams cheap despite being expensive.

>> No.12992031

I wouldn't say that you're entirely wrong, but they can look nice and people obviously do like looking at them, seeing as how they're used quite often in television and movie sets

>> No.12992100
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Oooo, pretty. I see some stuff here I'd want.

This board really only lets you upload shitty low resolution photos and I hate it. I had to downgrade the resolution quite a bit to get this to upload.

>> No.12992106
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30s, m, theology student

>> No.12992112
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>> No.12992120
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>> No.12992126
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>> No.12992134
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>> No.12992140

How is The Three Ages of the Interior Life? Might pick that one up soon

>> No.12992142
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>> No.12992165

Sublime. G-L breaks down the causes of sin and the virtues and fruits of faith. I have not completed it. It really, really is for people who are beginning religious life. I'm not there yet, and may never be.

>> No.12992168
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>> No.12992174
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>> No.12992287

What's the open book?

>> No.12992328

I'll have to check it out. I've been reading Teresa de Avila and St. John of the Cross lately, and it sounds like that book expounds upon the theology presented by the former two

>> No.12992349
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>Box-shelf edition
I keep all my shit in boxes because I don't have space for a shelf and (this is the real reason) im too complacent to go out and buy one when I'm content with my box.

>> No.12992356

The logic textbook for my logic class.

>> No.12992365

gives me hope. is it weird being at uni so much older than most?

>> No.12992376
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6$ Book stand with my current reads on top of my New Explorer Dictionary/Thesaurus

>> No.12992405

O, and if it isent obvious im in college;dorm. Theres no grouping, and im currently reading Traditionalism(Guenon) and Schopenhauer online for my uni and Accelerationism(Already went through Post-Structuralism last year) and revisiting the greeks for my classics English course

>> No.12992409


>> No.12992416
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pic, it's me.

It's weird for me in some ways, fun in others. I've already had my wild years, accomplished things I'm proud of, and don't feel the same urges or insecurities as strongly as some other students. That's it. College has to be done for what I want out of life, and I'm eager to make the most of it.

>> No.12992427
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nigga in 30 years the difference between you and the average person graduating at the same time wont even be remotely noticeable

>> No.12992432

they usually are pretty cheap esp second-hand, but almost all the leatherbounds in my OP pics I've read through page by page, so if anything it speaks to some degree of durability that they still look fairly pristine despite having been read through and pulled back out several times when I'm looking for a certain passage.

How are those Christain Classics edition of Aquinas? I've always wanted a larger colume set since I studied him a lot in undergrad before med school, but everything always looks prohibitively expensive or too unwieldly to practically use. Diggin that shelf though

jelly of your Gogol and Dubliners binding; was searching for a good one, but they all seem so expensive. I've still not read Dead Souls, and for the Dubliners I just want a nice binding to have of it. Also always mad proper for a fellow Calvin and Hobbes fiend. The hardback collectors edition I got for a graduation gift from my parents after med school and I honestly love it; the pages are really high quality

A fellow Loeb fiend. I gave up Latin after uni and will likely never get back into it, so I'm thinking of trading in my Loebs for smoother translations of Virgil, Ovid and Cicero

>> No.12992488
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I'll buy a proper shelf once I get some money.


>> No.12992495
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Mostly weeb shit.
Read Vinland Saga. It's pretty good.

>> No.12992497

Wittgenstein's the Blue and Brown books are awesome, rarely see people with that. How do you navigate getting nice bindings of classic philosophy texts and shitty paperbacks you used in your studies? I need to often mark shit up in denser philosophy books, but I really like some of the nicer bindings some of the older philosophers are starting to get from Folio Society and of course Easton Press and Franklin Library
Super jealous of all those Folio Society bindings; was extremely close to getting the Bertrand Russel binding last year when it was 50% off on their site for their summer sale. Have been wanting to read Master and the Margarita for a long time as well. Also did you read Turing's Cathedral, it looks interesting

Is Murakami the only Japanese author you've tried out? If you dig the golden age Russians, I'm finding some of these "classic" Japanese authors like Osama Dazai, Natsume Soseki, and Yukio Mishima do a similarly good job of really exploring the interior of human nature from a distinctly eastern standpoint

>> No.12992502
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>> No.12992517
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>> No.12992523
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>> No.12992528


I can't bring myself to start Vinland Saga since I don't want a repeat of Berserk where I get invested in a story then is on indefinite hiatus, but have definitely eyed that Nausicaa manga box set before. Only made the connection last year that Nausicaa is paying homage to Nausicaa from Homer's the Odyssey

>> No.12992530
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Read Machado de Assis, from Brazil.

>> No.12992531

I have that edition of the Tractatus too, still can't decide if I prefer the Ogden or Pears/McGuiness translation

>> No.12992547

I definitely recommend that Nausicaa manga box set. It's a great purchase.
I still have my original print Viz Perfect Collection Nausicaa as well.

>> No.12992578

>Wittgenstein's the Blue and Brown books are awesome, rarely see people with that. How do you navigate getting nice bindings of classic philosophy texts and shitty paperbacks you used in your studies? I need to often mark shit up in denser philosophy books, but I really like some of the nicer bindings some of the older philosophers are starting to get from Folio Society and of course Easton Press and Franklin Library

For my studies in philosophy I usually just print out the papers from a school computer and then staple them together. My copies I have on my shelf are not for marking up. I do touch on Wittgenstein's books but he is not one who I have read for philosophy class, so my readings of Wittgenstein are limited and he's someone I'm in the process of trying to get into.

>Super jealous of all those Folio Society bindings; was extremely close to getting the Bertrand Russel binding last year when it was 50% off on their site for their summer sale. Have been wanting to read Master and the Margarita for a long time as well. Also did you read Turing's Cathedral, it looks interesting

Yeah, Russell is awesome. The History of Western Philosophy is what got me started in philosophy as a major. I have not read Turing's Cathedral yet.

>Is Murakami the only Japanese author you've tried out? If you dig the golden age Russians, I'm finding some of these "classic" Japanese authors like Osama Dazai, Natsume Soseki, and Yukio Mishima do a similarly good job of really exploring the interior of human nature from a distinctly eastern standpoint

The Japanese authors I've read are Kobo Abe and Ryu Murukami, and I'm currently working my way through Soseki's Kasumakura, which is on my nightstand so it's not in the picture. I'm the one who just got Sun and Steel printed out from my school's duplicating department and made a thread about it. I plan on reading that after finishing Portrait by Joyce.

I have not read everything in my library, most of it is basically my goodreads to-read list in hard copy.

>> No.12992591
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>> No.12992596
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Sorting is all fucked up; this one is located in the living room and is a compromise of looking presentable, variety/to be read soon, and doesn't fit in other shelves. Don't make fun of my Shakespeare edition, I have a nice one as well +don't even try to shit on Ulysses I have that in 4 or 5 editions.

>> No.12992608
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>> No.12992626

How come none of those books look like they've ever been opened?

>> No.12992648

Close-ups my man

>> No.12992676

what did you expect from a shelf thread nonetheless a law student

>> No.12992707

Why do you have four or five copies of the same book? I get having two, the shitty used paperback you first read it in and a nice bound edition you buy if you really loved the book; but four?
Also, mirin that Nietzsche Editions, welcher Verleger?

>> No.12992802

The thing just follows me, I bought two (paperback/hardcover) got two as presents and won one as a prize. Nietzsche is Hanser Verlag, nothing special but I got it unread for I think 5 Euros each so I couldn't really resist.

>> No.12993005

I like keeping my books in good condition, so I'm usually very careful with them. Though some of them genuinely are new and haven't been read yet

>> No.12993186


>> No.12993238

post moar pics of anon's shelves; i'm digging these

>> No.12993254

Get that unread copy of ij off your shelf, poseur

>> No.12993267

are those hardcover Yotsubas?

It's read; I listened to the audiobook and used the actual copy for the footnotes; I've not read the Pale King on the shelf yet though

>> No.12993277
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Not pictured is phenomenology of spirit, being and time, the tractatus, and the social contract. The three hardcovers on the top left have the meditations and descartes analytic geometry for some reason, and the ethics for Spinoza. Kant has the 3 critiques and prolegomena, hegel has the philosophy of right and the philosophy of history. Planning to buy appearance and reality (F.h. Bradley) and difference and repetition sometime in the future. Top shelf is philosophy, then religion, bottom left is history, and after that is fiction.
I’d rather not say on age and occupation

>> No.12993294

>jelly of your Gogol and Dubliners binding; was searching for a good one, but they all seem so expensive. I've still not read Dead Souls, and for the Dubliners I just want a nice binding to have of it. Also always mad proper for a fellow Calvin and Hobbes fiend. The hardback collectors edition I got for a graduation gift from my parents after med school and I honestly love it; the pages are really high quality
Word. I've had those Calvin and Hobbes stacks since I was a kid, I've read through the whole series about 3 times from the time I was a kid until now. It's really been fundamental in shaping who I am as a person, a fucked up swamp of misery and sin though I may be haha.

>> No.12993302
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>It's read
>I listened to the audiobook

>> No.12993330

hey man, I had a long commute for 12 months, it was nice having some audio books to listen to and it came highly recommended as the narrator really knew it inside and out and made the whole experience great. The only pain was getting home and looking up the footnotes for that ride. Odyssey read by Ian McKellen was also amazing. Most of the other audiobooks I listened to, I definitely would have preferred just reading it (Camus' The Plague, Ovid's Metamorphosis etc.)

>> No.12993349

Same, I have most of the paperback books from childhood still; but I've not sat down and read any since probably elementary school or JHS at the latest, so flipping through them again on those hardbacks was a real nostalgia trip.

Are those hardcovers in the top left from a Harvard Classics collection or something?

>> No.12993365

Just givin' ya shit, mah nigga.

>> No.12993395

Vinland Saga has yet to go on hiatus, tho. And it's better than Berserk, anyways.

Paperback. I didn't knew Yotsubato was ever published in hardcover.

>> No.12994611

>owning physical books
Do you guys not have a tablet/e-reader or what?

>> No.12994655
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Rate my stack. Artsy male.

>> No.12994659

Can't afford one because I spend all my money on books :(

>> No.12994744

Where did you get those ornately bound hard covers? What's the publisher?

>> No.12994759

where do you guys get your books?

>> No.12994780

I would post mine, but I'm embarrassed at how much YA is still on it that I haven't bothered to sell yet. also,
>all these poseurs with new leatherbound books

>> No.12994802

i-i'll eventually read all those pristine theology books and those leatherbound greek and roman classics! i didn't fall for a fad!

>> No.12994833

I only buy used books on ebay

>> No.12994854

I do this too. I'm still lamenting over falling asleep and missing the final bid for a leatherbound edition of To The Lighthouse

>> No.12995150
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i'm noticing a lot of shelves seem to lean towards a utilitarian understanding of being. psychology-heavy diagrams absent of mysticism. this is worrisome. man is a dreamer annie, and not of one mind.

yeh i was kidding, mostly.

i want to learn latin. it's not a requirement but definitely something i want to pick up.

>How are those Christain Classics edition of Aquinas?
not that anon but they're dope. Benziger bro's very definitive 20th century edition, with imprimatur. there's a nice side by side english latin edition out there, just put out in the past year or so. no imprimatur. i'm sure it's fine but yeah. money.

when i first gazed into your eyes i knew you was my weeb.

based blake. i want that either/or (in EN).

pushups for the pushups god

>FF7 and borges and whitman and frost
i sing the metaphorical limit break

pic unrelated

>> No.12995192

Thrift stores, estate and yard sales, mostly.

>> No.12995216

>Cigarettes, “fit tea”, damaged usb cable, general mess
That’s a hard doubt from me friend.

>> No.12995275

I've seen that same edition of the Bible around this board for a while. Anyone have an opinion on it? Everything I've seen that wasn't complaining about it being NRSV was about the text being incredibly tiny. Is this a real problem or is it standard pocket book size type?

>> No.12995314

>Buying the ones with the pretty covers

>> No.12995323

4mb is excessive, you do not need photos at a rez that high.

>> No.12995358
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I'd recommend the version that I have, if you don't mind KJV. The annotations are great and do an amazing job at explaining historical context

>> No.12995396

>Reading the KJV
Pocket bibles are pure religious pseudery. Just get a proper St. Ignatius study bible and enjoy the enlightenment

>> No.12995399
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19, male, soldier
Am I based yet?

>> No.12995540

cringe and meme pilled

>> No.12995545

Some nice books but absolutely no individuality

>> No.12995577
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19, student from Putinland, rate

>> No.12995580

You obviously get your reading list from /pol/ and /lit/, which was your first mistake.
In all seriousness though you're reading good books but try to branch out a little. Try some American cannon. Read Steinbeck. Do some professional military reading. Read Starship Troopers. Read Rommel's autobiography (that'll be good for your /pol/ tendencies too).

>> No.12995581

What is the Russian translation of IJ like?

>> No.12995618

just finished it yesterday, mostly good, considering it was made by two people who had no proper education and worked on it for years mostly out of love for the book. I'll probably try it in English at some point as well

>> No.12996016


>> No.12996098

if you can read english, why read translations of english works?

>> No.12996151

Onko sulla tosiaan vaan kaks suomenkielistä kirjaa, mortti?

>> No.12996191

not him but i know some people who have read translations of gravity's rainbow, ulysses, works from the 18th or 19th century, etc. because the originals were "too hard" to read.

>> No.12996198
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I don't have an up to date picture of my shelf, might take one once I put these on, but this is what I bought today.

The Kipling book is his poetry.

28, male, between jobs. Not NEET, just got laid off and just waiitng on a start date for my new job. Going from commercial banking to a data analyst role.

>> No.12996209
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This is my gf's shelf, r8

>> No.12996241

Bit sparse but not terrible.

>> No.12996265
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Very nice shelf I'm jealous of all those Franklin library editions and your yotsuba volumes.
Same with you, and that summa is looking pretty hefty. Very jealous.
I've seen you post before and you have one of the best shelves here. What is your theology course like I'd be very interested to know.
Damn where is everyone getting all these Franklin editions. BTW how is that folio Ulysses? I've heard the text was revised for it, can you comment on the quality of these revisions?
Good taste with those ps2 games as well.
As /lit/ as it comes. Maybe make little paper tags for easier identification in the box? How's that accelerationist book btw? I've been considering picking it up.
Very nice manga collection, wish I had even half of it.
Wh-Why Dolmio? Also what are those books to the left of Hitler I can't quite make them out.
Such lovely German hardcovers. Wish I knew the language just to be able to have something that nice.
Very nice collection, thought it was Sadler posting when I saw all the philosophy but you have a wide range of interests. Is that art history book any good?
That Bible is going to fall and crush you one day. Where did you get it though I might pick it up.
Where did you get that Kalevala? I've been looking for a good edition but only found shitty paperbacks.
Very big books. Very pretty backs. Though I don't know what half of them are because Russian ;w;

>> No.12996269
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>> No.12996275
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The top of my shelf. That model ship is 200+ years old.

>> No.12996290

Apologies I meant to the right of Hitler.

>> No.12996331
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I've only really started thinking about lit properly in the past year or two. How am I doing?

>> No.12996370

I got the kalevala at a Finnish fleamarket, it's from 1972. Good luck finding one like that online

>> No.12996382

Yes that's where I got my book recommendations up till now. I knew nothing about literature before coming here and got the ones that sounded interesting to me and were hyped to be good. I think I've found what I like now and the more recent books I've found reflect my own taste more than group consensus. If you have any more recommendations send them my way

>> No.12996392

>Procopius' Secret History
>Old book on Tacitus printed in the 1920's that I thought was Tactius but is actually just ON Tacitus (still good)
>Xenophon's Anabasis

what translation is that Everyman's Library Homer?

>> No.12996399

Robert Fitzgerald. Excellent translation.

>> No.12996400

>SF Masterworks
damn those books are ugly as sin

>> No.12996417

what did you think of the iliad

>> No.12996430

Agreed, I don't really want to get any more of them because of that. Cheap as chips, however.

>> No.12996654

i used to use a kindle to read books, but physical books have an aesthetic sensation

Easton Press and Franklin Library mostly, they are usually very cheap on ebay and amazon and esp in second-hand bookstores if you keep your eyes open. I think spent spent about $20 on average per book.

leatherbounds look nice after being read several times, which is part of their draw

digging the Blame! my dude; i picked up the Yotsuba at first just because it was one of the easiest mangas to read in Japanese at first and I knew it was from the creator of Azumanga, but I fell in love with the series after the first volume. It's like a more wholesome Calvin and Hobbes sort of

I see that Japanese Grammar, are you studying for any JLPT level in particular?

I listened to it as an audio book since I heard some of the epics were better that way and honestly was not super into it, felt a lot like of lists (boats, lineages, etcetc)really slowed some of the story down. THe Odyssey on audiobook was amazing and swept me away with a real sense of adventure. I think part of the issue could have been the narrators themselves. Next go around I will try reading but I am undecided with I want to go with a more lyrical translation like last time or a more prose-heavy translation

>> No.12996725

wait why are you getting books if you only listen to audiobooks?

>> No.12996778

Damn, everyone's got Blame. I don't have enough room for the whole series, but its my favorite manga, the only one I ever gave a shit about enough to read.
>Damn where is everyone getting all these Franklin editions. BTW how is that folio Ulysses? I've heard the text was revised for it, can you comment on the quality of these revisions?
Good taste with those ps2 games as well.

Thanks. And Franklin editions are just as common on ebay as easton press. They're good deals, as long as you get the right pressing. Some FL is distinctly lower quality.

Yes, the formatting of the FS ulysses is different. Absolutely beautiful to look at on the page. I am about half way done with Joyce's Portrait and I have only read the first chapter of Ulysses so I can't comment in depth.

I want that Matt Kish Moby Dick. I might just stow some at my parent's house.

>> No.12996795

Homer was a pseud

>> No.12996811
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>steals books from the library

Checks out. I bet you like touching kids too

>> No.12996880

It's very expensive to get books in English from here, for me it also takes twice as long to read

>> No.12996893
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Always nice to see some other Franklin/Easton/Folio collectors!


>> No.12996898
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32, M, Insurance

>> No.12996905
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Excuse the Billy shelves and lack of sorting.

>> No.12996908
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Sorry to ask this, new to /lit/

I want my books to look aesthetic too but I don’t know which publisher has the covers with the designs of the first line like this >>12991968
Does this design have a name ? Looks absolutely gorgeous

>> No.12996910

How can you tell lower quality FL presses from better ones online?

>> No.12996917
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>> No.12996918

What did you make of Point Counter Point?

>> No.12996932
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Avoid FL from the late 80s through 90s. As the business started to fail, they started taking a lot of shortcuts in construction and using lower grade materials. I’ve noticed similar issues with early 2000’s folio editions.

>> No.12996939
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>> No.12996947

So just FL from before the 80s? Thanks a lot.

>> No.12996948

The shitty FL ones aren't fully covered in leather. It's pretty obvious and easy. Also, sometimes FL editions have very beautifully textured leather and more flamboyant indented gold designs, but those tend to be more expensive and those are at the high-high end of FL.

FL tends to fluctuate in quality a lot. You have the shitty ones which were from their declining period, you have the normal ones which usually go for a bit less than Easton Press but desu are probably just as good, then you have the ultra high end ones which go for hundreds or in rare cases thousands (as with the oxford divine comedy) and the ones with special leather.

>> No.12996958

Easton Press, Folio Society and Franklin Library print books like those.

>> No.12997001

The early 80s were still good quality. Like the other anon posted, their cheap copies are usually quarter-bound in leather (ie. spine only) or bound in leatherette/plastic. They also got rid of the moire silk end papers for marbled paper and lost the silk ribbon.

>> No.12997077


>> No.12997228
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>What is your theology course like
Thanks. Without giving away the school, I'll tell you that I'm a new student and the core curriculum for someone in my position is a series of classes that cover the catechism and Bible. It's what you expect. That's a very nice shelf! I'm jelly.

That's my travel/bedside bible. I don't have a proper study bible yet, and read my old Salem-Kirban KJV when I want to give my eyes a break. If I had to pick one for study purposes I'd take a full size annotated Cambridge NRSV. The theological dictionary helps a great deal, more than a study bible would.

If you heard someone griping about the size of the font, it was probably me. If you're young or use reading glasses it's not really a problem. The print is about the same size as those little military pocket New Testaments. But the type is thinner/fainter and there's more ghosting. Overall I'm happy with it.

>> No.12997257

A new student with such a large collection of theology texts? How did that happen?

>> No.12997274

I've collected those books over years, anon. This is not a new interest, but going to school for it is.

>> No.12997288
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Now? Mostly Bookoff, sometimes Mercari, Yahoo Auctions, Jimbocho, Kinokunya and Amazon.

>> No.12997293

Yes my apologies I only saw that you were ~30 after I made that post. Did the school have a mature students program or something like that?

>> No.12997315

No worries. And no, nothing like that. I'm not *that* old.

>> No.12997332

Interesting. I only ask because here the unis let people over 25 apply for courses as 'mature students' and usually you can't get into any courses after the age of 21 otherwise. Have fun with your course!

>> No.12997416
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>> No.12997431

this is a classic artists' apartment

>> No.12997508

>Plutarch "SELECTED lives"


>> No.12997629

These bindings upset pseuds not only because they're new and lack any visible signs of wear, but because by virtue of being well-crafted hardcovers they're unlikely to accumulate them any time soon. These are very disturbing qualities in books to your average il/lit/erati who yearns to demonstrate nicely creased and cracked "definitely perused and totally not pseud" paperback spines more than he wants to actually read the very pages they hold together. In their eyes, investing in a sturdy, luxurious leather or nicely decorated buckram bindings to please the owner's eye and provide the books with more longevity is antithetical to the one and only reason of owning physical books at all; that is to serve as an achievement display that would quickly and unambiguously communicate to the two drunken girls and three college dudebros who visit their studio apartment once a year just how authentically e/lit/e and genuinely well-read the owner is, whilst definitely not trying to pretend to want to hope to look like it. Plus, the price factor also breaks some typical self-imposed illusions of being a chosen member of some semi-secret class of penniless bohemian intellectuals, engaged in cultural guerilla warfare on the back line of a grand army of philistine en-pee-see bougies, that so many younger members of /pol/-for-smart-people seem to be under. These are quite hilarious idiosyncrasies and I can wholeheartedly recommend skimming through some older shelf threads to find people both accusing someone of buying particular bindings to show off and chastising the others for not having their spines project the required aura of "well-readness" quite strong enough all in a single post.

>> No.12997696

You're actually entirely right. I also buy leatherbound books because they feel really nice to hold, plus the collecting aspect can be quite enjoyable. I can't afford expensive first editions, but being able to collect a set of well crafted leatherbound editions is a fun hobby. There are just so many people on /lit/ who project their insecurities onto other people

>> No.12997737
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Why even buy shelves when you can do this? lol

>> No.12997801

is The Stand any good?

>> No.12997844

Maybe if the editor cut the book down by about 2/3rds

>> No.12997991

99% of books I read, there were just a few I listened to when I had a long commute.

What are those green volumes on the lower shelf of? I can't quite make them out

that Beowulf looks really cool, is it Easton Press? And what translation is it? I've been wanting a nice binding of some primary works of non-Greek mythology

Where do you pick up most of your Folio Societies? I can usually find Easton Press and Franklin Library easily on ebay etc. but Folio Societies are a bit harder to find the ones I want. Jelly of your Kafka FS, I was super close to getting all three of those last summer when they were 50% off on the FS site. Also really want that Gilgamesh, Seneca, History of the Church, Xenophon, and Leviathan FS bindings;am very jelly

>> No.12998053

I see your FS copy of Camus' The Plague has the title facing the other way as well. Mine does too, and I though it was some sort of mistake just on my copy or something; kind of bothers me since it's the reverse of every other spine on my shelf. Really jelly of all your FS editions, wish htey weren't so expensive/hard to track down on ebay and amazon for good prices.

Really impressive shelves though; am very jelly, thanks for sharing

>> No.12998092

I'm in teh same boat; proper first editions are way out of my price range, but second-hand easton press, franklin library and even Folio societies really still feel amazing to read on, an aesthetic experience in its own right, but also really do last a long time without really signs of wear and tear; letting me keep them for years and forseeable decades across moving and so on

>> No.12998231

The green volumes are the Easton Press Great Military Commanders set. They cover war diaries and commentaries like Caesers Gaellic Wars. Should be 7 books, but I’m missing Patton.

The Easton press Beowulf is the Tolkien translation. A bit out of date, but still readable. It’s got some really illustrations from the Queen of Denmark that I’ll post when I get home.

I get 90% of my Folio society books from second hand stores in my city. I’m in Canada, and from what I understand Golios are a lot more common here as a commonwealth country than the States. I would search Abebooks by publisher to find cheap copies, although most will ship out of the UK. Word to the wise, if you order from the UK pay for extra packaging. Standard shipping from UK booksellers seems to be just throwing it in a burlap sack.

>> No.12998247

Consumerism, the thread.

>> No.12998261

Thanks anon. That copy of The Plague came out in 1987, I believe in 1988 they changed the spine text to run from top to bottom rather than bottom to top.

>> No.12998289

leave /lit/, the comment

>> No.12998291

Yeah I've bought a few new straight from teh FS site and paid an arm and leg for shipping; the rest I find randomly at second hand shops or the internet; but often the ones I am looking for cost several hundred dollars or are simply not for sale by anyone (looking at you Tales of Genji)

>> No.12998300

>Familia Rōmāna
Truly based. Have you finished it?

>> No.12998324

>paying for books

>> No.12998376

Is it bad if I have a fetish for black and orange Penguin Classics?

>> No.12998444


they're not printed on creamy delicious acid free paper

>> No.12998604

Penguin Classics have a pretty active collector market on AbeBooks. I like the look, but collecting paperbacks is a bit more ephemeral than hardcovers, so my OCD wouldn’t be able to hack it.

>> No.12998622

honestly same, they satisfy my autism far better than hardbacks and leatherbacks

>> No.12998639


Supremely based

>> No.12998661

Woah now thats a hot new take

>> No.12998664

the accelerationist book is actually really good, it goes through the history of it and really spoon feeds the ideas to you easily. It made have any interest in some of the stuff prior to the accelerationist movement like Structulalism and Lacan

>> No.12998772

The full two-volume sets are all like $200-400 for an easton press binding; i got that (admittedly) lower quality franklin library binding for $15, though I'd have spent $25 for the nicer FL binding in hindsight.

>> No.12999309

It sparkled from start to end. My favourite book of Huxley’s.

>> No.12999331

I was studying Japanese at one point but due to a change in circumstances, it no longer has any use for me. Just a relic of a different time in my life. For those interested in learning Japanese I cannot recommend it enough. Best Japanese learning tool I’ve come across. To be used in tandem with a textbook, though.

>> No.12999348

You're not actually supposed to own any yotsuba. It's just for learning

>> No.12999370
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don't eat anything she cooks

>> No.12999832

all of you are gay retards

>> No.12999886

Who hurt you?

>> No.12999953

based incel

>> No.13000736

Not yet. I got it somewhat recently since an anon recommended it over Wheelock's

>> No.13000740

It works best when you use both simultaneously.

>> No.13001081
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>tfw bought ~150 paperbacks the last two years
>tfw paid full price for almost all of them

Think I've spent about 2000€ on paperbacks these past two years. Shit's expensive.

>> No.13001125

>that Hitler shrine

>> No.13001128

>Easton Press and Franklin Library mostly, they are usually very cheap on ebay and amazon and esp in second-hand bookstores if you keep your eyes open. I think spent spent about $20 on average per book.
thanks pal

>> No.13001131

>half of them are cookbooks
good woman.

>> No.13001133

I like the look of the old green and purple penguins the most. They also feel great compared to most modern paperbacks

>> No.13001239

How is the Hermetic tradition?
Also cringe at faggots saying this is /pol/ tier just because of Evola and CofC. kys pseuds

>> No.13001900


>> No.13001903

I have that same Woolf

>> No.13002019

His work was better when he actually had an editor. Now that he gets payed by the word he's re-releasing his best sellers. Doesn't this edition have a whole chapter about frans notes from the committee meetings?

>> No.13002592

when marilyn manson is least edgecringe in your stack

>> No.13002844

95% of this is pure garbage, just take it outside and set it on fire.

>> No.13004359

based national socialist

>> No.13004580

Nothing wrong in burning poor quality 'books'

>> No.13005830

>putting Yotsuba right next to GitS

>> No.13006463
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22, male, chemistry student. I attempt to keep my books organized by author and subject. Rate.

>> No.13008504

Seems quite autistic.

>> No.13008513

>Polgár Judit's Chess

B A S E D and goulash pilled.

>> No.13009472
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>> No.13009477

its by her dad

>> No.13009664

not bad anon, from what other anons have recommended, read Imperium

>> No.13009726

its a good place for everyone to start, I too began there.

>> No.13009755

unique thats for sure

>> No.13009785

Why do americans have such shiny and colourful book covers? Ive legit never seen anything like this

>> No.13009791

how much did you get on your STEP 1 Anon ?

>> No.13009795

where can i get all these old books for cheap? goodwill? salvation army? local "used bookshop" was just wineaunt shitshow. living in ATL. chicago this summer

>> No.13009800

Mammon cult aka Reagonomics

>> No.13009804
File: 240 KB, 300x371, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. why do you have all these women's books? theyre all vapid and uninteresting.

Natsocs didnt burn good books, they (mainly educated university students by their own free will) burnt jewish smut- rightfully so. It is in fact the jewish americans that burned the most books after the war as they set foot in Germany. They burned good and notable textbooks that children learned well from in school.

>> No.13009809

Dann, you should get the rest of the collection too

>> No.13009813

better than wasting that money on useless consumerism crap like clothing and the newest botnet gadget. the truth and all that is good will always cost more than delusion, lies and degeneracy.

>> No.13009814


>> No.13009856
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>> No.13009898

it's fine as long as you're not buying translations

>> No.13009901

where can i get all these old books for cheap? goodwill? salvation army? local "used bookshop" was just wineaunt shitshow. living in ATL. chicago this summer

plz respond. thinking about going to local library booksale - wondering whether it would be worth 1hr drive roundtrip

>> No.13009916

Did you happen to buy a number of these at a charity shop

>> No.13009920


Not him but I have bought 2/3rds of my books from Oxfam.

>> No.13010137

I did not, they are all new

>> No.13010178

buy second hand nigger what the fuck are you doing

>b-b-but muh creases muh yellow pages
buying books period is enough consumptive behaviour for me I don't need them all to be pristine
it's also nice to know they've changed hands and have a history as long as one of the owners hasn't ejaculated his faggoty thoughts on to it in notes or underlining

>> No.13010368


How are those? I've only reas Campaign Trail, Hell's Angels, and The Rum Diary. Are they worth a read if l'm primarily interested in his non-fiction?

>> No.13010507
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>> No.13010660

As an Iranian myself I can tell you she was a rich elite girl who supported the communists and whined about her loss of her families wealth. She doesnt have a good idea of what the average Iranian felt during and before the revolution.

>> No.13010769

>Japanese authors like Osama Dazai, Natsume Soseki, and Yukio Mishima
>I've read are Kobo Abe and Ryu Murukami
I've read kobo abe ark sakura and Yasunari Kawabata's snow country. Both were pretty good. I liked abe better. I'm waiting for thriftbooks to restock Osama dazai but I wanted to try him out as well. Thriftbooks has a lot of Japanese authors from their classic era.

>> No.13010832
File: 1.96 MB, 2880x2160, 20190426_213113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorting is random right now.

23, M, ESL student. 1/7


Is your Plato an Everyman's Library publication? How about War and Peace?

Breddy good overall, although l'm usually not a fan of leatherbound books because the ones l've seen (from Penguin, l think) looked really tacky, but l like yours.

Answer my question about HST fgt >>13010368

But where's your Aenid?

Jeez, also hnnnnnng
How much did that set you back?

Books deserve better treatment.


Why is your Bleeding Edge so thicc?

>> No.13010843
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>> No.13010851
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>> No.13010862
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>> No.13010874
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>> No.13010885
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Mostly dumb genre stuff l read when l was actually getting into reading

>> No.13010891
File: 2.12 MB, 2880x2160, 20190426_213408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more genre stuff

>> No.13010940

Based and Sadepilled

>> No.13010959

>How much did that set you back?
Idk, a few thousand.

>> No.13011657


>> No.13012324
File: 3.67 MB, 3677x2968, CA1EE0CF-F724-456C-9716-F4A4C8618960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13012976


>tfw check a tiny local bookshop and find a Loeb goldmine

Boethius, 2 vol Ovid, 2 vol Virgil, 2 vol Horace all for $50 hot damn

>> No.13012985

absolutely based shelf anon. I've heard the Penguin Milton is shit compared to the Hughes edition though, how do you like your edition?

>> No.13013103


This one is good! Really useful endnotes and it includes the essential Latin verse letters to Diodati, unlike some "Complete Poems" of Milton. Hughes is the standard, and even the Modern Library editions have footnotes instead of endnotes, and from remarkable Milton scholars

>> No.13013110

Aesthetic except for gay anime shit

>> No.13013143

Nice comfy shelf, Anon.

>> No.13013167
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Luck was on your side that day.

>> No.13013180

good deal anon!

based and patrician pilled. I have that same riverside chaucer. It's perfect. What shelf is that? It seems the perfect size for my books plus some myth/lit stuff.

>How much did that set you back?
I dunno. Collected over a period of ~10 years. Definitely worth it.

I like these. Have you read A Passage to India? I saw the film some years ago, was pretty good. Coriolanus is also so good.

nice variety.

>> No.13013246

Lol @ soldier monni

>> No.13013251


>> No.13013265

>DMT book
>gets piss tested randomly

nah. too much Joe Rogan. do like anon said and branch out a little. clothing sales unironically has some good books, or used to: EB Sledge, Robert Leckie, Stephen Ambrose, Lendon's Soldiers and Ghosts is probably still there. If you're at Hood or from Texas, you may be interested in Fehrenbach's history Lone Star. and it's never too early to study for the board.

>> No.13013266

Oh shit, cool. I'll have to check it out. I'm taking a Milton course next semester and I want to get a head start. I think we use the Hughes, but my local library doesn't have it and I don't want to drop fifty bucks to rent it early. Nice Riverside Chaucer too, just finished The Canterbury Tales. I hope I'll learn to appreciate Chaucer later on. Middle english was fun for the first twenty pages and then shitty for the rest.

>> No.13013656
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i've been thinking about selling some of the series (eragon,metro etc) because i bought them as a kid and i consider them mediocre at the best but i'm too sentimental to do that. Plz no bully ;^(

>> No.13013659
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>> No.13013660
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>> No.13013669
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the series on the left is The Dark Tower by S.King

>> No.13013788

Cool metro collection anon. How are the spin-offs in comparison to the main books? Also, did you like futu.re?

>> No.13013900 [DELETED] 

Thanks, Anon. Again, I really love your shelf. Since you're a theology student, I have a question: which Bible should I read? I was raised Orthodox, if that matter, but I'd rather read it in English than my native language.

>Have you read A Passage to India? I saw the film some years ago, was pretty good. Coriolanus is also so good.

The only ones I haven't read are Inferno, which I dropped halfway, and Sons of Lovers, because the bag it was in was stolen by a gypsy woman and it had four missing pages when the cops found it.

A Passage to India was strangely comfy and made me wish I was a Brit in 1800s India. Coriolanus is Shakespeare's GOAT, the only thing that comes close for me is Richard III.

>> No.13013916

Thanks, Anon. Again, I really love your shelf. Since you're a theology student, I have a question: which Bible should I read? I was raised Orthodox, if that matter, but I'd rather read it in English than my native language.

>Have you read A Passage to India? I saw the film some years ago, was pretty good. Coriolanus is also so good.

The only ones I haven't read are Inferno, which I dropped halfway, and Sons of Lovers, because the bag it was in was stolen by a gypsy woman and it had four missing pages when the cops found it.

A Passage to India was strangely comfy and made me wish I was a Brit in 1800s India. Coriolanus is Shakespeare's GOAT, the only thing that comes close for me is Richard III.

>i've been thinking about selling some of the series (eragon,metro etc) because i bought them as a kid and i consider them mediocre at the best but i'm too sentimental to do that.

>tfw I bought dumb shit and people gifted me even dumber shit

But yeah, I'm too much of a pussy to get rid of them too. I still even have two John Green books.

>> No.13013946
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>tfw want to buy the horus heresy series cheaply at a second hand shop
>know I'll lose /lit/ street cred for having them in my shelf

>> No.13014013

I think futu.re it best glukhovsky book and i really enjoyed it. When it comes to metro collection,
Pieter is objectively best metro book, even better then 2033(second best)
Diakov trilogy is also really good but last book is losing on quality and is not as good as previous ones.
Rest is kinda meh. When it comes to metro i really like those tiny underground passages, not open spaces and adventures to the other side of the globe(roots of heaven for example).If you are looking for some fast action in semi post apocalyptic world without any major plot twists u can try it, but even then i still wouldn't recommend (that is if you are not interested in things like neo-fascists from Argentina breeding super soldiers to reclaim their European lands)

I bought the first book and got irritated by the fact that i couldn't fully understand every single word so i downloaded whole horus heresy and im reading it on my kindle :^)

>> No.13014020

Took me a long time to realise that these photos aren't satirical.

>> No.13014042

Don't like the look of these at all. They look like the ornamental books idiots buy to make their living room look "classy."

>> No.13014078


>> No.13014081
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19, male, I'll be studying classic philology next year

>> No.13014108
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Plus my bedside table

>> No.13014122

You need some good ole sinning with lope de vega. Also santa teresa and their angel raping poems

>> No.13014416

I know you said that's your gf's shelf, but have you read Hillbilly Elegy by any chance? If so, what's it like?

I've been meaning to get it for years now, but I've been souring on Trump since pretty much the day he took office, and the only places I've seen it mentioned are politics news sites that called it pretty much the elegy of the Trump voter. Is it partisan/biased, or is it an actual good read?

>> No.13014436

Can I get a close-up of that lit af red Danny Brown?

>> No.13014558

I'm pretty sure they have some acid-free paper editions. I'm not at home right now and can't check, but I think I have a book or two that had an infinity symbol or something on the cover, and those are supposed to be on acid-free paper. Will check.

>> No.13014723

What Iranian books should I read, anon? Preferly theology and philosophy, but other works might be of interest as well

>> No.13014968 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13015034

>Why is your Bleeding Edge so thicc?
it has really thicc pages but it's around 500 pages as it should be

>> No.13015168

I haven't read it myself, but my mom really liked it. The author is conservative, so it's not some awful polemic, but a lot of it is about how people in Appalachia have a sort of learned helplessness that informs a lot of their thought

>> No.13015887


Ikea shelf! It used to be half fiction and half poetry, now I’ve found room for Greece and only one square is fiction lol. Yeah Chaucer never stops giving, I can never get enough. I started having dreams about the medieval period the last few years and it drew me into that literature, only two years ago did I think to discover medieval english like Geoffy C and Malory’s Artorius

>> No.13016093
File: 214 KB, 806x1000, cam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about Orthodox bibles, but I can tell you the NAB or NABRE is what Catholics use. I prefer the NRSV because of its accuracy and clarity, perhaps I am indiffierent to its alleged lack of poetry after years of reading the New International Version instead of KJV. If I was to buy a new Bible for myself, it'd be the Cambridge Annotated Study Bible. Offers definitions, chapter/verse links to relevant passages in other books, and exegesis afterwards. Pic related.

yeh, it's nice. jelly of that norton anthology of english lit. milton, emerson, frost, all essential lads. missin' that longfellow and wreck of the hesperus. beautiful shelf again my man.

>> No.13016127

nice to see the semi obscure ones get an outing

>> No.13016141

i like this one

>> No.13017424

these are great

>> No.13017589
File: 3.15 MB, 3968x2976, 1556411156531552434910643851944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poetry shelf

>> No.13018475


I was deeply reading Frost last month, sometimes reading him as American Chaucer. As for Longfellow, I love Evangeline a lot, and I understand he was the most important poets in many many ways, but I've never gone deep into his work. The meter of Hiawatha is so amazing...you make me want to read him! Frost named his first book after Longfellow after all...

You mention you read the NRSV, have you ever considered the RSV 2nd Catholic edition?

>> No.13018763

Nice Manet print

>> No.13018978

>RSV 2nd Catholic ed
No, I have not. I should take a look. Thank you for the suggestion.

based. Merchant of Venice is also amazing. the quality of mercy speech gets me erry time.