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12975370 No.12975370 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine believing a crock of insane buddhist bullshit just because it is exotic to you. Not even Asians give a shit about this religion. They are all converting to Christianity

>> No.12975374
File: 26 KB, 499x499, smug pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Chairman Mao wanted atheism but instead only succeeded in ruining Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism and finally opened the door for Christianity to actually take root in east Asia

>> No.12975402

well thats what normally happens when most people try something and find its too hard. They tend to move on to something easier and more immediately gratifying.

>> No.12975417

Wow I guess you're smarter than every Asian. Why are white buddhists always insane racists?

>> No.12975425

Why is there one guy on this board that seethes about Buddhism? Maybe the Dalai Lama fucked his mum

>> No.12975460

Buddhism is indefensibly stupid. Its literally just caste system reinforcement and justification and somehow people are tricked into thinking its deep.

>> No.12975461

well actually I'm mestizo and I didnt mean hard as in difficult to understand.

When comparing buddhism to christianity specifically, I've never been suprised that ethnic buddhist choose the latter over the former.

Christianity can be a very simple paliative. Accept Jesus, wallow in self pity (I'm a sinner, Very bad person, done so many wrong things, etc.), momentarily and/or regularly enjoy placebo effect from finding a new way of coping with guilt and fear of death.

>> No.12975466

>Its literally just caste system reinforcement and justification...

according to who?

>> No.12975472

All the religions are indefensibly stupid. It's not just Buddhism.

>> No.12975475

Its completely obvious and is also obviously the product of a society with a caste system, so I'm not going to debate that point. Detachment and bodily resignation, as well as reincarnation, all obviously uphold rigid caste structures. Please though pretend to be retarded enough to not understand this.

>> No.12975480

>not just
Now say something bad about Islam.

>> No.12975491

Muslims are gross idiots.

>> No.12975495

This guy is clearly arguing in bad faith, why are you even bothering?

>> No.12975500

Buddhism on the other hand is meant to be treated like a rigorous training regiment and the Buddha like one of those no nonsense/noholdsbar personal trainers.

The Buddha never promised immediate gratification from practicing buddhism(not to my knowledge), but mentions time and again that after dilligent and consistent practice, you will end up seeing and feeling noticible, albeit incremental gradual results.

Again, not surprising most people find it hard to commit to it. For instence, when comparing buddhism to personal fittness, how often do you see more people willing to dedicate themselves to frequent and consistent exercise, as opposed to being unhealthy or sedintery?

>> No.12975504

>well actually I'm mestizo
Still racist, also stopped reading here. Don't care about your gross mixed thoughts

>> No.12975503

Also I personally wouldn't call it "deep". I'd go more along the lines with what the Buddha said: "subtle".

>> No.12975507
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Imagine believing a crock of insane christian bullshit just because it is exotic to you. Not even Westerners give a shit about this religion. They are all converting to Buddhism

>> No.12975519

Now say something bad about Islam

>> No.12975525

But Islam is the correct religion

>> No.12975526

oh I understand, but even if you look at it from a historical, non-religious perspective, in what way does buddhism up hold caste system philosophy or tradition?

Almost all buddhist scholars (ethnic, practicing, non-practicing or otherwise) are in agreement that one of the most radical aspects of buddhism was that the Buddha accepted anyone into his monastic order. Regardless of caste, race or gender.

If this were not the case, then I would agree with you, but it just seems that perhaps you have been misinformed by people who conflate buddhism with hinduism (or vedism, brahminism, etc.). Its very common.

>> No.12975528

It's Judaism for brown people.

>> No.12975530

But Judaism is Judaism for brown people. Christianity is Judaism for white people

>> No.12975532

True, Jews are just Arabs. It's Judaism for the other Arabs.

>> No.12975533

What monks do has nothing to do with the masses. Allowing for some flexibility in monastaries actually even currs favor with the masses and reinforces the caste system.

>> No.12975537

eh...I've got nothing else to do right now and one of my most favorite things is to talk about the Dhamma (buddhism for the laymen out there).

personaly I'm of the opinion that most people who find fault with the Dhamma, are just missinformed...and westerners. Though its not always both at the same time, but one does often conducive to the other.

often the results of my efforts end in agreeing to disagree. Which im more then satisfied in accepting.

>> No.12975541

Ouch. well this is 4chan, can't say I wasn't expecting that one.

>> No.12975557


You're a literal retard. Buddhism was a rejection of the caste system

>> No.12975558

That's weird then how the caste system continued to exist huh

>> No.12975573

It has everything to do with the masses, at the very least in buddhism it does. The Buddha expound his teaching during a time when india was a non-literate society. written texts were not very common, so one of the functions of the monks was to serve as a living repository for the teaching. then other was that the teaching itself (refered to as the Doctrine AND Discipline by the Buddha) was never intended to be a metaphysical frame used to explain reality and its phenomena.

Any philosphy inheirenant in buddhism serves the purpose of giving the physical discipline context. The monks were not expected to just take the Buddha's word for it (validiy and efficacy of the teaching). They were suposed to come to the teachings realizations and find its validation through there own experience.

Otherwise the teaching would become dogmatic and sterile, being of no use, nor providing any guidence to the leity.

>> No.12975585

perhaps that's a result of Hinduism being more dominant in India than Buddhism

>> No.12975604

of course it continued to exist. Refer to my previous posts.
The last three decades of US history have seen numerous, even fervent fittness fads and crazes, but morbid obesity is still an epidemic in the US.

Just like the fitness crazes, buddhism was by and large a fringe movement. As it was intended to be. The Buddha himself fully understood, and predicated his exposition of The Teaching on the reality that there would only ever be a rare few who would be able to truly appreciate and commit themselves to the practice of his teaching.

>> No.12975617

Then there is also this end result. People fishing for heated and ill tempered arguing, instead find patient explaining and conversation. they get bored, and just leave.
I don't fully understand it, nor can I explain it.

>> No.12975631

I'm almost certain whoever you were arguing with didn't even care that much about their own argument to begin with. These sorts of the threads are just cheap entertainment, bait.

>> No.12975634
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>Buddhism is insane
>instead promotes christianity

>> No.12975641
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Agreed (excep the cheap part). This was very entertaining

also not enough images being posted. I shall attempt to remedy that....did it work?

>> No.12975642
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>> No.12975646

Are you confusing it with Hinduism?

>> No.12975650

>caste system
Stopped reading there.

>> No.12975654
File: 103 KB, 827x762, Even-Lord-Buddha-Approves-That-Ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12975655

>They are all converting to Christianity
yeah right lmao

>> No.12975680
File: 137 KB, 730x844, 1550392719108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*sigh* those western buddhist retards are dumb enough to convert to an exotic easternboo religion smfh...
>WOW those based Asian insects are finally converting to our exotic Judeo-Christian religion haha xD so very based (btw fuck race mixing and multicultural bullshit)

>> No.12975696

Hey look another racist white buddhist who thinks all asians are insects

>> No.12975740

there he goes again...>_>

>> No.12975750


>> No.12975756

But its a true common theme

Sam Harris practices buddhist meditation

And criticises asians for "not practicing it right"

Thank god we have him huh

>> No.12975777

sam harris isn't a buddhist though

>> No.12975779

is vipassana a mistake?

>> No.12975788

Thats correct. He routinely practices buddhist meditation and talks down to actual buddhists tho

>> No.12975793

>Not even Asians give a shit about this religion. They are all converting to Christianity

>> No.12975794
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Imagine having to rely on dog munching gooks to save Christianity.

The absolute state of christcucks...

>> No.12975803

>talks down to actual buddhists tho
when has he done this?

>> No.12975805

He's also not white

>> No.12975819

Racist. Post your fucking address.

Sam Harris, a prominent proponent of New Atheism[18] and practitioner of Buddhist meditation, claims that many practitioners of Buddhism improperly treat it as a religion, criticizes their beliefs as "naive, petitionary, and superstitious," and claims that such beliefs impede the spread of Buddhist principles.[19] However, he has also underlined that these beliefs stem from the tendency of some Buddhists to not follow a fundamental teaching of Buddhism; namely, to believe a teaching only with sufficient evidence

>> No.12975822

It's only south korea and a few chinese provinces I think, and its mostly due to western fetishism. The rest of asia (apart from pinoy land) is still deeply non-christian and isn't going to change any time soon.

>> No.12975831

That is factually wrong. Like just Google it

>> No.12975840

that is more criticism of the dogmatism within buddhist societies, not really 'talking down to them'.

>> No.12975849

Give me a source that shows somewhere like Japan having a phenomenon of conversions.

>> No.12975851

Check your fucking privilege. No one wants some cringy white atheist jew who dabbles in your faith to give his gaijin opinion holy shit

>> No.12975853

That is an astronomical move of the goalposts so I assume you googled it and were wrong haha

>> No.12975854

>During Japanese colonisation in the first half of the 20th century, the identification of Christianity with Korean nationalism was further strengthened,[8]
>As of 2014, about 30% of the South Korean population is Christian.[12]
>As of 2010[91] there are 843,000 Christians in Hong Kong (11.8% of the total population).
>2010: the "Chinese Spiritual Life Survey" counted 33 million Christians (~2% of the total population), of whom 30 million Protestants and 3 million Catholics (Henan 6.1%, Shanghai 2.6%, Liaoning 2.2%, Guangdong 1%, Gansu 0.5%) [76]

>> No.12975855

I just want every single person n this thread to know that I will be thinking of you all the next time I sit down to do Metta. May all of you be free of suffering in this very lifetime

>> No.12975856

Can't say I know much about the guy, but I would also be willing to equally point out to westerners when they are "not practicing [buddhism] right".

From what I've read in the pail texts, the Buddha did have to, on a more then a few occassions, give a discourse on the proper and improper ways of practicing.
Developing a proper understanding of the purpose and intent of the practice is a very common first hurdle and tradition as well as pop-culture can sure make a nuisance of itself in that regards.

>> No.12975859

lol based
it doesn't get mored cucked than eastern religion fags

>> No.12975860

Then give me a source showing whatever it is you're claiming is occurring.

>> No.12975862

only if its not paired with and built upon a foundation of samatha.

>> No.12975867
File: 12 KB, 186x238, 1552644868039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid racists, don't you know how BASED Christianity is?

>> No.12975879

I'm glad someone gets it.

>"Whatever living beings there may be; Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none, The great or the mighty, medium, short or small, The seen and the unseen, Those living near and far away, Those born and to-be-born — May all beings be at ease!"

thank you anon, I'm glad I could be of assistance and I hope that your endevors generate much merit.

>> No.12975891
File: 115 KB, 1052x578, Marcus-Aurelius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I prefer the Greek Buddhism

>> No.12975916
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>posts Greek Neo-Christianity
at least post actual Greek Buddhism (Pyrrhonism)

>> No.12975918
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>Marcus Aurelius

my nigga

>> No.12976042

>this thing is actually dumb!
this is how brainlets argue about things they often know nothing about

>> No.12976082

Christianity, or governments for that matter, have nothing to do with how the people who live there act. That is up to the people.

t. Guy with blonde gf

>> No.12976886
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>Christianity to actually take root in east Asia
Ohohokay anon, sure, that's not reverse projection at all

>> No.12977210

fuck you

>> No.12977411



>> No.12977438


Thank you, Anon

>> No.12977503

How do I do Metta meditation? Is it better than Anapanasati meditation?

>> No.12977688

>How do I do Metta meditation? Is it better than Anapanasati meditation?
I don't know if it's necessarily better or worse but it can take you through the Jhanas and be mixed with Vipassana to cultivate insight (just as anapanasati can). I'd say it's best to mix it into your meditation routine somehow without completely replacing anapanasati.

>> No.12977740

Buddhism is the most based organized religion simply because it forgoes most of the conventions of religion. What’s the nature of god? Where is heaven? How did we get here? Instead of providing a series of impermanent fables and metaphysical posturings that will not age well (lol Noah’s ark) Buddha pretty much says “I don’t know, it doesn’t really matter though”.

What you have here is a group focused primarily on alleviating suffering and cruelty in the real world; living in harmony with life, with nature, with your fellow man. There is no righteous indignation, no zealous incompatibility with other faiths, no call to forcibly convert or kill non-believers. The metaphysical aspects are secondary. Be good to each other, be earnest in your conduct, and understand your place in a wider phenomenal world through insight meditation.

What really drew me to Buddhism was the insight meditation. This is literally a methodological way of raising your consciousness.

>> No.12977777

I live in Vietnam and the white Buddhists I've met in Asia have been absolutely toxic people.

>> No.12977973

huh? what do you mean by exotic?

>> No.12978001

All religions are as stupid as their members.

>> No.12978037
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have you read any of the books in the new chart?

>> No.12978051

You literally cannot be Buddhist unless you are initiated into the tradition. Reading a couple books in English by some charlatans looking to capitalize on Western xenophilia, and sitting by yourself in a room will do nothing but delude yourself and lead to spiritual error. Westerners do nothing but project western ideals (individualism, egalitarianism, humanism, materialism, new age spiritualism) on to Buddhism, but such ideas can be nothing but foreign to any true spiritual tradition. I really can't help but chuckle at the naivete seen among western hippies and their delusional eastern counterparts who artificially change the eastern doctrines to appeal to them. Buddhism is nothing but a degradation of the Hindu tradition anyways, following the natural process in the cosmic cycle to simplify and worsen as time goes on. Anyone who thinks sitting in a room alone and watching some youtube lectures is accessing the totality of tradition is laughably sad. To experience a tradition you must live within it.

>> No.12978176

No it isn't

>> No.12978216

>Buddhism is nothing but a degradation of the Hindu tradition anyways
I was with you all the way except for that point.

>> No.12978253
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>claims to know everything about buttism
>doesnt know zen Buddhism was created by the white man

>> No.12978255

So if you go to a sangha that's located in the west like the Metta Forest Monastery, then you should be good, right?

>> No.12978269


Fun fact. Alexander the great was the only man to conquer Afghanistan and it was at a time when it was a Buddhist country. After he died his underlings stayed there for like 3 centuries

>> No.12978284

No, since many of the so called sanghas in the west are infested with the same revisionist teachers that propagate the westernized nonsense. Additionally, even if in some amazing scenario there is a western sangha with valid initiation, orthodox doctrine, and no western biases, just going to one does not initiate the practitioner. Tradition must be lived and not just looked at as some retreat on a weekend. You can't just visit a couple times and consider yourself a Buddhist in the same way a monk from eastern asia would, who lives and thinks within the framework of traditional thought.

>> No.12978297

Somehow I knew you would say this.
>If you weren't born in the correct part of the world then you can never reach enlightenment
Doesn't sound very buddhist to me anon.

>> No.12978305

fucking unreadable

>> No.12978316

>westernized nonsense.

And what's the pure eastern doctrine ?

>> No.12978498
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Imagine making a religion thread on a literature board

>> No.12978951

Word of advice my friend, use curved arrows instead of straight ones. They are much easier to follow.

>> No.12980531

for the most part, the books in the second colum from the left. (the middle legnth discourses, the long discourses, etc.)

I think the nay sayer your replying to, over looked the fact that these books were included in the list.

they are by far the most accessible english translation of the foundational texts of any buddhist sect.

well...any sect that considers, or takes into account, traditional orthodoxy.

>> No.12980545

there are techniques from Buddhism that are useful for life far more than Christianity

>> No.12980617

>Imagine being illiterate enough to confuse Lokayata Indian materialism with Bhuddism
>Imagine being illiterate enough to confuse Bhuddism with Pyrronism which closer resembles the Ajnana sect

>> No.12981033

Almost everyone in this thread doesnt know what theyre talking about. Stupid people will be stupid.

>> No.12981067

Not anon.

Exbuddhist weighing in.

The karma concept taken from hinduism is the reinforcer of the caste system.

If you are a chad kshtriya now, it means you were based in your prev life.
If you are an incel untouchable now, you were a faghot in your prev life.

The karma idea does not defend anything, but it helps justify -to use a cringeword- privilege.

>> No.12981092

>Exotic buddhist shit
Exoticism fetishists are all cosplaying religion. We agree that larping is lame. Only genuine converts should be left untrolled.

Can we move on now?

>Not even asians
The same way "not even" whites or jews take christianity seriously? That makes 30-40%.

Why are you trolling the lit board? Why arent you in /pol/ shitting on atheists and muzzos? The saltmines are that way.

>> No.12981121

>tradition must be lived
Youre really far up your ass, arent you.

>> No.12981149

Karma is your unconsciously received mental impressions which form your personality. You got bullied so you now you tend towards aversion. Cause and effect. That's all karma is explaining, cause and effect as it operates in your ordinary mind.

>> No.12981387
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God I wish that were me

>> No.12981770

when atheists practice insight meditation etc they grow insecure and end up committing suicide is what i heard in the last thread

>> No.12981787

This is a modern semi-psychological spin, sure.

But it isnt the literal reading of the Dharmapada.

t. cover to covered and unimpressed with Wis 20 mary sue

>> No.12981792

Aint it where the anchorpost says it belongs?

>> No.12981813


>Zen was white man's baboon

Not anon, but come on. How do you expect quality rage out of a low eff low t post?

>> No.12981836

So much for buddhism being universal and beyond religion.

Buddhists keep claiming you dont need to abandon your basic religion to Practice, and here you are telling me that i need to be in a specific area and culture to qualify as "authennic"

Youre no buddhist. You a hipster.

>> No.12981871
File: 88 KB, 1024x1280, confess the smart way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddhism has some good ideas, but it never should've been treated as a religion. This is one of the biggest memes of all time.

>> No.12982300

Don't have to imagine it, I'm in one right now