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File: 12 KB, 180x240, 180px-Bakunin_Nadar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12991582 No.12991582 [Reply] [Original]

Whats /lit/ thought on Bakunin and anarchism?

>> No.12991595

A loser in this life and a loser in the afterlife.

>> No.12991608


He was almost the antichrist

>> No.12991624

He died in poverty and he wasn't really as influential as others in his time like Marx, a loser.

>> No.12991655

extremely edgy chap. Pathologically antagonistic towards authority or restrictions of any kind on his behavior

>> No.12991701

based and redpilled

>> No.12991714

i live by his thoughts on jews and marx

>> No.12991719

Whats his thoughts on jews and marx?
now im curious

>> No.12991728
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>> No.12991736
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—Mikhail Bakunin, Etude sur les juifs allemands, 1869

>> No.12991741

is this a real quote? Because the levels of anti-acidity and crimson capsuling are off the charts

>> No.12991747
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>> No.12991749

100% savage

>> No.12991794

I'm pretty enthusiastic about anarchy I detest reading anarchist theorists as at this point I am very focused on positive liberty and community progress. Forming an ideology based on bitching about authority just seems like an epic waste of time. Oh so we are oppressed? Oh so we need socialism? Trivial, boo-hoo.
That doesn't mean I won't be out chya tossing moltavs and stealing shit if these punks ever decide to get off their ass.

>> No.12991802

Stealing from who?

>> No.12991807

People or entities I do not like >:^)

>> No.12991816

ebin. you could do that now too though. The professional burglar class are so fucking dumb that if you're smart at all you will probably get away with a lot

>> No.12991821

never read Bakunin but read Kropotkin, Rocker, Bookchin, Stirner, and Chomsky and in the final analysis anarchism is highly abstract and impractical, and at best, as in the case of Chomsky, a naive and ineffectual kind of reformism.

>> No.12991844

Honest theivery is hard work. Not for me.

>> No.12991856

the state of anarchists

>> No.12991865

>I told you man, I told you about the states.

>> No.12991875

is there a chart on individualist anarchism

>> No.12991878

He didn't tell him about the tanks in Catalan though

>> No.12991901

>seeking /lit/'s authority on the traditional philosophical authorities of rejecting all group think and authority in the streamlined form of a flowchart

never gonna make it, bootlicker

>> No.12991930
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>> No.12992548
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Bakunin is a pretty dope writer but a shitty anarchist thinker, absolutely awful materialist and his criticism of Marx is weak as well.

His (only?) big book "Statism and Anarchy" is actually pretty decent as a supplement for people who are interested in the history of the socialist movement and European 19th century geopolitics, but otherwise it's not a very helpful work and has very, very little to do with anarchism. His strength lies in his philosophical and anti-theological writings - seriously, I have never heard a better argument against the existence of God than from Bakunin. I am NOT talking about "God and the State", that work is fragmentary and far from completion, many of the ideas in it are actually taken from previous articles he wrote which were much more competent and developed.

Too bad most of those are only available in Russian and French lol.

>> No.12992570

link the Russian or French articles about God if you know where they are

>> No.12992606

wish marx could have seen what communist states would become, bakunin btfod him so hard

>> No.12992678

I read all of them in a 2014 release collection of his writings. If you read Russian it's called Гocyдapcтвeннocть и Aнapхия (yes, they named the collection after the actual book he authored, which is also in it, confusing I know) published by Teppa/Книгoвeк. This reminded me, there is actually an alternative extended ending to "God and the State" which isn't in English, but it's nothing much really.

If you read French here's the article the book sourced its translation from:
Considérations philosophiques sur le fantôme divin, le monde réel et l’Homme
I'd post a link but I don't know how the site reacts, the PDF of it is one of the first results anyway.

Idk if it's the full thing, either way you can find the text in "Bakounine M. Ouvres" T. 3 P. 183-405 Appendice.
There's also "Anti-theologism" which afaik isn't found in its entirety (like 60 pages) online. The books sources Max Nettlau's first collected works of Bakunin publication of 1895..

>> No.12992774

Found the French pdf, ty.

>> No.12993516

Dude was badass. Like Orsen Wells, except that he wasn’t a loser
Except that he lived the way he wanted. And yes he did end up being right with his critique of Marx. He wasn’t the intellectual Marx was, but he knew enough to judge Marx where he was wrong. Not being as influential in Russia was to their detriment

Ha! I’m curious now. What’s so impractical about it?