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12990993 No.12990993[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I'm gonna read russian writers because i have absolutely no personal taste and heard these guys wrote good things lol!!!!

>> No.12990999

Did someones oneitis get fucked by a Russian or something

>> No.12991000

I read them cause they're in the school curriculum man

>> No.12991001
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>> No.12991003

What? No! I’m no basedbeta male! I’m never reading Russians again!

>> No.12991007

>don't read books by people who have a reputation for writing well

>> No.12991010
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>> No.12991013

i mean go for it


go for it man i don't see a problem with taking advice

i borrow insults to criticise others' lack of free thought

>> No.12991014


>> No.12991015

Russkies are surprisingly good
In real life they’re worse than the Irish but not quite as bad as gypsies

>> No.12991024

the trips of truth

>> No.12991033
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>Russkies are surprisingly good

>> No.12991050

I love Russian women
They're the most beautiful in the world
Russian women belong to BAGC (Big Aryan German Cock)

>> No.12991056
File: 209 KB, 640x887, 1555937996229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12991086

This, based

>> No.12991088
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>> No.12991092

So it's true: great art comes from great plight.

>> No.12991102

of course they should, because im right

>> No.12991123

I like Tolstoy, I like Biely, enjoyed Dostoyevsky, enjoyed Bulgakov, curious about Goncharov. I read other stuff too. What’s the problem?

>> No.12991126

How does having a personal taste preclude one from reading Russian classics?

>> No.12991157

based secret agent

>> No.12991162

So many people coping with the fact that they're reading Ruskis for the sole reason to look unique while every other pseud also had that exact same idea.

>> No.12991166

Baм никoгдa нe пpoчитaть Плaтoнoвa, кaк eгo мoжeт пpoчитaть pyccкий читaтeль, бeбeбe.

>> No.12991171

Plot twist: They did write good things. The tsoyouboy slowly starts evolving into a chad /lit/izen

>> No.12991173

>my favorite russian writers? Dostoyevsky, tolstoy, gogol, the list goes on....

>> No.12991174

How do you know something is not to your tastes before you read anything related to it?

>> No.12991178
File: 32 KB, 640x896, 27C3BF35-C1EA-4E4F-B2B7-6D8CB346B5C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally some of the most famous and read writers ever
>dur sole reason to look unique

>> No.12991184
File: 67 KB, 1484x1073, supportforconradstalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialism bad, we must become capitalist like American imperialist empire to become good, okay?
What is happening.
We must go back to our glorious people's union, comrades!

>> No.12991190

>>You aren't allowed to read or like classic writers. You must read and like Soviet era and contemporary Russian writers ONLY.

>> No.12991191

>to look unique

Males reading at all is unique

>> No.12991205

Ayayay, the cope is real.

>> No.12991207

It's 70% now.

>> No.12991213

Goncharov is quite mediocre though. Did you enjoyed his works? Who else did you read?

>> No.12991228

Correct, this is why the primary reason that most males read is to attain more social standing.

>> No.12991237

This, so much this!!