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/lit/ - Literature

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12941659 No.12941659 [Reply] [Original]

>What if we drag a Simpson episode for like 800 pages dude

>> No.12941678

I'd forgotten shit eating was such a common theme in the simpsons

>> No.12941680

You already made that thread once, anon. It wasn't very successful, the joke wore itself thin fast. And yet, here you are again. Did I tell you the definition of insanity?

>> No.12941694

simpsons is dope you're just a little bitch

>> No.12941695

Maybe he doesn't expect a different result. Maybe he expects the same result. Maybe he craves repeated failures. That's how he gets off. Don't judge him, anon.

>> No.12941701


>> No.12941714
File: 172 KB, 400x567, F992438E-5F14-4957-A630-BB9CF42DC60F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.12941727

t. Dumb

>> No.12941748


>> No.12942990

formerly katje's

>> No.12943524

>read Ulysses in its entirety, but found it medicore and boring with exception of a couple chapters
>dropped Infinite Jest after 200 pages, terribly written drivel
What can I expect from Gravity's Rainbow? So far the meme trilogy is failing to impress me in any way.

>> No.12943556

wait 10 years and attempt to read it again

>> No.12943557

Maybe literature just isn't for you

>> No.12943567


>> No.12943570


>> No.12943572


>> No.12943588


>> No.12944061

I'm about six hundred pages into this.
Some parts are so compelling I can barely put it down.
And in other parts (entire segments spanning a few pages or sometimes more) I have almost no idea what the fuck is going on.
I do think it's great, though. The way he moves through the narrative with all these characters and induces a sense of paranoia/psychosis is dope.

>> No.12944092

I don't like Ulysses and haven't read IJ, but GR is one of my favourites. Pynchon is nothing like Joyce.

>> No.12944189


>> No.12944244

Not Even OP, but now I've decided to dedicate the rest of my day to shit posting on this thread just to keep it alive as a means to spite you

>> No.12945331

>Not Even OP,