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12939839 No.12939839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>god isnt rea..

>> No.12939851

It's beautiful, honestly

>> No.12939853

What if God is real and he let it happen anyway? What would that mean!

>> No.12939860

God was silent while Christ died

>> No.12939861

Punishing the French for being faggots

>> No.12939862

He's punishing the Fr*nch

>> No.12939871

No, God cried out in pain, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

>> No.12939872

God is real and he caused it, hes trying to wake up us from the dominance of saturn

>> No.12939878

The LORD thundered from heaven,
And the most High uttered his voice:


>> No.12939879

Why doesn't he just beat Saturn up? Is he afraid of him?

>> No.12939887

It's almost as though Jesus was implicitly referring to God the Father, just as I was, and anyone who isn't autistic would be able to figure that out!

>> No.12939893

This happened because you masturbate

>> No.12939899

Jehovah is Saturn, silly. He's the dang Demiurge himself.

>> No.12939901

Because thats something a jew would do

>> No.12939912

based. the weak should fear the strong

>> No.12939920


Catholicism is Atheism. Thank God.

>> No.12939921

they celebrate the novus ordo mass they had it coming desu

>> No.12939930
File: 497 KB, 607x608, john 10-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12939934

t. dostoevsky

>> No.12939936

oops, meant for

>> No.12940101

"Should the subduing talisman, the Cross, break, then will come roaring forth the wild madness of the old champions, the insane Berserker rage of which the Northern poets sing. That talisman is brittle, and the day will come when it will pitifully break.The old stone Gods will rise from the long-forgotten ruin and rub the dust of a thousand years from their eyes; and Thor, leaping to life with his great hammer, will crush the Gothic cathedrals."

>> No.12940268

>not being on nofap
Never gonna make it

>> No.12940485

This. the french have been pretty fucked since the revolution. This is the final sign, even God no longer has faith in them.

>> No.12940498

France and California both legalized HIV and the Greys or Pleiadians or some undocumented ayy llmaos force of nature came back to punish with holy fire those decadent places of unspeakable stimulations and perversity

>> No.12940507

You’re stupid

>> No.12940508

>t. discord tranny

>> No.12940513

Controversial opinion: The french are the least faggy yuros.
>yellow vests, no one else in europe has the balls to leave the house and light shit on fire
>banned burkas or some shit
>nowhere near as faggy as the swedes or bongs
>had that publishing house that published and continues to publish muhammad jokes
>french are the very first people to agree p*ris is a shithole
bongistan is infinitely worse and sweden is already lost. french still have some identity and at least one testicle.

>> No.12940523

You forgot to blame g*rmanistan for ruining Europe three times in just over a century.

>> No.12940525

Someone blackwhite this and throw in a Burzum logo?

>> No.12940540

“When the devil comes, he ain’t gonna come looking like the devil.”

>> No.12940546

How are the Italians and the Poles faggier than the French?

>> No.12940563

You got me. I'll say it again. the only good g*rman writer to ever live has been max stirner and he spends like 20 pages just absolutely ripping the crap out of g*rmans and g*rmany
Turn g*rmany into a muslim containment colony. they can have it. Just make sure no g*rmans can escape beforehand, then seal the place up.

>> No.12940622

This. France had an idyllic culture that beside the lushest American suburbs appeared as culturally impoverished refugee housing, barbaric and graceless, without flows and ambulation and an urban space as a celebration of the walking human being not as a run off gutter for those without automobiles.

>> No.12940634

Frenchanon here. Whenever I munch on the roast beef of an woman as you say, I always feel such a rush of danger and peril. My word, the noxious poisons I'm no doubt licking up from her and yet I want to slide a fried egg on her jamon after I spoon some bechamel in her Ms. Crunch

>> No.12940638

I live in a California town that burned down and literally the only people that died were the old and disabled. Wow amazing message there

>> No.12940682

I remember there was some femanon on /cgl/ who lost her house in the california fires and she kept whining about her fucking dresses burning up like it was the end of the world and she was the most unfortunate soul ever to live. after reading BEE less than zero I hope the whole damned state goes up.

>> No.12940823

>any religious structure gets harmed
did God also send Varg to burn down churches?

>> No.12940856

Sure thing, Dilator. What did you do to their bodies, you disgusting sicko?