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12949322 No.12949322 [Reply] [Original]

Anything that trully helped you?
I'm getting desperate, I need a girlfriend with a firm young ass as soon as possible

>> No.12949424


>> No.12949445

>Models by Mark Manson
>The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi
That's all you need

>> No.12949450
File: 27 KB, 309x475, SundAndSteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Develop your physique. Read the stoics to lose your desperation and fiction to develop a vocabulary and the ability to articulate your thoughts. Achieve competentence in useful skills and work hard. Learn how to dress. Propably the majority of men can move into the top 30% of desirable partners by doing these things.

>> No.12949456

Fucking based

>> No.12949467

Hahahahahahaha faggot

>> No.12949470

How does one learn how to dress? Any good books on this that arent just glorified magazines or advertisements?

>> No.12949472

don't be an anglo, be french or italian

>> No.12949484

Don’t wear skinny jeans, but doc martens instead of sneakers, don’t wear anything slim fitted, that’s for faggots, simple, fuck GQ

>> No.12949486

What if I'm a five-foot-two poo-in-the-loo?

>> No.12949504

just be tall or rich or popular/famous
if you're none of these things you're FUCKED bud

don't listen to this guy, he's delusional and a chode

>> No.12949509

you're fucked, you'll never find a girlfriend unless you're rich and have an asian fetish

>> No.12949541

It's not about becoming hip or a fashion guru, a developed physique will speak for itself. You can wear simple things as long as they fit nicely. You need to look clean and fit which is what females respond to, the less physically beautiful you are the more you need to go for gimmicks or niche signalling. So if you have a hideous face develop your muscles, grow facial hair and put emphasis on your body. If you don't really have a physique to develop than consider developing maybe idk an artsy aesthetic. It depends on you, your age and your cultural surroundings. Looking at silly magazines isn't the worst to understand the possibilities. But my own aesthetic is very simple and clean so I can't really direct you here.

>> No.12949546
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Okay, OP here.
While I'm really getting desperate, I had some experiences with young girls with firm asses before.
To formulate better questions, how can I develop greater self steem and boost my confidence? How can I succesfully re-introduce myself into the society so I can meet more people face to face without looking mentally challenged?
I think I gre worse over the years, and I'm stuck in this loop of loneliness and self doubt. Therapy isn't helping me that much, so I'm asking for the understadind help of books.
Don't feed me incel shit, please

>> No.12949558

This is what being an incel with no confidence looks like. Ignore this faggot, anons
Absolutely correct

>> No.12949560

That's the only book you're going to need.

>> No.12949561

we need a self-help board.

>> No.12949572

Hm. It's not that clear from your writing what the problem is. Maybe join some sort of a club where you can interact with people on a regular basis. Make it something that is physical and favored by females. Yoga maybe, preferably in a gym where the clientele is younger. Although you might want to pick something which forces you to interact.

>> No.12949574

Shut up faggot

>> No.12949575

You mean a "please someone help me find a girlfriend when I haven' had a shower in three weeks" board?

>> No.12949576

>Rationalist solutions to irrational problems
You nerds are just fueling the fire.

>> No.12949578
File: 554 KB, 967x954, 6E5F4740-62D3-4A18-8F21-7DF09D7AB008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no nononono

>> No.12949579

basically, yes. And a /youtuber/ board

>> No.12949580

Im looking this up and it sounds great. One problem. The fucking price. Why is this so expensive? Holy shit

>> No.12949583


>> No.12949594

You’re the one denying the defined steps of self-improvement. Enjoy having no kids

>> No.12949595

>how can I develop greater self steem and boost my confidence?
>How can I succesfully re-introduce myself into the society so I can meet more people face to face without looking mentally challenged?
>Don't feed me incel shit, please

>> No.12949599

COPE lmao

>> No.12949601

It's not that simple. Not everyone is born desirable, a large amount of males will never reproduce. At the bottom of the hierachy the competition is desperate and the collapse of marriage results in a widening of that pool. It's not something that should be made fun of and even those who are mainly responsible for their own plight have fallen victim to behavioural patterns which are hard to break out of on their own.

>> No.12949609

Bad bait is still bait

>> No.12949610

you aren't listening to that other anon.

DO SOME PUSHUPS. then do them again tomorrow. and so on. then when you aren't a fatass, go buy some new clothes.

>> No.12949611


>> No.12949622


>> No.12949631

You are great. Thank you, anon

>> No.12949637

>Why is this so expensive?
because the book is a normie hipster meme

>> No.12949649

It would be filled with incels/lookismfags posting "COPE" on day 1

>> No.12949663

>here read this obscure book by a gay japanese bodybuilder it will really help your love life

>> No.12949672

>>The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi
dont read this. The guy is 100% correct but it just makes you unhappy

Men and women should genuinely be a bit deluded about each other to be happy together

>> No.12949682
File: 59 KB, 933x922, moepleasebemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i mean... it could help *both* of our love lives if you catch my drift

>> No.12949738
File: 100 KB, 394x329, coffee zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You simply have to force yourself to do it, there's really not much of a shallow end of the pool in regards to social settings in my opinion. Sure, you could start by talking to people you're already given as close to (parents, siblings) but that's sort of easy mode. There are some stakes when you meet new people because you can't sperg out if you want them to like you. (If they do like you because you sperg out, you should get the hell out.) Since you're on 4chan you probably have some niche interests of some kind. Find a club or group that meets and join them and play it cool. Realize you don't have to be the center of everything for people to like you. Slowly integrate and then eventually you've got friends. Once you have friends, your options and opportunities for meeting new friends and/or gf increase exponentially.

>> No.12949756

The point is to impose will on the direction of your life, you need to learn to suffer in order to aquire discipline. This will increase your value to other human beings which is what makes you attractive. This might seem unromantic but it is reality. Mating shouldn't be seen as an exercise in playing tricks on people. It is far more reliable, noble and rewarding to build yourself into something which is desirable. It's not just about physicality, but also virtue.

>> No.12949794


>> No.12949815


>> No.12949997

If you are into scene chicks just dye your hair (I'd recommend white if you're white), go somewhere where a few (not too many) of them are and look do something interesting. Since you are too autistic to start a conversation just wait for them to come to you. Or if you see one of them doing something you usually do, start talking. If they talk to you, they are interested. Since they have mental disorders and daddy issues they are easy to fuck. Once you had sex or a relationship, your confidence will skyrocket and you are in a good state to insert yourself into society and look for potential partners.

>> No.12950042

>The point is to impose will on the direction of your life, you need to learn to suffer in order to aquire discipline.
t. yoda
>This will increase your value to other human beings
no one cares
>which is what makes you attractive
you're delusional
>This might seem unromantic but it is reality.
in reality no one gives a fuck about anything you do unless you're getting paid to do it. grow up
>Mating shouldn't be seen as an exercise in playing tricks on people.
cope harder
>It is far more reliable, noble and rewarding to build yourself into something which is desirable.
no one fucking cares, you're wasting your time
> It's not just about physicality, but also virtue
suck a dick faggot

>> No.12950113

>how to attract gay men

>> No.12950136

Don't be silly, of course people care about the value a partner can provide to them, and this value isn't purely pecuniary or genetic in terms of looks. You have influence over your own value and you have influence in advertising the existence of value within you. The only reasons to deny this would be either indolence or cowardice. Accepting this reality is part of growing up - women won't love you like your mother loved you just like you won't give love blindly and unconditionally although it will feel like it if you found the right partner.

>> No.12950147

please tell me you're trolling and you don't think this way, because if you do you're a raging homosexual and should kill yourself immediately

>> No.12950166

it's like your mind's been castrated...

>> No.12950169

You're not communicating anything. It's all pathos and no logos. Pure negation is sterile, why not offer your own perspective so I at least understand what you're offended by.

>> No.12950198

please share your alternative viewpoint because i tend to have this overly-autistic view of people myself and i would like not to

>> No.12951124

This guy is almost right.
The best way to get good at dating is to humiliate yourself as much as possible so that you become shameless and then people mistake your shamelessness for confidence.
At least that's one way.
People who can shrug off pissing their pants in public can do anything.

>> No.12951134

Dating is all about attraction. The girl and guy just wants to spend time with you and doesn't care what exactly you do or say. If they aren't interested, no matter how good of a date you take them on, the relationship will fail.

>> No.12951146

Your physical appearance makes you attractive and this appearance creates a halo effect. it's not practical to convey all virtuous aspects of your character in legitimate ways, so people just assume attractive people are perfect. An attractive (and I should emphasize facial attraction) decadent, literal homeless drug addicts are seen as noble ascetics because they are attractive. The halo effect allows people to emphasis any good qualities they see in you and rationalize the bad ones away.

>> No.12951149

makes sense when you say it, but the real world refutes it

>> No.12952151


>> No.12952178

that's funny
I need a firm young ass with a girl attached as soon as possible

>> No.12952210

Here's the sad truth OP.

You will learn that you are most attractive when you are happy with yourself, you will radiate confidence and charisma and purpose, and you won't even be looking for a companion anymore. That's when she'll appear, attracted by your sense of self. You'll wonder how you got so lucky, to attract someone so beautiful and intelligent. And now that you've found it, it disappears, now that you feel it, now you don't. Whether you leave or she does, it doesn't matter, it's gone away. She'll get over it before you do, move on before you do. And you'll crawl back to your ugly little room, stuck in the same rut you were in before, except now you'll have memories. Now you know what it's like to have someone look at you with admiration, to have someone laugh with you, to have someone care about you, and it'll feel like a terrible lie, and getting out of bed will feel like a chore. Until, underneath the stones of time, the memories will be crushed, leaving only an impression of what it felt like, a vague footprint.

Eventually you'll reach the same state you were in before it happened, the one where you have accepted it and you are happy on your own. And then a new girl will appear, and the cycle will repeat.

Break the cycle OP. Focus on reading and writing, it may not feel as rewarding but in a realer, less illusory way it is. Don't be desperate, don't bargain, don't get attached, don't make the same mistakes I did.

>> No.12953516

last bump?