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/lit/ - Literature

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12969035 No.12969035 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you written your book/novel, /lit/? What possible excuse do you give yourself to not write?

For me, personally, is I don't know how to start my novel. I've done outlining and made notes on my novel but I don't know how to start it let alone write it. There are times where I cannot go more than a week of writing before I erase it and start all over again. Hoping that the next attempt is more successful than the last, yet always finding myself in the same position no matter what I do. At this point, I don't know if it's just my self-perceived or actual mediocrity as a writer, but it left me depressed.

>> No.12969085

Start writing by boring chapters. Something where nothing is happening. Arrive to a chapter where something interesting starts happening; erase the previous boring chapters and try to throw the reader in the center of the "interesting" chapter so he gets a clue/glimpe what is going on: and you can go on with the story given that the interesting part was not some sort of climax of the plot.

But consider you are an anime poster, I do not have huge expectations for your work, it probably is something fit to published on anime fanfiction sites or something

>> No.12969091

It is a mix of some writer's block, with personal issues I have, especially regarding distraction at home from others, and other things I need to attend to.

>> No.12969118

>I don't know how to start my novel

You were never meant to write nor to be a writer just stop fantasizing and the most important thing is to stop waitsting our time and internet space with your infantile blog posts

>> No.12969121

Different problem. I'e written maybe 80% of it, but also realised some basic planning problems I had going on in. Working through the text and altering it so as to allow me to write a logical ending feel much more like work than the original act of writing did.

>> No.12969799

Cringed lol

>> No.12969803

try Once upon a time

>> No.12969831

This. Just because you read books doesn't mean you should write them. If you don't have anything important enough to say to finish your fucking draft you're just trying to larp with a shallow effort. we've already got a million fools with shit for brains trying to write novels now, we don't need a million more. not a single one of these faggots has anything bouncing around in their head to begin with and their novels read like an npc's text message history.

>> No.12969846

I'm a bit over 100 pages now. Life keeps throwing me distractions but I believe I'm far enough in to the point I know I'll finish it. I noticed about two thirds of the way in I started to rush the writing to an extent. Started telling myself "get through the points and pretty up the details later." This has helped in getting more pages down but whether I can return to breathe life into these chapters remains to be seen. Maybe if you start writing and worry about inviting the soul after the matter you'll find your start.

>> No.12969878

Everyone can tell you're samefagging. Both posts read like an 8th grader wrote them.

>> No.12969976
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>> No.12971048

did he hit too close to home?

>> No.12971688

I don't believe in my abilities. When I write things, I end up cringing at how bad it is and deleting it.

>> No.12971945
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>Why haven't you written your book/novel, /lit/?

>> No.12973083

Should I write a young adult novel so I can simply get in?

>> No.12973188

I don't know what ending I want yet

>> No.12973481

Lack of motivation.
Not for myself, I have plenty, but my characters lack any kind of goals and desires to speak of, so there's nothing moving the plot forward.

>> No.12973502

Is there shame in writing a Young Adult Novel? More so, an Urban fantasy novel? I don't think their should be shame in writing those if you're using them as stepping stones in your writing career?

>> No.12973519

Currently doing projects for school and writing smut for a contest.

>> No.12973814

Instead of deleting, why don't you try revising?

>> No.12975022

why smut

>> No.12975644

Why is there shame in writing an Urban Fantasy?

>> No.12975729
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If I write a novel: will anyone actually give a flying shit about it?

Why spend my time writing when I can instead spend it learning to draw and code, so I could instead make a video game, something that people my age can meme and care about? Something youtubers can make parodies of? Don't get me wrong: the reward comes from the work. But there's a lot work that's rewarding.

I just have to wonder "what's the point?"

>> No.12975774

There's a participation payment of anywhere between $25-70 and the first three places get $300, $200, $100 respectively. Not a whole lot of participants so I actually stand a chance of getting good dosh.

>> No.12975910

Well, good luck to you, anon. And who knows this may be beneficial to you when you want to be publish

>> No.12975976

I fell into the trap of waiting for my life to begin.

>> No.12976285

Your life can start now, anon. Don't give up.

>> No.12977250

I hope a blazing fast train comes by and fucks up her legs

>> No.12978278

Why would you want that?

>> No.12978363

I don't read anymore, I don't keep a journal. This board is my browser's homepage so that I feel like I'm not slowing decaying into a shade of my former mind.

>> No.12978385

I don't plan, and consequently everything I write is aimless garbage that doesn't go anywhere that I get bored of.

I need to plan, but to begin planning is to seriously commit to an idea and I'm hesitant to do that for reasons I haven't fully explored.

>> No.12978593

I've actually written two novels in the past and threw them away for not being good enough. I am writing a third now in the hopes I can write something I am not ashamed of.

>> No.12978670


>> No.12978696
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I write and then erase it because it sucks

>> No.12978698
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This post made me sad. Go read some goddamn books anon.

>> No.12979726

It gets better

>> No.12979733

i keep getting stuck thinking that i have nothing interesting or different to say that hasn't already been said thousands of times before and then i get drunk and shitpost here

>> No.12980882

Was thinking of writing a science fantasy cyberpunk noir novel. But I stop when people made fun of me.

>> No.12980896

I have a job that takes up 50-60 hours a week, and while it pays well it leaves me tired most of the time. I have a wife and a mortgage so giving up the income isn't a realistic possibility without a massive change to my way of life, and I'm addicted to the money that my exhausting job gives me. I don't have the energy to write my novel. I make due with writing mediocre short poetry that I like to think is better than I know that it actually is.

>> No.12981364

how would'st a 12th grader write it Sir Anon?

>> No.12981678

I finished my novel, hooray. I just re-edited it and re-published on Amazon. It's 50 pages long

>> No.12982690

So a short story?

>> No.12983122
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I wrote it and it was shit. Tried to get it published but nobody replied because it was shit. Gave it to some friends for feedback and they didn't read it. I kinda know where I failed, so I am working on the second one now.

Don't despair, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.12983428
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I recently finished my first novel and just self published it on amazon. Its very bad but im still happy I did it

Im starting to plan my next novel now, taking the lessons I learned from the first one and im going to be much more serious about it.
Aiming to get published this time instead of resigning to mediocrity from the beginning like before

>> No.12983458
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>Don't despair, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.12983943

Self publish?

>> No.12983964
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Tell us more of what you've learned from the experience.

>> No.12983968

I too can use inspect element

>> No.12983974

i have nothing to write about

>> No.12983987

I'm working on it.
I need to be in a particular heads pace to make progress, but I should have the first draft done by december.

>> No.12984977

As soon as I begin attempting to organize my drafts, I am overcome by a feeling of dread, and disgust, toward my environment, and my "profession", realizing, both, that unless I somehow change them, they will always stifle the complete focus required for what I want to write, and that I will only ever feel "in my element" of writing when I am in a position of relative freedom.

>> No.12985578

I've already wrote several novellas. I published a visual novel online too. I'm currently working on my second. I've put out 120 pages since the start of April. It isn't that hard when you get into it.

>> No.12986640

Visual novel?

>> No.12987658

A new fad.

>> No.12987682

I don't know how to develop a plot or characters. I'm creatively bankrupt with nothing to say.

>> No.12988586

you’re on 4chan, dipshit. I’m willing to bet at least half of /lit/ posters also lurk on /a/ a decent amount. The whole fucking site is covered in anime too. Enjoying a good, shonen battle romp where you can turn your brain off and relax doesn’t mean you can’t grasp the finer points of literature.

>> No.12988662
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I wrote a novella that I wanted to come across as experimental, in a similar fashion to Albert Camus’ “The Stranger”, but after sending it to publishers and not hearing back I went through and reread it and realized how all the main character’s monologue just comes across as pure angst. Fuck, I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life. I’m probably gonna revisit it one day but for now I’m trying to write a book of short stories to improve my narrative and find more dynamic tones. Keeping a short story interesting is way easier than a full novel, and there’s a lot of writing contests you can enter them into to gauge your improvement. (Not to mention, awards look good when you’re presenting to publishers)

>> No.12988704

>Keeping a short story interesting is way easier than a full novel, and there’s a lot of writing contests you can enter them into to gauge your improvement. (Not to mention, awards look good when you’re presenting to publishers)
Was thinking of writing a novel in the form of short stories about a cyberpunk cop in a science fantasy world, any advice.

>> No.12989540

Since when was Touhou an anime?

>> No.12989833

Since it's inception.

>> No.12990373

I'm not interested in writing professionally. I have a trade that takes most of my time and I'm economically fine. You anons should totes write something good however so I can read it.

>> No.12990383

I was shamed into accepting the idea that there is no originality so now I have no excuse not to do it.

>> No.12990411

Whenever you get an interesting idea, jot it down and see if you can turn that concept into a short story. After a while you’ll be able to start writing them off the top of your head, and you’ll be able to tackle the ideas you want to without them seeming forced or contrived

>> No.12991427

That sucks.

>> No.12991447

Thomas Pynchon already perfected the novel, there's nothing left to write

>> No.12992166

Thomas Pynchon is shit

>> No.12992170

I’m 28 and therefore too old to start.

>> No.12992277

Try writing a first draft all the way through without going back and doing any editing. It doesn't matter how bad it is to begin with. Then once it's 'all done' then start a second draft which fixes grammar, spelling bullshit, then a third draft fixing story structure, maybe a forth draft fixing the wording and dialogue of each individual scene. As long as it gets done just fuck it. Even if it's bad there's always time for a second book.

>> No.12992799

A series of short dialogues and very short stories

>> No.12993025

I've written a few books, just haven't had any success with any of them.

The best one I've written so far, I've been sending out to agents. It's weird because I've sent about 6 queries out in the last several months, haven't heard anything at all back. They usually send at least a form rejection, but nothing at all.

The first book I wrote I got about 40 form rejections laying around. I still stand behind the story, but the writing was shit, I'm in the process of rewriting it.

I wrote this kinda joke of a book and put it up on amazon, but nobody seems to give a shit about it. I didn't think it'd be successful or anything, I basically just wrote it to learn the whole self publishing thing and see if I like it, and I don't, actually I think it's more pointless than even traditional publishing.

I got another book which is kind of a sell out type idea, I'm about 100% sure it'd be successful, has all those elements these lame modern books have, I just don't really have enough Ideas to begin on it yet however.