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12970258 No.12970258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anybody else thrown his books away after last night? if you can't even put peterson in his place you are worthless

>> No.12970263

Have sex

>> No.12970266

He called Peterson idiot to his face

>> No.12970271

>there's people taking sides in this debate like they're taking sides of soccer teams

>> No.12970275

The Zik is a merciful god.

>> No.12970284

>there's people taking sides
Human nature

>> No.12970288

random people do that on the street, he was supposed to do more

i've seen many neutrals claiming peterson actually won

>> No.12970290

If you ever took this commie seriously you're a pleb

>> No.12970294

Is there people that knew Peterson before he became an "alt-right" meme in this board?

>> No.12970296

Hi Professor Petersen

>> No.12970307

I can't bring myself to dispose of my books, but I though of putting his, Hegel's and Marx's books in a box and hiding them away.

The whole event made want to read something by GE Moore or something of that sort. At the moment, that seems like the only kind of philosophy I can tolerate.

>> No.12970320

Peterson clearly won this debacle of adebate. Every pseud Marxist that follows this fat piece of shit already decided that he won before the debate even started. That's just how the juvenile minds that put stock in Marxism work. They make a claim, no matter how far from evidence it may be, and defend it to the death. Perhaps one day you'll grow out of your childlike model of how the world really works.

>> No.12970329

>Every pseud Marxist that follows this fat piece of shit already decided that he won before the debate even started.
And pseud sadboy that follows the lobster had already decided that he won before the debate even started as well

That's how all debates function you dumb fucking retard

>> No.12970330

Concederson was backtracking the whole time. He admitted to not having read what he was supposed to debate about. He didn't meet the caricature n that he thought he was going to debate and looked lost, he was about to cry.

Zizek showed that he was a brainlet that didn't know anything about marxism and then asked him to name people while calling him an idiot. By this point concederson was completely defeated.

>> No.12970331
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Cry me a river

>> No.12970333

Wash your brain, bucko

>> No.12970345

I don't see how you can even call this shenanigans a debate

the one single time they actually argued was
>name a marxist
>well academics are smuggling pseudo marxism

which is...whatever. Who cares really about whether a person is 'really a marxist'. the rest of it was just the two of them repeating their usual themes

>> No.12970393

Why is Zizek such a fat fucking slob. Just because of that, he discredits himself.

>> No.12970403

>Peterson clearly won this debate
He completely disqualified himself in his opening statement by admitting that the only Marx he's read is a 100 page leaflet designed for dirt farmers. It was also incredibly apparent he very little research on Zizek and was genuinely surprised by his politics, even though Zizek was basically recycling the same exact talking points he always does.

The debate was terrible, but only because Peterson was totally unprepared. All Zizek had to do was prove that Peterson has no idea what post modernism or marxism are to win.

>> No.12970427

>admitting that the only Marx he's read is a 100 page leaflet designed for dirt farmers
I'm confused, is that not the only type of intellect that Marxism appeals to?

>> No.12970445

Can I go through your trash can of ideology

>> No.12970458

that's what debating is, anything else is pretense

>> No.12970477

never go full retard

>> No.12970479

Nice bait. Even if you fundamentally disagree, you can't debate an ideology with limited knowledge of it. If you want to truly understand Marx enough to debate his philosophy you need to read Capital. The Manifesto is basically just a simple summary and a call to revolution. Of course it's meant to appeal to dirt farmers. If anything, Peterson is just as guilty of that. He's made his career out of pseudo-philosophical self help books that are meant to help poor, uneducated and/or resentful young people.

>> No.12970492


Source: my ass. Peterson lost when he admitted he literally never read a proper Marxist text besides CM and only read the fucking Bible once, decades ago. He's a fraud and it's obvious to anyone who isn't room temp IQ.

>> No.12970513

Advice best suited for yourself I reckon.

>> No.12970521

you need to leave the chapo world and enter the real one

>> No.12970540

Based Callicles

>> No.12970543

I'm still waiting

>> No.12970550

there you go, fag

>> No.12970566

So its worthwhile if you know his flaws, right?

>> No.12970567

Because he's the archetypal philosopher, while Peterson is more or less a merchant.

>> No.12970597

>no u

>> No.12970623

just imagine that being possible. Wash out all the gunk it's acumulated over the years. Man, I would feel better. Problem is that neurons are pretty much identical and we can't make out what connections make up the garbage.

>> No.12971150
File: 19 KB, 400x400, -JUQpKBz_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson fans saying Peterson won
Zizek fans saying zizek won
I'm just here like, they're both retarded.
Who's with me?

>> No.12971168

I liked them both actually

>> No.12971170

>he's craaaaazy
he so crazy
I had a class immediately following one of his lectures
like, his was from 1:15-3:15 in Room 101., and my different classes was from 3:25-5:25 in Room 101 too. ok?

So... he would totally bug out if someone opened the door early. Like, screaming fits and stuff. my prof (who was just a postdoc and wasn't going to get tenured at u of t) encouraged us all to fuck with his head because in addition to being a rageaholic spaz, peterson would also leave the podium really dirty. also, he lectures in a cape for some reason
he went on this ontario talk show with his daughter talking about how they're both clinically depressed bla bla, I feel bad that she's his dad, that must be hard to deal with


>> No.12971176


>> No.12971182


>> No.12971184
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cut your dick off OP

>> No.12971189

if he was a man he would have glassed him

>> No.12971206
File: 30 KB, 285x400, Slavoj-Zizek-poster_2296832_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson had no chance. Zizek was being groomed for this from day one. Take a look at this exert from his high school transcript:

June 1966
Filler Block A: A+
Greek Studies Advanced Point: C-
Sophistry and Deceit: A+
Sex Education TA: A+

He graduated with post-modern distinction and was visited by Faulkner himself, thus sparking the war between the two tribes in local Slovenia. "From this sporangium, I will germinate the western populace and live in it like dog." -- Zizek, 1949 (back when his English was lesser developed.)

Just later, in June 1966, Zizek was voted most likely to clown around, and went solely off that piece of advice and went to clown college. When asked, "what inspired you to go to Brown?" he simply responded,
"I never really thought about it, until one day someone said you would make a good Santa Claus and I conceded, 'I shall be a wearer of costumes and promenader of tricks or a philosopher'."

In April 1972 Zizek was used in the unnamed MK Ultra experiment, "Project Limbo" to see how many hot dogs he could eat while under water and, having his memory erased from the whole thing, his notable ticks and speech
impediments still remain from the water eternally in his lungs forever.

Basically if Peterson wanted to butt heads he'd have to realize who he was dealing with, not a champion of the people, an old miser sort, nor an honest man of any rank, but one who had been costumed tailored to make a fool of Him, at exactly the right time. Peterson never saw it coming, and I mean really, do you think this man had anything to lose when it came time to sit on the big chair?

>> No.12971217

get help

>> No.12971264

know the time he said this?

>> No.12971309

oh wait never i actually watched this lol zizek actually DID expose him this is EPIC

>> No.12971319
