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File: 43 KB, 267x400, the-chapo-guide-to-revolution-9781501187285_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12953639 No.12953639 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled what is /lit/s opinion on pic related?

I just purchased it and I was wondering what I'm in for.

>> No.12953643

The left can't meme: the book

>> No.12953676

Aside from the perplexing problem of what would move anyone to even want to read that thing, why don't you try reading it, now that you have already wasted your money on it, instead of littering the board with a shit thread?

>> No.12953701

where the fuck is it even sold
i cant find it anywhere

>> No.12953711

What revolution? Aren't they all social democrats?

>> No.12953718

because I do what I want and you just cry about it, cuck
interesting please elaborate.

>> No.12953722
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Can anyone tl,dr me on these leftists scum?

>> No.12953725

It’s like Bernie revolution, they’re just larping. The thing is that with the money they’ve made, they could easily start an actual revolution or some kind of coup but they’re not, because they’re all fat bugmen careerists. They’re one of the reasons I stopped being a commie.

>> No.12953736
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"I just want to say"

"fuck fascists, fuck conservatives, fuck liberals, fuck neoliberals, and fuck social democrats"

>> No.12953776

got it on audio, thought it was pretty funny and informative

>> No.12954168

>okay like what
>like donating to my patreon for my podcast where a handful snarky white people make sarcastic ironic comments about the news
sounds like a real revolution

>> No.12954190

Lol, that's not an accurate representation of the podcast at all. They very clearly identify themselves as entertainers but also interview people who give information on shit like organizing your coworkers into a union. They also make snarky comments in the news which is nice too, but it's no cum town

>> No.12954201
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>with the money they’ve made, they could easily start an actual revolution or some kind of coup

I'm suddenly reminded of why the fascists lost

>> No.12954234


>> No.12954272

No I think it clearly advertises itself as entertainment, while also having some educational content you dumb fuck

>> No.12954277

absolutely based

>> No.12954289

This desu. The whole thing reads like someone who's desperately trying to be funny but doesn't realise that their progressive politics immediately makes them the butt of the joke.

>> No.12954325


>like make foriegn policy?
>like.... whaaat?
>none of your jokes funny, your just 5 white people in a room recording yourself be ironic

>> No.12954413

unironically based

>> No.12954439
File: 700 KB, 946x628, Bug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The appeal of chapo bug house is lost on me. They are not working class people, why do they pretend to hold working class interests?

>> No.12954472

Not even a commie but he's right.

>> No.12954478


>> No.12954480

Have sex.

>> No.12954482

They make six figures monthly off of basedboys and hipsters

>> No.12954483

because its about like doing politics man, $ubscribe to the patreon!

>> No.12954491
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young people need some new edgy ideologies man this thing is already getting old.
>muh i hate liberals yet i agree with them 99% of the time

>> No.12954492

have a neuron fire

>> No.12954496

Probably fancy themselves "class traitors" or whatever. Muh empathy

>> No.12954500

or they are literally hipsters circa 2004

>> No.12954502

They're bourgeoisie socialists who pretend to be a working class loudspeaker for socialism as a counter to a lot of the hard right wing propaganda out there. A lot of people see that there aren't a lot of choices in this regard so are throwing tons of money at them since they've reached some level of popularity and success. At the end of the day their podcast is just a propaganda loudspeaker like most of the other political shows out there regardless of political orientation.

>> No.12954511

not good because the best host (amber) had no involvement

>> No.12954517


>> No.12954520

Source on this? Her ride-or-die Bernie support has been disappointing anyway desu

>> No.12954521

>this is what the right actually thinks of its opposition

>> No.12954522

>being such an incel you find amber attractive

>> No.12954538


Amber is very hit or miss, Felix is the best host just because he is funny. Debate me.

>> No.12954544

The left can only meme.
Seems the only way you can do a political discourse in this time is through memes and pop culture references. Guess this is why the left is so insistent on representation in the media.

>> No.12954552
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Are Finnish women all this ugly?

>> No.12954555

you have brain damage

>neo-liberal who thinks being snarky in an overpriced apartment is doing something

>> No.12954559

virgil, will, matt, felix & i think one of their annoying editors wrote the book, no contributions from amber.

her politics are a bit weird. at times she seems like a hardline Marxist, at other times she just seems to want an old-school labor movmeent, & again at other times she seems like an extremely mild reformist social democrat. she’s still the best host for being so stringently anti-idpol

>> No.12954567
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So after bernie becomes president and fails or like after him the capitalists elect a republican again to get rid of any reforms do you think the left in america will finally realize that electoralism is a fraud and put on the clown nose?

>> No.12954572

kinda hard to participate in idpol if people cant figure out what the fuck you are, physically or philosophically

>> No.12954576
File: 724 KB, 581x598, amber Frost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually do think Amber is cute in a very alien way. She has weird features but her face doesn't look particularly asymmetrical, her nose isn't fucked up, she has nice lips, her skunk stripe hair color thing is pretty shitty but she looks better without it.

>> No.12954577

come on, she’s clearly melungeon

>> No.12954579

She looks like the product of an Albino black guy fucking a down syndrome white woman.

>> No.12954582

She looks like a caricature of an albino black/Asian mix. A real face for radio. taht is for sure

>> No.12954585


>> No.12954586

I'm a chapo fan, the book was 6/10
some of the jokes were great, on average were okay, but reading 400 okay jokes in a row is actually kind of exhausting
Eli Valley is a god though

>> No.12954593

who would win?
>/pol/s brittany venti vs /leftypol/ amber

>> No.12954598


>> No.12954600

>The thing is that with the money they’ve made, they could easily start an actual revolution
imagine being older than 12 and believing you can tear the Wall-Street-CIA-Democratic-Republican-Israeli murder machine down if you only had two million dollars
nevermind that they immediately spend it all on Miller Lite, cocaine, cat food, and vape pens

>> No.12954611

she looks like a $20 streetwalker

>> No.12954613

Wow, tone down that antisemitism, buddy!

>> No.12954617

In this case it’s not really wrong.

>> No.12954624

>not conservatively investing your podcast money into military industrial complex stocks and the s&p 500 and then be all like "ahhh dudes, sorry, i gotta go back to school, its a thing, no dont ask questions, its personal thing dude", then just leaving and never talking to anyone again.

>> No.12954625

people calling the Chapos "larpers" have obviously not listened to the podcast, every one of them is completely open about how they have absolutely no value to actual leftist politics other than getting drunk and yelling into microphones about people they hate
(except Felix who is sober and doesn't actually care about politics)
they're not pretending to be leading a revolution, they think that shit is stupid, they just want people to stop sucking DC/MSM/Disney cock for a second and that's a valuable thing, props to them

>> No.12954631

imagine thinking Justin is white

>> No.12954636

>haha it was just for fun bro we're not actually serious xd
worthless bugmen trying to downplay their own stupidity and naivety

>> No.12954639

Sounds awful desu, like the leftie version of Milo/Gavin McInnes

>> No.12954643

why must you insult streetwalkers in such a flagrant way

>> No.12954649
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Pretty sure she said she was Finnish. Sámi people tend to have chinky eyes so it would make sense.

>> No.12954651

> they just want people to stop sucking DC/MSM/Disney cock for a second and that's a valuable thing, props to them

But they don’t have anything better to offer. It’s like encouraging people to listen to jazz instead of the top 40. Being slightly more sophisticated (or in their case, edgy) doesn’t change the fact that it’s still nihilistic dance music at its core.

>> No.12954664

Leftist memes are gay and unfunny, right wing memes are actually funny and get demagogues elected.

>> No.12954667

Matt is a cripple from Manitowoc (as in "Making a Murderer" Manitowoc). Felix was an alcoholic bartender. Amber's from Deliverance country.
Will and Virgil are fancy trust-fund boys but the others are legit

>> No.12954673
File: 33 KB, 600x683, spedepasanen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to apologize on behalf of all Finnish people.
Please forgive us, Amber doesn't represent Finland.

>> No.12954674

what is this even a picture of, who are these people

>> No.12954676

Rapist Frat House? But why?

>> No.12954677
File: 50 KB, 400x499, fingols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best kept secret in europe, finns are actually Mongolians

>> No.12954682

But anon, Lenin was the bad guy don't you know??? Trust the policy makers who profit most from the status quo to tell you change bad.

>> No.12954683

as far as i know she’s always refused to clarify her ethnicity. her family is from appalachia though

>> No.12954690

t. retard who thinks he's woke

>> No.12954692

>I have learned everything I need to learn about what nihilism means from 4chan and daddy Peterson.
Doesn't make them any less traitors to any revolutionary action they could've encouraged.
The only good Chapos are on their tankie/militant anarchists containment subreddit.

>> No.12954705

>Just trust neolibs to tell you markets are actually good, acknowledging the failure of liberalism and capitalism as a whole is just postering as being woke.
Why are liberals so intent on sounding as moderate and as 'reasoned' as possible?

>> No.12954710

>class traitors
Lmao, these guys would be the FIRST to go.

>> No.12954715

the left put on the clown nose when Jimmy Carter slashed financial regulations and lost re-election in a landslide to a 100-year-old senile bootlicker
twenty years later, Democrats on TV doing the Macarena while pledging an "end of history" (decades of permanent war, police militarization, corporate welfare, environmental annihilation, shoving millions of weapons to Saudi Arabia and Israel, and more black people in Disney movies)
what you're seeing in the unionization/single-payer/anti-Israel insurgence is the left taking off the clown nose and getting to business again. It's messy but it's exciting. And no, chapo's ""comedy"" isn't useful for that, but who gives a shit
the right is spamming clowns everywhere because they're mad and the left is actually resurging. it's a good time to be alive.

>> No.12954720

she cute

>> No.12954721

t. discord tranny trying to fit in

>> No.12954730

the subreddit is even more liberal than the podcast, it's bad

>> No.12954732

>Everyone I disagree with is transsexual.
Is it projecting or just brain worms?

>> No.12954735

reformism doesnt work, they will just elect another neoliberal manager after him to repeal everything

>> No.12954738

they know that, people who listen to the podcast know that, I don't know why people spam this like it's a dunk
it's literally a podcast making fun of pro-Iraq-War newspaper columnists from 15 years ago. it's not supposed to be good.

>> No.12954739

Except that Gavin actually seems like a down-to-earth reasonable guy in interviews

>> No.12954742

>I have learned everything I need to learn about what nihilism means from 4chan and daddy Peterson.
I don’t think I’ve listened to a full sentence of Peterson's. It doesn’t change the face that jazz is the distilled essence of early 20th century consumerist nihilism in an audio form.

Sounds like the type of thing Peterson would see as transcendent if anything.

>> No.12954743

Talking about /r/cth2. Well, once you get past all the 'lul, I'm so random' posting.

>> No.12954749

voting was good enough for Lenin, it's good enough for me. It's not sufficient but it gets people talking about something other than transgender fighter pilots and tax credits

>> No.12954751

>Citation needed.
Did you just listen to Adorno once and is that it? How can you pretend like bebop or free jazz are dance music in any meaningful way?

>> No.12954755
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Amber leave

>> No.12954756
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>> No.12954773

>But they don’t have anything better to offer
yeah they do, bitching about things and not doing anything is the thing people actually want to do

>> No.12954775

>muh status quo

>> No.12954777

I saw a post on /pol/ which were something like this:
>The left actually does memes better than the right, they just aren't funny

>> No.12954782

Listen to him on Pod Ruin America

>> No.12954791

Ive heard that hipster faggot plenty of places, down to earth people do not work in fucking advertising

>> No.12954793

I refuse to debate the truth

>> No.12954798

Well that’s your opinion

>> No.12954821

says the guy who finds someone in advertising whos trying to become a media personality "down to earth"

>> No.12954840

How is it not realistic?

>> No.12954908

there are Matt fans and there are nobodies

>> No.12954919

>/pol/s brittany venti
she hot but nothing good comes out of /pol/

>> No.12954982

who would win a fight to the death
brittany is hot in the most dictionary picture bag over head way

>> No.12955009

she's ugly as fuck

>> No.12955022
File: 162 KB, 1242x1463, z7tnjie25j321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Class interest isn't your relationship to society's productive forces. It's just how much money u have
>All leftists who aren't literal sustinance farmers pwnt xD

>> No.12955036

>the millionth hot new media personality "entertaining" through self aggrandizing finger wagging
>this time its new york hipsters

>> No.12955092

>what is petite bourgeiose

>> No.12955132

I find wide-set eyes really hot, when I see a person whose eyes are too close together I want to fucking throw up
I don't know where this comes from but that's my life I guess

>> No.12955140

>Israeli murder machine
but I repeat myself

>> No.12955156

this girl is genuinely one of the ugliest girls ive ever seen plus she's had like 4 abortions but everyone on r/cumtown fawns over her???

>> No.12955160

>eastern europeans and turk esoteric sand cult converts
kikes more delusional than trannies

>> No.12955296

They're just trying to hype her up and turn her into a left version of Lauren Southern.

>> No.12955306

How's her personality ?
She looks like the quiet type

>> No.12955307


>> No.12955309

Ironicism was a mistake

>> No.12955338

Lenin still relevant today as he was then.

>> No.12955348
File: 157 KB, 1200x900, C1MZhLfW8AAy3vG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left is just a bunch of dorks

>> No.12955500
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Say something nice about Amber

>> No.12955543

Amber is nice name

>> No.12955546

She probably has Genghis Khan blood, that's pretty cool desu

>> No.12955548

imo she's a gorgeous Appalachian hill queen and abortions are based. I wish I could consentually smooch her

>> No.12955591

has anyone in here actually read it?

i'm not going to because it's clearly popshit, but chapo (the podcast) is good sometimes. it's fans are pretty retarded though

>> No.12955623

Nobody on this board reads.

>> No.12955657
File: 58 KB, 655x501, 5t24tg42g25g24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's fans are pretty retarded though

the fans are fucking deranged

im honestly surprised there haven't been mass shooters with chapo connections, my guess is that the people who are more inclined towards that sort of thing end up on the right since it more explicitly appeals to them (white nationalism, inceldom etc)

>> No.12955671

Have you seen her tits?

>> No.12955678


>> No.12955695

The left is well organized and social enough to prevent lone wolves. They also have institutional control to such an extent that such actions are counterproductive.

>> No.12955728

I'd say the left wing extremist resembles a psychopath and the right wing a schizophrenic

>> No.12955742

Why is /lit/ mostly comprised of communist?

>> No.12955752

I really have my doubts in deciding if /lit/ as a collective has any certain political leaning.

>> No.12955753

Ok, so why do they still play the underdog and whine so much? That shit pretty much secures leftism as somethings thats going to happen or is it those pesky libz?

>> No.12955764

I've listened to the audiobook.

There's some of that dork/soi/reddit style, but it's not unbearable. If they only thing you know is mainstream media (CNN, Fox...) you might even find some parts insightful.
Ideologically, they overlap a lot with someone like John Oliver, who's pretty much a Democrat mouthpiece, but occasionally dares to criticize their warmongering. Chapo are anti-war too. And they want higher taxes, I guess.
But that's as far as their "revolution" goes. They don't dare question other liberal dogmas, they seem fully on board with the SJW issues.

>> No.12955767

Most of us just aren't afraid to admit Marxist philosophers may have some good insights rather than dismissing it just because of some kind of "leftists are all bad and trying to destroy the world through social justice" type thing

>> No.12955770

I'm not sure these acts are carried out for coherent political reasons. It's more like the individual is predisposed towards violence (mentally maladjusted) and when exposed to fringe internet cultures they're pushed to act that violence out.

The content of what they view (i.e. left wing or right wing) feels incidenta, it's the deranged and victimising nature that matters. This sort of thing is rife on the chapo subreddit as much as it is on incel forums and you can find posts alt righters and chapo goons with the same sentence structure etc. I think the right just picks up the really damaged people because of the reasons stated in my last post.

I know I sound like i'm making excuses but I genuinely believe this dumb shit. We can say for certainty that if you expose millions of impressionable, disaffected and arguably socially stigmatized white men to apocalyptic propaganda (being bred out of existence, institutionally discriminated against etc) the overwhelming majority of them will not be pushed towards violence. This makes the "lone wolfs" seem like genuine outliers and brings into question how much the content of the internet is to blame vs how much the form is to blame. Also it's not fair that these people are thrown into a world where this deranged and propagandising internet is the norm and they're expected to come out the other end like everyone else, on some level society has failed them.

>> No.12955868

Chapocels are the most disgusting beings in the internet, they are just as racist as /pol/ but in a condescending way like they are doing you a favour because you are brown and don't know any better. I'm sick of these retards praising the murderous dictatorship in my country. FUCK CHAPOCELS and FUCK COMMIES

>> No.12955875


>> No.12955909

cheers lad might give it the old ear in ear out

>> No.12955998

>The left is well organized
My sides

>> No.12956006

>I'm sick of these retards praising the murderous dictatorship in my country.
lmao what country

>> No.12956015


>> No.12956042


>> No.12956088

I'm actually wondering how these leftist (to differentiate from the right) bugmen don't suffer from cognitive dissonance, when they talk to someone from Venezuela?
How do they rationalize it? How can they praise it?

>> No.12956113

Decent jokes here and there, if you know anything about modern politics and history, you probably won't learn much. But the memes are okay.

>> No.12956247

They say that you are lying then "source" their statements on a government sponsored "news"source like Telesur or RT (other news sources are American propaganda, they are too smart to fall for that). They say that you must be a butthurt bourgeois white Venezuelan because you know English. They believe what the regime says (but they are too smart to believe anything that comes out of their own government). Everything is a CIA plot. They think that it's only imperialism when the USA does it and that China, Russia and Cuba don't have any interests here. They cry about Russian interference in their election yet they fail to recognize how rigged and fraudulent and illegal the elections are here.

They are so deep in their ideology that they became completely blind. They choose to believe one thing and disregard everything else as propaganda.

>> No.12956266
File: 455 KB, 844x417, the left CAN meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12956277

>They cry about Russian interference in their election
every chapo fan's obsession

>> No.12956285

If you think Elliott Abrams has Latin America's best interests in mind you're either a baby or a shill

>> No.12956297

>left wing memes
>right wing memes
>spree shooters and the holocaust
Look mom I can do it too This will end well I'm sure

>> No.12956326

>7/10 mass shooters registered democrats

>> No.12956335
File: 225 KB, 400x620, 1555537001522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this instead

>> No.12956366

>"He's cool and he flaps his lips at the policeman, strutting his way through the urban landscape he doesn't answer to anybody. Recently emancipated and without question not facing a single degree of discrimination at this point, now fully an equal, without any kind of oppression facing him whatsoever the 1952 cool rule breaking negro answers only to himself. What is it about these beasts that they can't control themselves?"
>from 1952 essay "The Rule Breaking Negro" by Adam Friedland and Bill Buckley, published in Harpers Bazaar/The National Review

>> No.12956392

It's not his job to care for Latin America's best interest. America's best interest is not to have a Russian/Chinese vassal state so close with millions of refugees roaming around the region.
Either way the truth of what's happening here doesn't change whether he is involved or not. That's another classic chapocel tactic, dismissing everything with >muh Elliot Abrams.

>> No.12956527

It's a marketing tactic. Both the left and the right say they're the underdog and if the last election was anything to go by the US is split basically 50/50

>> No.12956536

If we're going by those metrics, the death toll and cultural destruction of the left is much higher

>> No.12956557

If you don't think the two people running in the last elections were complete oddities you're either retarded or too young to remember any previous elections.

>> No.12956591

>trump ran in the past 3 elections

>> No.12956648

Because being the underdog is a the very core of leftist philosophy. And even if they could abandon it, why would they?

>> No.12956662


I think it used to be more communist, but many old /lit/ people left or come back infrequently.

>> No.12956664

Clinton ran in 2008 and 2016
Trump ran in 2000 and 2016
both are rich, off-putting, whiny creeps, friends with each other and Jeffrey Epstein

>> No.12956668

leftist philosophy is that we outnumber the enemy and will inevitably overthrow them once again as we have repeatedly throughout history. I don't know where "underdog" factors into it. It's the poltards spamming "IT'S ALL OVER" wojaks and clowns

>> No.12956682

That is mostly true though. Even with their "insightful" analysis on society it's only a framework for them to start their revolution. I've read some Marx, and i will admit his critique on capitalist society is spot on in some part, but ultimately he lost script because he thought human society would eventually adopt a communist model for society. Communism is the Dionysus of political/economic systems. It's conclusion to the end of society is a hedonistic, degenerated state where hierarchies and order cease to exist due to the dogmatic nature of communist against such things. Communism in it's pure unconstrained form is unfettered chaos.

>> No.12956687

using apostrophes wrong is unfettered chaos

>> No.12956698
File: 88 KB, 220x294, 9ABFC22E-A1D5-4A24-821E-779B938649F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude come on, communists aren’t all anarkiddies.

>> No.12956704

Exactly, the left's whole appeal is that they are the oppressed getting together and overthrowing the oppressors. Once they are in power, they've got no reason to exist, so even if they are indeed in power they must mask it and pretend to be powerless, to the point they fucking censor speech and pretend it is somehow the powerless exerting pressure on the powerful.

>> No.12956709
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>> No.12956711

absolutely groovy

>> No.12956713

100% pure finnish phenotype

>> No.12956723

If you look at communism closely it follows that flow of thought. Marx wanted the Rousseau vision of society where everything is reverted back to pre industrial/ communal society. The noble savage mtyh of the state of nature where everyone treated each other fairly. To achieve such vision you would have to regress society. Hierarchies form the result of civilization. It's a evolutionary necessity. Communism ignores this.

>> No.12956727
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>> No.12956729
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>> No.12956731

Puritans were right all along

>> No.12956733
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Is this dude talking for real or is he just playing around?

>> No.12956737
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>> No.12956741


>> No.12956745

Why the fuck did you not capitalize the Holocaust?! I'm just like, I mean a bit concerned about remembering when tons and tons of people/ died and being respectful and mindful about that as much as humanly possible, ok?

>> No.12956748

can't imagine they'd post that, I don't even think they use that account much cuz they all have their own

>> No.12956785

Why would you want an actual revolution anyway? There a good chance youll end off worse than you were before, and even if you don't, you're not likely to see much improvement anyway since any sociopolitical system will have its own disadvantages and inefficienies, and will also necessarily possess dome of the oppressive and exploitative feature of contemporary corporatist neoliberalism. Of course there are socioeconomic systems that may be more or less fair, equitable, just, efficient, etc. Than others, but our current one certainly isnt that bad. In terms of game theory and rational choice, pursuing actual revolutionary goals seems like a suboptimal decision.

>> No.12956835

American politics are a joke.

>> No.12956868

social conservatives were right about basically everything but by the time you realise it the thing has become so normal that no one cares

>> No.12956927
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>> No.12956938

I think you're forgetting that leftist political organizing and activism is a social activity to them, so genuinely antisocial people can't really participate. I think being a lonewolf attacker requires a lack of meaningful social relationships to an extent that it's impossible for leftists to have.

>> No.12956963
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>I just purchased it

>> No.12956972

I hate to boil an argument down to an acronym, but FPBP.

>> No.12956977

These guys' testosterone levels probably don't even add up to the average level for a typical male

>> No.12956987

Well, what did you expect?

>> No.12957013

where's the lie?

>> No.12957035

you can tell these are all fake because they're actually funny

>> No.12957036

Hard pass. Let me know when Nick Mullen and the boys write a book.

>> No.12957043

>getting so mad about nonsense you photoshop fake tweets for a podcast twitter account
is this "based"?

>> No.12957046

three kings

>> No.12957051

I want to hug Matt
I want to wrestle Felix
I want to fuck Will's cute little adopted ass

>> No.12957056

n***** mullen couldn't even manage a Twitter account

>> No.12957080

dick masterson already wrote a book

>> No.12957170

Bottom of the barrel shit. /lit/ is more patrician than that.

>> No.12957275


>> No.12957435

I want Will to kiss me >:( >:( >:( >:OOOOO aaghhhh I wanna die

>> No.12957436

i would fuck her easy

>> No.12957443

she would hate that, you gotta fuck her hard

>> No.12957458

i would fuck her (hard), *easily

>> No.12957532
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>> No.12957667

So steep the heat from AOC’s feet
She stomps on huevos and cooks scrambled treats
Or so steps on beans for some dank frijoles
Stirring in the pot her feet’s girly glaze
No punt of her boot nor jolt of her heel
Could peal from my pipes any joy but the squeal
A shout of pain, sure, even scrotal agony
Blessed all flesh struck by her majesty
Tucked into soft pumps or gliding in sandals
Thefts of her Loubs ignited great scandals
Keeping her slippers and flip-flops locked tightly
AOC’s schedule keeps her feet sprightly
Send your best goons, spirit me to your lair
Bathe me in shrink beams to squish by soles bare
Now but an angstrom and AOC’s nails abyssal
Lapidary escarpments, freckles and bristle
Her pheromones rain like atmosphere
Betwixt AOC’s toes, the saltiest schmear
Baptized in her funks, I feel so alive
Drenched by scents floral, cheeses and chive
AOC’s feet share many hues with rosewood
Toes not stubby nor phallic, like toes should
Asleep on her tummy, braaper to the moon
Her ventral soles loom like a scrunchy dune
Questing and climbing her flexuous ripples
Those female fumes stir heady sniffles
Rave for Alexandria Ocasio-
Cortez’s toes, Latinx pistachios

>> No.12957693

How do you have power for 4channel?

>> No.12958789

>implying all you need for revolution is money
I dislike chapo retards too but they are still slightly better than retards like you

>> No.12958808

>not understanding how dialectics works
Once the leftism of yesteryears (republicanism and classical liberalism etc etc) become mainstream a new paradigm and conflict will form the new left and right. Left and Right are about approach or attitudes to hierarchies and power structure in certain era not specific ideologies

>> No.12959076

phoneposting with a couple of backup batteries

>> No.12959800

Contrary to popular belief, the left actually memes things into existence while the right is sometimes funny but always ineffective.

>> No.12959849

it pains me to say this but its true
in any socialist or marxist circle i come across it always boils down to a piss contest on whos more working class than the other and lifeless ____ gets the bullet or gulag jokes

>> No.12959856

Outside of some literal 'purity' types you will never encounter this outside of the internet. Most of that shit is ironic, except for the whole anarchists vs. ML's shit, that's still very real.

>> No.12959862

No, I'm a leftwinger and even I am not gonna pretend like the left is going to 'meme' anything into existence. The only significant social movements of the last few decades were the Gilets Jaunnes and the Arab Spring and both of those are being increasingly co-opted by nationalist movements.

>> No.12959865

Of course I'm only talking about social movements that came out of internet organising. I'm not even going to talk about the liberal meme that's the whole youth for climate thing.

>> No.12959871

I come to 4chan for the cutting, biting satire. Anon, you've outdone yourself.

>> No.12959889

>some larpers go to another larp-off and see who is the biggest larper


>> No.12959925


>> No.12960072

bc the only place communism works is in a book

>> No.12960079
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Nobody on /lit/ reads though.

>> No.12960099

Nick is the funniest man alive in my opinion.

>> No.12960129

why am I even clicking on reply? these threads are cancerous. anglos are trash. americans should be nuked.

politicized americans are the single most pathetic thing in existence right now

>muh leftie!!!!
euh non
>muuuuh alt right
non plus espèce de fils de pute contrairement à toi la cia m'a pas lavé le cerveau

>> No.12960138

his standup is dogshit
hes much better with the boys

>> No.12960145

alors quoi penses-tu pierre

>> No.12960261

I occasionally listen to hear neocons and liberals get insulted. They're pretty good as a "but actually" whiny liberal comedy act. Compare them to something like Samantha Bee and it's clear that they at least understand irony and almost have a sense of deep politics. I know they consider themselves leftists, not liberals, but that's only because they still haven't figured out that the fart left only serves as useful idiot shock troops for the liberal world order. If Bernie gets elected and promptly fails, maybe they'll begin to understand.

I would compare them to 2006-era Jon Stewart, a description I'm sure they'd despise because it's so hatefully accurate. Good performers, dumbass politics, slobbering interviews secretly meant to compliment themselves for being so aware and political, zingers and "wow just wow" reactions, false sense of sincerity and rebellion, constantly hiding behind "I'm just a clown" when in fact they believe themselves to be not only smarter and more informed than everybody else, but also objective arbiters of good and evil. Hypocritical, like most decent mainstream entertainment. It allows you to feel smug for a little while, which I admittedly enjoy

The thing is, they're so sullen and reactionary that it's sometimes hard to listen to. I actually feel a little bit sick when I listen to that mewling Brooklynite vocal fry for too long. It just reminds me too much of a teenager getting pissy because his mom brought home the wrong brand of Cheez-its from the grocery store. Irony manchildren getting pissy at the news. Again, I like the insults though.

If you actually take them as seriously as they take themselves then you are pigshit retarded, "no cap"

>> No.12960264

French is gay 2bh

>> No.12960270

check out his nicole mullen posts on thought catalog, they're still very funny

>> No.12960391

>as seriously as they take themselves

>> No.12960538

is it tho?

>> No.12960614

They take themselves very seriously. All irreverent people do.

>> No.12960719
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Imagine actually thinking that there are exactly two economic classes with predetermined uniform interests.

>> No.12960726
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chapochuds are the cringiest

>> No.12960737

The combination of this thread and Zizek threads attracted AOC, she went off and got found out
I bet shes somewhere in this thread too

>> No.12960804


Few people actually think that their interests are predetermined or uniform including Marx, Engels, Stalin or Lenin. There are workers that will have something to lose in the socialist revolution, and there are of course class traitors, colonial interests, imperial interests etc.

But they believed capitalism has an inherent motion that, barring other countervailing factors like imperialism, colonialism, technological breakthroughs, rapid population growth etc. drives capitalists as a class to squeeze workers. At those moments when they squeeze workers the most, workers to a greater and greater degree begin to unify in their shared interests against the capitalist class, and the conditions for a conflict arise.

>> No.12960837
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>> No.12960913

Oh boy, there go the goalposts again.
>In the social production of their life, men enter into definite relations that are indispensable and independent of their will, relations of production which correspond to a definite stage of development of their material productive forces. The sum total of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which rises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness.
>The mode of production of material life conditions the social, political and intellectual life process in general. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.
>At a certain stage of their development, the material productive forces of society come in conflict with the existing relations of production, or — what is but a legal expression for the same thing — with the property relations within which they have been at work hitherto. From forms of development of the productive forces these relations turn into their fetters.

>> No.12961080


I don't see how any of that changes what I said.

>In the social production of their life, men enter into definite relations that are indispensable and independent of their will, relations of production which correspond to a definite stage of development of their material productive forces. The sum total of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which rises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness.

The existing social relations of production, which correspond to stages of development of the productive forces, are outside the will of individuals, and prevailing ideology and forms of political organization are derived from those structures. For instance, when the black death occurred in the 1300s you got some of the first anti-vagrancy laws in England, as well as regulations on the rights of free labor. This period also corresponds to an increasing delineation legally and ideologically between the "deserving" poor and the shiftless villains who just won't work. Before this the poor had a proper place in the social order as being receptive of charity by the church and the wealthy in order to gain prestige or express piety. When the labor market constricted and village support networks were ravaged by the plague, you simultaneously had a problem of too many vagrants from the countryside hitting the towns for aid and seasonal free laborers demanding too much money from the landowners. So the relations of production here, lords and serfs, were the impetus for new legal strictures taking away the rights of these free laborers to deny work offered to them and to negotiate their wages, as well as criminalizing many of these victims of the plague wondering the countryside. And as said before, this also filtered into the ideology surrounding poverty, creating more animosity for the supposed laziness of the vagrants rather than emphasizing the piety of giving alms to the poor.

>The mode of production of material life conditions the social, political and intellectual life process in general. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.

I'd give a similar answer and case study as the above. That is what is being expressed here.

>At a certain stage of their development, the material productive forces of society come in conflict with the existing relations of production, or — what is but a legal expression for the same thing — with the property relations within which they have been at work hitherto. From forms of development of the productive forces these relations turn into their fetters.

Here he is basically just suggesting that at certain stages of development the superstructure becomes unrelated to the real conditions of production, and so begins to come under attack.

>> No.12961412

Alright, I'm going to ignore the ususal rigamarole of arguing whether there is a sublative material teleology to history and whether Marx has actually provided one which is consistent with reality (Asiatic mode of production, etc.). What I'm trying to pin you and Marx down on is economic determinism, such that no amount of "royal road" apologia can circumvent. If Marx has defined the material economic conditions of society as the sole determinant of all human relationships, and as a Hegelian, he identifies the sum total of human relationships as the determinant of consciousness, then yes, he has created a system in which all human consciousness is predetermined by his premised selection of economic class categories (all 2), which would include uniform class interests--your use of the term "class traitor" would indicate as much. To Marx, this would be the exception that proves his rule.

>> No.12961433

*If Marx has defined the material economic conditions of society as the sole determinant of all human social relationships, as he does in this passage from his economic manuscripts,

>> No.12961499

Sir, I take the subject of remember the Holocaust very seriously. All four of my grandparents were Holocaust survivors. Literally none of them died in the Holocaust, and I assure you, that has impacted me in a deep way.

>> No.12961775


>> No.12961860

>What I'm trying to pin you and Marx down on is economic determinism
But he didn't, merely focusing on the economic factor in society and shit. Engels made that clear

>"I qualify your first major proposition as follows: According to the materialistic conception of history, the production and reproduction of real life constitutes in the last instance the determining factor of history. Neither Marx nor I ever maintained more. Now when someone comes along and distorts this to mean that the economic factor is the sole determining factor, he is converting the former proposition into a meaningless, abstract and absurd phrase. The economic situation is the basis but the various factors of the superstructure – the political forms of the class struggles and its results – constitutions, etc., established by victorious classes after hard-won battles – legal forms, and even the reflexes of all these real struggles in the brain of the participants, political, jural, philosophical theories, religious conceptions and their further development into systematic dogmas – all these exercize an influence upon the course of historical struggles, and in many cases determine for the most part their form."


>> No.12962423

This is the exact "no royal road" apologia I was referring to. By making the economic mode of production the final factor or "base" in the determinationof social relations, Marx and Engels apply the Hegelian judgement of history in their sketch of the sublative relationship between base and superstructure, and like any Hegelian, they inport the assumptions of the base into their characterization of the superstructure. It is incredibly disingenuous to paint this as a unity rather than what it is; a post-hoc ergo propter-hoc explanation of prevailing cultural phenomena through a (I'll be generous) crypto-economic determinism.

>> No.12962430


>> No.12962993

East coasters have fucking permanent beer googles have the pollution coming off the hudson bay, that bitch looks like shes related to Michael jackson after the nose surgery and skin bleaching, no one from commiefornia or even fucking flyover country would find this mongoloid coke snorting bitch above average looking, you fucking knuckle draggers from NYC think jersey shore skanks like Jill Niccolini are attractive

>> No.12964143

Fairly accurate. The modern left seems to have taken to a system wherein the rich are allowed to maintain their international dominance of all things at the expense of all things outside of the multi-national, financial-state synthesis that globalization has created, but the people are bribed with welfare in order to keep them silent. Lenin is probably the most respectable communist. He was able to actually look at the real world, rather than falling into that version of leftism that is entirely rhetoric revolving around a few "good" and "bad" points of reference.

t. NatSoc

>> No.12964718

That's a beautiful bug anon.

>> No.12964794

Amber is pretty decent. The other ones are hipster fags or worse.

>> No.12964882

Close, but it's Sean Clements

>> No.12965080

Can I get a quick rundown? I don't want this in my browser history.

>> No.12965109

>browser history.
...you serious

>> No.12965139

My wife's son might find click on it by accident and then I'll have to sleep in the shed again.

>> No.12965406

>Hierarchies form the result of civilization. It's a evolutionary necessity. Communism ignores this.
Spot on anon. I'm a big fan of crypto and lots of people complain about bitcoin mining moving towards a handful of mining pools. I've realized that hierarchies exist and society will always trend towards it as it's a result of the success and planning ability of some. Since we arent equal in abilities or skills hierarchies are inherent to human civilization. Communism rests squarely on an egalitarian acceptance as its basis for justification.

>> No.12965770

It's a book to advertise and fund their podcast. Turns out they're capitalist too since it isn't exactly a choice in our society. (Also democracy will not bring about a socialist/communist revolution)

>> No.12965782

upvoted my fellow redditors

>> No.12966190




>> No.12966283

You'll get yours on Castration Day

>> No.12967144

yeah and their podcast is shit too

>> No.12967165

Wow sounds like they've lived through such struggle. A bartender? Worse than Siberia

>> No.12967326

You say "from deliverance country" as if there are not massive numbers of bourgeois liberals in the south. None of these people actually understand serious struggle and would be eaten alive were this period of luxurious capitalist neoliberalism to actually come to an end. They are champagne socialists with brownstones in Brooklyn and are so incredibly soft and effete that they actually consider the moral concepts of "racism" and "sexism" to be serious concerns rather than masturbatory pursuits in a portion of bourgeois society so comfortable that it's bored.

>> No.12967340

You should all be gulagged you commie fucks.

>> No.12967516

Are you whining that M&E are doing what they actually set out to do?
>It is incredibly disingenuous to paint this as a unity rather than what it is
But they didn't

>> No.12967809

I'm saying that they backed themselves into an untenable position, and when pressed on it, they pretended to divest their theory of the primacy of economic determinants while still maintaining a base/superstructure relationship that is reliant upon economic predetermination.

>> No.12967835

>But they didn't
If they didn't, then they should be able to identify causal facors for social structures that arise independently, but they never do anything of the sort. Economic factors are always the point of genesis in their theories.

>> No.12968665

easy, dasha

>> No.12968682

>If you have a job and don't employ anyone you're not working class
Cool dude, enjoy your weekend

>> No.12969647

The title is ironic