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File: 62 KB, 640x541, 95585feb-2fe7-4f07-a897-70ed6e83bb23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12938517 No.12938517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just broke up with my gf and all i feel is apathy and emptiness. What are some entry level existentialist philosophers best books i should read

>> No.12938524

The Stranger

>> No.12938532

bach is better for this feel

>> No.12938533

He's right you know, about rap

>> No.12938538

Read it

>> No.12938540

The smartest thing Shappie has ever written, Niggers can’t make good music

>> No.12938544

Fucking based, I hate fucking nigger music

>> No.12938548

cringe but true

>> No.12938549

Pretending rap/hip-hop is deep/smart/topical is the dumbest modern trend and I can't wait till were past it

Thoroughly mediocre stuff at best

>> No.12938552

Ruling out an entire genre of music because of the colour of the skin of those who make it is proof that people are objectively stupid.

>> No.12938553

Rap is the most poetic style of music today

>> No.12938554

i enjoyed that rap "what up fatlip"

>> No.12938559
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>> No.12938560

All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this
Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss
All you ladies pop yo' pussy like this
Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss
Just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now
Lick it good
Suck this pussy just like you should, right now
Lick it good
Suck this pussy just like you should, my neck, my back
Lick my pussy and my crack
My neck, my back
Lick my pussy and my crack
My neck, my back
Lick my pussy and my crack
My neck, my back
Lick my pussy and my crack
My neck, my back
Lick my pussy and my crack

>> No.12938565


>> No.12938571

>See? I hate them just like you. We’re the same, fellow white man. Now buy my books, if you don’t, you’re an anti-semite.

>> No.12938572

Retard and daylytpilled

>> No.12938575
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No you just don't know where to look

>> No.12938576
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Shut up you fucking cumcatcher, shappie dissing those retard niggers is the best thing said, imagine pretending Tupac is was an intellectual hahahahaha I spit I spit on vile degeneracy

>> No.12938580

wow where did all the polkiddos spring up from?

>> No.12938583
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>ignores the good music
>listens to rap music
>Doesn’t resent vile nigger jargon

>> No.12938587

You must own libtards epic style, all day every day. You certainly don’t succumb to the same fallacies and confirmation bias that the left barrels into. You’re a free thinker. A real pillar that can be relied on.

>> No.12938591

The only one ignoring any music here is you ;)

>> No.12938594
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How goes it anon

>> No.12938597

you tell em Cleetus

>> No.12938602
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>implying I care about politics
>using the term libtard
>hahahah in general

>> No.12938606


>> No.12938607

Epic. Simply epic.

>> No.12938611

Nice to know we're dealing with a child here :)

>> No.12938613

Christ almighty m8 responding to a post like that with kendrick lamar is bordering on parody

I'm not talking about fuckin 50 cent or some shit, I'm talking about the stuff that's well regarded

>> No.12938614

Post the most beautiful and profound lines

>> No.12938619

Why was Chomsky such a chad?

>> No.12938620

It's still a great album

Music is more than the words lmao.

>> No.12938630

nothing you do will make you feel better. You have to sit and physically wait for the neurons and synapses in your brain decay before you feel better. feeling sad about an ex shows you still remember what it was like with her. give it a few months. it's gonna be tough.

>> No.12938633

All my life I want money and power
Respect my mind or die from lead shower
I pray my dick get big as the Eiffel Tower
So I can fuck the world for 72 hours
Goddamn I got bitches (okay!) damn I got bitches (okay!)
Damn I got bitches, wifey, girlfriend and mistress
All my life I want money and power
Respect my mind or die from lead showers

>> No.12938640

degenerate catamite lyrics

>> No.12938652

>existentialist philosophers
I can't wait until ontology and epistemology is isolated from self-help by academics

>> No.12938657

Reminds me of Yeats.

>> No.12938662

>Music is more than the words lmao.
Without the words, hip hop is merely muzak.

>> No.12938669


>> No.12938678

You'll also mention that these lyrics are satirical, right? That in context, they're meant to mock the aggrandizing and simple mindset of a teenager surrounded by a materialistic, thuggish culture?

>> No.12938707

>in context

Lol shut up bitch

The only context that matters is the listener's, plenty of ppl listen to this stuff and unironically except the lyrics as they are/don't pay any mind to the "meaning" of the lyrics and consider them just another sound like a drum snare

Music is an apolitical medium in this regard and always has been. One of the myths of the left is that capitalism absorbs and commodities criticism but there's no way to reconcile someone listening to rage against the machine in their morning commute with the idea that the literal meaning of the lyrics/authors intent has the intended effect on the listener

>> No.12938715

He would be right if he wasn't a pseud.
He is and listens to this sort of music merely as a facade.

>> No.12938723

Literally spoken from the pov of a teenager freestyling in the back of his friends car trying to sound cool yo the guys he is hanging out with. Thus song transitioning into the art of peer pressure is so fucking powerful

>> No.12938725

They'll probably cover it next semester. Use google if you're that eager to get ahead of the class.

>> No.12938727

wow brainlet alert

>> No.12938738
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>muh satire

>> No.12938740

unironically this.
people that believe otherwise are the same that say today's music it's bad because of what they've heard on the radio

>> No.12938741

based retard.

>> No.12938760

have sex

>> No.12938766

Nice meme bro it's a bit old now (like 4 weeks?), Might be time to move on and never think/talk it again like we do with 99% of Kendrick Lamar's discography

>> No.12938778
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t. SNEETHING incel

>> No.12938781

I only listen to classical music on a artistical purpose
But I think that tekashi69 is unironically the most counter cultural artist America had in decades.
You have this Puerto-Rico boy who in the current political climate (domination of identity politics) should be making song about how the white man is oppresing the rest of humanity and that retard like : >>12938575 would have suck off.
But instead he choose to taint his hair red and sing "I don't fuck with no old hoes, only new hoes
Put my dick in her backbone, I pass her to my bro
I don't love her that's a sad hoe, she a bad hoe
I'ma fuck her then I dash home, to the cash hoe"
It's highly political.

>> No.12938784

I like that album for more than the uncle tom politics, bud.

>> No.12938801

>rap fags REALLY think anyone cares about their music opinions.

>> No.12938804

lol cope.

>> No.12938806

Fucking based

>> No.12938820

They watched one too many Anthony fnatano reviews/YouTube essays about rap being really deep actually and now they think they're on the cutting edge and not just fans of this decade's unremarkable commercial music

>> No.12938833
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The worst genre that caters to criminals, fucking weak shit, everything, everything honestly why can’t I just run through the walls, everyone in rap is more ate up than my lunch honestly

>> No.12938835

okay gran

>> No.12938836

I tried, but not hard enough

>> No.12938838
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>unironically listening to Kendrick Lamar in 2019

>> No.12938843

I just like the rhythm

Music almost never has good lyricism. Shit like
>Put your hands in the air
>And wave them like you just don't care
>It's on a whim it's on a dare
>To shrug away what we can't bear
is on an album considered a lyrical landmark of indie rock

>> No.12938854

>actually listening to Kendrick Lamar in the first place

>> No.12938857

To Pimp a Butterfly is objectively good and you would know that if you had sex

>> No.12938858


>> No.12938860
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>music is an apolitical medium

>> No.12938863
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>> No.12938864

Not in theory but in practice

>> No.12938869

Neither. Only in the flawed perception of the self-deluded

>> No.12938871

imagine being a nigger lover lmao. Get the fuck out of her newfag
>muh cleetus
lol being this reddit unironically

>> No.12938876

t. hasn't listened to Death Grips

>> No.12938878
File: 74 KB, 733x464, 2CC3EA4E-2CF8-4F03-BDEC-0D830340E697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking music you don’t need any talent to curate, so therefore you are a pseud
You retards entertain me with your illogical thoughts

>> No.12938884
File: 95 KB, 1280x854, 95A9DB68-31C9-44D6-9665-9C3A54BE2780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death Grips > Rap music

>> No.12938885

do you think picasso is a bad painter as well

>> No.12938897

>Not having a taste for vile nigger jargon

Obviously not gonna make it
Rap at its best is when it’s absolutely fucking disgusting. “Look what they did Mom! Look what I’ve become!” America is V Frankenstein, and rap is the monster. You wouldn’t understand unless you were there. I saw it man, some of the greatest minds, geez, horseman pass bye

>> No.12938901
File: 161 KB, 850x1160, C16CEB00-2F48-4C32-83F6-488F554EDA1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not are you fucking retarded?, wait did you seriously include Picasso into this discussion, so you gathered since I don’t like retarded black people acting as if they’ve discovered some profound truth about life, I would not favour the best painter to ever walk Europe? Keep digging yourself a hole, happy sailing you fucking vile vermin

>> No.12938909

the only good rappers are kool keith and eminems first two albums and they fit your criteria.

>> No.12938923


>> No.12938932

I would respect that opinion if he just owned up and admitted he just doesn't like black people and black culture. But no he's a dumb kike

>> No.12938941

Do you like Death Grips?

>> No.12938943

which fucking album are you talking about

>> No.12938944

I mostly listen to classical music because I’m a pianist, but I also listen to hip hop, soul, rock and when I’m fucked up electronic. Modern rap has some banging beats, and it’s the current pop scene that is entirely shit. But I only listen to feel good, not for others to feel good about me. This Mozart name dropping is embarrassing.
Also, I don’t care how technically gifted he was, I don’t believe a 10 year old could have written music with any pathos or meaning. The fact that he was greater than Haydn is a testament to the lack of emotional depth throughout music at that point in time. His entire reputation is based on the last few compositions of his life, -his last 4 piano concertos, his last 10 symphonies, his late operas, his requiem which he didn’t write. These pieces are of course great but it accounts for about 25% of his overall works. Overrated as fuck

>> No.12938950
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>not liking music you don’t need any talent to curate, so therefore you are a pseud

>> No.12938952

Emergency & I

>> No.12938953

Backpackers need to be shot, shit is worse than mainstream and soundcloud rap by miles. At least the second two dont take themselves nearly as seriously

>> No.12938954

Of course, Stefan’s brute, Zach is an excellent drummer, Andy Morin tells me what I am there for I accept it and Stefan Justifies it and Zach enforces it

>> No.12938958

Rap at its best is lowbrow and exaggerated to the point of absurdity. once it gets into conscious territory it becomes we live in a society tier. You can't listen to this and tell me there's not magic going on.

Fuck with N-I-P - I ain't no actor
My twelve daughters died from talking shit to a tractor
I'm getting pissed from the blood I threw up
Barely snapped my fingers and Jupiter blew up!
Hoes, they love me, they say I'm a pleaser
I woke up dead in a cat's leg screaming "Caesar!"
Quick to break your motherfuckin' spine
A dead goat got pregnant and said it was mine
Ganksta N-I-P - I'm down with the Mob
Cuttin' off heads was my last year's Summer job
Blame it on TV - then put it on the map
This is a horror movie rap

>> No.12938961

Not bad but I can do better

>> No.12938962
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What does this mean what is happening what am I supposed to think

>> No.12938964

uh excuse me where did you get my 4th grade visual arts project thanks

>> No.12938967

WTF I love Ben Shapiro now

>> No.12938969

I like the 90s cheese. Rappers like MF DOOM are good in that regard. His songs are mostly jokes, but he takes the rhyme schemes seriously

>> No.12938981

Depends, why did you break up with her?

>> No.12938982

https://youtu.be/WW-9TcDTKa8 is a good example

>> No.12938989

do you need any talent to curate pablo's paintings?

>> No.12938994
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Daily reminder even though we all hate each other here, we're still the best board. The other boards can't even compete

>> No.12938997

tvs better for my money

>> No.12938999

You should know already from browsing this board that money isn't all to life.

>> No.12939000

I love my /lit/ brethren I just can’t accept the fact they like Kendrick Lamar and are reluctant to listen to Post Punk and Death Grips all day

>> No.12939012
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>> No.12939015
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>> No.12939016

Death Grips aren't even that good, you sound like you've literally just started working your way through the /mu/ essentials

>> No.12939025

oh is that your favourite picasso painting is it?
the teenager academic period that he later said he despised

>> No.12939036
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You win

>> No.12939041

I don’t go on /mu/

>> No.12939062

>death grips aren't hip hop

>> No.12939066

Not ignorant enough

>> No.12939070

yet you have the basic /mu/ bitch taste in music

>> No.12939079
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They aren’t honey

>> No.12939097
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I’ve made it clear I like Death Grips, that’s one band, that’s one musical group, singular, >therefore I have bad taste in music, yes one is enough to make that claim, oh you brilliant intellectual savant genius, gotta stop listening to death grips now, because it’s bitch taste

>> No.12939100

So, who here has listened to Lowkey?

>> No.12939102

I've Seen Footage is straight up, conventional hip hop

>> No.12939106

no, it was not

>> No.12939111

Death Grips are a poor man's Dalek anyway

>> No.12939117

I refuse to believe, and also I know, facts don’t care about my feelings,
>acknowledged my idiot thought process
>ignore factual evidence
Based, that I am

>> No.12939120

I’ll accept this

>> No.12939122

>yuh gibby dat power
>gib pussy
>i want money muhfugga

>> No.12939127

Mozart is definitely the plebs choice of composer to signal they are refined.

I’d rather listen to New Kingdom bust a heavy load than Mozart and my iq is 146.

>> No.12939131

Nobody actually like niggers, it's all just one mass societal delusion. One pretends to like them to appease the majority that are also LARPing.
It's a feedback loop of virtue signaling that has progressed rapidly
If any of you are older than 20 you may remember a time when liberal white soccer moms were against rap because it was promoting degeneracy and violence towards women
The feedback loop has all but erased such resistance now, and moms pretend to like rape because saying nigger music is poisoning their daughters is racist now

>> No.12939133



>> No.12939138

major pseud vibes emanating from this post

>> No.12939140

Agreed. Oh, you listen to Mozart? Wow, how cool. He’s only the most famous classical composer. Beethoven too? Yeah Für Elise is pretty good. To be fair, Shapiro at one point played the violin, so he might know a little about classical music, but this post is 100% pseud.

>> No.12939161
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reminder that kendrick lamar is 100x smarter than all of you pseuds

>> No.12939170

What’s the reasoning behind the break up?

Would help with a serious rec

>> No.12939176
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No wounder he wunnthe Pulitzer Pwize

>> No.12939177

I don't know the guy and can't confirm, and I doubt you know him. His work certainly does not reflect this claim of tremendous intelligence.

>> No.12939181

playing the violin isn't a rare thing

>> No.12939184

you're not helping our argument saying shit like this

>> No.12939200

Though white people do not actually listen to classical music, they like to believe that they are the type of people who would enjoy it. You can witness this first hand by going to any classical performance at your local symphony where you will see literally dozens of white couples who have paid upwards of $80 for the right to dress up and sit in a chair for hours reading every word in the program.

After leaving the concert hall, white people will immediately begin telling everyone they know about how much they loved the performance and how they plan to “go more often.” This is because white people see little to no value enjoying classical music without recognition from other white people. This can be seen first hand by looking at the plaques and bricks around all opera houses: they are covered in white person names.

>> No.12939205

imagine being such a pleb you couldn't find artistic value in both classical music and rap

>> No.12939214

Biggie is unironically the best lyricist in rap I have ever heard, its sad that he hasn't been topped in decades.

I know how it feel to wake up fucked up
Pockets broke as hell, another rock to sell
People look at you like you's the user
Sellin' drugs to all the losers, mad buddha abuser
But they don't know about your stress-filled day
Baby on the way, mad bills to pay
That's why you drink Tanqueray, so you can reminisce
And wish, you wasn't livin' so devilish, shit

Look at the beautiful internal rhyming

>> No.12939219

not that sad when you consider no one's topped shakespeare in centuries

>> No.12939224

Comparing classical to rap is rather unfair anyway

>liberal white soccer moms
They were never liberal.

>> No.12939225


>> No.12939246

love the zeitgeist of this site is roleplaying as these insane white moms now

>> No.12939248
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>Outing a entire genre
Yikes. These are the same people that before coming to this woodcarving Singapore imageboard would tell you they listen to anything but rap and country

>> No.12939290

4d chess post, exposing all the pseuds