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/lit/ - Literature

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12934712 No.12934712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>last good book you've read
>what you wish to have chosen instead

>> No.12934725

> 30

>> No.12934733

>do androids dream of electric sheep
>still history, but I would have liked to add stats

>> No.12934738

experimental psychology (b.s., didn't go to grad school)
trade school

>> No.12934742

What do you plan to do after? History has little scope outside teaching afaik

>> No.12934751

>The Function of the Orgasm

>> No.12934761

Light in August
No degree
I'm fine being NEET

>> No.12934762


The Master and Margarita
Behavioural neuroscience

>> No.12934765

>diary of a superfluous man
>getting my phd in literature
>wish i would have done something more lucrative so i could start building a family

>> No.12934770

I'm gonna take five years to write and make music when I graduate. I have a decently well-off and supportive family and I graduated with no debt, so I'm going to take advantage of that to produce some /lit/, hopefully. Afterwards, maybe I'll go to grad school. It's hard to say. All my idols are writers and political radicals so maybe I'll do something like that. I see no value in most institutions, especially public school or academia

>> No.12934776

Why does everyone think that when it's too late? What jobs were expecting when you picked lit in the first place?

>> No.12934778
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>The Stranger
>Software Engineering

>> No.12934782

he took the idealist pill. We need more like him.

>> No.12934783

>some generic primer on ethics
>computer science, pending
>law, or a trade

>> No.12934800

I don't which year you're on, but give me some advice dude. I took math because I couldn't really decide on a career, so it was like a safe choice. Now i can't really think I can pull through the dryness of crunching numbers of 4 years. Does it get interesting or should I consider switching?

>> No.12934852

>Sputnik sweetheart
>Aerospace engineering
>I think I might have enjoyed something along the lines of history more, but I quite like AE and it's definitely better for my future.

>> No.12934862

>Comments on Society of the Spectacle
>Electrical Engineering Technology
>I am very happy with my job and station in life.

>> No.12934867

>thinks math is about crunching numbers

fuckin normies

>> No.12934873

>notes from underground

>> No.12934876

>A visit from the goon squad
>No regrets so far. Considering adding a math major

>> No.12934881

>Journey to the End of Night
>Never going to Uni.

>> No.12934887

>Naked Lunch
>Urban Design

>> No.12934890

no change in choice, I only wish I'd considered my career options better within my major

>> No.12934895

which branch?

>> No.12934903

>housekeeping - marilynne robinson
>MA English Literature + Philosophy(joint hons)
>Wish I never wasted my time in university tbqhwy

>> No.12934909


>> No.12934910

postman always rings twice
creative writing with pre dental reqs during my last 2 years
i wish i just stuck to organic chemistry so i could work in pharmaceuticals. the few i know who do that and the few who even stuck with pharmacy after graduation all seem happy. my creative writing classes got me nowhere. i literally learn more on my own now than when i was in college. the only real useful thing i took in college regarding literature was my critical theory class but even that was half assed.

>> No.12934916

>The Red and the Black
>Aerospace Engineering

>> No.12934917

>The metamorphosis by Kafka
>Electrical engineering. I like physics a lot and bio has way too much rote memorization for my taste. It's still great tho

>> No.12934918

>notes from underground (epic)
>fuck your degree
>if i could have chosen anything, i would have chosen to have been born in the roman republic so i could live in my villa and have a harem of olive goddesses tonguing my balls every day, but sadly i can't fucking choose that. and if that's a question that's implying "DUDE I KNOW I PICKED A DEGREE BUT I WISH I PICKED THIS ONE INSTEAD IM SURE MY LIFE OWULD HAVE BEE NSO MUCH BETTER" then i say this without even a shred of irony, go fuck yourself up the ass you pathetic fuck because you make me sick. if you wanted to have picked something you would have fucking picked it you fuck. Maybe the fact that modern academia is making you miserable isn't a symptom of your degree you fucking mutt., please do yourself a favor and take the dildo out of your ass for at least a few hours a day. maybe you'll start to think about things logically, fucking cockscukcker. where was i? oh yeah...Rome. That's was a fucking civilization.

>> No.12934925

> The Sun Also Rises
> English
> Don't regret it yet, but that might change if I can't make a career out of it. I doubt it will though.

>> No.12934931

>The Cyberiad
>Graphic Design with a minor in IT
>Graphic Design with a minor in creative writing

>> No.12934932


>> No.12934937

>The Precipice, Goncharov
>homeless vagabond
>not applicable/already living my truth

>> No.12934953

>working in pharmaceutical
Is it mostly making chemicals that people do in there?

>> No.12934972

What class are you in right now?

>> No.12934977

Spotted the Chads

>> No.12934981

>Computer Science
>I'd be fine keeping with this, but I think two or three years I'll wish I went to trade school.

>> No.12934984
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Why is almost no one an engineer on /lit/?
Is engineering not a patrician choice?

>> No.12934995

>The Master and Margarita
>English Literature
>Architecture or Urban Planning

>> No.12934998

I did engineering but had to take a programming class and liked that a lot more so I switched. Only part of engineering I really like was the physical building of things, and I can get that in woodworking on the side.

>> No.12935005

It's not necessarily. Most engineers are really boring intellectually and otherwise.

>> No.12935010

when you work with pharmaceuticals, i know you can either be a chemist who synthesizes stuff, you can be one who records certain methods to find new and more productive means of creating these chemicals, or you can even really work in the food industry and make certain extracts. its kinda cool playing around with that stuff in lab, the stickler is the paper work. even pharmacy, like just filling out prescriptions, might sound monotonous but i have a few friends that are glad they have a relaxing job with hardly any kind of problems. you basically get the scripts done and thats it. hard to fuck up counting and with new technology its hard to even accidentally cross bad meds. i like writing but it doesnt pay the bills, and paying the bills, even though i dont like it, is a huge part of almost anyones life. i really wish more people would find love in both fields.

>> No.12935013

This. Majority of engineer do not read literature.

>> No.12935020

its a good career. trade school is now going to be a huge thing. eventually that will fall apart probably in the same fashion that regular college did.

>> No.12935035

Angel by Elizabeth Taylor (not Mrs Richard Burton)
Literae humaniores
Anything other than going to university

>> No.12935036

What does intelligence has to do with a degree you fag. Not like studying it decomposes cells in your brain.

>> No.12935037

>i've been on a self help binge lately , so realistically The Great Gatsby
>prospectively Business

i have no Interests and no passions ):

>> No.12935041

>Theology or History (but I'm a poorfag so I need to make money)

>> No.12935046

Tell me anon, what are you interested in?

>> No.12935055

your sister's ass

>> No.12935057


>> No.12935059

>I PICKED THIS ONE INSTEAD IM SURE MY LIFE OWULD HAVE BEE NSO MUCH BETTER" then i say this without even a shred of irony, go fuck yourself up the ass you pathetic fuck because you make me sick. if you wanted to have picked something you would have fucking picked it you fuck. Maybe the fact that modern academia is making you miserable isn't a symptom of your degree you fucking mutt., please do yourself a f
is this pasta

>> No.12935060


>Bhagavad Gita
>Systems Engineering
>If I wished other thing I would have done it instead of the choices I did. I'm alright with my life choices, there are millions of choices to deal with in the future so I don't care for those that have already happened. Look straight and move forward!

>> No.12935063

anna karenina
computer science

>> No.12935069

Bleak House
Computer science

I don't wish I chose a different degree. I started off as a film major and I'm glad I switched out before the damage was done. I wasn't eusocial enough to network (which is really all that art degrees are good for), and I know too many people saddled with humanities degrees who can't get by.

I do wish I'd worked harder in high school and made it into an elite university so I could major in whatever I wanted, but what's done is done. I get by alright and have four hours a day to read and write. I've published a couple short stories and am working on something longer.

Overall I'm happy with my decision. Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to have a more rigorous and academic understanding of literature, but honestly I've seen the people churned out of those programs and I believe I have a comparable level of knowledge, and oftentimes a more sincere interest in literature. I took a couple literature courses in college and didn't really like them, though having an excuse to read good books was nice. The amount of focus placed on in-class discussions is totally unreasonable IMO.

>> No.12935079


>> No.12935081

You are objectivity less intelligent than someone interested in my mom’s ass. It comes down to one’s ability to survey the current sociological landscape. This is a prime area of development for younger children throughout their time in pre-college schooling. Children interested in developing deep understanding are far more likely to choose majors with rigor. My guess is, you fall in this category. You quickly realized a problem with the original anon’s post, but your reply did not trace through all the logic. You stopped halfway. You stopped shy of deep understanding. My sister would shit on your life anyway. Maybe you like the abuse; you like getting shat on. This is a trait of someone who can’t discern shit from gold. I bet you smoke weed and play videogames.

>> No.12935083

>Economics (3rd year)
>Philosophy, German, or Math. Econ is fine though.

>> No.12935086

>I've enjoyed all the books I've read this year but the most meaningful to me was White Noise
>Chemistry MS
>Double major in Econ and Lit(or major minor in some combo)
I wish I realized that I didn't need to secure a STEM degree to get a good job, I was a good student and could actually talk to people and that could take me a ways.

>> No.12935087

Did you have an interest in philosophy? If yes, continue with >>12935081 but ignore the parts where I address the other anon, and the tone that accompanies it.

>> No.12935090

>amount of focus on in class discussions is totally unreasonable

Can you elaborate? What type of discussions and why they were unreasonable?

>> No.12935110

Its about perspective actually. Yes a smooth, easy going job is a plus point, but monotony, and lack new challenges is a minus too.
Although there are other advantages. If paycheck is good, you can pursue literature ambitions on sides and a monotonous job helps with that.

>> No.12935112

>The Myth of Sisyphos
>Going for BA in German Literature
>GL is great, but I still don't have an idea for my second discipline (it's a combi BA). I don't enjoy my current one, Linguistic, am not sure about going back to History, and Religious Studies, which I enjoyed, isn't offered at my university.

>> No.12935123

Well when I took a class on Shakespeare's tragedies, for example, most of the lecture time was spent discussing our reactions to what we'd read. The professor would highlight a few key passages and ask us what WE thought this meant, or how WE interpreted X etc.

It's not so much that asking students to comment on a passage is unreasonable, but the format of a group discussion is IMO shallow and overly social. The way the discussions go tend to depend on whomever is the loudest speaker or the most aggressive. It's also not so much dependent on one's ability to come up with compelling argument but rather on one's ability to give a compelling performance of an argument.

What I really preferred were essays, where you're judged on yes your ability to come up with a compelling argument, along with your ability to organize your thoughts and arrange them in a coherent way. Group discussions are extremely impulsive and unedited, and too tied to social nuance for my liking.

>> No.12935137
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>> No.12935138

>The Thirst For Annihilation
>No regrets yet. But I hate college because it seems like everybody is fucking retarded.

>> No.12935141

How are you on 3rd year in 20?

>> No.12935142


>> No.12935149

therapy youth counseling. it sucked
should have considered ergonomics

>> No.12935183

His birthday is probably coming up

>> No.12935190

how would you know if you didn't visit reddit yourself? Please die in the most excruciating way possible.

>> No.12935191

>"Israeli Politics in the 1990s"
>Political Science
>Government & Public Affairs

>> No.12935207

>Alfred Döblin - The Three Leaps of Wang Lun
>Chemistry in addition to Philosophy

>> No.12935211

Those two are pretty integrated anon. Shouldn't you be able to move to that?

>> No.12935217

> 22
> In Search of Lost Time
> Math
> Don't care

>> No.12935226

That's what I thought, but they only share a few classes. So moving at this point isn't really worth it.

>> No.12935714

I was the best kind of engineer for 8 years and two tours, so that's something.

>> No.12935855

>The Road
>Animation or fine art

>> No.12935898

>Neuromancer/Anti-Oedipus/Heart of Darkness
>Philosophy & Computer Science
>Same thing

>> No.12935914

>last good book you've read
The Golden Pavilion
PhD, Neuroscience
>what you wish to have chosen instead

>> No.12935946
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>currently reading The Stranger
>History and Public Policy

>> No.12935954

>Comp Sci
>A trade like carpentry or construction so I can exit modern society and build my own homestead

>> No.12935956

>One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
>Economic Sciences
>I might aswell study something profitable, there's no money to be made in literature, not where I live anyway. I want to save up and move to north. I got my hunting license, but hard to keep guns in a student apartment. I wish this phase of my life was already over, I want to go hunting to Lapland.

>> No.12935965

>confessions of a mask
>english and philosophy
>welding and mechanics

>> No.12935971

>White Noise
>Electrical engineering
>Computer engineering might have been marginally better, mechanical/civil might have been cool if it meant I got to do interesting structural engineering.

>> No.12935993

>Solzhenitsyn's "We Never Make Mistakes"
>wouldnt choose otherwise. English is arguably one of the most useful humanities/arts degrees and if i had done anything closer to STEM i wouldve just an hero'd anyway

>> No.12936019

Still might go to architecture school though

>> No.12936036

The Man Without Qualities
I’m fine with pharmacy

>> No.12936049

because I'm a retard in every other intellectual pursuit except /lit/ and /mu/

>> No.12936056
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Anyone wanting to pursue Architecture, bring your Based asses in here

>> No.12936069

>good? idk it's realy been a while, last thing I remeber readin is the republic by plato some months ago and was a 6/10
>engineering (not don yet, obvs)

>> No.12936076

in the las one also include physiscs? chemistry? math?
kill me plz

>> No.12936078

>notes from the underground
>Comp Sci or English/Philosophy

>> No.12936108

Homo Faber
Pedagogy of Languages/Psychology
I would have liked to be able to choose pure linguistics. Anthropology and History would have been great too.

>> No.12936113

nice pretty much the same, but better
>elec engr

>> No.12936114
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>> No.12936126

Is economics an interesting degree to study? How's your career outlook?
I'm in accounting right now and I'm thinking of switching to economics since I feel so soulless right now

>> No.12936139

>Nature, Knowledge And God: An Introduction To Thomistic Philosophy
>mathematics and philosophy

>> No.12936153

Not him but what makes accounting soulless in your opinion?

>> No.12936174
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>Growth of the soil
>Mechanical engineering
>ME + Math or philosophy minor

>> No.12936179

My mum is an accountant, been one for 19 years, she left the profession 6 years ago to complete a PhD, she did, took her 5 years to do a PhD in corporate governance, living with her through all this was mentally frustrating, she lives alone, been alon for years

>> No.12936200

Not him, but i am on engineering and feel the same, so he probably feels like he will be a blue collar tier worker all his life in accountancy, while economics would give hima wider job sectrum and be able to use more advanced theory or even discovering theory

>> No.12936204

is she a "we le rule" femminist?

>> No.12936208

> 38
>therapy youth counseling

This is a joke right?

>> No.12936218

infinite jest
english degree, dropped out
something that didn't make me want to die

>> No.12936224

Plebbitfag detected. The woman's hot as hell though.
>20, holy shit I'm 20
>The Canterbury Tales
>English and Public Policy, creative writing minor
>Compsci major, double english and CW minors

>> No.12936228

The 5 Rings
Wouldn't change it.

>> No.12936246

No she didn’t care for anything or sort, just didn’t get out much and worked often

>> No.12936251

>Notes from the underground (loved it)
>Thinking of going to uni for literature but unsure of whether it is worth it.

>> No.12936253

Word of advice; if you go to uni for literature you have to pair it with something else. The best advice I ever got was to major in something that brings you security and minor in something that makes you happy

>> No.12936268

>no degree
>wish I got one

>> No.12936270

Wow thanks, that's actually valuable advice. What goes well with literature in your opinion?

>> No.12936278

>Invisible Mane (currently reading Seymou: an Introduction and its also good)
>Manufacturing and Industrial tech
>part of me wishes i became a surgeon instead, but i'm currently pursuing a career in technical writing which, optimistically, will be a fulfilling career

>> No.12936288

>Notes from the Underground
>freshman Biomedicine student
>physics or mechanical engineering although I'm too young to be sure of what I'd like to do

>> No.12936293

>The best advice I ever got was to major in something that brings you security and minor in something that makes you happy
>tfw no american system
how many years do you need for a major?

>> No.12936304
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>With The Old Breed
>Criminal Justice
>Forestry or English

>> No.12936309

not that anont but STEMfag here, pursuing a degree in english lit.
it doesn't matter so much what you pair it with as it does the kind of person you are. you don't need two humanities degrees unless that's what you really want. you're going to be quite poor for a while though, probably. i got an a.s. to ensure that i could take care of myself financially, and i can, before pursuing the arts. i live alone and make more than enough money to get by, but i also love working with my hands so that works out for me.
point being, don't first pursue your interests, first pursue putting food on the table and a roof over your head, by whatever means are accessible and you can excel in.
believe me, you're too young to properly digest most of what you'd like to. i'm still learning that. use your formative years to become a capable, versatile, and experienced person while maintaining your literary interests on your own time. kids jumping straight into literature with no life experience is half of what's wrong with the humanities today anyway.

>> No.12936313
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Business/Economics (although I’m satisfied with my first choice thus far)

>> No.12936352

Yeah I am quite young, I've been out of highschool for almost a year so I'm anxious to start school again(or start a path for my life) I have 2 jobs right now to increase my bank account i only have a 200 dollar monthly expense for rent.But I a lot learning a lot about life. I cant help but to feel deterred from the 9-5 wasteland.

>> No.12936382

Law or professional body building

>> No.12936472

you dodged a bullet. Physics demands you to slog through academia for the very slim chance of becoming a professor, which sounds like it offers freedom, but in actuality leaves you at the mercy of grant money.

>The Republic
>Software engineering

>> No.12936499

without reading comprehension it may seem like it.
but considering it's the last book i read and that I've been in sales and marketing for the last 15 years, no joke.

>> No.12936624

The Idiot
I'm sticking with bio for now. Might add creative writing minor

>> No.12936633

>The Brothers Karamazov
>I dunno lol but probs not history

>> No.12936735

>he judges a field based on precalc
It's over unless you start trying really really hard just about right fucking now. Math is amazing once you know enough of it to appreciate the intricate mechanisms under the hood of everything you do, and it's arguably very easy to learn as long as you practice at least 2-3 hours a day (which is literally nothing if you're determined)

>Atlas Shrugged
>Still CS

>> No.12936845

>comp sci
>I really just want to be a neet

>> No.12936880

the stranger
computer science
english, but with some computer science. for technical writing. I hate programming.

>> No.12937003

>Prose Edda
>Specialized Meme Biology (SMB)
Animals have no regrets, cognition is a demon possessing humanity. I want to live like a pelagic bird and direct myself according to instantaneous, navigational whims I don't cogitate or understand

>> No.12937086

Imperialism- Lenin
Chemical engineering (student currently)
Im not sure yet, but i guess ill find out soon

>> No.12937119

>american psycho
>computer science
>english lit / new media and math

>> No.12937130

how do you feel about being on a board with much younger people? i ask because its sort of interesting that maybe the best place to talk about /lit/ is also so juvenile

>> No.12937136

>crunching numbers

if youre not doing proof-based mathematics youre just a shitty and extremely slow calculator

no serious maths program actually involves any sort of numerical computation

>> No.12937142

are you the anon i talked to a while back who went trainhopping around the country for a while?

>> No.12937281

>Creative Writing
>Comparative Lit.

>> No.12937333

>the name of the rose

>> No.12937371

Star Wars Red Harvest
Your mom
The mom of the guy below me

>> No.12937374

It's worth it? What sort of shit do you do once you graduate?

>> No.12937452

>agota kristof's the notebook
>i don't know

>> No.12937471

>Wish I would have actually graduated

>> No.12937556

Film and Philosophy
Nothing, maybe some papers in linguistics and cultural studies though

>> No.12937571

>The New York Trilogy

I'm an ESL teacher living abroad and I wish I'd started with a better knowledge of English. I plan to rectify this by doing an MA in Linguistics.

>> No.12937573

At the Mountains of Madness by H.P.Lovecraft
Japanese studies

>> No.12937686

>Human Impacts on Weather and Climate/Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition

>> No.12937696

>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
>Offed myself at age 19

>> No.12937698

>intellectual pursuit
>/lit/ and /mu/

>> No.12937712

something more specific pls

>> No.12937713


The social origins of dictatorship and democracy (Barrington Moore Jr)
Yes: philosophy/history

>> No.12937904

>information technology
>any degree that would get me a stable job

>> No.12937928

>Being and Time
>Physics, any STEM would have been preferable, hell even philosophy if teaching wasn't the only job you could get

>> No.12937948

literature and music. how are those not intellectual pursuits, at least on a higher level?

>> No.12937955 [DELETED] 

>The Unnamable
>fuck science fuck academia fuck university fuck society world is a fuck I am trash man

>> No.12937960

>The Unnamable
>fuck science fuck academia fuck university fuck society world is a fuck I am trash man
Hey brother

>> No.12937973
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>>fuck science fuck academia fuck university fuck society world is a fuck I am trash man
it gets worse next year, enjoy the ride

>> No.12937976

>Hunger by Hamsun
>Nothing. Did an undergrad in philosophy before, glad I switched tracks, hope to be ordained when I graduate.

>> No.12937978

>Bus. admin/economics

>> No.12937982

If you don't want to go academic, there's innumerable non STEM jobs which require only work experience and a generic degree.
The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature (finally got around to finishing off a few short stories)
Chinese Studies and History joint honours (they're separate degrees)

I've always been a bit butthurt I chose history instead of theology or anthropology, but to be honest it IS a very interesting degree. It's also a lot more employable, but given I'm thinking about going academic that might not be too relevant.

>> No.12937990

I'm alright where I am

>> No.12938002

>Absalom! Absalom!
>I'm happy with my decision not to go into higher education

>> No.12938011

>25 next week
>Currently on American psycho
>Grafic design
>web and app development (ill try to learn it in free time)

>> No.12938142
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Varg get out of here

>> No.12938155

>All Things Are Nothing To Me
>physics (got the with 30)
>Wouldn't have done it any other way

>> No.12938159

>not wanting to be a part of Physics academia
why did you even choose Physics?

>> No.12938167

Why do you regret law?

>> No.12938199
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It's the most tolerable major for someone with too many iq points to spare

>> No.12938213

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
we'll see

>> No.12938220

It's pretty interesting. I like the idea of observing decisions and determining causes and effects. I'm actually in ROTC, so I'll be joining the army after college, so my career outlook in the short term has little to do with my degree. After that I might get a PhD or something, but that's a ways out. I started school as a business major but that was gonna make me kill myself. Economics probably has less career stability than accounting, but I'd still change if I were you. Best of luck.

>inb4 some bullshit about jews

>> No.12938222

>Germand and Italian

>> No.12938236

>Travels in Japan and China - Nikos Kazatzakis
>Cultural informatics
>I wish I took a year off in 2008 instead of rushing into uni.

>> No.12938307

I find it to be a superficial field of study and lawyers are insufferable. Law is only the byproduct of things (very much like a fart) which are far worthier of study (history, science, economics, etc), lawyers only conceive the world through law (therefore their view is a superficial one) and never question their own attitude or their knowledge. The archetypical lawyer would look like Ben Shapiro, his essence is mere talk and that's about it. I think it was a huge waste of time that amounted to nothing profiteable to me in terms of knowledge except make me hireable and earn a nice pay (which I do not care about anymore).
if science "doesn't think" then what did Heidegger thought of lawyers? It's the most mindless field there is.

>> No.12938402

How's it like? Where are you at? Im graduating soon and I want to do the same but I'm not sure what to expect at all. What are your experiences with being ESL abroad?

>> No.12938465

wtf, why man? ez pz to get a job at least doing low level web dev if you cant handle higher level work

>> No.12938515

>Gargantua and Pantagruel :DDDD
>suicide :DDDD

>> No.12938601

I worked in accounting for 4 years after school and I truly hated it. Its soulless work because it requires zero creativity and there is no tangible output to your work. There are different areas within accounting but essentially you're reporting on activity that has already happened. And a lot of the times you report this information because you have to, it's not even incredibly useful to the business because the finance department will keep track of their own costs and ratios and they ultimately have a say in the future of the business. Sure they will corroborate their numbers with accounting. So often with accounting you're dealing with arbitrary regulatory reporting that doesn't have much practical use for the business and you're working a lot of hours to do it. You'll get paid good and they'll buy you beer sometimes. You'll learn a lot about the business and about professionalism. But it's a soft, safe spot to be in

>> No.12938672

I like those threads because I keep an Excel worksheet where I calculate the average age listed in each threads. It helps give me a reality check and keeps me remembering that all discussions on this board, however deep they may wrongfully seem, are done by teenagers who literally actually don't know shit.

Really helps put things in perspective.

>> No.12938693

Severico Autismo

>> No.12938714

>are done by teenagers who literally actually don't know shit.
what's the average here?

>> No.12938745

I don't have autism but I do have a diagnosed neuroatypicality that share quite a few similiraties with autism.

>> No.12938795

Of course there might be some slight shitposting but these threads are the best and only source we have.
The average is consistently 23, and there is always slightly over 60% of posters who are actually between 18 and 23.

>> No.12938812

>The Decline of the West

>> No.12938842

What country? In Sweden we have the option between majoring in psychology and the psychologist program, one is practically useless and one is high status with lots of job opportunities

>> No.12938853

The fuck

>> No.12938867


>hero with a thousand faces

> planning on an English literature degree

> I’m sure I’ll come to regret it eventually. Don’t know what else to do.

>> No.12938870

retarded bourgeois

>> No.12938889

>no degree
>don't neccessarily regret not getting one but i wish i had done something because as of now i'm stuck in minimum wageslavery

>> No.12938906

>The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
>Pre-veterinary, entomology minor, Junior
>Sometimes I think about fish and wildlife conservation or forestry but I also like creative writing. I like what I'm doing and I'm at the top of class but I'm interested in too many things. I would like to be a park ranger but they don't make much money and they have to deal with bureaucratic bullshit. The English department is trying to recruit me at least for a minor but I don't know what I want to do with my life.

>> No.12938948

>Fahrenheit 451
>Physical therapy
>Fire Fighter

>> No.12938963

>69 by ryu murakami
>none but I do wanna do a few more courses like welding

>> No.12938979

This made me laugh

>> No.12939005

Cities of the red night
Linguistics/communications but only if it could realistically lead to me becoming a translator

>> No.12939017


> The Collapsing Empire
>Philosophy/Poli Sci
>No fuckin clue

>> No.12939018


>See above 2
>History, Cultural Sciences, Journalism, all in 3 years with no debt
>Wish I'd have just done a trade/opened a business

I'd work as a cook but it literally does not feed a family

>> No.12939570
File: 60 KB, 768x431, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What state are you in? New York state environmental law enforcement get way more bucks than the feds. State Park Police, Environmental Conservation Police, Forest Rangers. There's basically no fed land in NY.

>> No.12939601

mother of based

>> No.12940162

>Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines
>English and Neuroscience BS, MS in neuro
>Don’t regret my degrees per se but I do wish I had incorporated more literary elements into my career so far. As it is I'm stuck doing cancer research and my literary muscles are atrophying bad

>> No.12940264

A Canticle for Leibowitz
Shouldn't have done a degree

>> No.12940460

>A brief history of time
>Chemical & Materials engineering
>happy with my choice

>> No.12940476

>Nightwood by Djuna Barnes
>high school dropout

>> No.12940501

What do you love about it?

>> No.12940510

What do you love about Medicine?
Isn't that like a lifetime subscription to textbook studying?

>> No.12940526

Borges complete poetry
I'm fine with it. IDK maybe translation or modern languages.

>> No.12940530

Why can't you pursue other things on the side? Not like you can't study anything else.

>> No.12940615

I have no time for it

>> No.12940648

i don't read, all things reside within my mind
philosophy + politics
philosophy + chemistry

>> No.12940735

> 23
> Permutation city
> Theoretical Physics
> Theoretical Physics

>> No.12940753

>berlin alexanderplatz

>> No.12940770

Don't be memed into thinking phil+chem would have been good. Majors should be complementary to each other and those two have nothing in common

>> No.12940818
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Based on a true story: a memoir - Norm Macdonald
Music Composition
Already have the best degree

>> No.12940847
File: 810 KB, 2024x2678, 3AAB4DA6-C23B-4C81-BA39-6E64C1D299F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a correlation between studying music in higher education and suicidal tendencies? Asking for a friend...

>> No.12940872

Optics by Alhacen
Business Admin conc Finance
After being exposed to Business I really don’t think it matters. I’m going for a masters in Econ eventually so I think this degree worked out


>> No.12940909

All of you guys are garbage and pseuds.
Except for him >>12934725

>> No.12940943
File: 42 KB, 660x281, E1ED03E6-40AE-4CE7-BA98-C983A700CB4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s probably the most based guy on 4chan

>> No.12940995

>american psycho
>Media major(writing, production, editing, audio) with an english minor
>could have done something with better financial prospects but it felt like the wrong decision then and it still does now. Fuck it wooooooo

>> No.12940999
File: 85 KB, 720x633, 1492755d041fa82c3a12fd6b3bb62312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Guns of the South
>Business while I was still young and fresh, death in the womb anytime after

>> No.12941002

>Oliver Twist
>Pure Math paired with theoretical CS

>> No.12941020

>The Catcher in the Rye
>Computer science
>Maths, physics, classics/philosophy or literature

>> No.12941073

>Brothers Karamazov
>Computer Engineering w/ Math minor
>idk, ideally history but there’s no career in that, but I’m pretty satisfied with where I’m at

>> No.12941074
File: 59 KB, 478x389, 1554610301276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Math and Philosophy
end me

>> No.12941256

Sorry for the late reply I was asleep.

To put it simply, every situation is different and there are numerous variables which can constitute you having a good or a bad experience. That said, my time has been overall very good.

It depends a lot on whether you want to do this for a couple of years after university or if it's a possible career move. I was only planning on staying for 2 years but I'm now in my 4th year on this contract and I intend to study further to get actual teaching qualifications.

There's a lot of information out there on ESL teaching. My advice is to research your potential company/school thoroughly and make sure it's not a scam. If you wanted to get a TEFL, then 120 hours is a minimum. Look into something called a CELTA too, and see if it's for you.

Hope that helps Anon!

>> No.12941263

>No longer human
>Carpentry or Agriculture

>> No.12941267

>Pedro Páramo
>philosophy and literature
>philosophy and comp. sci.

>> No.12941381

>Norm Macdonald's book
>BS Mechanical Engineering
>no idea. I hate my engineering job. I fantasize about going back to school for philosophy for fun.

>> No.12941446

in community college rn, planning on transferring fall 2020 and double majoring in these do you recommend or no

>> No.12941495

>Doors of Perception

>> No.12941514

>The Stranger
>currently 2 years into a CS degree
>thinking about trying to switch into forensic science before it's too late

>> No.12941817

>I don't fucking know, but given the chance I'd go with finance/math double major so I could get money straight away and self-study physics and CS down the road.

>> No.12942184

O Mulato

>> No.12942217

>Outer Dark
>History or public policy
I mean, I'm kind of starting off decently compared to my peers in the industry, but it pigeonholes me so much into pretty much one career in a degree that doesn't tell much of intellectual curiosity, while other degrees can sell you off as a generalist who can analyze and have more skills.

>> No.12942228

>Tiamat's Wrath
>Computer Science
>Same, or Criminal Justice

>> No.12942303
File: 89 KB, 900x600, Romania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of career do you even pursue with a journalism degree? I'm serious, seeing as there are only so many websites and papers out there. I'm not being negative either, it's a skill I would probably enjoy learning.

>> No.12942321

Besides the journalism and media industry, there's technical writing, grant/proposal writing, PR, and marketing off the top of my head. Pretty much no one encourages you to go into journalism lately because a good deal of the opportunities dried up and the pay still remains shit as a whole.

>> No.12942367
File: 438 KB, 1400x977, Old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like professions that would all value an English degree just the same. What would a journalism student bring to the table that an English student doesn't? Who are the journalists you see as doing good work these days?

Also, Outer Dark was a dark book (who would have thought?). I've read everything by McCarthy. Suttree will take you a minute but you must read it if you haven't already, really is worth it.

>> No.12942384

>Imperium >>12934738 my man right here
>Political Science
>Kind of want to add on linguistics or at least a language like latin/greek/french (already did Arabic for a year and was a waste of time), but I guess languages are pretty meme-tier

>> No.12942426

I like working with my hands a lot more. I do like the mental stimulation I get in comp Sci but I feel best in life when the two things I do most are woodworking and literature

>> No.12942431

English Literature
Speech Pathology (planning on do this after I finish my current degree)

>> No.12942441

If On a Winters Night a Traveler
I'm happy with my choice

>> No.12942462

Add stats instead if you want to big make money

>> No.12942470

>Black Company
>Electrical and Computer Engineering
>Dropped a major. The workload was too much and I've gotten no further than if I had just picked one.

>> No.12942496

The Master And Margarita
Criminal Justice
Architecture / USAF officership

>> No.12942508

>Special education
>Not fucking special education

>> No.12942510
File: 72 KB, 659x457, 6c8109276-130701-fire.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A World Restored, Henry Kissinger, which is pretty good.
>None. Grades are too low for any university to accept me, so I am going to a two-year community college in the fall.
>For years I wanted to study mathematics, but life didn't work out that way and I'm afraid I'm far too old to start in it now. Probably Classical Languages, so that I can flex on technocratic ant-people

Disgusting. I really don't understand how people like you are able to
live with yourselves and not implode from shame.

If you approach mathematics with that attitude you'd be way better off finding a different field.
If you really want to learn mathematics, you should kindle a genuine appreciation for it first. Pick up some pop-math books and learn to love it for the big ideas. Gamow's One, Two, Three...Infinity, Stewart's Concepts of Modern Mathematics, and pretty much any book by Douglas Hofstadter is good for this. There also a lot of good youtube videos

>diary of a superfluous man
I'm sorry you continue to vainly wast your time anon. Maybe if you spent less time reading shitty books and more time chasing tail you'd have your family by now.

Keep it in your pocket and never stop reading it anon. You're on the right path.

It literally takes forty hours to complete your firefighting cert. Private companies will train you for free if you're willing to put two weekends of your life into it. ex: dbfightfire.com/
Personally I couldn't do a job where there's a small but very real possibility of being burned to death inside a aluminum-foil baked potato wrap, but it's hard honest labour and I've got nothing but respect for people who do it.

>> No.12942538

>Disgusting. I really don't understand how people like you are able to
live with yourselves and not implode from shame.
by being thankful

>> No.12942554

yeah basically lol

>> No.12942608

>by being thankful
But you're literally squandering everything you've been given on stupid bullshit. You could be doing really cool stuff with your life, and instead you waste it on "idk grad-school and radical politics, lol". It's like you're too dumb/lazy to actually do anything worthwhile or productive, so instead you sit on your ass and play guitar and bitch (sorry, organize politically) on behalf of people who aren't born into your immense privilege and can't stand you, while also jumping through the credential factory participation trophy system that is modern academia every decade so you can maintain a social and economic segregation from the vast masses of people who aren't born into your easy lifestyle.

Being grateful would be using your financial security to go into an interesting and productive career, or starting a family young and working to guarantee the same benefits for your children. Occasionally authors like Borges come along and turn their NEEThood into something worthwhile, but you don't sound like the kind of person capable of that.

>> No.12942611

>Five lessons on psychoanalysis (good starter)
>Psychology (not graduated)
>I have no idea. I left psychology a year before graduation because I could not make a choice about which approach to pick for Ph.D so.. I took a break and tried some chemistry classes and I liked it.. but after reading a lot of philosophy and psychoanalysis I found that what turns me on is psychodynamics so now I think I might be getting back to psychology

>> No.12942619

How do you make a living?

>> No.12942669

1. I think you should stop projecting, we’re both young here. I want to be a young idealist for a while and if I don’t turn out that good, I’m talented enough to find work. I’ll get bored otherwise.
2. I really don’t mean that I wanna be a political radical in the socialist sense here, bud. Or organize for people worse off than me for that matter. I want to articulate some things I’ve been thinking about since I’ve been in school. A new political paradigm is developing and I wanna get in on it. Also, fuck you, it’d be fun as fuck to be in a small radical sect of history theology and comp sci grads.

>> No.12942762

Visual Arts
something to do with the sea, or architecture

>> No.12942780

why do you hate it

>> No.12942848

>I’m talented enough to find work

>> No.12942879

>American Psycho :^)
>Physical Therapy or Nursing, easier + more bishes, more or less the same pay but better job market

>> No.12942886

>The Pilgrim Hawk
>Philosophy or Literature (ideally, I don't mind Anthro as a career path)

>> No.12942900
File: 374 KB, 828x828, asset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Engineering is a meme don't fucking do it unless you want absolutely grind really really hard your college years to be a stressed salaried wagie for the rest of your life. Just be a pre med Nurse, same starting salaries better job market, can finish your med school if you want

>> No.12942995

Are you me?

>> No.12943010

dropping out of engineering and into life science was the best choice I ever made

>> No.12943079
File: 108 KB, 640x480, 1474093033929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all faggy boomers ITT get REKT by this zoomer post