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12943691 No.12943691 [Reply] [Original]

What's your ratio of fiction to non-fiction books.
For me it's 5 fiction vs 3 non-fiction books this year, but overall it's pretty much 50/50.
Picture unrelated.

>> No.12943702

All non-fiction. :3

And I’m doing something amazing IRL, go figure. If you spend less time paying attention to fictional fairy worlds and more time paying attention to reality it pays off

>> No.12943730

I don't see it that way.
The sense of a book basically gets presented to you in a non-fiction book, but in fiction books the sense is hidden in abstract forms and you have to look for the sense yourself.
Reading fiction (and understanding it) requires higher IQ than reading non-fiction.

>> No.12943736

>Reading fiction (and understanding it) requires higher IQ than reading non-fiction.

>> No.12943738

good argument

>> No.12943753

I don't really read any non-fiction, I would like to, but i tend to get really sleepy while reading it. I can do math without this side-effect

>> No.12943757

Some of the non-fiction I read is just math. :3

Some is stuff like sociology. I like when it’s both, like economics

>> No.12943769

>implying "fiction" isn't deeply related to truth by means of beauty (fractally reflecting truth) and endless protean polyphonic dialectic within a particular textual artifact
>implying "non-fiction" isn't mostly fabrication and a desperate attempt to mechanically capture the truth within the primitive confines of the natural language and obscure masturbatory metalanguages
LMAOing @ur life

>> No.12943793
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>> No.12943829

I normally don't rate Jordan Peterson, but he said something good once.
He said that artists and writers don't fully understand what they actually want to convey with their work, a lot of it comes from the unconscious.
That's why the meaning of old myths could only be explained fairly recently, because before that, humans couldn't formulate life lessons with words, they had to wrap their unconscious ideas in the form of stories, to make them clear to other people.

>> No.12943883

He's right though. "Fiction" is just highly abstracted "non-fiction". The fiction/non-fiction dichotomy is ultimately artificial.

>> No.12943933

So non-fiction is just stream of consciousness with any symbols?

>> No.12943958

He made an analogy, maybe that'll help you.
4 year old kids know how to play certain game, but they can't explain to you the rules of that game.
So basically, non-fiction books equals reading the rules of that game and fiction books equals observing the game and through that finding out what the rules of the game are.
Authors that write fiction books don't write rules, they write the process of the game with the rules subconsciously implied.

>> No.12943960

It’s not artificial, it’s just categorical. One harms your soul and the other CAN harm your soul (like if you read JP or something)

>> No.12943972

So basically fiction writers are the NEET virgins and non-fiction writers the Chad programmers?

>> No.12944156

It's the life-old question of the artist, writer vs. the businessperson, manufacturer.
One creates culture and the other one analyzes it and puts it into order.
You need both in a civilization.
One isn't superior to the other.

>> No.12944161

Actually the people who create things or make new discoveries or even philosophies, I.e. the scientists, philosophers, and artists are all collectively better than the hordes of middling Americans who perfunctorily perform their tasks on a daily basis to come home so they can bless themselves for three seconds by using an invention, philosophy, or artistic medium to relax.

Fucking NEETs and Wagecucks are both inferior to this breed of exemplary gentleman

>> No.12944162

I’m :3 also

>> No.12944185

Why don't you just get a tripcode already?
Posting with your stupid smiley is basically the same thing.

>> No.12944187

There are some functional differences. I think there is a stigma against tripcode users as well. What I am doing is intellectually unique. As a second-wave identification, like just behavioral differences that help you identify different anonymous posters, it’s pretty cool.

It also couldn’t be possible without butterfly. Maybe she’s considered that as well at this point.

>> No.12944231

I hope you're doing all of this ironically.

>> No.12944248

How do i become artist hence speaking with subconsciousness?

>> No.12944274

Not at all

It’s why she doesn’t post for long stretches of time. I can imagine her rolling around, embarrassed beyond belief :3 how cute