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/lit/ - Literature

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12978506 No.12978506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any literature that sheds light on the phenomena of transgenderism?

>> No.12978514

the greeks had a pretty good understanding of it

>> No.12978516

i'd put it in my mouth is she asked me to

>> No.12978523

What writings in particular?

>> No.12978541

Traditionalist, perennialist philosophy talks how Satan/Antichrist hates the Human form (since it is an image of God) and in all ways tries to disfigure it.

Either through transhumanism or outright mutilation: the aim is the total destruction what is traditionally associated with Human Form that was created in image of the Creator.

>> No.12978545


>> No.12978559

Sex and Character

>> No.12978571

it's literally in the picture

>> No.12978574

Something less...theistic, maybe.

>> No.12978576

Id put it in my mouth without question

>> No.12978577

My diary desu

>> No.12978578

It's clearly a feminine penis though, so how can she not be a she?

>> No.12978583

He's a dude and you're a homosexual buddy.

>> No.12978605

Wanting to fuck that would definitely not make you gay. It's more complicated than that.

>> No.12978620

imagine being this insecure about your sexuality

>> No.12978621
File: 30 KB, 537x416, itsnotgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking retard.

The proof is in the pudding. It's a penis and i'm not a fag, yet I would like nothing better than to nibble on that qt penis and swallow up all it's sweet sweet nectar. Clearly then it must be truly a feminine penis.

>> No.12978634
File: 219 KB, 720x517, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine this showing up at a gay club, she wouldn't get a second look from a faggot

>> No.12978640

What's wrong with being insecure?

>> No.12978655

The dick is a natural indicator of sex and arousal. Combined with a visibly feminine body (breast, hips, rounder butt, bigger thighs) is tricking the male sexual instinct.

>> No.12978660

Didn't say anything was wrong with it, I just wanted everyone here to attempt to put themselves in this closeted fag's shoes so they could get a quick laugh.

>> No.12978662

you can't trick instinct you retard

>> No.12978677

T. Fleischman's Syzygy, Beauty.
The field has a lot of work to do, and Fleischman's attempt will no doubt go down in history as a naive attempt at what will come in the future.

>> No.12978680

I was using the term in a colloquial manner, you moron.

It's triggering a response regardless.

>> No.12978686

When I watch my japanese cartoons, sometimes my dick involuntarily gets hard. How isn't that tricking my instincts, faggot?

>> No.12978689

>this thread is still up

Nice one, Punchy!

>> No.12978690

Transgenderism is normalizing attacks on the sanctity of the body to legitimize transhumanism

>> No.12978697

I was only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.12978701

based understanding of complexity of sexposters
if someone looks like a woman, acts like a woman and is read as woman by most people, a penis alone won't make it a man, but a woman with dick.
if a male is attracted to such a woman, he can't be gay (those like the looks&personality of a MAN) but rather bisexual, as he likes the overall feminity but doesn't mind the dick.

>> No.12978724
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based and Nyxpilled

>> No.12978741
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traps are straight, Plato was right all along

>> No.12978745
File: 135 KB, 1200x900, 1555875004352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i think i'm trans

>> No.12978747


>> No.12978761

just take the damn tranny pills already dumb whiteboi, don't make me ask twice

>> No.12978774

tfw 5'7 120lbs

>> No.12978798

how old?

>> No.12978804

Based psychoanalysis poster.

>> No.12978807

I'd not only out it in my mouth, then I'd put mine in her butt

>> No.12978810

Yeah, might as well transition already since you're not gonna cut it as a man my dude.

>> No.12978812
File: 35 KB, 270x344, xcfKvebx8DY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's good. don't let the roasties give you some normie complexes.

>> No.12978819

Tfw you will never get absolutely dominated by some hung latino thicc tranny

>> No.12978823

Move to asia

>> No.12978826

Lift more weights and eat more food. BOOM! problem solved

>> No.12978836

In order to get this thread deleted I will post something relevant to Literature:

Suppose that Dialectical Monism subsumes any Monad's relation to an other, that any potential or actual composition already is, as per each of them being a Monad, and is knowable in one by the other as implicitly as it is known by each one in itself; that is to say Dialectically. Thus the will to reproduce is wholly redundant, and offspring are a chastisement of the highest order. Between BECOMING one and MAKING one, two are always free to do the former simultaneously as per the one and as per each other, and they are always free to do the latter simultaneously contrary to the one and contrary to each other. Fortunately, the latter produces neither ex nihilo abomination nor "mereogenic" abortion. Such punishment would further entertain reproductive perversion. The child destroys the delirium of parenthood by being none other than THE Monad.

>> No.12978837

I thought /lit/ is safe zone from sissy shit...I was wrong.

>> No.12978841

There is room for a novel with a porn addicted loser protagonist that chops off his penis because of a transgender fetish (/lgbt/ calls it AGP). I'd read it.

>> No.12978844

You will never become more famous than Newton you overgrown wig wearing faggot.

>> No.12978845

24, my nephew thinks I'm in highschool.

>> No.12978851

Why aren't you a sissy yet though? Consume more bimbofication porn anon, how else will you make it?

>> No.12978852

>safe zone
fucking newfags

>> No.12978854
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>retarded worthless jannies not doing their job
like clockwork

>> No.12978868

Become his niece already sissy boi.

>> No.12978874

Why do you want this thread deleted? Are you for censorship. Why can't you simply address the query of OP? It's a valid question about a genuine phenomenon, regardless of your sensibilities as a prude.

>> No.12978877

Jannies delete decent threds than leave this shit. FUCK TRANNY JANNIES STOP JERKING YOUR 2 INCH DICK AND DO YOUR """"""JOB""""

>> No.12978878

every day i stray further from masculinity

>> No.12978883
File: 19 KB, 220x270, 220px-Foucault5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




READ FOUCAULT and deleuze but after you've READ FOUCAULT

fucking abruti d'anglos

>> No.12978886

Please redpill me on Nyx, i follow her on twitter but i don't know who she is.

>> No.12978894
File: 82 KB, 226x274, bdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the real possibility that m*derators are as literally faggy as they are figuratively faggy

>> No.12978899
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>> No.12978900

this is a blue board
the thread can stay, the pic should be removed

>> No.12978902

Fair enough

>> No.12978908

>the mental gymnastics of the tranny-loving /lit/erati
intellectualism is truly about justifying inadequacy

>> No.12978921

>implying it's wrong to love trannies

>> No.12978927
File: 49 KB, 800x450, tearingmeapartlisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me who you are Nyx, you are tearing me apart.

>> No.12978928

Read the manifesto