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12983056 No.12983056 [Reply] [Original]

I think peterson doesn't make a good research on a subject that he's speaking about it, even though he often said in his class that you should know 3 times more of that you're about to be talking.
He said that manifesto separates proletariat and the capitalists, and doesn't take into a count the ones that are in between. Wtf JBP, you really thing that Marx thought that there are only 2 types of people? The rich and the poor? No, he wrote manifesto just for the sake of basic ideas for brainlets who won't go throuhg his 1000 pages long Capital and complete Marx - Engels works. The point I'm trying to make is, that JBP only read manifesto and pointed out something which is simplified. And he removed the whole context.

More importantly, Marx analyzed the structure of capitalism and the role of capital, monopoly etc. which is creating inequalities. And not inequalities in a sence of hierarchy which is important for society. Marx NEVER said that this classless society is a good one. He only told that classless society WOULD happen if capitalism continues to grow. Because capitalism needs constant growth to function, the whole system is based on growth, which has it's limits. And Marx did in depth theoretical and mathematical analysis of this mechanism.

>> No.12983076

Get that garbage out of here. And fuck the lot of you.

>> No.12983078

dr peterson saved me from the alt right

>> No.12983093

He saved me from benis infection

>> No.12983106

I will never wash my penis again

>> No.12983109

What's with those penis and JBP peterson joke? I don't get it.>>12983106

>> No.12983117

Jack Donovan and Notes from the Underground saved me from the alt right.

>> No.12983121

did u become gay? u homo?

>> No.12983150
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>> No.12983152

>it's another pseud expresses how self-satisfies he is that he knows more than jbp about Marxism
Shut up brainlet, everyone on this board already agrees with you

>> No.12983166

dr peterson, i don´t feel good

>> No.12983183

The typical "business intellectual".

>> No.12983210

It's not hard to know more than jbp on many things, especially Marxism

>> No.12983218
File: 425 KB, 1200x798, Tryhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the time I was pretty gay, since I hated women, being an r9k incel and all, and reacted with revulsion and disgust to pussy after I accidentally saw some pictures I shouldn't have when my sexuality was developing.

But no, Jack Donovan, being gay himself, idealizes homosocialisation, and The Way of Men is all about the male friendships within the 'gang' of warriors/hunters that he emphasizes. The entire book is him masturbating about the male bond, sprinkled in with some wholly unironic sentiments about how women belong in the kitchen.
Notes made me go 'wait, that's me' and the Way of Men was a masturbatory text only useful to realize what a faggot Jack Donovan is. Donovan is all the criticisms of Mishima boiled down into a living, breathing strawman.

>> No.12983221

People follow him because he had that one video where he "stood up" to sjw protesters or whatever. He has had some interesting lectures, but overall the guy is just a snake oil salesman. After that podcast he did with Joe Rogan he managed to get his daughter selling "diet consultations" for 150$ an hour.

>> No.12983227

Self help commands/ platitudes like "CLEAN UR ROOM" amd "GET UR LOFE IN ORDER" are associated with peterson. Wash ur penis is a vulgarity spoofing those.

>> No.12983340

Thank you for explanation!

>> No.12983402

Who cares? He called Zizek a character. You lot are a bunch of NPCs.

>> No.12983408

Because this is what he's up against https://youtu.be/10fDRERJh4w

>> No.12983446

Neither Žižek supports those fags. Peterson does this just to promote himself, he's insecure sissyboy.

>> No.12983466

>he managed to get his daughter selling "diet consultations" for 150$ an hour.
wtf lol.

>> No.12984636
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>posting the inferior version

>> No.12984759

I honestly think Peterson himself is worses than all the supposed threats he perceives.
he tries to create an audience as a self help guru, based on trust, truth and responsibility. He buries himself into the minds of these people, he gives them hope, provides them with a narrative for their life. Even though we all know this narrative is only a loosely held together set of ideas he has picked up over the years, it nevertheless gained a lot of attention. At this point I think he has a huge responsibility to at least keep up the façade.
What he has done instead, by preparing this poorly for the debate, is to out himself as a true charlatan, his entire philosophy seems to be grounded in a poor reading and misunderstanding of marxist literature.
This essentially shatters any credibility he had left, and leaves all these people who put their trust into him with empty hands.

He has created nothing but chaos and distrust towards public intellectuals, two things he supposedly opposed so fiercely. Intelligent charlatans can cause way more damage than the more overt ones.

>> No.12984806

>we all know

That's peterson tier emotional manipulation

>> No.12984858

>This essentially shatters any credibility he had left
among Marxist's who he hates and academics who already hated him. his fanbase isn't smart enough to read the Manifesto for themselves so they will just assume that they agreed on everything and Zizek magically isn't a Marxist cause my dad's spanking didn't hit him. I wish Zizek had at least gone to the end with the pomonomo claim, he let Peterson get away with the limp fish retort about oppressor narratives without holding him to it and getting him to admit he's never been talking about Marxism, instead he left it at one off-hand comment about it being a classic "anti-marxist gesture"

>> No.12984866

>his fanbase isn't smart enough to read the Manifesto for themselves
reminder this was written for illiterates o this is saying a lot