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12980890 No.12980890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ approved podcasts?

>> No.12980903


>> No.12980907

podcasts are like going to the community potlucks and listening to the boomers talk about politics after theyve had their wine

>> No.12980909

Myth of the 20th century

>> No.12980910

I have a question /lit/: who listens to the kind of podcasts such as the one in OP's pic? another one is called like "guys we fucked" or something like that. who actually listens to this degenerate garbage shit, do you know anyone in real life who consumes this vapidity? what are they like

>> No.12980911

Joe Rogan because he interviews interesting people and interfere little with them

>> No.12980912

Why are there no good right wing podcasts?

>> No.12980921

Any time you have this "Who the fuck even watches/listens to/cares about" this shit, the answer is always literal children.

>> No.12980925


>> No.12980930

mouthbreathers can barely talk

>> No.12980939


>> No.12980940

Most I found are a step above this. They actually read, but they are still autodidacts who get some key concepts wrong and still end up with having no idea of what they are talking about.

>> No.12980946

Literature and History is okay. So is Philosophy without gaps.
I like The Dick Show but it's not really /lit/ and it's become sort of an insiders club podcast that makes no sense if you haven't already been listening since the start.

>> No.12980952


imagine having a gf who looked like this.

>> No.12980955
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whorish women and some horny men

seeing the gradually increasing popularity of these sorts of podcasts alongside the rising popularity of instagram culture is making me lost hope more than any charts about automation stealing jobs or /pol/ race war predictions or any of that shit

i genuinely didn't think things would get worse but they're getting worse

>> No.12980964

No Agenda

>> No.12980966

For Chad's cock only

>> No.12980969

Horny incels unironically

>> No.12980982
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Slave and fleshpilled.
Severe cringe.

>> No.12980987

theyre pretty ugly

>> No.12980996

Which feature specifically?

>> No.12981001


women detected. women want to look like these types of women, and they probably also listen to this types of things. penis envy

>> No.12981006
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>he thought we already hit rock bottom
strap in bud, it’s gonna be a long ride

>> No.12981041

The correct answer usually has to do with the cognitive hierarchy. We're largely segregated by IQ and the groups usually don't interact much. I mean how many middle-aged janitors or 3rd generation welfare recipients are you friends with? Sure, kids watch wrestling for example, but so do people with low IQ. There's a broad inability to conceptualize what it actually means to have different levels of intelligence. A large part of the population for example is not capable of reading as we would understand it.

>> No.12981061

Some I listen to:
In Our Time
Partially Examined Life
F Plus(weird shit on the internet)

>> No.12981078
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The right should be obvious even if the OP's pic is super flattering. Huge forehead, eyes far apart, asymmetrical face, bad eyebrows, nose too long.

The blonde perfected herself to become the absolute fucktoy with many plastic surgeries and the way she carries herself but in the end the too much fake stuff fucks up the facial harmony. Check out her insta (alexandracooper) in most pictures she is completely bomb but in certain pictures you can see through and as the "real" self is revealed and the perfect bimbo look falls apart. Especially noticeable the disconnection between the eyes and the lips, this picture for example
I'm also guessing all the pictures are heavily photoshopped.

The problem is too many guys literally can't look past their dick. Would I fuck her? Yeah obviously. But she is leagues and leagues below someone like Margot Robbie.
If you want to see real beauty check out the website of big modeling agencies.
The truth is sex sells more then beauty and thats what these IG models exploit. She has a lot of sex appeal but is not beautiful. People should really learn to be able to distinguish

>> No.12981089

Which is why incels watch it because they are horny.

>> No.12981099

I love this post

>> No.12981106

Okay if I've seen this sooner I would not have type out this whole thing, you can see she is really not that good looking the videos

>> No.12981107


>> No.12981118
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Wow, this really shows what good lighting can do.

>> No.12981132

Weininger was right

>> No.12981140
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>> No.12981142
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anyone else here listen to drunken philosophy?? I dig 'em enough to patreon them $5 a month

>> No.12981145

As opposed to people who went to college who don't have any gaps in their understanding.

>> No.12981150
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>automation stealing jobs or /pol/ race war predictions
Amongst intellectual titans

>> No.12981161

Nah, it's people with average to slightly above average IQ who listen to "intellectual" podcasts. High IQs either don't listen to any or listen to comedy podcasts or very specific autistic podcasts.

>> No.12981172

The correct answer

>> No.12981173

How can feminists defend women choosing to be plastic mouth agape bug-eyed bimbo thot cockholes?
>The way I dress does not mean I am "asking for it!"
Yes you are. The unrestricted freedom that came with the Sexual Revolution also invited rape culture. You can't have freedom with security. One is antithetical to the other.

>> No.12981218


>> No.12981220

>A large part of the population for example is not capable of reading as we would understand it.
It's much worse than that, the percentage of people that can actually read a text and extract the meaning without projecting all sorts of random shit onto it is extremely small.

>> No.12981238

I haven't said much about high IQ people but you are somewhat correct in that podcasts are a slow way to get information. In two hours or so you can do quite a bit of reading. But do consider that there are topics that interest you to an extent and that you're not familiar with, also that podcasts can be listened to while doing other things.

>> No.12981264

Those kinds of tubers are even worse. They promote their own agenda while being closed minded themselves. Just look at PhilosophyTube who refuses to read Heidegger because he was a nazi.

>> No.12981274

Yes it's true. Decent comprehension starts above 105 or so.

>> No.12981280

I think it's more like 120 to be honest, and those people are still prone to a lot of confusion.

Even actual geniuses like Goethe talk about how it took them decades to feel they had actually learned how to read properly.

>> No.12981306
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Sure there's a curve but there are outliers as well.

>> No.12981312

>California comprehension
Yes let's believe a state full of liars and thieves.

>> No.12981314

Good point

>> No.12981316

What curve? From 100 onward, the results are all over the place.

>> No.12981324
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>> No.12981343
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>> No.12981348

It's just one graphic I googled and that one had something to do with deaf people. Small samples will always looks a bit wild, but it's the general picture. IQ tests themselves can include comprehension sub tests because of their correlation with general cognitive ability.

>> No.12981362

Bookfight is chill and fun even if they're a little over-anxious about the sheminist hordes

>> No.12981399

Ben Shapiro Show
Andrew Klavan Show
Rubin Report

>> No.12981415
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>> No.12981418

only ever listened to sleepycast. The only time I listen to podcasts is in my car, so I'm not going to put on a MIT lecture or something like that.

>> No.12981422


>> No.12981464

American Renaissance?

>> No.12981481

Spittin Chicklets

>> No.12981512

I expected to laugh a little but that sure is some tripe.

>> No.12981520

>F Plus
obviously it sounds like a mixed bag because it is, what are their homeruns?

>> No.12981626

These women did a podcast on Eric Butts, didn't they?

>> No.12981628

For my brother's wedding, I had to walk down the aisle with a girl like this. She was in her late 20s and you could tell she was pretty much perfect in her prime, but was quickly losing her charm as she aged. She was the most depressing person I have ever met. Highly neurotic, narcissistic, yet self-loathing and prone to really nihilistic comments. By the end of the night, she was completely drunk, teetering between states of complete despair and escapist bliss within seconds of one another. Really a sight to behold.

>> No.12981675

Arktos has a pretty fantastic podcast. Myth of the 20th century is pretty great as well. Alt-right politics was good while it lasted and the McSpencer group has been pretty good the last couple of streams I've listened to.

>> No.12981691

>60+ posts
>no mention of red scare

>> No.12981699

Red scare is not /lit/ approved.

>> No.12981709

It appears their sample size is too small to really demonstrate how stochastic IQ actually is in terms of directly contributing to aptitude in one metric or another. While what is considered g-factor general intelligence has very stable expectation correlations in large populations for nearly every metric that one could evaluate it against, any particular individual in the data set may be prone to certain forms of thinking/problem solving that are not completely expressed by IQ/g alone. It's certainly incomplete as a measure, especially when being used to assess individual people, but it is incredibly useful when it comes to population aggregations and tends to have increasingly stable correlation curves as n increases in the study that is being performed.

>> No.12981751

did u smash?

>> No.12981827

Was her name Elissa?

>> No.12981860

red scare

>> No.12981862


>> No.12981864

kill yourselves

my niggers

>> No.12982408

For me? It's TDS!

>> No.12982420

TDS is unironically the best podcast on the air
I still don't paycuck for it tho

>> No.12982428

Deutschlandfunk Kultur

>> No.12982435

Those podcasts do not actually have listeners. Its a massive astroturfing operation to convince people they are popular, when in fact they have around 100 listeners total.

>> No.12982453

I don't know what you consider "home run", but I enjoyed their binaural bats "drugs" episode.

>> No.12982462

I agree, OP's podcast literally has no listeners and is just a couple of rich girls side project that they dumped their father's money into to promote. Don't worry /lit/, vapid whores still only make money off of spreading their legs, they just use insane amounts of money to promote themselves despite being completely vapid and uninteresting.

>> No.12982473
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not ugly, but their appearances are quite off-putting.
like that one threadshot said, they only raise an urge to rape or/and degrade. the emotions on their faces alone scream "i'm a brainless bimbo", quite like retro pin-ups, but without the special charm.

>> No.12982476

There actually are people who enjoy hearing harpies tell their stories, step out of your bubble.

>> No.12982481
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Same people who subscribe to this THOT

>> No.12982482

Not necessarily right wing

>> No.12982493

The blonde is objectively ugly unless you like whores. The brunette looks a lot like Dillion Harper, which give me at least a chub, so I may be biased but she isn't 100% surgery. Fuckin' fite me if you disagree.

>> No.12982495

H3 Podcast VAPE NATION!!
Joe Rogan XP
Chapo Traphouse if you don't like them, you a chud
Gus & Eddy funny
Anything by NPR
The Official Podcast nipples
HC History Ghenhhis Khan is OP
Welcome to the Nightvale spooky and Lovecraftian lol

>> No.12982507

Cum Town.


>> No.12982509

Hi Alex

>> No.12982518

The only correct answer

>> No.12982521

You write like a 14 year old

>> No.12982526

i'm not quite sure what a podcast is and i've never watched one in my life. seems like some time-wasting normie shit.

>> No.12982528

look at this faggot its been like 13+ years you still dont know what one is

>> No.12982548


hi there, I'm the CEO of /lit/ and say Red Scare is /lit/ approved - thanks and have a nice day

>> No.12982576

used to listen to the official podcast until i got bored/annoyed of Kaya's attitude. the rest three are great tho, andrew in particular

>> No.12982583
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>i genuinely didn't think things would get worse
Well the global economy is set to collapse by the end of the year. Prepare your anus for some sorta turbo Fascism.

>> No.12982605

That nerdy chipmunk-sounding laughing ruins it.

>> No.12982615

Sorry sweety, but I think you'll find that you're actually wrong. Better luck next time, hon.

>> No.12982627

imagine looking like this

>> No.12982841

>The truth is sex sells more then beauty and thats what these IG models exploit. She has a lot of sex appeal but is not beautiful. People should really learn to be able to distinguish

>> No.12982844
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>But she is leagues and leagues below someone like Margot Robbie

>> No.12982856

>Blown out blonde whore has "a lot of sex appeal"

>> No.12982865

what are ya pal, a fuckin fruit?
get a grip you woman of course she does

>> No.12982882

A cocksleeve has way more appeal than a used up roastie

>> No.12982931

fucking laughcel plebs begone

>> No.12982942

you're not missing anything, really

>> No.12982985

personally I like to fuck my dad so no problems there

>> No.12983126

there are, but not in english

>> No.12983162

Uh I seem to be out of the loop on this picture. Can someone give context or is it an intrinsic thing

>> No.12983192

it's le happy merchant. seems like we haven't totally melted your brain yet

>> No.12983217

>litizens implying that they are IQ-wise part of the upper echelons while they are only the king of brainlets
Smart people don't read they establish their position and defend their spot. Reading and acquiring non applicable knowledge is a waste of energy

>> No.12983232


>> No.12983239

>Philosophy without gaps.

>> No.12983250

early/mid 20's women living in a metropolitan city
and maybe faggots

>> No.12983284

on the right is beautiful - i'd like to get femdom'd by her

>> No.12983286

>waste of energy

>> No.12983288

He said right wing not jewish free marketers

>> No.12983292

Sad to admit but true. Nick is low key pure /lit/ but he keeps his power level hidden

>> No.12983297

I swear to god man, listen to 'America First' hosted by Nicholas J Fuentes, it's the most informative right wing podcast out

>> No.12983305

Any good podcasts that talk about literature?

>> No.12983311

lol no

>> No.12983325

check out literature and history and cum town

>> No.12983956
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How can anyone listen to someone who looks like this?
This whole chapo thing is like a perfect guide to what not to become

>> No.12983998

felix is cool
will is okay

>> No.12984087

I watch these too but I wouldn’t socially associate with you IRL

>> No.12984096

Philosophize this

>> No.12984107

when i see people enthusiastically posting about right wing intellectual content my first thought is "i wonder what's queer with that content creator, i bet something is obviously abnormal with him" . i don't really like to bet so i only do it when i am sure to win... and sure enough i am right again regarding this random cocksucker , with a pearl of wisdom like " I want people that run CNN to be arrested and deported or hanged ." That's their most presentable content, dude felt confident to post it in /lit? they are not worth interacting with because it get so tiresome to be right all the time regarding their mediocrity.

>> No.12984113

low iq

>> No.12984147


>> No.12984172

>Anything by NPR
>Chapo Traphouse
how in the hell can you reconcile these two?

>> No.12984174

sounds gay

>> No.12984433

Fuck you, Marc Maron's podcast is legitimately good

>> No.12984473

Its called the Ron Paul Liberty Report

>> No.12984478

Hahaha this guy went to my high school. Funny to see him come up again I thought his fifteen minutes were up

>> No.12984691

God I would bone that so hard. The left one especially. And smack her.

>> No.12984709

no agenda

>> No.12984730

They just did an episode where that guy just talked about the history of conspiratorial thinking in America. I thought it was pretty interesting.


>> No.12984738

I bet u were bullied by nick faggot lol

>> No.12985106

>that picture

Why do people find it acceptable to dress like trash when they go out in public? Not just Matt but everyone in that picture looks like they just rolled out of bed.

>> No.12985182

t. Neo-boomer

>> No.12985196 [DELETED] 

NSFW link to the one on the left


>> No.12985267

Jim Goad's Group Hug
Shits hilarious, Goad has no filter and talks about stupid news stories

>> No.12985294
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>everyones listening to podcasts
>meanwhile I'm rocking out to classic rock

>> No.12985301

RE joyce is comfy

>> No.12985321

Only bleep podcasts are worth a damn, read if you want to actually fucking learn something you simps

>> No.12985332

The Dick Show; The Loudest Podcast; Occasionally a Three Percent podcast

>> No.12985373

I couldn't finish an episode, they're painfully obnoxious

>> No.12985381

Atonishing Legends
Sam Harris's Waking Up podcast
Us & Them
The Black Tapes

>> No.12985384

The blond one looks like a trap

>> No.12985393

tried listening to it to fap but couldn't finish it.

>> No.12985403

The age of Napoleon
The history of Rome
Also the coffee podcast for comfy feel

>> No.12985430

>how do you reconcile npr and npr after dark

>> No.12985531

Call her daddy and Barstool sports are the lowest form of entertainment for young white men and women with careers. Pure degeneracy

>> No.12985553

Jocko is solid but his BJJ talk is fucking annoying as hell. Every goddamn show. He's also completely indoctrinated by the classic die-for-israel US military propaganda. Good stuff overall, it's like a book club mixed with /k/, /fit/, /his/ interests

>> No.12985590

Nah I never really met him. Nobody seemed to like him though

>> No.12985694

thats themost reddit name ive ever heard

>> No.12985733

Backlisted Podcast. Though I really don't want to recommend it here if you guys will ruin it.

>> No.12985773

Fuentes is a Mexican white supremacist going into nutty 'race science' to combat (badly) the cognitive dissonance of praising the white man while also not being white.
Mexican uncle Ruckus.

>> No.12985780

Imagine not hating yourself in current year.