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/lit/ - Literature

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12938561 No.12938561[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any good fantasy literature out there? Please don't mention A Song of Ice and Fire or Wheel of Time.

>> No.12938570

Lord of the Rings

>> No.12938579

I've read both LOTR and The Hobbit. Anything similar?

>> No.12938645

I haven't read it, but Harold Bloom says that the Gormenghast (sp?) Trilogy is better than Lotr

>> No.12938658

>Anything similar?
nothing of the same caliber bar the actually historical sources it's based on:
The Kalevala
The Ulster Cycle
The Mabinogion
The Niblungenlied
The Poetic Edda
The Prose Edda

Tolkien would have studied all of these works.

>> No.12938670

the state of /lit/

>> No.12938684

My diary desu

>> No.12938685

>Is there any good fantasy literature out there?
>Please don't mention any good literature out there.

>> No.12938739

MacDonald: Phantastes, Lillith

>> No.12938754
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And Le Guin’s Earthsea

>> No.12938786

>The Iron Dragon's Daughter
>The Last Unicorn
>The Chronicles of Narnia
>Dying Earth
If can also check out "Hard to Be a God", which is formally sci-fi.

>> No.12938789
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How are you :)

>> No.12938803

I’m fine, thank you

>> No.12938808

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12938809

Did you enjoy my picture of Nabokov?

>> No.12938813


>> No.12938816
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>> No.12938825
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>> No.12938862

Gormenghast is utterly different from LotR, but is very good.

Book of the New Sun is pretty different (not so much as Gormenghast- it has swords, weird creatures, 'magic') but also very good

>> No.12938865


>> No.12938875

Is dune any good?

>> No.12938886
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based rileygang up in this thread

>> No.12938887
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>> No.12938890

This is the best meme to happen recently. I wonder if his movie is actually any good.

>> No.12938892

Puta arse whore

>> No.12938896

Faults (starring and produced by MEW lmao) was genuinely alright flick

>> No.12938899

The ones you specifically requested not to be mentioned

Just read WOT they are good, albeit quite long

>> No.12938902

i wished MEW would've been thingified in the Thing prequel. I was hoping she would turn into an alien and rape someone to death.

>> No.12938908
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Dune is good

>> No.12938914

The Book of The New Sun

>> No.12939089


>> No.12939186


the "alleged comments" literally came from a 4chan meme where someone edited one of Riley's photos to be a death threat

>> No.12939198
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>> No.12939235

>woman marries you for dem connects
>fall into petulant depression when she finally capitalizes
his own damn fault for being retarded

>> No.12939284

And then following all those events, 4chan started creating photoshopped instagram posts of Riley threatening Ewan McGregor and the daily mail ran a story about them acting like they had been deleted.

>> No.12939285

Arry potah