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12975656 No.12975656 [Reply] [Original]

He says degeneracy and the loss of traditional values stem from capitalism. Any books that verse on this topic?

>> No.12975671

Anything from Frankfurt School

>> No.12975675


>> No.12975679

Das Kapital

>> No.12975683


>> No.12975693

Christopher Lasch

>> No.12975697

Slavoj Zizek

>> No.12975706


>> No.12975761
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To be honest just look outside or go on any form of mainstream social media. People have been saying capitalism causes degeneracy for two centuries now, the left and the hard right.

Pic extremely related

>> No.12975999

Adorno, Sloterdijk, Houellebecq, most of the writers for Jacobite

>> No.12976025

Every single book from the far left to the far right.

>> No.12976045

Maybe something from Slavioj Žižek.

>> No.12976083

What even is degeneracy anymore? Everybody throws that word around like it encapsulates the moral decline of the west. Freedom requires the ability to self-regulate. Degeneracy is a flaw of the individual, not an economic system. Every Marxist literally points to capitalism as the cause of all the evils of the world, but cannot provide an alternative model, that would magically erase all of that and provide a less degenerate way of life. Zizek is a fucking pseud.

>> No.12976087

The industrial revolution and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race

>> No.12976127

>an alternative model
Fascism Monarchy Dictatorship Technocracy.

>> No.12976142


>> No.12976144

just go to the mall nigga

>> No.12976195

>Everybody throws that word around
No they don't, it's very much a /pol/ word with strong links to racism, Social Darwinism and eugenics. Entertainingly, it was popularised around the turn of the 20th century by a major Jewish nationalist.

>> No.12976200

>it's very much a /pol/ word with strong links to racism, Social Darwinism and eugenics.
It's a phrase referring to the degeneration of the traditional order

Also you're a faggot

>> No.12976202 [DELETED] 

Loss of traditional values at the current time stem from the currently predominant system.
It's a fucking tautology.

>> No.12976211
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Loss of traditional values at the current time stem from the currently predominant system.
It's a fucking tautology.

But here's a Christian sperg ranting about the theories of a right-winged shizo - which is not to say they are wrong. It's a nice take on the topic using Hegel:


>> No.12976222
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>An Alternative Model
Try again

>> No.12976230

>degeneracy is the fault of the indivual

bitch 95% of people, including yourself, will do whatever is accepted in their society. if the top 5% create a degenerate society, they will be degenerate. if they create a virtuous society, they will be virtuous.

also go back to r/conservative

>> No.12976242

>degeneracy is a word referring to degeneration
Damn, with brains like this you should be up there debating Zizek

>> No.12976244

>Degeneracy is a flaw of the individual
Which individual? Whose fault is it?

>> No.12976260


>> No.12976263

This anon >>12976260

>> No.12976264

Every individual. If individuality does not exist within a person, they can be assumed to have no agency and are thus able to consent to anything and no fault can lie with them

>> No.12976267

*not able to consent
Fucking phone

>> No.12976283
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>> No.12977030

what the fuck is this post

>> No.12977049

didnt zizek fuck models and shit? it was ironic? lmao

>> No.12977085

The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.

>> No.12977099

you don't understand marxism at all and I'd be very surprised if you'd ever read any marxist texts

>> No.12977120

Similar to how trannies came up with the red pill.

>> No.12977137
File: 115 KB, 720x751, 542529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claiming that the economic principles that guide a society are responsible for the rise of degeneracy in that society is reductive. Obviously more things are at play than economics, as mass consumerism is literally used as a tool by the Marxists in China as well as America (inb4 "China isn't Marxism). Degeneracy is a product of nihilism, mass society, and technological development, all of which encourage a society to kill god and the family unit; forces that placated people in the past. Along with this, if the goal of Marxists was to change society through economics, that approach is shortsighted, as society is just an amalgamation of indecipherable feedback loops, and changing the economics system will obviously cause unforeseen consequences in other areas of society

>> No.12977144

>familiarity with postmodernist names
literally what

>> No.12977152

>you criticize society and yet still you live in it

>> No.12977173

unironically this

it amazes me how nazis have decided that the frankfurt school is a bunch of ultra-jews trying to destroy the west when they're just boomers who keep complaining about how capitalism ruined traditional values and how jazz is low iq negro music

>> No.12977174

>yeah man i am an homophobic but still not gonna stap fapping to gay porn or stop sucking dick

>> No.12977432

Values are a product of scarcity. If scarcity is reduced individual neuroticism will manifest in the public space. Faulting capitalism is true in the sense that it creates wealth but I assume Zizek isn't fundamentally arguing for luddism so it's cope. Virtue has no biological value in a world without struggle. The endgame of 'progress' is a post-human dystopia and heroic creatures like ourselves have no place in it.

>> No.12977452

Pretty sure it was intentionally pushed onto the right to keep them aligned with neocons instead of having disgruntled young men being mad at capitalism

>> No.12977463

cause they're j*ws and marcuse supported student protests. meanwhile adorno was unironically calling the cops on protestors.

>> No.12977471


Zizek is only partially right, as he's far too stuck up with material dogma.

>> No.12977474

nihilism and degeneracy are more consequences of our hedonic adaptation to technology, in other words that technology does not force or determine us into different paths but is just the instrumental means to opening virtual spaces of affect, ie spectacle and ennui. modernity is what you get when apes are relieved of the demands of survival

>> No.12977490

There is still fitness function, but it now transcends individual scale. Modernity optimizes for fitness of the "ecology" of mega-corporation, and individual is reduced to mere cog, no longer subject to primary evolutionary drive of social species.

>> No.12977583

Emilie Durkheim
Weber sort of touches upon it to.

>> No.12977586

Literally any book written by someone with a brain.

>> No.12977670
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>meanwhile adorno was unironically calling the cops on protestors.
yea but they were flashing their titties to him, which is sexual assault

>> No.12977680

>the right to keep them aligned with neocons
If you're talking about pol or whatever they hate neocons because they're jewish. They don't care about being exploited by capitalists they just don't want other races in their country or feminism

>> No.12977685

pre-zizekism petersonism has returned to the battlefield

>> No.12977696

read a bMANoIFEoSTOk

>> No.12977761

There are many reasons traditional values are being eroded. Capitalism, and more importantly, many capitalists have an interest in eroding moral values. It gives them more things to sell. The technocrats love eroding morality because it gives them more power and the ability to enforce artificial "moral" customs - aka. social engineering with arbitrary values setting behavioral patterns.

I would say that the bigger problem is bureaucracy, enforced distancing from core values called secularization, the ensuing loss of shared identities, public education and media clique.

Getting rid of jews should be the first step.

>> No.12977763
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>> No.12977768

>it amazes me how nazis have decided that the frankfurt school is a bunch of ultra-jews trying to destroy the west when they're just boomers
Who happen to be jews. 70% of them are atheists, but they still practice circumcision. They are rotten.

>> No.12977769

That's pol, I'm thinking more about the nu-right or alt-right or whatever you want to call them. Trump supporters and the like.

>> No.12977788

any one of the hundred or so books the fucking guy wrote would probably do the trick

>> No.12977842

>They don't care about being exploited by capitalists
That's secondary, indeed. Once you have your spiritual awakening, you'll realize that you will always be 'exploited' because you are limited.
Capitalism isn't good, but it could produce and sell functional propaganda to eradicate its enemies. Communism is even worse, a revolution against human nature, nature and God.

>> No.12977952
File: 78 KB, 480x480, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The concept of decadence.—Waste, decay, elimination need not be condemned: they are necessary consequences of life, of the growth of life. The phenomenon of decadence is as necessary as any increase and advance of life: one is in no position to abolish it. Reason demands, on the contrary, that we do justice to it. It is a disgrace for all socialist systematizers that they suppose there could be circumstances—social combinations—in which vice, disease, prostitution, distress would no longer grow.—But that means condemning life.—A society is not free to remain young. And even at the height of its strength it has to form refuse and waste materials. The more energetically and boldly it advances, the richer it will be in failures and deformities, the closer to decline.—Age is not abolished by means of institutions. Neither is disease. Nor vice. [...] The social question is a consequence of decadence.

Don't bother even entertaining the thought of tackling the concept of decadence without having read Nietzsche's Will to Power. He writes a great deal about it in there. It's quintessential reading on the concept.

>> No.12978206

Hi Dr. Peterson.

>> No.12978323

Degeneracy exists because most people are just degenerates. It's never going to go away. You can literally tell someone from birth that they'll be tortured for eternity if they sniff their wife's farts but they'll still do it. They'll just stop believing whatever it is you tell them.

>> No.12978406

I've seen a lot of people on the right make this very point. Not on 4chan, of course.

>> No.12978444
