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12987613 No.12987613 [Reply] [Original]

>want to write a book
>remember that climate change will cause mass migrations and general collapse of civilization in a few decades and maybe even the extinction of the human race
>lose all interest
whats the point

>> No.12987629
File: 33 KB, 485x443, 9FA962DD-6AE3-47D9-8ECA-EBF7624FD968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want do thing
>remember die
what grug for?

>> No.12987641

one persons death /=/ complete erasure of humanity

>> No.12987653

>Implying the Third World helter skelter is going to affect Europe or NA
Bruh just build a wall lmao
Like use your navies to stop migrant boats in the Med hahahah

>> No.12987669
File: 1.47 MB, 1419x1840, kennedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to write a book
>remember from Cuba that nuclear war will cause mass destruction and general collapse of civilization in a few decades and maybe even the extinction of the human race
>lose all interest
Maybe you should just accept you had no motivation to begin with

>> No.12987780
File: 433 KB, 598x747, Steaming_Streets_George_Bellows_1908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I'm literally gonna build a bunker to store all of my art work and writings, no joke, I'm that arrogant. I'm even gonna have a computer hooked up to a peddle powered generator or something that will also have more writings and my vidya magnum opus. Now I gotta figure out how to make sillicon last for centuries. My scream to the void will last goddamit. My work will come to represent humanity as a whole if it's ever discovered by aliens

>> No.12987802

Of all the generations (i.e., of all generations) who made this prediction, we have the most reason for it. When one of the most sophisticated computers predicts collapse by the end of the century, consistently, and the entire system is more or less predicated on the use of less sophisticated computers, I think it's a pretty safe bet.

But I don't understand his rationale. To me, that means I should just spend my time reading and writing, fuck posterity.

>> No.12987867

>want to write a book
>realize I don't actually enjoy writing and just want attention for doing something

>> No.12987878

that would be extremely racist of you, goy

>> No.12987881
File: 76 KB, 618x410, bear1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to write a book
>get distracted by posting bears on /lit/

>> No.12987890

You're a fool if you think humanity will go extinct from climate change. The elites of the world are too smart to let their blood go extinct. They already have plans in place to survive and repopulate the world with their offspring. YOU and I and everyone we love will probably die in a horrible way, yes, but humanity is here to stay as long as some unpredictable meteor doesn't plow into us and kill everyone.

>> No.12987896

holy shit is that a bear?

>> No.12987908
File: 196 KB, 800x568, bearhappy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking know it

>> No.12988025

>When one of the most sophisticated computers predicts collapse by the end of the century, consistently

>> No.12989062

This guy is the man

Or possible the bear

>> No.12989083

Lol imagine having such a pathetic and easily achieved dream and then being deterred from it by an unexamined media narrative. Enjoy your waste of a life.

>> No.12990566

"Climate change" is a meme.
However, solar cycles and an imminent grand solar minimum is not. So write that book and some poor chuck can have some entertainment before turning your tale into fuel for his fire.

>> No.12990603

>Of all the generations (i.e., of all generations) who made this prediction, we have the most reason for it.

>> No.12990620

based and write-it-anyway-pilled

>> No.12990625

nice bear, you got anymore?
Also, do you have more than grizzlies?

>> No.12990641

When asked what he’d do if the world was ending tomorrow, Werner Herzog said, “Start a new movie.”